
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Topic started by: Aramara Meibi on March 19, 2011, 02:49:42 am

Title: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Aramara Meibi on March 19, 2011, 02:49:42 am
It happens time and time again, they come running up to the forge and yell, "Where's that Harnquist!!!", and she sighs and tells them with a polite smile, "He works from seven to seven." They groan and run off; her eyes narrow and follow them across the plaza until they disappear up the road. She slightly nods her head in a reverent "farewell". They never see it, but Xiosia does. A warm invitation, the fires of the forge heat her back, beckoning her return. She stares into them, losing herself in their glow. She works through the night, smelting, hammering, heating, hammering again. The next one comes running in, sweaty and smelling of dirt, "Where's Harny!!!". The same polite reply, and they're off, grumbling into the night, picking fights with dwarves and hardheaded menkis.

Things take shape in the forge. Lumpy ores, liquified and poured into ingots, heated and hammered, heated and hammered, heated and hammered, taking shape. The blade is red hot as she places it on the anvil; she licks her nose as she raises her hammer. Down and down again it comes to strike the blade. The ring echoes across the empty plaza. On and on again, strike after strike rings out, multiplied by by every echo. The blade takes shape. On and on again, the blades take shape.

In the fires of the forge, things take shape. In the wild, red depths, the heart of the world, out of fury and chaos, her past takes shape. Her mother used to say, "All the world is Xiosia's womb, and what we do, who we are, our story is what's born in the end." Xiosia's intent. The words rang out with every hammer strike, white sparks reflected in her eyes. Xiosia's intent. Her whole life is Xiosia's intent. Her mother. Her father. Her Sister. Her whole family is Xiosia's intent. It is her intent that she left home only a few months ago, after her mother woke from her trance and said it was time for her to leave. Armed with only a letter and a map, she found the City of Hydlaa and made her way to the Secret Garden. Here she found a home away from home. It is Xiosia's intent. It is Xiosia's intent that she met Leonodm, and later Dannae. It is her intent that she join the convent of the Daughters of Xiosia, that she lose Leonodm but meet Zarra. It is Xiosia's intent that Zarra die and be re-risen. It is Xiosia's content that she should save Zarra's murderer from a life of slavery. It is her intent that she find love in Miomo, that he should die and be guided back to her. It is Xiosia's intent
"Where's that blasted smithy!!!!"

Her ears flick up, tail twitches. She is brought out of the fires into the clear, cool night. Her eyes narrow; she turns. There he sits on his rivnack, red bearded dwarf. All she could see of him was his large bulbous nose through his thick beard and oversized battle helm. The rivnack breathes heavily, his hot breath forming billows of steam in the air.
"I busted m'bloody batt'l'axe, busted i' roit up" he growls.
"He comes to work at seven." She replies politely.
"By the Gods...modd'r should'a....lazy oaf..." He grumbles into the night. She watches him trot off, disappear down the street, off to Gugrontid, most likely, to buy a repair kit. She nods slightly in a reverent "farewell". They never see, but Xiosia does.

Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: LigH on March 19, 2011, 07:34:17 am
Wonderful story. Telling us about a specific kind of belief. Despite all odds in the life, there is always a hope - up to certainty - that it makes sense.
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Dannae on March 19, 2011, 11:22:07 am
I just love it Aramara! A very fun read.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Phantomboy86 on March 19, 2011, 11:22:32 am
Where's harnquist?!?!  ;D

Anyways, nice little drabble.
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Aramara Meibi on March 19, 2011, 12:31:26 pm
thank you everyone for playing!  \\o//
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: potare on March 21, 2011, 04:32:09 am
Where's harnquist?!?!  ;D

Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Toltha on March 23, 2011, 01:14:07 am
::) that's really nice! :thumbup:
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Knightspark9 on March 23, 2011, 06:52:39 am
Ardoin would ask where Hangatyr is...
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Tessra on March 23, 2011, 04:59:09 pm
Lovely, Aramara :)
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Lady Crankenstein on June 17, 2011, 01:11:30 pm
AWESOME .... moving... and so true... I feel much the same way about much of the RP I have been in since the beginning... I look back on it, and somehow... it actually does look like "Xioisa's Intent"....   Ooooooohhh !
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Mrokii on June 18, 2011, 06:37:41 am
Lovely story. I liked the expression of belief in Xiosia as well as the description of the working on the blade. A dull work turned into a meaningful series of events. Veeeeeeeery nice :)
Title: Re: Xiosia's Intent
Post by: Aramara Meibi on June 18, 2011, 12:20:08 pm
A dull work turned into a meaningful series of events.

Thanks :) I like that. I think that's an accurate description of how I roleplay. Even while doing the menial planeshift tasks, I like to put myself in my character's realm of thinking. As long as I'm logged in, I am rarely out of character.