
Support => Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game => Topic started by: rhol on October 04, 2013, 07:32:59 am

Title: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: rhol on October 04, 2013, 07:32:59 am
I can't get the game to update (launcher version 3.04) (client version (?)). I can open the launcher by run as admin, but when i do the game doesn't update and the server is down. when i click repair in the launcher i get

Beginning intergrity check!

Couldn't open xml file '/this/updateservers.xml'!
Failed to Intialize mirror config current!
Attempting to restore updateservers.xml!

And the pslaunch.exe crashes.      What do i do!?
Title: Re: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: Denes on October 04, 2013, 07:23:48 pm
That file has the following content on my PC:

Code: [Select]
<mirror id="1" name="updater" url="" repair="true" />

But if it got somehow corrupted the problem could stem from deeper than PS. The very least I’d uninstall, delete residue files and install it again if had the same problem.
Title: Re: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: rhol on October 05, 2013, 05:24:44 am
I did a full re-install and this is what i get now when i try to repair.

Beginning intergrity check!

Couldn't open xml file '/this/updateservers.xml'!
Failed to Initialize mirror config current!
Attempting to restore updateservers.xml!
Error renaming file /planeshift/userdata/updatecache/ to/this/updateservers.xml.

Failed to download servers info!
Couldn't open xml file '/this/updateservers.xml'!
Unable to get root node!
Using mirror updateinfo.xml
Error renaming file /planeshift/userdata/updatecache/ to /this/updaterinfo.xml.

There are no active mirrors! Please check the forums for more info and help!

Failed to download updater info from a mirror!
Attempting to restore updateservers.xml!

Any idea what to do now?  Thanks for the advice.
Title: Re: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: Minks on October 09, 2013, 04:09:53 am
What is your operating system?

Some common errors for file access problems:
- Windows: Logging in as Administrator might not be enough. Right-click the application and "run as administrator"
- Linux: Have you done the chmod-thingy?
- Mac: Have you rmoved the files from the archive in your application folder?

Title: Re: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: rhol on October 10, 2013, 02:40:49 am
My operating system is Windows 7 64-bit.

Logged in as Administrator and have done the right click "run as Administrator".
Still doesn't work.


Title: Re: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: Minks on October 10, 2013, 07:25:08 am
Win 7 is usually not so panicky about file access as Vista was. But you could try this anyway:
Install the game not in C:/programms, but elsewhere. For example your data partition.
(Background Windows likes to protect the program folder a bit to well sometimes.)

And have a look at your updater.xml please. Is it there where it should be? Does it contain what Denes posted? (The file should be at C:\Users\<your windows user name>\AppData\Roaming\PlaneShift. Open the file with editor.exe, NOT with Word or a similar program.)

(By the way, if you want to post a picture here, you need to upload it somewhere. We cannot access your computer's hard disk from the internet.  ;) )
Title: Re: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: rhol on October 10, 2013, 10:36:06 am
I give up, it's just not working.

I tried installing the game somewhere else than C:/Programs and when i click the launcher i just get a flicker of a window and the game doesn't open. (tried with "run as admin" and same thing.).

Also i don't have the updater.xml in the place where it should be. its not in the Appdata/roaming/planeshift.

Title: Re: I can't get the game to update and the Laanx server is down. What do i do?
Post by: Minks on October 10, 2013, 11:14:17 am
Maybe your system is doing something weird during the install and misplacing the file. Is it not on your system at all or just in another place?