
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ascomanni on February 08, 2015, 06:00:45 pm

Title: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Ascomanni on February 08, 2015, 06:00:45 pm
Another cycle on the Yliakum Calendar is winding down and the snows are melting. It is a time of hope and joy for the coming season. It is a time for reflection and giving thanks for all that we have received. Let us honor the spirit of the season and recognize special contribution to our beautiful community.


Was there a player that took you under their wing and helped you get into the game? Was a particular character or RP so wonderful it deserves to be commended? How about a Dev helping with an issue you have had? A GM who wowed you with an event? If so, place your nominations for special contributes to the game and community here.

Reflect on your PS year and enjoy the memories. Unodin is fast approaching [April 1st] so get those nominations in for Players, GMs, and Devs you fell deserve some special recognition for their efforts in making PS what it is.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: iridia on February 08, 2015, 06:16:50 pm
Wants to nominate Gonger for all his help during events; his efforts make it a whole lot easier for us GM's to run events.
The communication OOC between participating players and GM's has improved a lot and that makes events even more fun for all of us!
Also he always is available to answer questions in the Help-channel during events, which means we can be better focused on the event itself.
And ofcourse he is a great RP'er!!

Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Candy on February 08, 2015, 06:17:26 pm
Can we just skip the nominations and give Roled the Most Pies Eaten award?
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: cdmoreland on February 08, 2015, 06:34:41 pm
For player: Zif   Always willing to help any player, new or old. (There are many worthy but I could only pick one.)

Venalan for his unending devotion to the game and working out the bugs.

Taya for her work as a GM and quests she has helped create.

Tuux for her(his) tireless work. We miss you at the Dev's meetings.

Sarko/Sorka for his gruffness and fairness.

Mordann for his work in rules and admitting when they get it wrong. :thumbup:
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Demagul Riwe on February 08, 2015, 07:13:35 pm
I nominate Siteya for all of the epic RP events she's run, all the while managing her duties as a leader of a major guild. I definitely had a hard time deciding who I should nominate for this, but the more I think about it, the less of a question it is to me that Siteya deserves it after all of her hard work over the past few months.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Sarko on February 09, 2015, 05:29:47 am
I would like to nominate Iridia, Bodier & Zunna for their job in the GM team... As soon as their GM training was finished IRL took me away from PS, and they had to run the GM team on their own...
Thanks you for all GMs, you are doing a good job... \\o//

Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Siteya on February 09, 2015, 02:34:43 pm
Awe Thanks Demagul *blushing* :P

I nominate the following:

Dannae- For holding together the DOX to make the guild one of the longest active in PS.

Allena- All the fabulous writing, and support since coming back to PS

Evirea- For making my head spin, you are like a Hindu Goddess with many limbs all doing something at the same time, multi tasking mad woman. And also for your stories, and support.

Rigwyn- Pushing my boundaries IG and encouraging me to write and being the most evil IG character that everyone wants to rp with whilst being the most diplomatic player OOC.

Iridia & Bodier- For being the first GM's I have ever role played with and ran an event with, it feels great to be working with you both and I look forward to doing more of the same.


Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Rigwyn on February 09, 2015, 06:35:22 pm
I'm glad to see that so far this seems to be about personal recognition and not a vote ( which has always been kind of odd in the past. Pleasantly dysfunctional, let's say. )

Hoo boy, I could spend a long time here, but will only name a few. If you are not named, it's because my skull is numb, or possibly because I have not rp'd with you as much.

( I'm limiting myself to 9 otherwise, I'd end up mentioning everyone I ever ran into -which would be kind of silly )

Prreta - for most surprising character.  *laughs* (I'll say no more)

Candy - Most available. ( An no, that's not an innuendo :P ) (That clarification did no justice either)

Thidin - For having the most surprising ulterior motif.

Roled - For his unmatched willingness to take newbs under his wing ( ehem... usually my alts, but.. )

Ascomanni - Best character concept and back story. ( Gotta love the mental mansion thing )

Mariana - Best plotter and story writer. Many play, but few lead like this.

Sarras / Voilki - Best troll  and because if someone doesn't mention her, she'll whine about about how everyone is just voting for their friends and such... :p

Kaerli - For being willing/able to shrug off snark and dismissiveness and just play the game.

Siteya and her twisted sibling - ( more for her twisted sibling :p ). While I don't really play with the DOX crowd, I hear she's stirring things up over there. This is good.

On the Dev side of the pond:

Venalan - For his unparalleled communication and work with the player community.

