
Gameplay => Guilds Forum => Topic started by: Scarn on June 30, 2009, 11:22:23 pm

Title: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on June 30, 2009, 11:22:23 pm
-who are you talking to?


Long, long ago a child was born under the Azure sun with amazing healing abilities... but that has nothing to do with this guild.
Some 5 years ago a mildly insane healer and self proclaimed shrink called Syiere Blackriver, with the ability to manipulate people, had an idea of inserting suggestions of people living in people into people... so called multiple personalities. Days, months and years passed as he practiced this dark act on his patients and friends... about 1 year ago his struggling started bearing fruit and the patients started developing a wide variety of personalities. 2 months ago Dr.Blackriver retired due to lack of insane patients but is ready to step up when the old patients return to get rid of the personalities. Dr.Blackriver has last been seen wandering around Hydlaa sewers eating rats.


The Imaginary Friends is a guild of personalities spawned by the twisted minds of the people of Yliakum to either amuse them,
annoy them or just to keep them company.
We help anyone dealing with issues of multiple personalities.
We are your friends and enemies and sometimes both at the same time!
To make Syiere rich.


We do not exist so it's all up to your head how to deal with us... we are you.
The guildtag is only to help you ignore us if you are a sane person. If you are insane and see us then a guildtag don't really matter.
We operate as professionally as something imaginary can.


1.Idea - You are being developed into an illness but have no abilities to do anything yet.

2.Whisper - You have the ability to whisper words but have no real power.

3.Voice - You can clearly talk to the 'client' and make open suggestions.

4.Behaviour - You can talk, make the person feel a bit happier or a bit angier or sadder.

5.Twitch - You can talk, manipulate feelings and make them twitch

6.F.B.T. (Full body tourette) - Talk, manipulate and shake em up real good.

7.Insanity - You can make them do all the above plus run into walls, eat glass etc.

8.Master Of Disaster - (SPECIAL RANK) Only higly developed disorders get promoted to this level

9.Loch Ness Monsta - No, I ain't givin you no three fidy you goddam lochnehmonsta! (UNUSED RANK)

EDIT: Changed ''due to lack of sane''  into  ''due to lack of insane''
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: lilura on June 30, 2009, 11:31:55 pm
uhm....its interesting ...cant wait to see/not see them in game...i think
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Zalera13 on June 30, 2009, 11:57:04 pm
What a.....ummm..Unqiue guild...
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Akkaido Kivikar on July 01, 2009, 03:03:55 am
Why am I not suprised to see this from ole Master Scarny eh?
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Garile on July 01, 2009, 06:50:25 pm
Funny but not something that should be allowed on the RP server.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Skrein on July 01, 2009, 07:27:34 pm
Kinda reminds me of the people who fail the tasks their Master has laid out for them. ;)
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Vannaka on July 01, 2009, 08:30:51 pm
Now that is one great Idea./me stamps his seal of approval on Scarn's forehead.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Dintin on July 01, 2009, 09:22:02 pm
 ;D Thats great. I might just make an alt to join this guild.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Siteri Kidachi on July 02, 2009, 12:15:46 am
Cool idea, some people like to play crazy people and this would help a lot with that!
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 02, 2009, 12:55:22 am
Funny but not something that should be allowed on the RP server.

What?! Why not?! This is the first and only serious (and pure) RP guild in the history of PS and you think it shouldn't be allowed?

-Not against settings
-No powerlevelers
-No money collecting via mining 8h/day or running around killing monsters at the arena
-No godmodding
etc etc...

We are your salvation!
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Raekh on July 02, 2009, 01:00:38 am
[..]the first and only serious (and pure) RP guild in the history of PS[..]

-No godmodding

Fail! lolxD
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 02, 2009, 01:33:14 am
[..]the first and only serious (and pure) RP guild in the history of PS[..]

