
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: ninkwi njadro on February 06, 2002, 06:14:31 pm

Title: house building??
Post by: ninkwi njadro on February 06, 2002, 06:14:31 pm
how do U build your house?? are there contractors how you can hire?? or are u gonna buy a prebuild house ?? OR build one yourself?? adn when your house is build can you decorate it your self?? this would be cool and can U invite guests into your house and can You lock your door so nobody breaks into your house?? and i read alot about gaurds around your house this would be cool too. but the burgular thing is do not like. imagine you come back from a long quest your wounded and tired and just want too rest in your home on your couch or in your bed but when you arive home there\'s no bed and no couch!! or worse your house has burned down!!! AHHHHH
Post by: stickman on February 06, 2002, 11:25:25 pm
i dunno, but building ur own house sound like it\'s way out of teh range of this game, or any other game for that matter. i would just be happy with just having a place to walk in and drop off my items.
Post by: eruinn on February 06, 2002, 11:28:02 pm
what he said
Post by: Kiern on February 06, 2002, 11:28:14 pm
it seems that in all games houses are \"in-coming\" i dont think people have found out a real way to do this......

if you it HAS been figured out care to explain it to us?
Post by: eruinn on February 06, 2002, 11:31:17 pm
what he said again :D
Post by: mistwalker on February 07, 2002, 02:17:47 am
Maybe you could build your own if you had some sort of a carpenter skill. An easier way of programming it would be to make it into some sort of a wizard (software wizard, not roleplaying). So you wouldnt actually \"build\" it, but you could specify heights, floors, etc.
Title: hmm
Post by: Lenric on February 07, 2002, 02:26:24 am
Well the only way with current programming that I know of to make it so we each could have our own houses specialized is with there being a certain designs of various models that you could pick and choose but im thinking the houses will be a little more generalized .

Due to locations and such for houses most likely (not positive about this )you might at the most get to customize the inside (even perhaps the paints outside (doubtful)but a wonderful bonus if so.

  houses most likely will be located in certain areas and a few houses might even be in the saem exact places as other houses and you may have to choose or be invited to go into anothers house.

Of course there are some games coming out that you can build your own house town and such perhaps this will be such a game but if so we have a long wait.
Post by: mistwalker on February 07, 2002, 03:49:46 am
Its possible to have some sort of modular designs, as I have seen in other games where you could design craft or buildings. So you could have as many floors as you want (withing reason), as many rooms, where you want the rooms, etc.
Title: u guys
Post by: Nu Sham on February 07, 2002, 11:34:57 am
have to take into concideration that there is only a limited space on the PS servers.. you know how much space it would take to architacuar your own home?
personally i see no need in this... putting items you find while walking around the words and implenting them into your home seems enough for me
Title: its pretty simple
Post by: Montenegro on February 08, 2002, 12:28:29 am
Land will cost money, depending on what you do with it, the price could be different.  For instance, farmers might be charged considerably less for land, in edition to being able to rent land from the nobility (if its a feudal system).  In fact, all that they might have to pay would be a tax on the yield.  More on that later

Anyway, we\'ve all played strategy games, some even 3d, so we now placement on the terrain isn\'t to terribly difficult, and shouldn\'t require individual attention, if the engine is in place for it.  Here\'s how it would work.    You would go to the local town office, and look at available plots zoned residential.  Note:  it could just go raw acreage but no town would every sell you land in odd shapes.  The land would always have some road frontage, or be parceled out in nice neat squares.  Anyway, from that you would travel out to the area and look at perspective plots until you found one you liked, then stake a claim with marker flags at the edge (note, since the plot shape is determined by the game, this would be simply accepting that plot from the NPC at the town office) then proceed to contact an architect for a building plan.  Once you find a building plan you like, go to the town office again, and get a building permit for a few (perhaps even a real life fee?) for the building, which would depend on the ostentatiousness of the structure.  Once thats down, march you body down to your property and place a marker for where you want it build.  When you do this, a sort of shadwon building should appear (only to the land owner) so he can see what it looks like.   By walking around the flag, the orientation would change.  Placing a second flag would fix the orientation.  At this point, it would still be reverable.  When it all kicks in is when you start to build.  Even then, you still keep the permit and plans, just lose any time and money on building up to the point you stop.  
Now, in RTS games, the building of buildings (har har) is displayed as a series of incomplete steps on the way to a finished product.  That would be simple enough.  Maybe a half dozen steps per design.   Each house would require a certain amount of raw material, and a certain amount of \"skill\" points, representing the application of craft to the construction.  For instance, a small house might require 300 points of stoneworking skill for the foundation, slate roof, and doorstep, and 500 points of carpentry for the rest of the house.  Perhaps 200 points for glassworking to make the windows.  Interestingly enough, the house could also require 200 units of glass, 500 units of wood, and 300 units of stone, though perhaps that is to simplistic.  Anyway, the level of skill the artisan building it has is applied to both the amount of material used, the time taken to make, and the durability of the house.  Hence, a poor craftsmen might take alot more material, and make a house that has a leaky roof after everyrain (takes damage).

