
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: Talad on June 24, 2010, 12:52:45 pm

Title: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Talad on June 24, 2010, 12:52:45 pm
[News taken from main site]

Dear Planeshifters, starting from today, you can finally experience the effects of different weapons on armors!!

The rules team has analyzed the resistance of various armors to different types of damage, like slash, blunt, pierce. This means certain weapon types will do better against some armors and worse against others. For example you can expect a mace to be a good deal more effective against plate mail than a long sword. This also applies to monsters so be sure to test different weapons against them. Use this new feature to gain tactical advantage over your opponents ( Tournaments included! ) Please use this forum thread to report how this feature works for you.

It's live now in skylab, will be live in ezpc at the next reboot.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Zon on June 24, 2010, 12:58:53 pm
Great! I like this. I hope Kran resistance will also be implemented soon \o/!

Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Talad on June 24, 2010, 01:09:17 pm
Kran natural armor is already implemented, their skin protects like a medium armor, leather + metal rivets (brigandine). This bonus goes away when wearing another armor, so it's not cumulative with other armor.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Zon on June 24, 2010, 01:26:39 pm
Kran natural armor is already implemented, their skin protects like a medium armor, leather + metal rivets (brigandine). This bonus goes away when wearing another armor, so it's not cumulative with other armor.

That is why I can beat Luu in naked duels o.O
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: louscroo on June 24, 2010, 01:31:32 pm
That is why I can beat Luu in naked duels o.O


Is it trainable, the kran armor? And what level of MA/LA/HA would it amount to?
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Geoni on June 24, 2010, 04:14:40 pm
"I don't approve of runnin' round town with nothin' on, regardless of having gender or not." -Geoni
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Roled on June 24, 2010, 04:40:47 pm
Where's the pants?
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: LigH on June 24, 2010, 08:21:07 pm
So that means that I have again to be afraid of NPC opponents, not knowing which kind and which level of armor they have, and if I have any valuable skill of the correct weapon for their kind of armor at all. I am such a whimp. I'll stay at home.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Bonifarzia on June 24, 2010, 08:57:09 pm
After having pointed out the one or the other time that this part of the rules is a desired feature from the player side, I am glad to read an official notification about it.

There are a couple of other aspects that obviously need a polish up in this context, but its great to see development can now go more into the direction of game balance.

Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Nivm on June 24, 2010, 10:48:01 pm
 I'll probably consider the system noticeably improved when you go two or three dimensions past the quasi-rock-paper-scissors system. Or when it reflects real life as accurately as possible without sacrificing gameplay and bandwidth.
 I think you made a typo there with "chain mail" to "plate mail", since plate armour would spread the force of blunt and bladed blows alike, but would be pierced by a longbow shot. The main disadvantage of plate armour was the loss of maneuverability and endurance, while the advantage was becoming able to ignore most attacks. ~Full plate usually has a few holes, around the armpits or other joints, that a skilled opponent can take advantage of if they can pass the defender's weapon. One can also take advantage of how hard it is for the armoured man to stand up, being able to curb-stomp him to death once fallen. Could another one who's seen say the part I'm missing?
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Xoel on June 24, 2010, 10:59:38 pm
Nothing ever pleases Nivm.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Sen on June 24, 2010, 11:36:24 pm
I tend to agree with the plate mail, but the amor -> disadvantage discussion (lack of disadvantage ingame) is an own and big enough topic.

Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Nivm on June 24, 2010, 11:44:57 pm
Nothing ever pleases Nivm.
Everything has room and fuel to improve.

On a related note, I just found this as the text from bookmark:
Planeshift is a Free Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Free?  Thats right, by making the softwares code available for all, Planeshift allows anyone to improve the game for the benefit of all.   So, what have you got to lose?  Try it today.
It made me smile in place of a giggle.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Geoni on June 25, 2010, 12:16:22 pm

Planeshift is a Free Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Free?  Thats right, by making the softwares code available for all, Planeshift allows anyone to improve the game for the benefit of all.   So, what have you got to lose?  Try it today.
It made me smile in place of a giggle.

Yeah, I think you took that quote to literally.

On the on topic note, I think that this "different effects of different weapons on armor" thing will have require some experimenting, which is very dangerous experimenting for our characters lol.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: LigH on June 25, 2010, 12:48:38 pm
Indeed ... hereby I announce that Boni and Kaerli will lead the hunt. - Any more volunteers? ;)

So it will be less useful to specialize in only one weapon category. You could need the other one for the quest you are doing. Or ... maybe specializing is not wrong at all, to become a "mercenary hunter" for questers.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Perlam on June 25, 2010, 04:17:42 pm
i get what is stated here, but:

does leather armor have the agility and dodging advantage?
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Nivm on June 26, 2010, 11:13:55 pm
 It requires testing, instead of speculation. Although I still think it's going to be the usually rock-paper-scissors set-up, of some varying strength.

 I would gladly help with testing if I can ever get the game to work again.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Akkaido Kivikar on June 27, 2010, 01:35:56 am
more like a dual layer of rock-paper-scissors.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: bloodedIrishman on June 27, 2010, 01:44:30 am
Actually it's more of a triple layer rock, paper, scissors.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Maisent on July 01, 2010, 02:14:02 am
At first i thought this was cool, i was like great! another realistic thign devs made up!, but after i have dueled with this new armor, It sucks now, i made a thread in complaint department about it  :@#\
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: scotty110 on July 01, 2010, 07:30:08 am
there was another game i was in that uses a special set of rules when dealing with armor, armor basically had decent protection against all types of weapons, but each armor type had a bonus to specific damage types, for example, light armor would reduce all types of damage by like 10 points, but it would reduced it by another 2 points if it's from blunt weapons due to it's padding. chainmail would probably reduced all damage by 15 points, and since it has a little padding would reduce blunt weapons by 1 more, and the chain links would reduce slashing damage by 1 extra point, plate armor would have a reduction of 20 points, reduce slashing by 2  points and piercing by 2 points. some would figure blunt weapons wouldn't do much good either but a solid shot to the chest would put a nice dent in it which would likely make the wearer have great difficulty breathing.

Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Nivm on July 02, 2010, 03:08:59 am
 Chainmail wouldn't provide any protection from blunt force; or about as much as your skin.

 System wise, I would give each attack a certain amount of force (working with the players strength and weapon weight). Then divide that force depended on both the weapon and the armour. For instance, if I were to slash you with a sword (not hack or stab) I would be focusing my kinetic energy on cutting, but if I struck my opponents chain mail (coverage modifiers go here), all of the cutting damage would be negated, but a certain amount would be transferred to blunt damage. Hacking would transfer more damage to blunt against chain mail, but would be a slower strike, and have a chance of getting stuck on lots of damage (to opponent or armour). So I guess the player should also have a quick, strike-type option, something that could be automated for people with super-lag (don't want to be stabbing with a hammer).
 Platemail is the one that gets general damage reduction, from being able to spread the force of any blow of the respective plate. Pierce a hole though and the attacker gets the drive it in for full damage.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: bilbous on July 02, 2010, 10:31:09 am
So why was kran skin changed from LA to MA?
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Draklar on July 02, 2010, 12:19:53 pm
I think you made a typo there with "chain mail" to "plate mail", since plate armour would spread the force of blunt and bladed blows alike, but would be pierced by a longbow shot.
Yo, as far as history goes, after invention of plate mail swords became literally useless, but for maces it was a different case entirely. These were considered the supreme weaponry on the battlefield and against plate armour, they performed quite well, actually. If I'm not mistaken, maces became a standard soldier inventory after the invention of plate mail.

And as to chain mail not protecting against blunt attacks, I think it was pretty standard to wear leather or some such underneath mail armour. I could be wrong on this one though.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Akkaido Kivikar on July 03, 2010, 01:39:19 am
Yo, as far as history goes, after invention of plate mail swords became literally useless, but for maces it was a different case entirely. These were considered the supreme weaponry on the battlefield and against plate armour, they performed quite well, actually. If I'm not mistaken, maces became a standard soldier inventory after the invention of plate mail.

And as to chain mail not protecting against blunt attacks, I think it was pretty standard to wear leather or some such underneath mail armour. I could be wrong on this one though.

Leather padding was generally worn under chainmail, and platemail too.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Ura on July 05, 2010, 04:26:38 am
Akkaido is right under chain mail a gamberson(padded armor) was worn, also under plate mail.. plate also had chain in the exposed joints... and saying the invention of plate mail made the sword useless is a bit of a joke, as most soldier couldn't afford to wear maintain travel etc etc etc in plate mail.. the stuff is heavy, but well designed an doesn't limit your movement much surprisingly... but you get extremely hot wearing it thus cannot keep up a fight for long, or travel a distance in it. But yes a slashing attack of a sword against plate will most likely be useless so u thrust (with the pointy end) with the sword to penetrate the armor(yes i understand that most plate was angled to help stop this but its still possible). Plate mail is more vulnerable then chain(padded) against maces in the way that if the owner of said mace can dent the plate it stays that way so the person wearing it either cant breathe or move properly... or their head has a new shape.. i do viking re-enactment battle so i know a bit about this stuff but my knowledge on plate is limited ill admit... just my 2 cents... realism is fine but there is point were it becomes stupid to even try an achieve it.. an its a game realism can be ignored in most cases  ::)... sorry for the rant i cant get in-game atm... lol
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: Draklar on July 05, 2010, 02:18:51 pm
most soldier couldn't afford to wear maintain travel etc etc etc in plate mail..
True, due to the expenses, only upper classes could afford individually designed full plate armour + mount.
That's why infantry received cheap mass-produced version of it. Then again, I don't think common infantry could even afford full chain mail to start with.
Bottom line is, if plate armour wasn't affordable, it was so in ancient Rome/Greece and prior to 14th century.

But yes a slashing attack of a sword against plate will most likely be useless so u thrust (with the pointy end) with the sword to penetrate the armor
Only in an act of desperation unless you had a sword designed specifically for this purpose (such as tuck, but this wasn't a slashing weapon). Great swords were also used, but they were supposed to deliver blunt damage. After 14th century regular slashing swords were a thing of the past.

But I agree that realism isn't everything.
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: ketta on July 17, 2010, 04:03:31 am
I'm not going to get into details, but I think it is idiotic that my effectiveness with a weapon is determined by my own armor class, which it is, under the new system.  If I can hit something with my axe, I should be able to hit it whether I am wearing armor or going naked.  Armor is a defensive mod and I think the game mechanics are really screwed up in this instance....imho
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: potare on October 09, 2010, 07:08:31 am
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: RlyDontKnow on October 09, 2010, 07:31:38 am
I'm not going to get into details, but I think it is idiotic that my effectiveness with a weapon is determined by my own armor class, which it is, under the new system.  If I can hit something with my axe, I should be able to hit it whether I am wearing armor or going naked.  Armor is a defensive mod and I think the game mechanics are really screwed up in this instance....imho

the armor *you* wear doesn't matter for your damage... it didn't before and it doesn't now
Title: Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
Post by: LigH on October 09, 2010, 09:18:37 am
NPCs wear armor too. In case of animals, imagine simply their fur and skin...

Therefore I wonder why e.g. Clackers and Coamtis are still (well, weeks ago...) rather easy to kill with sharp weapons, although their armor plates should probably be more resistant and may require blunt weapons to be preferred. Just my thoughts. May have changed again in the meantime.