
Support => Forum and Website Discussions => Topic started by: paxx on May 15, 2003, 08:48:24 pm

Title: PvP forum
Post by: paxx on May 15, 2003, 08:48:24 pm
Ok, I have my reasons.

1st I could ignore it for the most part.
2nd we can have large PvP FAQ sticky at the top and people can easily find it when needed.
3rd well there is a chance someone comes up with a really good PvP concept that changes all our minds.

Can we make a subforum? Like one inside the wish list that covers the most popular topics? This would be another area I would not mind.

Ah just a thought.
Post by: explorer on May 15, 2003, 08:54:38 pm
I agree with that idea. Personally, I dont like seeing the Pking posts, and the pvp posts in the wish list for the billionth time... And I wouldnt mind an area where it could be discussed permantly.

Now that I think of it, I dunno why pvp posts in the wish list annoy me.. But I do like the idea of its own board, that would put some some base rules of the pvp.
Post by: hook on May 16, 2003, 04:44:51 am
i\'d go for 2) combined with 3) ...this way you would get probably less posts (at least where you don\'t want them, and it would cancle out (a bit) the dup ideas
Post by: Mehallie on May 16, 2003, 04:50:52 am
You are of course assuming that

1) people can find threads for themselves and would actually put things in the proper forum
2)people will actually read the NO PVP in bright letters and would therefore be quiet about it or
3) People would get the hint.

Poor paxx  *offers you a hug*
Post by: simm on May 16, 2003, 01:01:56 pm
Wouldn\'t the best place to attach a PvP forum be to /dev/null ?

They never listen to responses anyway (unless you count flaming back as listening) So may as well just put their posts in the bit bucket.

(Appology to non geeks, yes I know you probably did not understand a word of that)
Post by: hook on May 17, 2003, 03:37:32 am
Originally posted by simm
Wouldn\'t the best place to attach a PvP forum be to /dev/null ?


but, seriously i think that there really might pop out an idea that would be great to enable PvP/PK ...and even if we forbid and say that there will be no PvP/PK under no circumstances, the (some) people will still cry for it ...we only need to find the most constructive idea how to filter the crap from the good ideas, since we can\'t stop it
Post by: tasadar on May 20, 2003, 01:28:21 pm
it\'s simple.  PvP server, NON pvp server.  Problem is solved.  You will get alot more people playing.
Post by: druke on May 21, 2003, 06:09:27 pm
Originally posted by tasadar
it\'s simple.  PvP server, NON pvp server.  Problem is solved.  You will get alot more people playing.

yes but if we take that first step this cold transform into another EQ, let the devs judge, you see the reason roleplayers dislike eq it b/c it isn\'t n role play anymore, mainly b/c the game is supported by money from customers thus the people ask for something then eq needs to comply or loses busness, PS is fund free so they don\'t have to listen to demands, i think the devs have a good idea on pvp, and don\'t have to make a special server for those that want to slaughter themselves
Post by: paxx on May 22, 2003, 06:28:07 am
My reasoning for ?not wanting to hear PvP stuff is not because I hate PvP?the opposite in fact, it would be great. But this game will not be it.

And my listening to people who feel in similar fashions as I do about PvP requires a response, to allow them to understand why it won?t be in this game.

On the ?PvP server? idea. There is not going to be any attempt to balance combat skills on there own, they will b balanced in that all have their way to shine. But if that happens in PvP melee types will complain that the mage types might kill them in a single cast, and spell casters will complain that they can?t get a spell off in combat cause the melee types just run them down.

Then the jacks of all trades will complain that they suck at everything?.and there is not enough exp?and items cost to much because there are no gatherers and no crafters, that the monsters are too tough cause the groups are too small, or large groups have too much of an advantage?.the list really is endless of all the issues our current architecture would have with PvP.

Having one server model is much easier to maintain, making servers PvP requires a different crew cause of different issues.

Really in the end I would not mind seeing 4 or 5 servers types of the game?but it would be stupid for us to do that now as it is not our focus, we have enough trouble with one :-)

The bottom line is it all comes down to time and effort. We have the time and effort for one focus, that focus is not going to be PvP cause we as devs get to have the fun of making the silly monsters that you want to kill..
Post by: sashok on July 21, 2003, 02:11:43 am
pvp and guilds.

Maybe this already has been discussed, maybe not, so if there is war between the guilds can there be pvp then?
otherwise it\'s just gay.

I don\'t want to play another EQ. :)
And so far everything I read about the game sickly reminds me of EQ.  Well for God sakes at least allow pvp between rivalry guilds.
Post by: Caldazar on July 21, 2003, 04:24:33 am
...if you had read the other threads in the PvP-forum, you would know that there will be guild-wars.
Post by: Drilixer on July 21, 2003, 02:32:45 pm
I havnt read the guild threads yet, will the guilds be able to fight anywhere or on specific battlefields *gag*