
Fan Area => Fan Art => Topic started by: alphafour on June 28, 2009, 10:24:05 pm

Title: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: alphafour on June 28, 2009, 10:24:05 pm

Just started playing the game tbh -krans gave me a bit of inspiration to start doing a detailed model so i shall post progress!
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Karyuu on June 30, 2009, 05:55:45 pm
I'm not sure what's going on in here, but the red block seems so vital to the scene that I had to post and ask. It's driving me crazy with the unknowing, and the blocks don't speak back when I stare at them with my longing, questioning gaze.


Shaders are cool, but - slapping a bunch of colors onto geometric shapes doesn't make for an exciting first post. It doesn't show anything off. It's not your art, it doesn't display your effort. I'm sure everyone gets giddy the first time they fire up a 3D application, and the first sphere you create shines for you like a thousand sapphire stars in the night sky.

But it's not art yet! Post art.



Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Hydrolyzer on June 30, 2009, 10:51:07 pm
I thought it was a progress shot of a high-poly kran?
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: ditiloff on July 02, 2009, 04:07:54 pm
Looks like you applied a plastic wrap then a cutout filter in photoshop. Or maybe I've been spending too much time on photoshop... :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: alphafour on July 02, 2009, 10:39:30 pm
Karyuu I did make it pretty obvious it was a working IN PROGRESS!

Also how is it not my effort? The geometry of the kran head didn't make it self did it? That's right.. I made it..

that's all I gotta say
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Karyuu on July 02, 2009, 11:41:42 pm
So what are the floating bloated-colored cubes for? Yeah, you're having a blast goofing around in Maya, but somehow I don't think they'll remain in the final composition. What's with the mustard gas filter? It looks like you're hitting random buttons and are somehow impressed that they did something.

Stick with the kran head, but remove everything else - if you actually want this to be good in the end.


Criticism isn't always going to be a pat on the head and a cookie - get used to it.
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Waylander on July 02, 2009, 11:49:22 pm
I've been asked not to post insulting stuff on the forums due to my last few posts... Which were awesome in my opinion but - pffft - whatev.

I guess the Kran head is okay.. I mean, it's a rock with eyes and a mouth, not super hard...

But the cubes and the filter make it look like the floating juju god of psychedelic failures.

Your "art" is where dreams go to die.

But keep up the good work! :D
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Tuxide on July 03, 2009, 12:04:26 am
Whatever it is, I want to see it on EZ-PC.
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Oomi on July 03, 2009, 03:49:36 am
We all have to start somewhere. Many budding writers get inspired when their second grade teacher praises their "What I did this summer" essay. Many young artists get their first thrill when their parents can tell the difference between mom & dad in their first kindergarten stick drawing.

Also, it seems to me that waving a hand and saying "this is no good" might be taking the easy way out. It takes bit more effort and time to find the good bits of someone's work-in-progress and encourage those good bits so that the person can improve.

Alphafour - keep working and keep growing. You have already accomplished more than I have ever attempted art-wise.

(By the way, I am a complete and total fail at art, but it looks to me like alphafour put the blocks there to test reflections on the kran head. I could be wrong, though.)
Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Orgonwukh on July 03, 2009, 02:26:23 pm
It looks like you're hitting random buttons and are somehow impressed that they did something.

alphafour wrote in the post title:

"just messing about in maya tbh!"

Title: Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
Post by: Raekh on July 04, 2009, 01:17:39 am
dont listen to the ranters but go on and show more steps of your progress, the head per se looks interesting, now go on and finish the body!

To me, the cubes, by the reflections, give a good idea on the crystalline material of the head. Add some environment and make the bluntly looking cubes unnecessary.

Quote from: Karyuu
But it's not art yet! Post art.
lol uh huh, Karyuu..