
Fan Area => The Hydlaa Plaza => Topic started by: Illysia on October 17, 2011, 06:09:56 pm

Title: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on October 17, 2011, 06:09:56 pm
In a little wave of nostalgia I sat back and remembered little things from my time playing planeshift...

Remember when...

Well, that is it for my little trip down memory lane. I'm sure other people remember other little quirks like jumping off the windowless tower with no damage and so on.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aiwendil on October 17, 2011, 07:14:32 pm

A few more:

And that isn't that long ago but a all time favorite:
Remember when "What word with "R" does Xargon think of?" was the most asked question in the help channel?

(00:08:09) [Help] xxx asks: what wprld starts with a letter r?
(00:08:35) [Help] You advise xxx with this suggestion: I think Xargon already mentioned the word...and as a hint, this is a mmoRPg
(00:08:50) [Help] xxx asks: runescape?

Edit: Oh..I forgot one very important. Remember the Guild worshipping the goddess "Aiwendil"? *runs from Nikodemus*
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Candy on October 17, 2011, 10:13:49 pm
...when people actually played instead of lurking and posting nostalgia threads?

Couldn't resist. xD
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on October 18, 2011, 01:38:31 am
:flowers: Thank you, Candy ... I was searching for the reply you already posted. :)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: potare on October 18, 2011, 05:41:03 am
...when people actually played instead of lurking and posting nostalgia threads?

Couldn't resist. xD
HAHAHAHA nice candy
But to the first post... Yes I remember those great days of easy tria
Now I have o tria :(
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: bilbous on October 18, 2011, 08:57:05 am
Lurking is the new Playing!
I remember the platinum mine in front of Zak
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Mordaan on October 18, 2011, 03:10:32 pm
For those who were around when the bronze doors area was added...
Remember the mass dash towards the falls but no one could get there because the server didn't stay up long enough?   ;D
(and when it came back you were back where you started)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: steuben on October 18, 2011, 04:20:36 pm
remember when you had to buy stuff with crystals... on a website? and there was no fall damage or any kind of damage at all?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Elvicat on October 18, 2011, 05:55:09 pm
sniffles those were the days
baaah you oldies come back so we can go on rampages together :P
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Ralas on October 18, 2011, 08:00:03 pm
Remember when we were constantly at risk of "Falling off the edge of the world" and dying?
Remember the packet routing bug which made messages get randomly sent to the wrong person?
Remember the flight bug?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on October 19, 2011, 12:10:26 am
...when people actually played instead of lurking and posting nostalgia threads?

Couldn't resist. xD

Remember when: still found the game fun enough to play instead of lurking? :whistling: walked around the bottom off the world after falling off? I always had trouble with the sewer exit behind kada's.
...You could use the bookshelves in the library for temporary personal storage? :D
...people could rip the items you just placed right from under you? was first released and there were apple slices everywhere in oja?
...The rogues took over oja? They were even spawning practically mid air.  ::|
...Harn used to always get called a drunk because he would periodically go to the tavern and hang out?
...someone had to call a GM because Harn had fallen off the edge of the world or something?
...most of the arena pits were empty? could get to the area behind the boxes in the warehouse pretty easily? There was only more rats back there I think... I can't remember now. used to pat yourself on the back because you had figured out the right trigger word for the quest?
...You could make a character with only one name?
...running around trying to figure out where the bronze doors actually were? ...or was that just me? ;D
...Krans came in one color?

hehe, I forgot about some of this stuff.

And that isn't that long ago but a all time favorite:
Remember when "What word with "R" does Xargon think of?" was the most asked question in the help channel?

(00:08:09) [Help] xxx asks: what wprld starts with a letter r?
(00:08:35) [Help] You advise xxx with this suggestion: I think Xargon already mentioned the word...and as a hint, this is a mmoRPg
(00:08:50) [Help] xxx asks: runescape?

 ;D just goes to show it's not at the top of most people's list.

sniffles those were the days
baaah you oldies come back so we can go on rampages together :P

I think we terrorize pretty good just around here. Huh guys?  ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: miomo on October 19, 2011, 11:53:40 am still found the game fun enough to play instead of lurking? :whistling:

Yes, just last night. Stop being such a killjoy.  :P
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on October 19, 2011, 12:42:12 pm
This thread is for reminiscing and wishing for the good old days... go away you happy person.  ;D

Remember when...

the potato looking rock outside of Oja floated in midair? I think that finally got fixed.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: steuben on October 19, 2011, 05:20:15 pm
yeah they finally finished fixing the flight bug for that one.

and for a bit of caption reference... the force was strong with that one.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on October 20, 2011, 04:08:43 am
See, a lot of people are posting "that was before my time" and I'm sat thinking "God that was after my time...". Anyway,

Remember when:

Grono (pockets included) (wru :( )
Golmir (bloody hell he was hard work)
Draklar would only speak in Old English
The hole in the road to oja (magic shop fork)
The exploitable temple quest that you could macro and make a fair bit of money out of reasonably quickly.

Oh, Xordan's PvP area too
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Catlemur on October 20, 2011, 09:08:36 am
I wonder if some oldbie could write a timeline of important ingame events that changed the world like platinum rush.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Jjairr on October 20, 2011, 11:05:01 am
Well, starting here and going forwards you can see all of the updates they've made to the game throughout the years. It would be easy to compile a list of big changes, but you would definitely need an oldbie to report on the in-game effect that each change had. A *really* oldbie.

Edit: Oh, and I remember the majority of the things mentioned :) There are a few I'm not sure about. And a few that happened and were rectified while I was gone - like the /introduce thing.

Here's one: Remember when Groffels were just released and Talad (or someone, but if I remember right its name was "Talad's Groffel") was walking it around Hydlaa and a HUGE crowd was following it and asking it questions that it answered in its crazy little vague Groffel gibberish and everyone was trying to translate it?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Ralas on October 20, 2011, 11:54:10 am
@Jjairr:  I must have missed Talad's groffel, but do you remember when they were bugged and looked like NPCs? and players could somehow summon as many as they wanted?  So there were just thousands of fake NPCs everywhere?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Minks on October 20, 2011, 12:09:18 pm
Remember Haraun's familiar? :D
(if not, google is your friend)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Ralas on October 20, 2011, 12:24:37 pm
omg hahahaha!  I didn't know about just made my morning!  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: verden on October 20, 2011, 03:33:31 pm
I started right at the time of the first platinum rush. At the platinum mine below the Iron Temple, near Zak. I think it was removed about a month after I started.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Mordaan on October 20, 2011, 03:45:43 pm
I started right at the time of the first platinum rush. At the platinum mine below the Iron Temple, near Zak. I think it was removed about a month after I started.