Eonwind and those devs who hide behind the curtain and pull the levers - Thanks for all the updates and changes.

Special mention should be made for the gm events that are picking up once again. I have not seen/participated in them, but it sounds good.

Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: bilbous on February 09, 2015, 07:14:43 pm
We're not gonna take it! No we're not gonna take it anymore!

Just wondering about the significance of the date mentioned in the first post. Is this thread fueled by foolish dreams?

I gotta say though Venalan has been my goto guy for many of my reports. Others who have picked up those bugs in their purview should also be lauded. Them in the background keeping things moving ought to be mentioned.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Ascomanni on February 09, 2015, 09:35:13 pm

ask and ye shall receive
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Roled on February 09, 2015, 09:57:26 pm
It's always useful to acknowledge folks isn't it? Thanks for nudging this along

I suggest a special prize(s) for the 70-80 people who have kept rp and the game going for these many months, filing many hats, plugging many holes, suggesting, pursuing, writing, coding, fixing, fixating, insisting, trying, showing up.

To all who show up- HUZZAH!
aka 'chopped liver'
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: bilbous on February 09, 2015, 11:08:54 pm
I was less interested in the Calendar synchronization than in the fact that the awards seem to be slated for April Fools Day. ('_Day) Doesn't seem quite appropriate.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Rigwyn on February 10, 2015, 12:06:55 am
Quick note, I was not dissing DOX above, I just didn't realize that I already met/played with most of their members.... small world, huh?

Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Prreta on February 10, 2015, 10:01:00 am
Evirea - your literary style is so rich and vivid I am always awed. I wanna be like you when I grow up.

Allena - your amazing stories. I eagerly check the forum each morning hoping for another installment. (Evirea, Rigwyn, and Siteya - you belong here too.)

Rigwyn - just wow!

Celroc - most humble player and amoung the most clever and definitely the funniest.

Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Zunna on February 10, 2015, 02:57:21 pm
I +1 about Gonger. Actually he impressed me a lot in his interpretation of Shillek  :devil:

* Dilihin, Demagul and Vandru because they "go for it" and "dare" in all the Rp they can, let themselves go into the game and make others enjoy aswell thanks to their enthusiasm.

* Tuathanach for all the work he did and is doing in many domains. He really is a quiet strenght.
* Eonwind for the same reason overall, because he's deligthfully evil and a huge source of motivation :D
* Venalan because he's always willing to help and advice.
* Iridia and Bodier, for the genuine dedication they always put in what they are doing.

And anyways, thanks to all whom generate RP and dynamism into and around this game !
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Dilihin on February 10, 2015, 03:07:56 pm
thank you Zunna.   :)

i'm Voting the Entire Community,cause we all have place in it.that's what makes it a community right?  :thumbup:
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Karzela~ on February 11, 2015, 12:28:56 pm

i'm Voting the Entire Community,cause we all have place in it.that's what makes it a community right?  :thumbup:

Special recognition to Eredin for his work along with other volunteers
to improve books in PS etc. and to whoever made it possible for me to
stop crashing going to other areas like the arena and library from Hydlaa.
Thanks to Venalan for his dedication to accuracy for quests, new skins
and always asking the community if there are any questions he can answer.

Your efforts are very much appreciated.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Celroc Amaul on February 11, 2015, 11:58:10 pm
There really are a lot to list...

Prreta -- Very rich character background and story, great way with words, and very good immersion into her character.  A generous player known to help newbies by giving them guidance and q300 armor/weapons for free. She's also given me a lot of chances to role-play, and I think has made me a better role-player.

Evirea -- An amazing RPer to say the least.  Multi-clienting isn't easy, yet she pulls it off wonderfully!  On top of that, very well-done IC interactions and events.

Rigwyn -- While I haven't RPed much with the character known as Rigwyn, I ran into an alt of his a few times without even knowing it.  Awesome RPer who is able to play in multiple styles.

Allena -- Her story-writing skills and the delivery of them are amazing, and her RPs are very interesting and intriguing.  Hope to participate in more of her RPs!

Roled:  Very skilled RPer, immersive, and plays his character well.  He's one of the few people who can actually pull somewhat spontaneous stuff off and have it work really well.  Bar room brawls, pie parties, watching Menki Circuses fall off the tavern roof... any of these can happen when he's around! ;-)

Anysu -- A good and friendly RPer with a unique background story.  With a wide range of skills, she offers friends and newbies helpful items such as food, armor/weaponry, and potions. 

