
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:26:07 pm

Title: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:26:07 pm
Following the recent meeting of players with Tuux who is the primary PS magic system developer, and discussion about the state of magic and its future plans, we decided to publish a list of proposals for various spells. Currently most spells tend to be combat oriented, and PlaneShift could benefit from having more variety in the way the magic can be applied. Traveling and transportation, prospecting, fishing, summoning or charming animals, creating enchanted items, illusions and so on. All these and other areas could enrich magic which is currently mostly reduced to bashing monsters.

This thread will be dedicated to spells themselves. A separate thread is dedicated for discussion on this topic ( Please direct all comments, flames and arguments to the supplementary thread ( But if you have a sensible spell to propose (insane may be too, but logical in the context of the ways and glyphs meaning), or an update to previously added spells, post it here, and it'll be merged with the list.

Note: proposed spells realms are shown in brackets.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:28:26 pm
Crystal Way

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:29:09 pm
Azure Way

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:34:33 pm
Blue Way

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:35:54 pm
Red Way

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:40:02 pm
Brown Way

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 08:41:11 pm
Dark Way

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Gilrond on August 29, 2011, 11:56:30 pm
Unique and multi way spells

Some spells can potentially be not attributed to any specific way due to their combined nature, so let this be a separate section.

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: provisionist1 on August 30, 2011, 06:15:53 am
I've got a couple suggestions for spells:

Far Sight (maybe Azure and Crystal inter-way?)
Realm 3
Gives the caster the ability to target and interact with NPCs and objects much farther away than usual.

Dark Appeasement (Dark way)
Realm 3
Counteracts Dakkru's curse (only counteracts for the length of time the spell is cast- i.e. at realm 3, lasts roughly 5 minutes and by realm 7 lasts the entire length of the curse to essentially negate it entirely)

Curse of Dakkru (Dark Way)
Realm 8
Casts Dakkru's curse upon the victim (doesn't last the same length of time as the curse for leaving the Death Realm)

Negate Barrier (Brown way)
Realm 4
Gives the player the ability to squeeze past some already partially-open barriers such as the bars in the sewers. (A lower level spell than 'Open Passage' already suggested)

Self Sacrifice (Interway- Crystal, Red and Dark maybe?)
Realm 10
Kills yourself and all those within range you are not grouped with whatever their stats. May only be used once per day.

Create Barrier (Blue and Azure interway maybe?)
Realm 7
Creates an impassable barrier for the duration of the spell (casting it would create a wall of swirling aether that you would click to place -like a book or object- in front of a door or something).


A few more additions:

Coercion (Azure way)
Realm 6
Cast on an NPC to force them to offer you a quest or the next quest in the series (only if one is generally available but you haven't got the required Faction level)

(Crystal/Red/Dark etc.) Sphere of Protection (for each way)
Realm 4
Casts a defensive sphere that protects from spells of the same way of magic- i.e. 'Red Sphere of Protection' would protect against enemy red spells. There should be one for each way because logically those with competence in a way should be able to protect themselves (partially) from that same way.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Dramborleg on August 30, 2011, 07:34:55 am
Ok,may sound a little Narsasistic. But A Ironstrike spell. A globe of force eminates from the caster, cuasing :thumbup: damage and knocking back and stunning hostiles. A hammer could be used in the spell effect. and maybe Crystal/Brown way combination.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Cirerey on August 30, 2011, 02:22:20 pm
Here are a few from me.

Brown way:
Summon monster (Realm 2-3). A monster will be summoned and will attack the targeted player or NPC. The strength of the monster is proportional to the casters Brown Way ability.
Golem (Realm 7). Summons a giant rock monster to do your bidding.
Wood Guardian (Realm 8). Will cause a large tree to animate and defend you.
Shelter (Realm 2-3) The earth will envelop you, protecting against all attacks - you can't attack either.

Blue / Brown:
Quicksand (Realm 2). The ground under the target will become quicksand, immobilizing the target and causing injury.
Debris Flow (Realm 3-4). A torrent of water and earth erupts from the caster towards the target, drowning, crushing, and ultimately interring them.

Hailstorm (Realm 2-3). an area spell. Hail falls causing injury or death across an area.
Dessicate (Realm 9). Causes all moisture to leave the target's body causing death and mummification. Could be an area spell.

Blue / Crystal:
Ice Arrow (Realm 3). Fires an icicle, like arrow but with additional cold damage.

Blue / Azure:
Cutting wind (Realm 3). A cold whirlwind filled with razor sharp ice crystals surrounds you providing both attack and defense.

Phantoms (Realm 1). Multiple illusions of the caster will race around. They can do no harm, but will provide cover for the caster's real attacks.
Specters (Realm 4). Similar to Phantoms, but they can cause some damage.
Treason (Realm 4). Will cause the target to attack his own allies.

Crystal / Azure:
Light of truth (Realm 2). Protects against spells of illusion or deception.
Red / Dark:
Demon fire carcarass (Realm 6). A mob of undead super fire carcarass will attack and burn the target, and attempt to drag him bodily to the DR.

Curse of the crystal (Realm 10). A Dakkru's curse lite. Shorter duration somewhat less of a debuff. Cause we aren't gods.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Roled on August 30, 2011, 06:27:55 pm
These are great, unique and creative ideas, you guys! way to use yer brain noodles...

Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Dramborleg on August 31, 2011, 12:02:04 am
  Here's another we discussed. Imbue with crafters essence.
When craftind a item the spell is cast, sacrificing a portion of the crafter lifeforce ( Endurance ) , To enhance a property of the item. Damage, speed, durabilty, defense, etc.
  The lost Endurance can be retrained and the crafter puts a bit of his or her self into the item.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Xanthan on August 31, 2011, 08:42:40 pm
One I've always wanted:

Blue (1) Locate

Lets the caster sense the location of someone or something nearby.

This would simply create a visual effect showing the location of the target (i.e. you have first done /target next <whatever>).  You can do this now for mobs by attacking them with an appropriate spell, but this would work on anything and would not trigger a hostile response.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: provisionist1 on September 01, 2011, 04:26:26 am
I've got another to add (I'm surprised it hasn't been included already since it is referenced in quests):

Duplicate Book (Azure)
Realm 7
Holding a written book/map in one hand and a blank book/map in the other, makes the blank into a duplicate (including abilities it has- i.e. to copy book of blades etc.). Some rare texts (rare smelting for instance) could have a copy-protection enchantment that keeps this from working.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Phantomboy86 on September 06, 2011, 10:23:13 pm
Manipulate: Allows you to pick your opponents next attack stance, forcing them in it for the duration.

Azure (5)
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Chessire on September 06, 2011, 11:51:44 pm
I have a couple of ideas for spells as well :)

Blue Way:
Ice fists (3), the caster's fists are covered in ice. Melee hits cause additional damage bruising the opponent for the duration of the spell or until a certain number of hits (or damage?) has been dealt thus the ice breaks.
Icy grip (9): The caster hugs the victim in an icy grip. If the spell succeeds the target is frozen completely and has to take endurance rolls till it dies or the ice breaks. During that time the victim takes damage over time. If the target is attacked the spell is broken.

Brown Way:
Cave (6): The caster forms a small cave on the ground to provide shelter for a while.
Lift (6-7): The caster makes the earth below their feet rise a few feet pushing them higher. The block collapses after a couple of seconds.
Stepstone (8-9): The caster makes the earth rise in a spot of her choise. The block of earth remains for a few seconds.

Dark Way:
Moths (4): The caster sends a swarm of moths to "bug" the target intrrupting their spells.

Red Way:
Warmth (4): The caster creates a small warm area restoring everyone's physical stamina and slightly healing them over time. The caster needs to maintain the warmth with her mana for the duration of the spell.

Azure Way:
Perception (3): Anticipates the target's next attack(s) and dodges it completely.
Nausea (6): Creates supersonic waves that render the targets unable to fight in the area of effect for the duration of the spell.

Crystal Way:
Befriend creature (5): Makes an agressive creature friendly.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Maisent on September 07, 2011, 01:46:32 am
Brown way:

Bridge (2) - Temporarily build a bridge made of rocks allowing the caster to walk past bodies of water (for those of us who hate water, or can't swim).

Healing roots (3) - Roots grow on the caster's feet, burrowing deep into the ground for nutrients (health). Caster is unable to move for the duration of the spell.

Grip (3) - Hands come up from the ground gripping onto the target tightly, immobalizing it.

Azure Way:

Glamour (1) - The ability to temporarily change faces (for RP's, and may potentially trick NPCS into repeating a quest, or trick monsters into stop attacking).

Telepathy (2) - Allows telepathic communication (between NPC, monsters, players).

Gust (2) - Summons a gust of wind that slows down the target.

Crystal Way:

Manipulate light (10) - Allows light to pass through, allowing caster (or target) to be invisible/transparent for the duration of the spell.

Rift (10) - Creates a magical door between two locations, which allows caster to instantly pass between them.

Restore (10) - Bring someone back to life before their corpse disappear into the death realm.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Aramara Meibi on September 07, 2011, 01:16:48 pm
An idea for an Azure Way Spell. Don't have a name for it.

The ability to steal a target's skill level.

to clarify through example, you have lvl 17 fishing, your target has lvl 33. You cast the spell, robbing them of their knowledge. They now have lvl 32, you now have lvl 18.

This spell should be at least a master level spell, and should have many limitations placed on it, for obvious reasons, perhaps draining the caster's MP for a set amount of time, so that not only can they not cast THAT spell, but they can't cast ANY spell for the duration.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Cirerey on September 07, 2011, 01:37:26 pm
One more:

Probably Crystal Way.

Enchant Object. This spell will make an object (usually a weapon) receptive to enchantment, letting you cast a spell on it that will reside there until needed. So one could cast a spell on a sword, the next time the sword was used the spell would strike the targeted person. That would discharge the spell - no trace of it would remain and only one spell can reside in an object at a time. Spell would operate at a discount from the caster's level - otherwise this would be way too useful. I could see it being really nice to use on an arrow.

Could have a small random chance of backfiring on whoever picks up the object.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Aramara Meibi on September 30, 2011, 09:15:27 am
More Azure Way Spells

Sonic Cushion: lvl 2 or 3. Caster creates an orb of compressed air around them, blocking any incoming projectiles and weakening the effects of others' spells.

Sonic Barrier: lvl 5. Same as Sonic Cushion but applied as an AOE buff to allies around you.

Slow/Haste: lvl 4. When cast on yourself, increases rate of attack by percentage. When cast on others, decreases rate of attack.

Amplify Sound: lvl 5. Increase the range your voice carries. Higher levels increase your max listening radius.

Hologram: lvl 10. create an image of yourself at another location.
Title: Re: Magic - spells proposals
Post by: Phantomboy86 on September 30, 2011, 10:29:21 pm
Red Way
Realm 4
Causes target to attack the nearest thing to it (including you. If theres more than one at the same distance, do some sort of random selection) Increases their attack damage, but decreases their defense. Can be used on yourself.