Yup, and the ores were worth 640 tria per ore, which turned out to be a mistake.  Needless to say, there were a lot of miners down there.   :D

Honestly, some of the most memorable times in the game have been due to such bugs or errors.   :whistling:
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on October 20, 2011, 04:26:38 pm
Actually, when I last checked the website, there were gaps in the announcements. Some things have been either lost or removed over time. For instance, the announcement about the new city of Ojaveda that was put up around the time I started playing was not in there.

However, on the topic of odd bugs, remember the darkness bug that made it hard to see in Hydlaa?
Or how much of a difference the new lighting system made?

Btw, does anyone know if the killer kikiri has been tamed yet?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: verden on October 20, 2011, 06:40:29 pm
The thing I miss the most I think was the original fireplace at the Kada-El. Oh well.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Candy on October 20, 2011, 10:34:21 pm
Remember when there was a bug with the shaders and most if not all characters' hair was white? (At least more people read my description during that period >_>)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on October 21, 2011, 12:41:28 pm
hehe, yeah. Enki's didn't really have much of a problem with that if I recall.

Remember when Diaboli descriptions called them Ynnwns and Nolthrir descriptions called them dermorians. XD
Did anyone else, that is still around or lurking, have enkis go through periodic skin changes? Aside from the armor bugs I mean. Illy started out as a black fenki when all fenkis were black, then she randomly changed into a rabani when the skin came out. Then there was at least one more skin flip but fortunately Illy came through that one still a Rabani.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: verden on October 21, 2011, 08:49:52 pm
There was a similar bug a long time ago that would cause feet to appear white once boots were removed from the character. My black Enkidukai looked like he was wearing spiffy white socks. It was so close to my IRL cats appearance, it was funny.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on October 21, 2011, 10:29:50 pm
I wasn't even going to count the time there were armor bugs... that happened a lot. At one point, Illysia could take off her armor but the texture never changed. She was in her leather armor no matter what. And I think a lot of people suffered from armor induced Rabaniism. XD I noticed a lot of clamods with the rabani texture under their armor. A few characters were stuck always wearing their armor because of that.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on November 10, 2011, 08:24:20 pm
-- when rats dropped swords o_O

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on November 10, 2011, 08:58:42 pm
...when Harn sold some of all weapon types. Welcome back Riggy. ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on November 11, 2011, 07:22:26 am
Awe, thanks Illy :)

I'm glad to say that I got the client up today with litte fuss and was able to get on for a little while. I actually met someone with an awesome description and who role played well. Felt like a noob having forgotten how to use the client... But its coming back!


... when I could run four clients simultaneously on my craptop!

( I struggle with one now >.<  )
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Vakachehk on November 25, 2011, 08:34:35 pm
Remember when role play guilds had a chance in winning a guild house auction.
Remember when doing /who you'd see every 100-300 players online.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: novacadian on November 25, 2011, 09:07:59 pm
Remember when role play guilds had a chance in winning a guild house auction.

They still can Vakachehk. Takes a lot of paperwork yet it still happens.

- Nova
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: weltall on November 26, 2011, 01:27:25 am
and the prices are really low lately (or it's just ojaveda effect?)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Caraick on November 26, 2011, 08:12:03 pm

Given that the GH in Ojaveda several months ago went for 5 million, and the one more recently went for 14.7 million, I think you're right to say it's simply the Oja-curse, Weltall  ;). The houses in Ojaveda seem to certainly be in less demand that that of houses in Hydlaa or Gugrontid. We got ours for an even 30 million, and Realito managed to snag his for 112 million.

I'm curious to see the selling price of the upcoming house auction in the Winch.  I think you'll certainly see it go for more than any of the houses in Ojaveda or Gugrontid. 

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Moogie on December 24, 2011, 10:25:41 pm
I don't remember any of those things... but I do remember when only the Hydlaa Plaza existed, and all we did was run around picking up crystals all day. That was my favourite version of PS. :)

Merry Xmas 2011! It's always heartening to poke my head back in here every few years and see you still chugging along. It's been nine years since I first joined, and I've witnessed you paint a long and colourful history behind you. Despite all you've been through, you are invincible!

I met my best friend here, all that time ago. Funny how these things work out, isn't it? :)

Now, if I come back in 9 more years' time, I want to see you still kicking, y'hear? Mkay. Have fun tomorrow, you crazy kids.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Suno_Regin on December 24, 2011, 10:37:28 pm
Moogie come back! Nooooo!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: bilbous on December 24, 2011, 11:46:06 pm
You just can't trust those Ferenghi!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on December 25, 2011, 12:47:08 am
*You have spotted a moogie!*

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on December 25, 2011, 06:11:45 am
\\o// Moogie! Merry Christmas to you as well!

See, despite all odds with the development development (yes, that's what I mean), PS is addictive enough that even veterans return now and then.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on December 25, 2011, 09:42:46 am
Moogie? Impossible.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on December 25, 2011, 12:07:33 pm
\\o// ThomPhoenix! You like ressurrections, don't you?  :P
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on December 25, 2011, 10:05:42 pm
Haha, never died! I still lurk the forums, just not posting and IRC'ing anymore. Still thinking about developing for PS sometime, since I actually earn my money making games these days. You'll hear when I do ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on December 26, 2011, 07:39:03 am
Yes, please decide. You can't leave all that ... uhm, fun ... to weltall alone.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zanzibar on December 30, 2011, 02:17:18 pm
I remember it all, and more!  (Anyone remember seeing people use the spawn command?)

I think there were three Gods though, since Talad and Laanx were sent by another being? Vodul, or something similar?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: weltall on December 30, 2011, 02:36:21 pm
it's still there... commented...
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Draklar on December 30, 2011, 03:35:05 pm
Draklar would only speak in Old English
Forsooth, ye days yonder of which thou speakest held greate merit an' virtue!

