
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: jaculapundactum on March 03, 2010, 03:22:33 pm

Title: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: jaculapundactum on March 03, 2010, 03:22:33 pm
After having pondered how to describe my character well enough in my description through text I came to think about a much easier solution. What if we could insert a picture of our character into our description?

Maybe it would look something like this:

Would this be possible?  :) Ideas and opinions greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: verden on March 03, 2010, 03:33:54 pm
That would be a careful consideration, allowing users to upload photos. Concerns about copyright and limitations on file characteristics are going to come into play, and of course the impact of numerous uploads into the database. I would rather see this resolved in a Planeshift manner, by possibly including some variation on the idea of player-drawn maps. There is a skill for art, and there could be an interface for making pictures of Yliakum characters using basic shapes, ornaments and colors.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: katu on March 03, 2010, 03:46:10 pm
We would not only have to take copyrights and such in to consideration but also we would have to moderate and weed out all those inappropriate images that some people would upload. If ever implemented all images would probably have to be checked by a GM before published IG. Never the less, it is a good idea if we can find our ways around those problems.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: jaculapundactum on March 03, 2010, 04:19:10 pm
Maybe letting players take personal responsibility for copyright infringement by agreeing to terms, much like the ones one had to agree with when downloading the game? if the GM's where up for the work that would come with approving images I'm sure it could be in game. Maybe even a number of players active in the help channel could help?

I cannot argument over the impact on the database, but from what I can small images would take up less space? [I have clue what so ever when it comes to computers  :-X]
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: weltall on March 04, 2010, 12:27:10 am
image take considerable space in ram of the client bandwidth (each time you do a request for description) and db
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: eldoth_terevan on March 04, 2010, 02:28:24 am
Not if they were bezier, like the maps. For each iteration of the models, a corresponding image. Accessories. Could make nice wanted posters. It might be planned, for all I know.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Mordraugion on March 04, 2010, 04:16:00 am
For most people it is easier to create a clear accurate description with words than it is to draw one; individuals would already have personal responsibility for uploading copyrighted images, but ABC would also have some responsibilty with the added hassle of dealing with DMC takedown notices etc.

When characters are more customisable then maybe a character headshot would be possible but if you're close enough to see the desc then you'll be close enough to see the face :)
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Akkaido Kivikar on March 04, 2010, 04:36:33 am
My thoughts:

1) If used in a similar manner to image linking on this forum, it won't affect server bandwidth anymore than a small line of text.

EG: <img>YOUR_URL_HERE</img>

So you use imageshack etc.

2) I understand the issues around copyright infringement, perhaps a warning about short bans for using copyright images, and a punishment of say a week first offence? The threat of such should be enough to at least put a sizeable dent in the amount of players who might otherwise fake ignorance.

Also, I think the idea would be great for characters who have a few outfits they change to/fro regularly. Take for instance Jacula, he's constantly making efforts to change his appearance to avoid gettin' caught.

My final word: if implemented, make the eye option (and image part) visible from a greater distance, that way players can easily identify if they recognise the player based on outfit...

There are alot of players in PS with 2D art skills, I'd love to see such an idea supported. Who knows where it will lead.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Sarras Volcae on March 06, 2010, 06:13:33 pm
you could simply allow hyperlinks in character descriptions (along with a warning of course) that, when clicked, would bring up the favored internet browser. no copyright infringement, no memory/bandwidth usage (i think?), and no reason to sue if you're the idiot who disregards the warning and heads into a dangerous site.

i'm a genius, i know
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: bloodedIrishman on March 06, 2010, 08:17:17 pm
Unless they're filtered, there will be a lot of genitalia uploaded.  ;D
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Yaniel on March 06, 2010, 10:51:43 pm
Maybe there should be a restriction with the hyperlinks, I mean that the hyperlink *always* shows the URL it leads to (well, if someone makes a site just to redirect people somewhere,  that's another thing). So it is not possible to write a hyperelink which appears as His hair is dark brown and leads to (whatever), rather show http:// some.random.url/maybe/a/folder/etc. (again, maybe bot the best explanation, but I hope you get the point)
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: weltall on March 07, 2010, 01:21:37 am
hyperlinks? except the fact there is no common way to manage it in the 3 major operating system i'd like to remember this is a game so hyperlink make nonsense :)
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Sarras Volcae on March 07, 2010, 07:53:58 pm
hyperlinks work in games.

or ps could allow copy/paste so you can copy a link down and paste it in a search bar on a browser. that would be useful for other things too, like writing books.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Mordraugion on March 08, 2010, 03:40:42 am
If you want hyperlinks in game then you code it for the three major operating systems Linux OSX and Win, same with copy/paste as Weltall said they all handle links and copy/paste differently not a case of allowing.

I'll try not to wait with baited breath or I might suffocate.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Xillix Queen of Fools on March 09, 2010, 12:24:39 pm
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but policing picture content is simply beyond our means in terms of human resources. We already have enough for gms to have to watch out for now without adding every twit that would post nude pics of themselves in their character description.

Sorry, just, no.

I like the idea well enough, but it just isn't doable imo.
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: bloodedIrishman on March 09, 2010, 02:05:44 pm
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but policing picture content is simply beyond our means in terms of human resources. We already have enough for gms to have to watch out for now without adding every twit that would post nude pics of themselves in their character description.

Sorry, just, no.

Way to shoot the idea down.  ;D

but it just isn't doable imo.

That's what s- .... never mind.  ;D
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: Xillix Queen of Fools on March 10, 2010, 02:51:24 pm
Well, I'll soften my position: It is unlikely at this time..
Title: Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
Post by: bloodedIrishman on March 10, 2010, 06:48:49 pm
Well, I'll soften my position: It is unlikely at this time..

Oh what a softie Xillix.