A more complicated version would require 250 units of granite for the foundation and steps, and 50 units of slate for the roof.  200 units of yellow pine for the support timbers, and 100 units of oad for the floors, and another 200 units of softwood (any type) for the rest of the house.   It really depends on how complex the other crafts are.  Until they are determined, the complexity of building a house is undefined.  Either way, the skill use and construction would be simple, just the material list might get long, which isn\'t necessarily a bad thing.  If you have to trade with different towns to get what you need, thats not bad.  What this would mean is there is a physically limited amount of space around towns and cities, and the price will go up as land availability goes down, and also depending on location i.e. if your neighbors are living in palaces, you are going to need that kind of money to get the land, and won\'t be able to get a permit for a hovle.

My 20 coppers
Title: lol
Post by: ninkwi njadro on February 08, 2002, 08:23:49 am
and whos gonna build the house a npc or a player??

anyways if house building is this dificult (i mean walking back and forth between the towhall and your building site)

i think i\'ll just buy a tent!  :D  it has advanteges
1 it\'s cheap
2 u can take it with U
3 U can set it up anywhere
4 if U want it to leave your items in you buy a another tent wich can stay for a long time
Post by: Urh on March 24, 2002, 04:03:01 am
It would be fun just to have a house. To build a house is maybe too difficult for them to fix. But it would be nice
if you can buy things to have in your house. Chairs, tables and stuff like that. And maybe carpenters could make such things if they have the right things. :D
Post by: ninkwi njadro on March 24, 2002, 04:15:40 am
yeah a house would be great! I could buy every good item twice. one I keep in my house and the other I keep on me. so if I die I just go in my house and I am fully re armed.
Post by: Mortis on March 24, 2002, 09:13:32 am
u would have all your items twice well from what i heard its really hard to aford good items i dont think it will be as easy as runescape were u can buy rune in 2 days but all i can say is good luck to ya
Post by: ninkwi njadro on March 24, 2002, 11:29:14 am
yeah I certanly hope it won\' be easy. but U can just have a spare equipement in ur house. and mortis nice sig btw!! all of U people have those nice sigs! ;(
Post by: Mortis on March 24, 2002, 11:56:38 am
thanks made it larst night
Post by: Dumb Woob on March 24, 2002, 02:18:15 pm
i liked the old one better
Post by: Mortis on March 24, 2002, 02:26:28 pm
Really? maybe i should make a poll
Post by: Golbez on March 24, 2002, 06:21:23 pm
Isn\'t that guy in the sig one of the characters of \"Chrono Trigger\"? I think it was named Magus, or something, I don\'t quite remember.

Anyway, its a very nice sig. But I have to agree with Dumbwoob, I think the other one is better.
Post by: Mortis on March 24, 2002, 07:02:23 pm
yeah it is magus and how comes u people like the first one its a logo saying MORTIS with light comeing from behind it dont u think its a bit on the plain side
Post by: AfricaX on March 25, 2002, 09:08:56 pm
And the pentabular chingo has everything to do with it. Xena died so many times i really don\'t think it\'ll work. Did you just hear that someone being slapped with a sturgeon? Anyway WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?!!?!
Post by: AfricaX on March 25, 2002, 09:09:38 pm
sorry about caps :(
Title: uhg
Post by: DeadlyPencil on March 25, 2002, 10:46:36 pm
housing would take to long to implement into a game like this... it would add little to the game play and so i would rather see them adding other stuff like new monsters, skills, or more map than spend a long time on housing...

in runescape Andrew did have a reason for not implementing the housing update you know.
Post by: Flik on March 26, 2002, 01:31:55 am
Hmmm, unless you wanna help pay for a kick ass server(s), Don\'t count on Custom housing being in ;)
Post by: Princess Aelya on March 26, 2002, 08:32:24 am
houses would be cool. but if i cant build myself a giant castle then id love to get me a big fancy house. but how bout this. you can build a house but your house would only be there for about a week in real time. after that the player built houses are deleted from the server or servers, and gives other people a chance to build or own houses. and you could make it so if you have stuff in your house when it gets deleted all those things are transfered to a storage area or a bank or whatever. of course if the wrld is as big as the ultima online world then you wouldnt need to delete houses as often.anyone like this idea?
Post by: Princess Aelya on March 26, 2002, 08:39:11 am
Originally posted by Montenegro