-No godmodding

Fail! lolxD

No, not fail... VICTORY! \\o//
What other guild has absolutely NO so called powerlevelers?
We must RP like sunavabatches to do any good. We don't godmod because we are you... or then it must be you who are godmodding...? ;)
Plus we would have nothing to gain from it because we aren't flesh and bones... or stones... or whatever anyone is built of.
My arguments still stand and your ''Fail! lolxD'' has
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Nykolai Raskaniov on July 02, 2009, 01:49:02 am
This looks like an extremely funny and unique idea. Let's see how it fares in game before we stamp it.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Mordraugion on July 02, 2009, 02:35:49 am
sounds kinda similar to the Sheeples so certainly not the first pure rp guild as you call it but it does sound uniquely interesting, lets see how it pans out
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Elvicat on July 02, 2009, 07:44:12 am
interesting... maybe i should go nutty abit more ;D
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: ditiloff on July 02, 2009, 04:04:48 pm
Can not wait to see this in game.  ;D
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: zoran on July 02, 2009, 04:28:39 pm
Hm... portraying a RL syndrome people suffer from as a capriole and turning it into RP is... not very tactful. I know it's cool on the net to say one is crazy or psychotic, but those doing so rarely have any idea of the real condition.

What next? An MS guild? Cystic Fibrosis? Cancer?

Or was this going to be a virtual support group?
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Garris Shrike on July 02, 2009, 04:42:27 pm
Or, since this is a ROLEPLAYING game, sir, then you roleplay actual situations.

Disease is a situation. If you are offended by someone having a disease, please go tell them to stop. It is considered good RP to act out a disease, provided you are not doing it in a mocking manner, which I do not believe this guild is attempting to do.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 02, 2009, 06:14:48 pm
Hm... portraying a RL syndrome people suffer from as a capriole and turning it into RP is... not very tactful. I know it's cool on the net to say one is crazy or psychotic, but those doing so rarely have any idea of the real condition.

What next? An MS guild? Cystic Fibrosis? Cancer?

Or was this going to be a virtual support group?

I was waiting for this and I don't blame you for thinking it is unethical.
The point however is not to ridicule anyone with a disorder but rather to portray what it could be like if this would happen to you.
I don't see bullying, killing and robbing as ethical either but like in RL these are present IG also.
It is very much up to this guild to act in the manner which does not offend anyone and if it does you can /tell that you want no part of it.
It will be a very hard task to involve outsiders to this without offending someone but like I said you can use the /tell.

You can even say this is educational in the way that maybe some who join even take the time to read about some disorders and gain understanding
that the people suffering of split personalities and such are just as human as anyone else plus young children tend to have imaginary friends.

The main point of the guild is having a new element implemented and testing what it could do for the community
and yes, to have fun... just like it's fun to duel and take someones life... IG.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 02, 2009, 06:24:27 pm
And just so you know Scarn is not a part of IF but I didn't bother  to make an alt nick for the forums.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Keldrena on July 02, 2009, 06:59:32 pm
Yes, I have several mental disorders and I don't think there is anything wrong with RPing a character having one as long as it's done with respect.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Bguy on July 02, 2009, 07:59:57 pm
Is this guild mainly for creating Schizophrenia, Multiple Personality Disorder, extreme genetic disorders (Chimera or Mosaic where two different genes actually share the same body), Insanity, medical conditions limited to Ylkium, or, my favorite, all of the above?
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 02, 2009, 08:34:31 pm
Is this guild mainly for creating Schizophrenia, Multiple Personality Disorder, extreme genetic disorders (Chimera or Mosaic where two different genes actually share the same body), Insanity, medical conditions limited to Ylkium, or, my favorite, all of the above?

Syiere planted the seed in his patients and friends for personal gain (trias) and this guild is portraying what resulted from it.
We don't make the 'customer' insane, only reflect what his mind is producing.
Ofcourse if he/she has the type where the personality is out of control it may result in severe conditions.

If there are people who want to try this out you can seek IF members or Scarn (me) IG.
I would need a storywriter to make up already happened RP for Syiere based on my background writing
and also if there are 'victims' who like to be testsubjects to practice on and discuss different methods I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Joale on July 02, 2009, 10:18:27 pm

WHOOO :) :) :)
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Garris Shrike on July 03, 2009, 04:07:23 pm
I've got a good character for you to play around with. If I don't catch you IG first, then /tell me on Aidhan.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: ditiloff on July 03, 2009, 10:16:32 pm
You almost made me commit suicide.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 03, 2009, 10:26:55 pm
You almost made me commit suicide.

