
Development => Development Team Blog => Topic started by: Eredin on February 25, 2015, 04:48:01 pm

Title: Engine Department Priorities
Post by: Eredin on February 25, 2015, 04:48:01 pm
I was asked recently about the priorities of the engine department, so here they are as of Feb 2015.

The highest priority is to identify causes of crashes and correct them...also the hardest to work on as crashes are often caused by state changes that we cannot capture or reproduce. The client "breakpad" crash reporting system will help immensely!

The projects that are currently in work :

-- NPCClient stabilization. (in progress, Jilare)
-- Crafting system rewrite (in progress, Eredin)
-- Character customization with supporting GM and script commands (in progress, Eredin)
-- Mail System (on hold, Natoka )
-- Evaluate Greatshift for features to roll into PS official client (with Neeno)

Projects that are awaiting work, in rough priority order :

-- PS#6606 - GM Notes Facility
-- Scriptable entities
-- Refactor mechanisms to properly persist/share state information.
-- refactor character change capabilities to 3 layers : in-memory,persistent,base.
-- allow GMs to set "lockpickable"
-- MiniGame reset button
-- make guild chat tab appear automatically when a new member joins, or a guild is created
-- NPC ability to make key copies
-- need periodic events table and poller process (adapt from npcclient??)
-- Develop 2D drawing and graphics widget
-- Dynamic loading of special locations, character creation data, quests, rpg rules, scripts and etc at runtime
-- Enhance the current Artificial Intelligence of the Tribes and single NPCs controlled by the server
-- House building
-- Dynamic Economy
-- Autogenerated dungeons
-- Special volumetric areas to define different rules of motion, skills and animations. (example - water/swimming)
-- UI to view and edit the parameters and placement of items, NPCs, locations, natural resources, etc

IF you are interested in working on any of these then don't worry about the priority order. Just let me know and we'll work it out.