A more complicated version would require 250 units of granite for the foundation and steps, and 50 units of slate for the roof.  200 units of yellow pine for the support timbers, and 100 units of oad for the floors, and another 200 units of softwood (any type) for the rest of the house.   It really depends on how complex the other crafts are.  Until they are determined, the complexity of building a house is undefined.  Either way, the skill use and construction would be simple, just the material list might get long, which isn\'t necessarily a bad thing.  If you have to trade with different towns to get what you need, thats not bad.  What this would mean is there is a physically limited amount of space around towns and cities, and the price will go up as land availability goes down, and also depending on location i.e. if your neighbors are living in palaces, you are going to need that kind of money to get the land, and won\'t be able to get a permit for a hovle.

My 20 coppers

wow that seems like itd take a long time to bout we keep it simple like all those 3D war games like starcraft and stuff. all ya need to make stuff is minerals and gas  :P

aww rats my sig is screwed up... :(
Post by: AfricaX on March 26, 2002, 10:17:54 pm
Ahhhh Houses. yeah i think houses are a neat idea. but truly i think they\'d be to realistic for a free game. Even PayPerMonth Games don\'t have houses (unless you include DAoC which a guild can build their own towers) And plus you\'d probably have to have high skills in a whole bunch of diffrent things Masonry,Carpentry,Woodworks are a few that i can think of. Awww man i just had this awsome... Nahh.  Well Remember to clean behind your ears and not to fight with any rabid hamster you find walking down the street at midnight with one pant leg up.
Post by: ParaSite on March 27, 2002, 11:32:16 am
Game features:
 A Role Playing Game!
12 races with unique traits for the creation of your character
Unlimited professions through skill system
Original magic system with six schools of magic
Hundreds of spells!
Huge world to explore
Great number of quests to test your wit and skill
Monsters and NPCs with good AI to produce events in the game
A world that evolves also without player interaction
Create your house or castle
Politics and economy

Well, It\'s on the Features page, create you own house or castle!  8)
Title: It's always good
Post by: Toru on March 27, 2002, 04:16:56 pm
It\'s allways good to have someone state what \'s going to be in the game  :D  :D
Post by: Urh on March 27, 2002, 04:34:08 pm
I dont want to play a game where you only fight and gather good items. I want roleplay! And, deadly pencil, if you enter Planeshifts website and click on \"Features\" then you can read this: \"Create your own house or castle\"
Post by: ratdudett on March 27, 2002, 11:17:20 pm
i think you should design ur own house :) and wtb members get a free castle  :D ;)
Post by: Princess Aelya on March 27, 2002, 11:32:36 pm
Originally posted by ratdudett
i think you should design ur own house :) and wtb members get a free castle  :D ;)

ohh i cant hold back. i gotta comment on this one...nonononoNONO! :D

players should be able to make castles to! :D
Post by: Esprit Habile on March 28, 2002, 12:07:48 am
Of coarse players should be able to make thier
own castle, but all ratdudett said was that WTBs
should get free ones. I think WTBs and those ppl
helping make the game should only get some better
swords and things like that. A castle seems a bit to
much though.
Post by: Princess Aelya on March 28, 2002, 01:35:51 am
i dont think they should hve any just seems unfair. it isnt my fault i dont have the skills to help develope the game....
Post by: ParaSite on March 28, 2002, 07:21:52 am
i think you should design ur own house  and wtb members get a free castle  :)

Hehe I hope so :D
Post by: Viper_NL on March 28, 2002, 03:24:16 pm
Dont get your hopes up Para, maybe you members get penalty`s (LoL).
But yeah, housebuilding is cool :)
Post by: Nu Sham on March 28, 2002, 05:17:34 pm
W0w viper, are you linking that signature from my geocities sigs portfolio?
can it be?
does geocities finall realised hostings sigs is a good buisness?

werid.. maybe its a *bug* or something, viper where do you link your sig from./
Post by: tasadar on March 29, 2002, 10:34:23 am
Houses would be cool. but then there would be the fact that there would have to be a friggen HUGE @$$ server to support it.