Sacho:  A very patient and understanding player who I haven't seen much of for a while.  Fun to RP with and his somewhat quirky character makes for some interesting stories ;-)

Caraick -- As someone who's been in one of his player's RPs, he did an amazing job, especially with adding plot twists.  Look forward to more from this player!

Sarras:  One who doesn't shy away from the darker RPs, which I find admirable.  Although I don't generally get into really dark ones myself, I can appreciate those who do.

Mishka:  Sorry I forgot you!  Jocas can throw quite the ceremony/party and plays the part of a lord quite well!  If you need someone with a sophisticated manner of speaking/writing for an upper-class event, this is the best menki I can think of for the job!

Sheira for cutest Enkitten!

GM-wise:  Bodier, Iridia, and Venalan are the main ones that I've met.  I would like to thank them, as well as everyone on the GM team, for all their hard work. 

If I missed anyone, I apologize.  Please feel free to shoot me a PM saying "Hey!  Why didn't you include me?" if I left you out ;-)

Celroc A
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: LigH on February 12, 2015, 03:55:54 am
I wish I were able to participate more ... I always wonder when all these RPs happen; probably when I have to sleep.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Roled on February 12, 2015, 03:55:00 pm
LigH there's a big core of rpers from USA that continually create these exciting involving, ongoing, open to all, and varied rps/events/gatherings along with spontaneous stuff.  It 's a gas! Except RR seems to die a bit too often....

Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Volki on February 13, 2015, 08:34:26 am
I haven't been able to muster up the will to roleplay much in the past months, but I've heard gossip and such which gives me enough knowledge to cast votes.

I vote for Allena and the GMs involved with Kor Neka Mansa. For their unending reservoirs of creativity.

I negatively vote for Eviria/Mariana/Eleese (yes, that's -1 vote) because she's won too much already.

Sarras / Voilki - Best troll  and because if someone doesn't mention her, she'll whine about about how everyone is just voting for their friends and such... :p

Not even a troll. I just say the things no one wants to hear but knows to be true.

And that is the bloody truth. Awards are generally run by a clique of friends patting each other's backs. As evidenced by all previous PS community awards.

I think Travosh won best villain two years in a row, despite not even being a villain. He simply had a fling with Teshia while she was married to a furry. That award belonged to Kisoji for making everyone uncomfortable, or Rigwyn for urinating in the fountain, or even Stashka for simply being a public nuisance. Seducing a married woman and consequently ruining a guild her husband ran does not a villain make.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: MishkaL1138 on February 14, 2015, 08:48:26 am
I concur with Sarras, but mostly because I never won anything. Probably for being shunned away. Not even mentioned.

But I don't care.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: cdmoreland on February 14, 2015, 01:52:14 pm
Vote for Sarras as most often banded.

Vote for Mishka as most shunable.   ;D

I vote for Waesed (myself) as most ignored. :lol:
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Celroc Amaul on February 14, 2015, 09:44:07 pm
Updated my earlier post with entries for Sarras and Mishka now ;-)

Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Sen on February 15, 2015, 12:35:32 pm
Anysu for the coffee supply on sleepy mornings.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Candy on February 15, 2015, 01:41:15 pm
Mishka for best accidental arsonist.
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: cdmoreland on February 15, 2015, 03:24:23 pm
Mishka for best accidental arsonist.

You must have missed the time Herihi burnt-down Kada-El's. ;D
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Roled on February 16, 2015, 03:29:50 am
I miss Herihi....
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: gonger on February 16, 2015, 08:03:03 am
 I nominate the whole team involved in the Kor Neka Mansa activities, for proving that it is possible to run continuous RP in an exciting way over several months. And as we all know, it is not over yet...
\\o//  \\o//  \\o//
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Kaerli_Stronwylle on February 18, 2015, 09:03:33 pm
Prreta&Sekto -- for being willing to put up with me through thick and thin ;)
Asmo -- for providing a new look at what seemed to be the dying art of detailed RP combat
and the KNM team for our first long-haul, integrated event in a long time -- the amount of player/GM dialog and interplay there has little precedent in PS, and took major courage to pull off
Title: Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
Post by: Eymma on February 22, 2015, 03:16:25 am
Let's see...

I would like to nominate:

Bilbous for being there and make me laugh
Thedrish for keeping the guild strong and alive
Yenida for being my best friend  ;D
Venalan for being a very available dev
Iridia for being a very friendly GM
Kaerli for her endless efforts and will to continue. And the fun stories  :whistling: