
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Topic started by: Lady Crankenstein on April 23, 2011, 04:49:42 pm

Title: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Lady Crankenstein on April 23, 2011, 04:49:42 pm
                                    Origin of the Flame
   In the beginning, was the Plane.
... extending in all directions, undisturbed, calm and uniform, and was a blended balance of life and non life energies.
Perhaps it was proximity to another plane, with different energies , so we suspect, that caused ripples within the endless field of our Plane. This disturbance changed the uniformity of the life energy and thus, the ancient Gods were formed when ripples caused life energy waves to collide. From that moment on, the Plane was changed, out of balance. The very fabric of the Plane was stretched as the Gods came to awareness. All that they did, sent ever more ripples and disturbances within the Plane... until the younger Gods were formed... Laanx and Talad  Their emotions and pains, creations and movements, kept the ripples moving upon the face of the Plane, until the Gods Xiosia and Dakkru arose from the colliding life energy. Again the fabric was stretched, but this time... beyond limit.
    It was not a tear so much as a fold, or a shift, like a defect in the plane that first formed, and no one noticed, but then, the plane shift became so extended that it connected with another plane as it bent out of its normal place, and the energies of the second plane arced in great bolts of energy, and so...  it was created... the Plane shift that almost destroyed all that was.
   No one could have known that the new energy was actually the exact balance of all the life energy that had been so condensed by creation the Gods.  It burned with a flame that did not radiate light.. but darkness... it was not the energy of creation, but un-creation, it was not the energy of Gods. but UnGodly... it was chaos to the new order... and it was alive, not in the physical, but in the spiritual.
    Laanx and Talad quickly reacted to stop the disasterous fire and the deadly energy that radiated from it, so they formed 13 sentinals to surround the breach, and to endlessly control the Black Flame and limit the intrusion... for it was far too late to undo it.
     All was well, and time went on... but the Black Flame was alive and as all life, .... desires and needs. The thirteen centinals were slowly seduced by it, to become protectors of the breach and to serve its desires. The will of the Flame was able to move the souls of the protectors and travel into the Plane of the Gods as dark, unseen spirits and through those spirits, it began to seek ways to live in the physical. These dark souls searched for the weak. Thus began the first possessions of the persons of The Dome.
     Those affected or possessed by the spirits of the Dark Flame often showed un-tempered desire and lust for life..  to the point of great greed, hatred, anger, desire, lust, insanity, passion, pain, and ancient wisdom used for selfish intent... yet their secret alliance and dedication led back to the source... the consuming fire of an ungodly mind.
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Candy on April 24, 2011, 12:21:29 pm
Possession roleplay is so overdone.
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Camazotz on April 24, 2011, 12:44:48 pm
Possession roleplay is so overdone.

Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Candy on April 24, 2011, 01:11:24 pm
Made my day. xD
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Lady Crankenstein on April 26, 2011, 08:11:00 pm
and What ISN"T totally overdone???  This at least gives a basis for things....

 Hey, I have a GREAT idea.. why don't we have "In Character" fiights ???...  all the time...  endlessly.... over and over....    wow... who's up for THAT new idea ????

   and we can say hurtful things about each other's In Game mother !

oops...  did I say all that out loud???

   [Sarcasm is not acceptable OOC RL attitude, ;) ]

... cmon you were thinking it.....
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Candy on April 27, 2011, 01:03:25 am
Thing about possession RP is, it tends to be horribad. My apologies to those who've done it, I'll admit, I'm guilty of being involved in some (never as the possessed party), and admittedly I've even seen it done well on occasion, but most people that do it just want to be the supercool BAMF dude with the firey red eyes. In my experience roleplaying, it's usually the first type of character new roleplayers try before they know better. Maybe it's just personal bias, but I try to steer clear of the whole possession thing where I can.
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Lady Crankenstein on April 27, 2011, 01:27:10 pm
Ok so...  forget possession... 

    focus on the lore of the Black Flame...  I was trying to tie the present descriptions that are available ... to the name of the game....  as well as a reasonable explanation for why all these dememted and yet secrative players exist...

     Does this at least accomplish some of that ?

    La Crank
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Sangwa on May 02, 2011, 07:56:35 am
Seems to me that without GM help the BF will currently be a useless way to go. Why? Because BF people are meant to follow the orders of the whisper, instead of doing whatever they want and since there's no whisper to be had (unless in the quests, which are currently OOC by nature) you're just left with hiding your religion or acting against it in unacceptable displays of boredom.

Sure you can still try and infiltrate stuff and try to have it collapsing from within. But you don't need much lore for that. I think other Settings stuff should be taken into consideration before this, like making the quests MMORP-friendly.

Also, while well written, your text seems to ignore Vodul and the current proposition of the dev team about the creation of Yliakum.
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Dannae on May 02, 2011, 11:18:38 am
All previous criticisms aside, nice piece of creative writing!
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Avathius on May 02, 2011, 09:50:56 pm
I like it. People on this forum need to stop criticising other people's creative writing just because they don't think it's as good as one of their own works (meaning, a recount of one of their stupid dwarf hangovers or the time their enki fought off an ulbernaut). Crankenstein, don't listen to these critics. Personally, I think your work is just fine. People on this forum should make more stuff like this. If you've ever worked with a game developer.

If you've ever worked with a game developer!


This is the kind of stuff they want to see. Maybe more thought out, yes; this is a bit short, but it's a thought. Elaborate on it. When I signed up for my job with the writing department, I sent in 20 pages of a short fantasy story, single-spaced.

Your writing style is cool, and your creativity is evident. If you want to feed the souls of these RP junkies, then maybe choose a different topic, make a different story. Yeah, you should stray away from rewriting the main storyline, but hell, we don't have a storyline for the Black Flame. You're right.
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Sangwa on May 30, 2011, 12:03:09 pm
Yeah, she writes well. I don't know why she would refuse criticism though... You've given some as well: keep to the settings.
Title: Re: Suggested Black Flame Lore... we need it
Post by: Jekkar on May 30, 2011, 12:59:15 pm
Possession roleplay is so overdone.

I didn't even read this post and I know it's bad.