   Yeah viper, i agree with Nu Sham. Your sig does look like one that a hacker or a bugger might have. ;)   I like it.
Post by: alcapalis on March 29, 2002, 12:29:24 pm
I like the housing idea, but if it causes lots of lag hen they can drop the whole idea. But maybe to save some space they could make bik flats where you can buy apartments or, if you are rich, a whole penthouse  8) ...
Title: Urh
Post by: DeadlyPencil on March 30, 2002, 01:42:28 am
well for one thing i didn\'t say they would never do it, i just stated that it wouldn\'t add much to the game play... and that it would take a long time to put into the game...

in a day people will spend like 5 secs in there house and like 4 hours fighting monsters... out of those two which would you spend the most time developing... the gameplay or the housing
Post by: Golbez on March 30, 2002, 02:22:40 am
I like the idea of having little cheap apartments for those who dont have enough money to afford a house for their own.
Perhaps you could even have roommates and share the rent, but that could also mean that your roommate could steal your stuff if you leave it in your flat,  so perhaps you have a cabinet where you put your things that can be only opened with a key or password.
Title: Deadly Pencil
Post by: Urh on March 30, 2002, 04:08:38 am
I agree with you Deadly pencil, but it would be very fun if people not only killed monsters. Houses would be very fun. And besides, I would spend the most of my time in my house, because i don?t like to fight. I know that most of the people that play MMORPGs prefer only to fight, but it would be very good if you could at least buy a house.
Post by: alcapalis on March 30, 2002, 05:15:15 am
hehe I like the roommate idea.. sounds cool to me.
But i also have to agree with stickfight. It is true that the most of the player will only be in their house to log in or log out., maybe they will be more in their houses if there isnt a bank and you can only store your stuff in your house.
If you give the houses more functionalities (is that an english word?  ?( ) then people would spent more time in their houses and then the whole housing idea wouldnt be lost  :))
Maybe you could heal yourself by going to your house and go sit there in a chair and drink some coffee or beer. (the beer thing will make me stay near my house)..

Maybe thats a stupid idea but i think houses shouldnt be there just to showoff..
Post by: alcapalis on March 30, 2002, 05:23:16 am
Hmm.. i just rememberd a function of houses from another game. But you\'ve got to add another function to the character.

Well lets start:
Of course everybody needs to eat, DRINK  :D  and sleep. This could happen automatically when you are really hungry or thirsty and you\'ve got food in your backpack. (it might be a good idea to also be able o eat manually so you can get really stuffed or drunk or whatever).  Well when you log out you and you are still alive, then of course you keep the need of food. Well if you are outside a house you will use lots more food when your offline (as much as if you\'re online) then if you where inside a house, because there you can lay down on a bed and chill... So you should be able to stuff your house with food and if you are leaving for a week (real time) you should add more food then if you are just away for 1 hour...

Just i little idea.. i hope you guys understand what i\'m trying to say.. If you guys wanna know, i can give you the name and rl of the game where the currrently have it, but i wont advertise for that game overhere..
Post by: AfricaX on April 01, 2002, 10:31:33 pm
Personally. i think the house thing is kinda dumb:( Truly who the heck is gonna stay at their house anyway? i\'ll be out fighting and ganing levels while house owners will be just standing in their useless house. What good is a house for anyway? Unless you could lock and unlock it and use your house as a safe and put valuables in it. It\'s not like anyone would use it for more than that! you could just make one big castle with a treasure room you could put your stuff in.
Post by: PdogNZ on April 05, 2002, 08:31:40 pm
Originally posted by AfricaX
What good is a house for anyway?

Mocking newbies with and generally showing off, of course! :D  

There should be different houses to choose from and they should cost more depending on what size it is. Like a tree house might be 20k and a 2 storey stone keep might be like 2 million.
You buy a deed or something and a plot of land big enough for your house and bing, you got yourself a house which you can store stuff in and throw parties (and have big orgies lol 8o j/k :P )
Oh yeah, and you have to lock it up properly every time you go out so filthy thieving types dont break in and steal yo\' shizzat :D

ooh ooh, and you could charge weary travelers from afar to spend the night in a warm bed and have a good breakfast in your humble abode. (and while they sleep, you nick their stuff and draw pictures on their faces with sharpies lol)
Post by: Golbez on April 05, 2002, 10:41:04 pm
A house adds a lot to the roleplaying part of the game.  It\'s nice to see your character takes his boots off after a long day of killing monsters and drinking with the friends in the pub.  Besides, its a safe place for leaving the stuff you might need later (much safer than leaving it on the street, at least).  
Post by: ParaSite on April 06, 2002, 02:17:13 pm
Some of your are forgetting that they are also people that just want to chat and roleplay whitout fighting. People that just want to become a weapon mastersmith that never leaves its town. Of course he have to fight eventually, but he prefers to go to the tavern and get drunk  8) . Looks like no fun to me, but there are a lot of strange people around  :P .

