
Gameplay => General Discussion => Topic started by: MishkaL1138 on November 26, 2016, 05:23:11 pm

Title: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: MishkaL1138 on November 26, 2016, 05:23:11 pm
Stop using Photobucket, please! Never have I seen such a bad image hosting website, it's pretty hard to link images directly from there, and it sends you to some crappy lightroom place. Here's a list of websites you can use to upload your pictures:

If you have any others, list them here if you'd like.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Illysia on November 26, 2016, 08:57:47 pm
What do you mean? it's just a click to link pictures and all you have to do is save the UV map I linked from the picture in the thread. It wasn't even resized.  :P
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: MishkaL1138 on November 26, 2016, 09:06:08 pm
What do you mean? it's just a click to link pictures and all you have to do is save the UV map I linked from the picture in the thread. It wasn't even resized.  :P

Photoshop isn't letting me edit the file because it says it's not a supported format...
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Illysia on November 26, 2016, 11:27:14 pm
Does your version of photoshop work with .png? I just saved the picture from the thread, opened it in photoshop, and drew all over it with no problem. The problem isn't Photobucket. You may need me to save it as a jpg. Maya saved the UV map as a png and I didn't bother to convert that.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Izzabella on November 27, 2016, 12:02:46 am
Thanks for the ideas and options of other sites to use, I've never been a huge fan of Photobucket because of all the adds and it's SO slow. But I used it years ago, I think so many did and it what I was introduced to and knew how to use so I just used that. But it seems more of a pain now.  I'll look into some of these you've mentioned if I decide I have any pictures worth posting.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Rigwyn on November 27, 2016, 01:20:59 am

Just curious - I've been using imgur for a while now and never bothered to set up an account. Is there some advantage to having an account?

Also, Have you tried google drive? I used to use google sites and services ( free web hosting ) for storing images, but that service was phased out.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: steuben on November 27, 2016, 08:12:23 am
i've used it both ways. i think the only real advantage to an imgur account is that you don't lose the links to your images after you close the browser window.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Dilihin on November 27, 2016, 12:46:43 pm
Best solution would be, ofcourse make your own image host...  :whistling:
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: LigH on November 28, 2016, 03:10:37 am
Illysia, believe it or not ... I see no image in your post ( For some reason, when this board software tries to retrieve an image from PhotoBucket, instead, it gets a HTML page in return (which does not match the requirements of the "IMG" bbTag). The reason may be that I do not use Firefox as primary web browser, and my browser may handle referrers a little differently ... I don't know.

What I do know is: PhotoBucket is among a few image hosters which redirect URLs to present you a selection of ads around the image you want to see. I always have to "Quote" such a post and copy&paste the URL of the  image one wanted to present inline, to see it at all. After I have seen it, and it is in my browser cache, it appears in the post, though.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Rigwyn on November 28, 2016, 04:54:28 am
Out of curiosity, what does her post translate to in HTML for your browser?
I tried with Firefox 45.5.0 ESR and Konqueror 4.14.25 and it worked for both.
How does this show up in your browser in html?

This is how it shows up for me:

Firefox 45.5.0 ESR
Code: [Select]
<div class="post">
<div class="inner" id="msg_481452">Here you go. the UV map and my original texture side by side.<br /><br />
<img src="" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
<img src="" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

Konqueror 4.14.25
Code: [Select]
<div class="post">
<div class="inner" id="msg_481452">Here you go. the UV map and my original texture side by side.<br><br>
<img src="" alt="" class="bbc_img">
<img src="" alt="" class="bbc_img">
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: LigH on November 28, 2016, 05:11:02 am
The issue is that a direct URL like ( does not return a PNG image, but a HTML page; and HTML does not render as "image".

PhotoBucket should be able to recognize whether a HTTP request comes "from inside a post" where the image is deep-linked, or it is meant to load in a new browser tab/window, usually by evaluating a referrer field in the HTTP request (which is usually empty when you open a new tab and paste the URL into the address bar). Not all browsers seem to send referrers with requests for inline images, apparently (or in an unexpected format?); for those, PhotoBucket returns an ad-bloated website instead, which cannot be displayed as image. Some other image hosters, instead, always return a deep-linked image as pure image, and have a separate URL for the case you want to link it as presenting web page or album.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Illysia on November 28, 2016, 10:29:43 am
Strange, that link returns a direct image when I click on it. What browsers are you and Mishka using?
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: LigH on November 28, 2016, 10:41:44 am
Opera 12; OK, yes, a bit outdated, maybe ... but still the only wholesome internet suite I like. Seamonkey is a bit ... different. And Vivaldi is still only a web browser.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: MishkaL1138 on November 28, 2016, 12:36:48 pm
Firefox. And I see the image displayed, but when I "right click - see picture" on it, redirects me to photobucket
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Migg on November 28, 2016, 01:14:10 pm
My market posts all use photobucket. I never had a problem seeing embedded images, but yes clicking the link redirects to photobucket. But then so do other services.
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Illysia on November 28, 2016, 02:04:03 pm
Well, the intent was that you would save the file directly from the thread. The image hasn't been resized; just right click and click save as. :p
Title: Re: Stop using PhotoBucket! ... please?
Post by: Volki on November 28, 2016, 10:36:29 pm

I prefer this one for many reasons.