
Support => Linux Specific Issues => Topic started by: bilbous on February 23, 2010, 01:13:50 pm

Title: If your game crashes complaining about openal
Post by: bilbous on February 23, 2010, 01:13:50 pm
I had many problems with the openal sound system that PS uses causing pslaunch to crash and psclient to crash if openal was set as the sound renderer in planeshift.cfg. I always knew it was an openal problem and now I have managed to fix it. It seems there is a file in the home directory that does not get created and another one in /etc/openal/ which has all options commented out.

At any rate what I did to fix the problem was to create the file .alsoftrc in my home directory and put in it :
Code: [Select]
device = hw:0,0

This tells openal to use the first alsa hardware device.

Title: Re: If your game crashes complaining about openal
Post by: bilbous on February 25, 2010, 07:21:34 pm
While this works on my system (mandriva 2010.0) I have had a report that it may not work on other systems (fedora 12, specifically) and I discovered that while it got sound on my system it was not a correct method as shown by the following terminal output:

DEBUG: Initializing OpenAL sound system
DEBUG: Retrieving available devices.
DEBUG: Available OpenAL device: ALSA Software
DEBUG: Available OpenAL device: OSS Software
DEBUG: Available OpenAL device: Wave File Writer
DEBUG: Default OpenAL device: ALSA Software
DEBUG: No device specified
DEBUG: Falling back on default device
DEBUG: OpenAL context frequency: 48000 Hz
DEBUG: OpenAL context refresh: 750 Hz
DEBUG: OpenAL context uses asynchronous (threaded) context

What I think this means is that I really ought to have edited the /etc/openal/alsoft.conf file where I could set the options properly.
If the above advice does not work for you I would suggest doing a search for openal and seeing if such a file is on your system.
Title: Re: If your game crashes complaining about openal
Post by: bilbous on March 09, 2010, 04:18:21 am
Having finally gotten fedora 12 installed I discover that the standard install (gnome) uses only pulseaudio and does not use alsa at all.
Since I am having problems with fedora 12 in regards to my nvidia drivers and fedora's crappy third party rpmfusion repositories I wish you luck if you want to use this distribution.
You might try installing alsa.
Title: Re: If your game crashes complaining about openal
Post by: qwertymc2 on March 20, 2010, 10:29:27 pm
I created .alsoftrc but I still have the warnings:
Code: [Select]
DEBUG: Initializing OpenAL sound system
DEBUG: Retrieving available devices.
DEBUG: Available OpenAL device: ALSA Software
DEBUG: Default OpenAL device: ALSA Software
DEBUG: No device specified
DEBUG: Falling back on default device
DEBUG: OpenAL context frequency: 44100 Hz
DEBUG: OpenAL context refresh: 43 Hz
DEBUG: OpenAL context uses asynchronous (threaded) context
DEBUG: OpenAL context should support 255 mono sources
DEBUG: OpenAL context should support 1 stereo sources

I have no /etc/openal directory...
Title: Re: If your game crashes complaining about openal
Post by: Cuhar on May 12, 2010, 06:25:44 pm
Bilbous fix worked in my laptop (ubuntu 10.04 x86). Thanks  a lot!
Title: Re: If your game crashes complaining about openal
Post by: Elvors on July 13, 2010, 05:54:34 pm
No luck for me, I'm getting a segfault after it falls back to the default device (ALSA in my case).
Title: Re: If your game crashes complaining about openal
Post by: Gilrond on December 17, 2010, 12:44:02 am
Just to add, that if one is using OSS4 as a sound subsystem instead of ALSA, the configuration in .alsoftrc should be
Code: [Select]
drivers = oss
Tested it in Debian with PlaneShift and it worked.