Alca, \'functionality\' is a word, u can also say \'function\' :)
Post by: Urh on April 06, 2002, 02:47:50 pm
I agree with you ParaSite.
Those !#??%\"# people that only play to fight and get experience don?t  need to have a house.
But, those who roleplay (Me) maybe wants houses. How darn fun is it only to run in the forest and kill things with magical weapons (Diablo 2 for example)?
Planeshift is not Diablo 2!! It is a MMORPG!!
And, AfricaX (I maybe spell your name wrong now)  if you only like to fight, you can play something else!!  X(
And if you enter Planeshifts website
you can click on the button \"Features\".
There you can read \"Build your own house or castle\", and many other things.  :]
Post by: Montenegro on April 06, 2002, 04:33:08 pm
ParaSite !  I am NOT a strange person!  Take it back!  j/k

But seriously, I like the roleplay aspects of tradeskills.  I like the fact that it lets you help other people more readily.

I think that they can be fun, just no one has yet done anything but a crappy job implementing them.  Think SimBlacksmith.    THATs how it should be.   Almost a mini game in itself, ya know.   I would say, it is better to make on, single profession or \'tradeskill\' or what have you, that is well thought out, balanced, and  *gasp* fun, then 20 boringashell ones.    So, if you want to do farming, go ahead, but get it right.   Hey, thats why you\'re having all the betas, so we can test and refine the game.
Post by: Montenegro on April 06, 2002, 04:36:11 pm
If you want an in depth PVP game, go play Darkfall.  I think Planeshift, by the simple fact that it WONT be as much of a l33t game and will have a smaller audience, will generate a somewhat familial feel to it.  I mean, if you meet Meket and Kada and Aelya, along with Wolfman and Kiern in the game.... well, you see how it is.  You could potentially know half the players in the game, if it has a small audience.  Imagine playing an MMORPG where EVERYONE is your friend.   That sounds like a blast.
Post by: Vengeance on April 06, 2002, 07:07:48 pm
Our intent is to also create \"fellowship quests\" (yes, named after the LOTR) which will require a group of people with differing abilities to complete.

So a fighter and a healer will not be able to just go do any quest.  You might need an armorsmith and a baker in your group also.  Or whatever.

Disclaimer:  This is just us devs talking.  None of this is implemented or even close to being implemented, so don\'t get your hearts set on anything. :-)

- Venge
Post by: PdogNZ on April 06, 2002, 07:17:28 pm
Sounds cool! 8)

lol I thought that said Aerosmith for a sec and I was like \"wtf?\" :D
Post by: AfricaX on April 06, 2002, 09:31:24 pm
Urh. yeah i geuss. I COULD play something else. but than i wouldn\'t be able to annoy you! :P
Parasite i see your point. i geuss this will be kinda to realistic. heh. But please please PLEASE leave out the mundane things like eating sleeping and drinking!
I can\'t think of another thing worse than going out on a quest that took an hour to find the monster you where sent to kill. while you where fighting yu got hungry lost just enough Hp to make you lose the battle :(
Post by: Golbez on April 06, 2002, 09:36:17 pm
I\'d like to see fellowship quests implemented,  but there should also be quests for those who like to wander without any company.    Im a guy that likes to work alone sometimes, and I think that quests for solitary characters should also be there.
Post by: David_HD on May 25, 2002, 05:50:58 am
Hmm... could there be a sorta template for houses,  and then a house is generated from a (relatively) few parameters when it\'s needed? Doesn\'t seem TOO dificult.. (well, not ultimately...). That way the PS servers don\'t take too much of a hit. They\'d still have to store the external structure of every house, of course...

Anyway, I think we need to really think about what kind of game we\'re trying to make here... Will a house just be the Planeshift equivelent of the Diablo II stash? Or are we doing \"The Sims meets Excaliber\"? Or where on that spectrum?
Another possible option is making the game distributed... Then if I want a house, I gotta find a server to host it... (I suppose we might have a less than ethical player shutting down that server to make sure his house isn\'t robbed while he\'s gone... Maybe store each in a few places?) I dunno... I realize it\'s getting quite complex... It was just a thought...