-- Swords!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zanzibar on December 30, 2011, 04:17:22 pm
Middle-english. :)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Draklar on December 30, 2011, 04:48:05 pm
"Early Modern English", actually.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zanzibar on December 30, 2011, 07:03:22 pm
Whoa.  ::|
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: josephoenix on December 31, 2011, 10:31:15 pm
remember when you had to buy stuff with crystals... on a website? and there was no fall damage or any kind of damage at all?

I never made it to the big leagues, but I was dual-wielding mugs for a while. Did they ever add Trokin (of Trokin's Shop o' Stuff) as an actual NPC?

Remember when we were constantly at risk of "Falling off the edge of the world" and dying?
Remember the packet routing bug which made messages get randomly sent to the wrong person?
Remember the flight bug?

Good times, good times...

See, a lot of people are posting "that was before my time" and I'm sat thinking "God that was after my time...".

Same here, drey. We'll always have #planeshift-fans!

I don't remember any of those things... but I do remember when only the Hydlaa Plaza existed, and all we did was run around picking up crystals all day. That was my favourite version of PS. :)

Hi Moogie. It was my favorite too. Can I remove your site from my servers yet? ;)

"Early Modern English", actually.


Okay, my turn. Remember when you actually recognized most of the names in the nostalgia threads that showed up periodically? ;)

Also, did you know: back in Molecular Blue, removing someone from your buddy list when they weren't on it in the first place caused the server to spit out their character ID number. You could compare and see whose ID is lower to see who was the oldest oldbie!

I honestly can't remember how I found PS in the first place, but I've met some rather interesting people and I learned a little about a lot of things (3D modeling, UV mapping, basic C++, various web technologies, the intricacies of FreeNode's network services...). That's probably why I'm still around (sporadically) after seven and a half years.

May you continue shifting planes for seven and a half more!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Moogie on December 31, 2011, 10:53:48 pm
Yes jose, I tried letting you know 6+ months ago that you can delete it. :)

Hi Drey, Drakkie, Thom and everyone else! I love how we all seem to come out of the woodwork at the same time, haha. It's nice to see you guys still alive and kicking.

What are you working on these days, Thom? Congrats on achieving a game dev career!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: josephoenix on January 01, 2012, 12:32:23 am
Ah, well. I can't remember everything :) (I think I do recall that now, actually.)

I think everyone's just lurking on these forums because they've reached new levels of holiday boredom.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Draklar on January 01, 2012, 05:59:56 am
Hello Mogballs! o/
Also, did you know: back in Molecular Blue, removing someone from your buddy list when they weren't on it in the first place caused the server to spit out their character ID number. You could compare and see whose ID is lower to see who was the oldest oldbie!
Yep, if I recall correctly, Vengeance was the #1 :D
Anyway, seeing Khado's mug on facebook has given me this sudden urge to check how he and Sangwa fare in this fab-yuh-luhs place recently. They don't fare, apparently, but that's my story!

Now, here are my additions:
1. Remember when Moogie was a clueless newb? :D
2. Remember when Annah was running a more-than-one-person guild? (I sure don't!)
or more to the point
3. Remember when we had the Annual Community Awards?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aramara Meibi on January 01, 2012, 12:08:29 pm
Anyway, seeing Khado's mug on facebook has given me this sudden urge to check how he and Sangwa fare in this fab-yuh-luhs place recently. They don't fare, apparently, but that's my story!

No... they don't, sadly. If you know where those two are hiding, drag their flayed velnishi hides back here!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on January 01, 2012, 03:33:13 pm
Aha, it's josephoenix, my evil alter ego! May you continue shifting as well! :D

Moogie: Working on an iPad game right now. It has a unique visual style so I hope it will be noticed. We're working on it with Dave Perry and with the founders of the company that created Killzone (the PS3 game). So hopefully it'll be a smash hit!

So, what have you been up to these past years?

Also, hey Zanzibar! Been too long ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on January 02, 2012, 09:20:04 am
Middle-english. :)
"Early Modern English", actually.

 ::| Whatever ...

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Caraick on January 02, 2012, 09:36:23 pm
Live long, and prosper.  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Moogie on January 03, 2012, 02:37:04 am
So, what have you been up to these past years?

God only knows what I was doing before, but the last 3-4 years have been spent doing Flash animation over at It helped me land a short-lived indie partnership with the guy who makes the Protector tower-defense games at Kongregate, where I did the monster sprites/animations for "Reclaiming the Throne".

I've improved massively since then, but sadly haven't found any new game dev opportunities yet. But I make a nice amount from the Whirled stuff, so I'm happy enough for now. :) I'm trying to break into fullblown 3D animation lately so that I can really broaden my opportunities. Chase the dream, never give up..!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Mordaan on January 03, 2012, 09:43:40 am
Also, did you know: back in Molecular Blue, removing someone from your buddy list when they weren't on it in the first place caused the server to spit out their character ID number. You could compare and see whose ID is lower to see who was the oldest oldbie!

I still remember my ID ... 103000.   :D

And isn't that what triggered the client to growl at you?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Elkarway on January 03, 2012, 08:39:11 pm
Hello Mogballs! o/
Also, did you know: back in Molecular Blue, removing someone from your buddy list when they weren't on it in the first place caused the server to spit out their character ID number. You could compare and see whose ID is lower to see who was the oldest oldbie!
Yep, if I recall correctly, Vengeance was the #1 :D
Anyway, seeing Khado's mug on facebook has given me this sudden urge to check how he and Sangwa fare in this fab-yuh-luhs place recently. They don't fare, apparently, but that's my story!

Now, here are my additions:
1. Remember when Moogie was a clueless newb? :D
2. Remember when Annah was running a more-than-one-person guild? (I sure don't!)
or more to the point
3. Remember when we had the Annual Community Awards?

I'm Khado and I lurk quite a bit.  Don't post often though.

I miss the Community Awards.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aramara Meibi on January 03, 2012, 08:44:57 pm
I'm Khado and I lurk quite a bit.  Don't post often though.

I miss the Community Awards.


Where are you? Why aren't you trying to steal my blind menki away?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Elkarway on January 03, 2012, 09:10:17 pm
I'm Khado and I lurk quite a bit.  Don't post often though.

I miss the Community Awards.


Where are you? Why aren't you trying to steal my blind menki away?

I'm too busy with work, school and stuff to be here and steal menkies.   Do miss you guys, though.  How's everything going?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on January 03, 2012, 09:10:43 pm
*Looks at the oldbies in the thread*

oh.. look at all the oldbies that got caught in the fly paper... I'll have to lay out a new strip at this rate.  ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aramara Meibi on January 03, 2012, 09:49:48 pm
I'm Khado and I lurk quite a bit.  Don't post often though.

I miss the Community Awards.


Where are you? Why aren't you trying to steal my blind menki away?

I'm too busy with work, school and stuff to be here and steal menkies.   Do miss you guys, though.  How's everything going?

pretty good, trying to make through an internship so that i can get back in school, get another piece of paper, you know...
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Caraick on January 03, 2012, 10:14:19 pm
Miss seeing you around in-game, Elkarway.  I miss the Community Awards, as well.  :(
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on January 04, 2012, 06:25:58 pm
So, what have you been up to these past years?

God only knows what I was doing before, but the last 3-4 years have been spent doing Flash animation over at It helped me land a short-lived indie partnership with the guy who makes the Protector tower-defense games at Kongregate, where I did the monster sprites/animations for "Reclaiming the Throne".

I've improved massively since then, but sadly haven't found any new game dev opportunities yet. But I make a nice amount from the Whirled stuff, so I'm happy enough for now. :) I'm trying to break into fullblown 3D animation lately so that I can really broaden my opportunities. Chase the dream, never give up..!
I know someone with a similar situation; he's trying to break into 3d animation from a management job at a game company. It's hard, very hard. He practices his animating skills in his free hours, but it's practically impossible to keep up with people who are practicing it full time because of their study or job. If you want to break into it quick, it might be an idea to switch to part-time at your job and apply for an internship at another company that does 3D stuff. You'll have less money for a while, but practical experience and learning from professionals is always the best. And an internship could always open up to a full-time job! Now go chase that dream ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Anfa on January 25, 2012, 10:43:56 am
There weren't many places to go but we did have fun with the places we had :)
I need to drop in and see all the new changes!

*Anfa peels herself off the the fly-paper and heads back to the shadows
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on January 25, 2012, 03:41:01 pm
:flowers: No, Anfa, don't you leave already! Allow me to guide you around the renovated Hydlaa and anywhere else!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Anfa on January 26, 2012, 10:31:13 pm
Well, made a brief visit but missing something on the laptop. I felt like i was in some Tron-like futuristic city- checkboards of Reds, greens and blues heh. If I can figure out how to fix it on a linux system laptop, i will be back to visit more often  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on January 27, 2012, 02:19:09 am
"Colored checkerboards" means your client could not find matching textures.

I hope you already updated to version; then a "Repair" in the launcher may help. If not, then please start a thread in the bug area of this board, and report all possibly useful facts about your hardware...
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Anfa on January 27, 2012, 10:26:42 am
Looking into installing drivers since I have decided to use the BF's linux Laptop to play games :)
I'm pretty sure that's what the problem is  ;D
He had only used the laptop for work before giving it to me, although he should have known me well enough to know I would start trying to game on this thing  :whistling:
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on February 17, 2012, 05:52:10 am
Hello Mogballs! o/
Also, did you know: back in Molecular Blue, removing someone from your buddy list when they weren't on it in the first place caused the server to spit out their character ID number. You could compare and see whose ID is lower to see who was the oldest oldbie!
Yep, if I recall correctly, Vengeance was the #1 :D
Anyway, seeing Khado's mug on facebook has given me this sudden urge to check how he and Sangwa fare in this fab-yuh-luhs place recently. They don't fare, apparently, but that's my story!

Now, here are my additions:
1. Remember when Moogie was a clueless newb? :D
2. Remember when Annah was running a more-than-one-person guild? (I sure don't!)
or more to the point
3. Remember when we had the Annual Community Awards?

I'm Khado and I lurk quite a bit.  Don't post often though.

I miss the Community Awards.

The Awards only meant something when I was winning them.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Jekkar on February 17, 2012, 04:51:01 pm
I only remember the sad times.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: leji on February 18, 2012, 04:02:35 pm

The Awards only meant something when I was winning them.
That must have been before the invention of the internet right ?
Cool to see it's still alive and kicking here !
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Waterman on February 22, 2012, 09:09:51 pm
Really though, it's impressive and weird that these forums have been going for a decade now.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zorbels on February 25, 2012, 11:49:11 am
Going on the thread title ......

Remember when people actually used to play this game?

Been walking around last three days and its like a ghost town everywhere. This is NOT the PlaneShift I remember, thats for sure.

Quote from: Waterman
Really though, it's impressive and weird that these forums have been going for a decade now.

Completely impressive. For once I agree with you waterman.  :o
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Stronith on February 25, 2012, 06:20:46 pm
I remember when you had to be careful not to die running down the stairs too fast.  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 25, 2012, 06:26:35 pm
I remember when you had to be careful not to die running down the stairs too fast.  ;D

I always had a mini panic whenever my characters ran down stairs, fell of the side of a hill, or fell off a ledge in Hydlaa... after the fall damage had been nerfed. ;) That made me paranoid for years after.

Going on the thread title ......

Remember when people actually used to play this game?

Been walking around last three days and its like a ghost town everywhere. This is NOT the PlaneShift I remember, thats for sure.
Yep, rather sad, but such is the progression of things.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zorbels on February 25, 2012, 10:07:48 pm
I remember when all the players were paranoid about a tria's wipe, so we thought we'd all be sneaky and put our funds into insane amounts of glyphs. Then we'd just cash out the glyphs later to get our tria's back.  ::) HA! Good times.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on February 26, 2012, 02:48:37 am

I remember when they threatened to wipe stats.. we weren't as sneaky back then.. we just left and played something else.  o_O   :oops:

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: steuben on February 26, 2012, 07:40:55 am
lady z!  \\o//
i remember when the planeshift clients had roughly 50000 active peers
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on February 26, 2012, 02:03:51 pm
It's a zorbels!
And I too remember those times, when PS had up to 200 players logged-in at the same time.
What happened?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 26, 2012, 02:19:16 pm
It's a zorbels!
And I too remember those times, when PS had up to 200 players logged-in at the same time.
What happened?

