
Gameplay => Guilds Forum => Topic started by: miomo on September 06, 2011, 07:01:36 pm

Title: [GUILD] The Elite Reign
Post by: miomo on September 06, 2011, 07:01:36 pm
If someone offers you a hand, do you take it literally?

When you walk past a group, do they make snide remarks and start pulling out their weapons.

Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar location with someone else's blood on you, and couldn't remember why?

If you find following the laws of society confusing or boring, and are labelled a misfit, a freak, obnoxious,  or a "stinking pile of trepor dung", then you are in luck: The Elite Reign is recruiting. Come join the guild that will have everyone talking, where we will live up to the reputation that has been foisted upon us by the tired mediocrity of the majority.

Welcome to the new culture, where odditiy is an obligation and normalcy is not allowed. Where you will have fun, AND probably die trying. Whether you are a fighter, a (shady) tradesman, a (mis)adventurer, or an entertainer (even if you are the only one to find things entertaining), there's room for every weirdo in Yliakum.

We're the guild that puts the basement in debasement, the own in clowning around, and the rude in shrewd. You may not like us, but you are going to LOVE us.


After a week's probationary period to ensure your insanity, you are made a full member, and can begin recruiting other dorks right away. Guild advancement follows one of four tracks, and to appease flibbertigibbets, you can switch tracks at any time with no penalty.

As a fighter you'll be taking Yliakum's unwashed masses to the cleaners.

The tradesman will deal in back-ally business, and bring income to the guild.

The adventurer just loves a good quest, even if it's yet another mysterious parcel delivery (which inevitably goes awry).

If you're the entertaining type, you'll bring pop to the pathetic, craziness to the calm, and stigma to the social. From mischief to mayhem, mourning to madness, you'll create the stories that Ylikaum will be talking about for years.


The Elite Reign are loyal and helpful to its members, 'cause we ain't got no one else.

Chat up an Elite Reign member today for the [especially OOC] details.


Have you ever killed someone for the fun of it?
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Elite Reign
Post by: Aramara Meibi on September 07, 2011, 01:30:08 pm
i wish you luck
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Elite Reign
Post by: miomo on September 07, 2011, 06:20:19 pm
Not me, but us, the current members of The Elite Reign. And you, too, if you wish. We are all-inclusive.

No doubt there is a significant OOC component to a guild. This promotional is our in-game description of the guild, and how we fit in (or rather don't fit in). Our goals are two-fold: to help out our members in any way we can, and to have fun. It's a tall order, but we're up to the challenge.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Elite Reign
Post by: Geceni on October 10, 2011, 02:04:53 pm
Lol... I've seen plenty of TER members in-world, but never knew what the guild was really about. Sounds like fun...
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Elite Reign
Post by: miomo on October 11, 2011, 04:33:14 pm
Thanks for "checking in". You've earned an achievement award, the "I realised that The Elite Reign has nothing to do with precipitation" award.

I won't hide it though, Miomai probably won't be a member for much longer.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Elite Reign
Post by: Ebonwumon on October 12, 2011, 08:54:33 pm
I won't hide it though, Miomai probably won't be a member for much longer.

This forum lives on drama. You are hereby obliged to divulge more information.
Title: Re: [GUILD] The Elite Reign
Post by: miomo on October 13, 2011, 09:57:57 pm
I would tell you, but Miomai wants to heighten the drama by adding a bit of sus...