??? I thought I saved you when you were fiercly trying to have a duel with yourself... that's not very normal you know...
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: zoran on July 04, 2009, 05:38:03 am
I was waiting for this and I don't blame you for thinking it is unethical.
The point however is not to ridicule anyone with a disorder but rather to portray what it could be like if this would happen to you.
I am glad you took my rash post this gently - I think I portrayed my concerns wrongly and I commend Garris on pointing out the fault quite correctly.

My post came after experiencing crude RP with a character who pointed to his description (which proclaimed his character as a thief/bandit) as an excuse to "sneak up to" other characters in the tavern and at Harnquists, demand circles and then challenge for a duel.

I applaud anyone who thinks up a complex character with a back-story and then takes his time to act this out. But I also think that some people might see this as a cheap ticket out of consistent RP. Every character has its light and dark sides, and it's interesting to see them interact and sometimes develop independently (and sometimes together). Multiple personalities in this respect gives the (irresponsible) player an enormous freedom. (If done correctly, the interactions between the personalities will still have to be dealt with)

What I fear is that by making this a guild, you are giving people a chance to join this guild in order to receive a guild association that will allow them to act around normal confines of RP not by merit of a well-thought out character, but by merely pointing out guild membership. I believe there are already several people playing these conditions by personal effort alone.

Quote from: Scarn
The guildtag is only to help you ignore us if you are a sane person.
Are you saying the guildtag is merely as an identifier for this kind of roleplay in the eyes of others? Can "to help you ignore us" be understood then that we have to be prepared for whatever you want to throw at us?

Uh, wait.... I think I'm just getting it... this is not a guild of the afflicted, but of the voices / personalities that affect them?  If so, wow.  :surrender:  :thumbup:
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 04, 2009, 01:44:26 pm
Uh, wait.... I think I'm just getting it... this is not a guild of the afflicted, but of the voices / personalities that affect them?  If so, wow.  :surrender:  :thumbup:

Exactly. Some can see the personality some only hear the 'voices'. Nobody in the guild is a char (IG) even tho some of the ppl with the disorder may think and see the as real. The guild tag is to identify us to avoid complications.
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Zalera13 on July 04, 2009, 08:01:28 pm
Loch ness monsta?

There are Loch Ness Monsters in PS?

And yet no dragons.....
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 04, 2009, 08:16:03 pm
Loch ness monsta?

There are Loch Ness Monsters in PS?

And yet no dragons.....

...and as you probably understood, the name is not in use... (UNUSED RANK) was the hint.

EDIT: And stop using my guild thread for lobbying your ''i want to have dragons'' agenda!
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Zalera13 on July 04, 2009, 09:38:16 pm
Loch ness monsta?

There are Loch Ness Monsters in PS?

And yet no dragons.....

...and as you probably understood, the name is not in use... (UNUSED RANK) was the hint.

EDIT: And stop using my guild thread for lobbying your ''i want to have dragons'' agenda!

Ok then...

and to your EDIT: I was just using that as an example see as they are both reptilian mythological creatures...
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Sarras Volcae on July 10, 2009, 10:32:44 pm
This is cool! But how exactly does the guild make characters insane? Do they follow those characters as an imaginary player and /tell them to do things or how?

Loch ness monsta?

There are Loch Ness Monsters in PS?

And yet no dragons.....

...and as you probably understood, the name is not in use... (UNUSED RANK) was the hint.

EDIT: And stop using my guild thread for lobbying your ''i want to have dragons'' agenda!

Ok then...

and to your EDIT: I was just using that as an example see as they are both reptilian mythological creatures...

 >:( The loch ness monsta is NOT a myth!  >:(
Title: Re: [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
Post by: Scarn on July 11, 2009, 09:07:29 pm
This is cool! But how exactly does the guild make characters insane? Do they follow those characters as an imaginary player and /tell them to do things or how?
The guild makes no one insane. We only act as the voices or hallucinations. We follow sometimes, use /tells and wander here and there etc.