That is a loaded question that should not be tossed around lightly on this forum. However, I believe the most simple and neutral ;) answer would be to log into the game, play for awhile and see how long you feel like hanging around. Multiple that feeling by several years and voila, you have the current status.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on February 27, 2012, 03:30:48 pm
I know what you mean, but it's not like the game became worse over the years. There have been balancing changes, new and better art, new features, fixes. People leaving the game has been something of all times, the problem is that there are less new players to compensate for the leavers. I think one of the main reasons PS attracts less people now is because of F2P MMO's. A few years ago they hardly existed, now they're everywhere. Why would anyone choose to play this game if you can play another commercial-quality game for free as well? It's harsh, but it is what it is.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 27, 2012, 03:48:01 pm
I would say that minecraft flies in the face of that theory. The game has gotten a steeper learning curve due to new features and the average player now has way less patience for the struggle to make PS run. I think that loss of novelty plays a part in the matter but things like not having the hardware, or getting sick of crashing before you get in game play more of a role. Also, there is the typical frustration of many RPers that mechanics are not very helpful for RPing. When all is said and done, PS is a niche game.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: ThomPhoenix on February 27, 2012, 04:47:57 pm
Yes, but my argument is that those issues have always been there. PS has always had a steep learning curve, it has always been a heavy game considering its graphics, it has always crashed a lot and RP'ers have always been complaining about the RP mechanics. Also, minecraft does not fly in the face of my theory, since there is no game equivalent to Minecraft and the game is not even free-to-play.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 27, 2012, 09:30:20 pm
True, those same issues have been there in some form, but it does go through periods where it is worse or there more more of the same kinds of issues. Stacking the number of issues is enough to try people's patience. Also people grow weary after awhile. The fact that the issue was there didn't mean that people were going to tolerate it forever and as I said before, the average player now is not in the mood to struggle needlessly. It's a matter of convenience more than the fact that there are more free to play games. Time is a more precious commodity now. Why waste it trying to get PS to work on your system, or finding people that have a similar RP style when there are several more detailed games and less detailed games that work right after installation?

Further, the minecraft being the same is not the point I was getting at. There are several games out there that are more simple in graphics, mechanics, etc. and yet they are not only still very popular, they have more players than PS right now(even some simple MUDs). There are even buggy games which are still liked enough to where people keep struggling with them. However, PS is just unique enough that if you want to do a close comparison you can't compare it to other free to play MMOs either. No matter how you slice it, the reason for the drop lies on PS as a project and not other games.

I would easily play ADOM over PS and it's mechanics are geared towards gameplay I don't actually enjoy. However, the game has a charm that overcomes the heavy combat focus, the ascii graphics, and even the difficulty/learning curve(Which is much harder than PS). I'm afraid that PS's equivalent charm was always in the community more so than the game itself. When a large portion of the community gave up at the same time, PS's charm took a big hit. In turn, without the same charm it had to rely on the game itself and as you can see by the player count, that isn't enough now.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Zalya on February 27, 2012, 09:42:12 pm
When a large portion of the community gave up at the same time, PS's charm took a big hit. In turn, without the same charm it had to rely on the game itself and as you can see by the player count, that isn't enough now.

Easy fix! Get the leavers to come back!  \\o// The community is still here and charming, even if its not nearly as glories as it once was. But that can change if more people come back.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: novacadian on February 27, 2012, 10:24:07 pm
My observations of PS do not stretch back to its glory days yet in the couple of years of game play here it has been possible to make some deductions of what may have happened to the player base.

My feeling is that back in the glory days PS was somewhat unique and the community thrived for that reason. Those of that era probably expected things to only get better in terms of enhancements that would aid in their RP. This did not seem to happen.

Instead of additions that would aid in RP; mechanics were added that supported grinding and more PvP styles of combat. This has left a game world that seems to reek in contradictions.

Just as an example only; and not meaning to make a value judgement on either approach; let's take combat.

To further RP and GMs' ability to support it; it would seem to me that a turn based combat system could have been evolved. At the very least a one hit combat ability that someone in RP combat could choose to make one swing using the game mechanics to calculate the outcome. Such an approach would have enhanced RP combat with the use of game mechanics.

Instead there is a PvP combat system that goes by so quick not a word can be uttered and logs need examination to see what exactly happened.

So using that as an example what has happened? There was a community which supported RP and development which did not grok what the community wanted. Meaning no offense; but after reviewing logs of Talad's RPing it floored me to find smiley faces in his dialogue. It is hard for me to imagine that he ever was an RPer in the sense of the what it means to the old school community.

Now there is the outer lure of this being an RP game world when in fact one finds it is something else completely.

Just for the record my style of play takes into account game mechanics; yet my preference would be that GMs would have the means to bring a more RPG style to the play. Things like the ability of the GMs to freeze time and provide turn sequences, etc..

It took me six months to grok what the community meant by RP and then another year and a half to realize that that is not what is being developed here. Sadly, neither is the style of game play that would be my preference.

Presently my game is that of a grinder; with the intent to max my main in those combat areas which she has been developing over the time here.

PS is not the RPG game that would have been my preference. It is not development that supports the RP style that the old school players want and the community is not the players that the dev team is developing the game mechanics for.

Could that explain the low player base?  :(

On a positive note, the dev team has given to the world a wonderful open source package which any of those diverging groups could pick up and turn into the game that each is really looking for. Until that happens, in my opinion, this debate of 'what happened to the player base' will roll on and on and on in these forums.

- Nova
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Waterman on February 27, 2012, 11:40:58 pm
novacadian hit the nail on the head. PS had a thriving community before the client was even released; it was thanks to their unique approach to the genre in a time when there really wasn't a unique approach, and the hope of something different. On top of which they seemed to value the input of the community.

Of course, the truth is that outside of its setting and open source approach, PS was never really unique as a game. Some people tried to get involved in the development, but from I hear that wasn't a very pleasant experience. Then more games with a similar approach appeared, that were better, and they eventually found a community elsewhere. And that's not my opinion, I've never really played any MMORPGs, including PS. It's just from what I've observed.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 27, 2012, 11:46:14 pm
Zalya: If only it were that simple. But one must admire the enthusiasm. ;) I still vaguely remember having it.

I mostly agree with Nova. It really can be broken down to the disconnect between the advertised game, the expected game(from the player perspective), and the realized game (meaning the game as it is). However, I disagree on the using PS resources to make a new game... that is a pain in the rear. You might as well start from scratch if you are going to put that much effort into it. However, better documentation *cough*and documentation that can be better understood by people new to it all*cough* would probably help that avenue along. But that is an issue for another discussion.

Nice to know I wasn' the only one with that reaction to the smilies and that got a similar impressions.

Waterman: No, PS was in fact unique but it was more the (professed) ideology and the community that made it unique, not the game. Once more MMOs popped up, the parts of the game that were unique became generic, but the community has always been unique.

However, eventually, many people were willing to sacrifice the unique aspects for games that were more fun in their own right. I personally never RP outside of PS and I just go play games that have better mechanics and gameplay even though they have communities that I typically can't stand(if they are multiplayer). At least those games will run when I start them up. *shrug*
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Waterman on February 27, 2012, 11:52:55 pm
No, PS was in fact unique but it was more the (professed) ideology and the community that made it unique, not the game.

That's...exactly what I said.

it was thanks to their unique approach to the genre in a time when there really wasn't a unique approach, and the hope of something different...PS was never really unique as a game
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aiwendil on February 28, 2012, 06:50:39 am
Haha, still playing Illysia? Told you it's a bad idea. You will only get drawn into discussions like this again. The people that agree with you are mostly far too "tired" to do anything about it. And the people that disagree only get offended by someone with a different opinion. And the majority of current players probably don't even know that these forums exist.

As Nova said: It takes a lot time to even get to the point to understand what some people think is the reason why PS fails to keep long-term players at the moment. Also it took five years to go down from an average player count of 150 to 50 so even if this trend could be reversed I seriously doubt it would take much less time to go back to these numbers again. PS sacrificed it's unique approach in favor of a more mainstream approach in hope it will attract more people by it but lost the community driven gameplay to a "The-one-who-grinds-fastest-wins" gameplay in the process. Guess it just didn't turn out as expected.

@Nova: Ahm, I can only agree with Illysia and discourage people from building something on top of the PS codebase. It's a huge amount of code and still written with PS explicitly in mind in most parts.

So to stay on topic...remember when these forums were actually read by players?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: weltall on February 28, 2012, 07:28:02 am
welcome to the not-money-backed opensource world. I'll suggest to find decent documentation about the linux kernel, alsa, postgresql and a lot others. (it's a lost cause they are all bearing a really bad documentation and those are money backed...). sqlite3 instead has one of the best documentation and mysql a middle ground one even though the api is horrible. Even the official documentation of a language like python has a lot of dark areas in core components like strings and basic types like float and int.

and huge is wrong. it's a tiny part these days and it becomes less and less so. anyway patches are welcome and hardcoding is not welcome anymore.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 28, 2012, 09:52:05 am
waterman, ok. I must have misread a bit.

Nah, Aiwendil. I finally gave up this time. I just lurk the forums again. To be honest, if I hadn't seen Zorbel's name in the thread, I would even have done more than look at the main forum page. What can I say, I'm a sucker for looking at the posts of people I mostly only heard about.  ;)

Weltall: basically, the problem is people making a priority of documentation. Being able to bring new people up to speed as seamlessly as possible is important... however, I think that coders often forget that. *runs*

However, in keeping with the people trying to remember the topic...  ;) remember when this forum had more threads about the community and interesting ideas. I used to only read the wishlist and the technical help forums. XD
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on February 28, 2012, 10:48:19 am
Ah, now I know where Aiwendil learned to run away from own statements... ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: weltall on February 28, 2012, 06:11:50 pm
waterman, ok. I must have misread a bit.

Nah, Aiwendil. I finally gave up this time. I just lurk the forums again. To be honest, if I hadn't seen Zorbel's name in the thread, I would even have done more than look at the main forum page. What can I say, I'm a sucker for looking at the posts of people I mostly only heard about.  ;)

Weltall: basically, the problem is people making a priority of documentation. Being able to bring new people up to speed as seamlessly as possible is important... however, I think that coders often forget that. *runs*

However, in keeping with the people trying to remember the topic...  ;) remember when this forum had more threads about the community and interesting ideas. I used to only read the wishlist and the technical help forums. XD

Coders document the code other people do "user guides". And in an opensource scenario people don't like writing them at all. That's why in many opensource projects you see lines talking of being able to contribute even when not being able to code: by writing documentation or translating
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Zalya on February 28, 2012, 08:30:14 pm
Nah, Aiwendil. I finally gave up this time.
I don't believe you.  :D

There is most definitely still a community around! Smaller, yes, but it doesn't mean its any less there. I try to log on every day for only roleplay. I try my best but no one can be online all the time (except maybe Elady ;) ) There is still fun to be had! And just lurking on the forums won't help it get any bigger. I don't mean for anyone to log on for long, but just to pop your head in to say hi from time to time. At the very least you have me to find should rp be hard to find. That goes for all of the older players! There is life in Planeshift, and there is still potential! Don't give up on something that can still be great.

And these forums are still read by players :P sometimes they just get to negative for me to bare.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on February 28, 2012, 08:50:18 pm

There is life in Planeshift

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 28, 2012, 09:44:13 pm
cument the code other people do "user guides". And in an opensource scenario people don't like writing them at all. That's why in many opensource projects you see lines talking of being able to contribute even when not being able to code: by writing documentation or translating

That's part of the problem right there. People who aren't coders are less likely to understand the code well enough to document it. I tried my hand at it and it is a pain since the coder usually doesn't want to go through explaining all of the code from the ground up.

There is most definitely still a community around! Smaller, yes, but it doesn't mean its any less there.
There is life in Planeshift, and there is still potential! Don't give up on something that can still be great.

And these forums are still read by players :P sometimes they just get to negative for me to bare.

Oh sure, there is still something there community wise. But your average MMO player doesn't have to patience to acclimate to it. Not exactly a bad thing for the quality of the PS player base but does nothing to flesh it out. Further, many older players either gave up hope long ago, lost the time, or they were tired out by being begged by me, long ago, to come back... *looks at Aiwe and several others*

I however have finally lost my steam as well. So I pass the cheerleading baton on you zalya and decide to go nicely this time. ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on February 28, 2012, 10:45:47 pm

Out with the old,
in with the new,
Gooooooooooooooooooooooo PLANESHIFT!

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: weltall on February 29, 2012, 01:46:30 am
cument the code other people do "user guides". And in an opensource scenario people don't like writing them at all. That's why in many opensource projects you see lines talking of being able to contribute even when not being able to code: by writing documentation or translating

That's part of the problem right there. People who aren't coders are less likely to understand the code well enough to document it. I tried my hand at it and it is a pain since the coder usually doesn't want to go through explaining all of the code from the ground up.

The code *is* documented.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on February 29, 2012, 01:55:28 am
ok, I'll give you that one. I've never seen the site before but it must have been around since at least '07.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aiwendil on February 29, 2012, 06:53:51 am
Sorry weltall, I'm aware of the work that went into removing the hardcoding from the codebase the last two years. Not what I meant when I said the code is written with PS in mind. But no need to discuss this here...just posting to say that I didn't want to dismiss your work there.

Further, many older players either gave up hope long ago, lost the time, or they were tired out by being begged by me, long ago, to come back... *looks at Aiwe and several others*
Always the same old problem I have with women..I can't say no ;)
And you know exactly that it wasn't your "begging" (which I must have missed anyway otherwise I had posted logs of you "virtually" begging on your knees in IRC already some time ago ;)) which wore me out.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zorbels on March 05, 2012, 11:46:40 am
Quote from: Illysia
To be honest, if I hadn't seen Zorbel's name in the thread, I would even have done more than look at the main forum page.

Thanks Illysia, it is very humbling to be remembered. This place was once like a home to me.

After spending time in game after a three year break, I'm pretty sure I can come to an idea of what happened to the RPing community. It has been overly discussed I am sure and I probably have nothing new to add.

 :-\ I do have voice these thoughts of mine though. The only regret that I have is when I was in a position of power to promote RP for this game, I felt my hands were tied.  I was never able to prosper and thrive as the RPing Gm I knew I could be. This part of the project (I felt) had no direction and judging by how many are on board now .... well, must be the same ol' system. It bothers me to know how close Talad was to having a very well put together GM team, both for the technical side of the game and the RPing side. Unfortunately, those hardcore RPing GM's burnt out because we put all we had into our RPs and events. The process was just to slow. Frustration eventually wears down even the most patient of us.

Hopefully, PlaneShift will see RPer's to the volume it was, again someday. Hopefully old mistakes can be fixed to house the new body of PlaneShifters.

 :woot: To those of you who made this game for me back then and lurk behind the forums once and awhile, Thanks! I have some pretty awesome memories here. I will ALWAYS be a fan of this place.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aramara Meibi on March 05, 2012, 11:55:39 am
hey, if you're an RPer, old or new, please, please stick around. There's still RP, and it's good. It really just boils down to a lack of numbers.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zanzibar on March 19, 2012, 01:43:53 am
I remember more than I want to.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on March 26, 2012, 11:14:16 am
:woot: To those of you who made this game for me back then and lurk behind the forums once and awhile, Thanks! I have some pretty awesome memories here. I will ALWAYS be a fan of this place.

You mean the late nights on skype with you and that sister of yours right? ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on March 27, 2012, 12:59:53 am
Dylia. I'll always remember her, we share the birthday.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: miadon on April 23, 2012, 07:18:52 am
I remember the oldies who have popped up on this thread... still some names missing tho! :(
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: potare on April 24, 2012, 05:58:08 pm
I remember I robed someone of 500K back in 2008 (Rpingly).
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on April 24, 2012, 10:01:38 pm
'Member when we lured all those Ulbernauts into town?  :-[
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Candy on April 24, 2012, 10:31:48 pm
I remember other people luring them into town and the mines...:P
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on April 25, 2012, 08:26:40 am
I got better...!
That was a pain in the butt for sure, especially when I fell victim to it.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: potare on April 29, 2012, 04:52:46 am
haha You those were the days when creatures randomly attacked you.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: MishkaL1138 on August 21, 2012, 07:19:15 am
Remember when this thread used to be active? You know, that meant people still cared a lil'.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Candy on August 22, 2012, 09:37:55 pm
Because clearly, the life of the game hinges on whether or not people are posting in one forum thread.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Erebey on August 27, 2012, 07:16:48 am
Remember when most people had real descs?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Vakachehk on August 28, 2012, 05:44:42 am
Remember when the game was more fun than the forums.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Oronec on August 31, 2012, 12:03:58 pm
Remember when there were no basic rules IG and players role played crazy things/creatures/people?  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on September 19, 2012, 04:25:42 am
Remember when Grono, and her pockets :(
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on September 25, 2012, 09:50:16 pm
Remember when you could stand in front of brado's and get jumped by a wandering rogue? XD
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: bloodedIrishman on September 26, 2012, 12:19:05 am
remember when GMs had events?  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on September 26, 2012, 04:01:09 am
Remember when trolls had GM events to complain about ?

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on September 26, 2012, 07:21:43 am
is "xordan's pvp area" still in place?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: bloodedIrishman on September 26, 2012, 11:16:48 am
Remember when trolls had GM events to complain about ?


remember when Rigwyn was a troll?  ;D

is "xordan's pvp area" still in place?

ya. killed a newb there the other day.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on September 26, 2012, 05:49:53 pm
Remember when trolls had GM events to complain about ?


Remember when PS had practically an on call staff of career trolls? ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on September 26, 2012, 05:56:50 pm
How dare you speak of The Outlaws like that xD

/me conspires to ransack the Stonehead and contaminate it with diseased meat and dead rodents.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on September 26, 2012, 06:03:41 pm
:p Speaking of which.... who drew the diseased rat on the public art wall in Amdeneir?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on September 26, 2012, 08:13:29 pm
Drew it? Not I.
I contaminated wingyville, but drew nothing.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on September 27, 2012, 02:25:28 am
"Public art wall"? In Amdeneir?

Screenshot or it didn't happen!!!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: bloodedIrishman on September 27, 2012, 02:45:33 am
First of all, Rigwyn isn't an artist. Calling anything he does art is a disgrace to srs artists like me, who work their butts off using micrisoft paint to bring beauty into your ugly, ugly lives.

If you want to see real art check out this srs artist thread. I'm like x20 better than Tessra and Dannae and all those other posers.  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Rigwyn on September 27, 2012, 05:18:14 am
Hey man, I make body art. You gimmie some bodies and a blunt club, I'll show you art.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on September 27, 2012, 05:47:08 am
... "love letters" made of a thousand apples could kill a client, so "littering" was a crime?

(back to topic)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on September 27, 2012, 01:09:15 pm
"Public art wall"? In Amdeneir?

Screenshot or it didn't happen!!!

See that is why you should go there more often. I set up stuff all over the city in books and you didn't even know it. ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on September 27, 2012, 01:29:21 pm
I am so sorry ... but are you the only "sight" regularly present in Amdeneir? Then I may have to visit you just not to let your chars die of isolation.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on September 27, 2012, 02:11:35 pm
Well, I haven't been in game for awhile so it's not an issue now but it was pretty much only me and the smiths. I bothered to try and add "interest" to Amdeneir by making landmarks and business signs but I imagine only a relative few even realize that.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on September 27, 2012, 04:16:50 pm
Couldn't come today, sorry, there was a birth in the sanatorium... ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Fyrre Tijorra on September 28, 2012, 07:02:38 pm
:p Speaking of which.... who drew the diseased rat on the public art wall in Amdeneir?
/me gives a broad, yellow-toothed grin, grateful to have stumbled upon a chance to display her strange creativity.

And getting back on topic, remember when dust used to look like dwarves? I think one fenki even claimed that a pile of dust was her husband! ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Thedrish on October 09, 2012, 05:38:05 am
I remember the first moment it started to rain... and the fun because people started shouting "I'm singing in the rain..."  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on October 09, 2012, 06:01:46 am
And the silence when others disappeared due to crashing clients...
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Venalan on October 09, 2012, 11:53:03 am
Remember when quests (not the interface) were really buggy and then how the amazing current settings devs came and fixed it all. Good times..... good times.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Aiwendil on October 09, 2012, 12:11:12 pm
Remember when almost all previously working quest became broken by the introduction of the point and click chat interface? (Sorry, had to Venalan)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Thedrish on October 09, 2012, 12:19:08 pm
I do remember that traveling to Ojaveda was a one straight run when you passed the crossing near the Magical Shop (instead of the current road to BD)?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Illysia on October 09, 2012, 12:51:56 pm
Remember getting lost because you didn't know the new maps when the maps between Hydlaa and Oja were added and getting stuck in the DR when it was expanded?  :whistling:
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Venalan on October 09, 2012, 02:08:19 pm
Remember when almost all previously working quest became broken by the introduction of the point and click chat interface? (Sorry, had to Venalan)

That happened long before I got to deving, don't need to appologise to me, I didn't mess that feature release up.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zonthek on October 09, 2012, 06:00:29 pm
*There used to be a clearing with rogues that can net you named swords with 4. something slash which used to be a commodity since quality wasn't implemented

*The fountain in the Hydlaa Plaza used to spawn trias and people pick them up

*You had to guess words for quests and type in "May I have a quest?", "Do you have any quest?" as a starter. Also you write "about [somthing]" when talking to npc

Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Candy on October 09, 2012, 08:07:55 pm
You can still write "about [something]" to the NPCs and get a response. I recently asked the Laanx temple NPCs about Talad...;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on October 10, 2012, 02:59:27 pm
Remember when most of the forumers played PS?  ;D
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Mariana Xiechai on October 10, 2012, 04:42:25 pm
Remember when most of the forumers played PS?  ;D

 :'( You still do!
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Candy on October 10, 2012, 06:00:29 pm
Remember when every time someone got annoyed with the slightest perceived "bad RP" practice there had to be a massive flame war on the forums about it? xD
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on October 18, 2012, 10:41:16 am
Remember when most of the forumers played PS?  ;D

 :'( You still do!

You got me....

@Candy: Yeah, no kidding! I remember the massive wars. Sooo ridiculous.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on October 18, 2012, 12:22:41 pm
Remember when most of the forumers played PS?  ;D

 :'( You still do!

You got me....

@Candy: Yeah, no kidding! I remember the massive wars. Sooo ridiculous.

Not even I remember those days.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on October 18, 2012, 02:07:04 pm
To which in particular? When the forums played PS, or when the flame wars went down on a daily basis?
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on October 19, 2012, 07:58:27 am
To which in particular? When the forums played PS, or when the flame wars went down on a daily basis?

Depends on your meaning of flame wars, if you're talking about shal/zanzi circa 2005 well that speaks for itself.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on October 19, 2012, 12:35:41 pm
Oh, yeah. Anywhere from 2004-2009 was just a brutal time frame for 'roleplay dismay'
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Candy on October 19, 2012, 03:39:00 pm
I only caught 2008 on, myself...but I'm pretty sure most of the threads were pretty old arguments xD
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on October 19, 2012, 04:31:18 pm
Pfft. All of the arguments are 'old' in the sense that they get argued, buried, and then dug up every so often. You'd think we would learn xD
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: zorbels on October 30, 2012, 07:57:00 pm
Quote from: Drey
Quote from: zorbels
:woot: To those of you who made this game for me back then and lurk behind the forums once and awhile, Thanks! I have some pretty awesome memories here. I will ALWAYS be a fan of this place.

You mean the late nights on skype with you and that sister of yours right? ;)


Yep! Somethings never change! *hugs Drey* Miss you Drey! You keep dreaming!  ;)
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on October 31, 2012, 11:39:06 am
I want late night skypes with zorb and her sister  :love:
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: LigH on October 31, 2012, 01:50:56 pm
Dylia is my birthday mate.
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on October 31, 2012, 03:19:37 pm
So when your birthday rolls around, do you get to make two posts for yourself AND her? xD
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Drey on November 13, 2012, 06:26:11 pm
To which in particular? When the forums played PS, or when the flame wars went down on a daily basis?

Anyway, I was referring to when the forums played PS. Also Grono :(
Title: Re: Remember when?
Post by: Cairn on November 15, 2012, 05:46:53 pm
Ahaha, yeah. Those WERE the days xD