
Support => Complaint Department => Topic started by: Dilihin on January 16, 2017, 06:14:53 am

Title: Death has no impact
Post by: Dilihin on January 16, 2017, 06:14:53 am
yesterday, again, like countless other times, someone died. And after dying, the victim pretty much casually walked back from death ( or atleast it seemed like so). This pretty much makes the impact of death 0. True death has some impact, yes, as it is permannent, but normal death? Nobody seemed to care anymore. Honesty after seeing countless deaths, slash from a sword or taking arrow to a knee seems to be more injuring and having more impact, wherein death seems like good way to heal injuries. So i would apreciate if normal death could be made more severe.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Mairon on January 16, 2017, 11:04:46 am
And I would appreciate killing you near the plat mines (after you get loaded enough with ore) for starting such a topic. You are half-dead when you get back from DR.
There is a hoard of games with permadeath out there.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Dilihin on January 16, 2017, 11:12:52 am
And I would appreciate killing you near the plat mines (after you get loaded enough with ore) for starting such a topic. You are half-dead when you get back from DR.
There is a hoard of games with permadeath out there.

what are you even talking about? I didn't say "one should always permadie".
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Mairon on January 16, 2017, 11:28:31 am
Nor did I think you said. Just imagine being half-dead and ask yourself, whether it is painful or not.
However, I thought about something like getting slightly weaker after every death, with Dakkru draining your energy to the DR, but it should not be that plain IMO.
The debuff needs to be more covert. Maybe an attack/defence modifier debuff.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Dilihin on January 16, 2017, 11:45:53 am
Its not about debuffs or buffs, but IC wise. The IC effects are far more important than mechanic debuffs.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Illysia on January 16, 2017, 12:02:11 pm
People complained bitterly when Dakkru's Curse was introduced. They called it too harsh. People also complained about death being too trivial which is how we got Dakkru's curse. I think the take away is that it is hard to use mechanics to enforce an IC perspective.

However, I'm willing to bet the death realm needs to be expanded so people could theoretically spend all their time in there before harsher penalties could be enacted.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Rigwyn on January 16, 2017, 06:17:34 pm
yesterday, again, like countless other times, someone died. And after dying, the victim pretty much casually walked back from death ( or atleast it seemed like so). This pretty much makes the impact of death 0. True death has some impact, yes, as it is permannent, but normal death? Nobody seemed to care anymore. Honesty after seeing countless deaths, slash from a sword or taking arrow to a knee seems to be more injuring and having more impact, wherein death seems like good way to heal injuries. So i would apreciate if normal death could be made more severe.

Dilihin, I feel your pain.

( Not really, but it's a neat thing to say )

Some possible solutions to this ( intended more for players new to RP ) :

* Role play your death in the death realm. Some players used to have alts in the DR. I remember occasionally running into one particular un-dead Diaboli who probably would have been less hospitable to my character if she discovered his true intentions. Then again, maybe she knew but was pretending to not know. She was age-bound and thus, could not leave the DR without instantly withering into a pile of wrinkled skin and pus, so did not really know what was going on up above. She might have heard rumors, or then again, she might not have cared much. It was interesting to run into this character each time and have another encounter and hopefully discover a bit more.

* Injure, but don't kill. In the Outlaws, we used to chop off our enemies tails, fingers or locks of hair and then have something to trade back at a future date. Having your enemy's tail in a nice little box also gives them IC motivation to summon a party and attempt to take it back. As for rot, we have magic and alchemy and all that jazz. Something can always be done to preserve or restore that little meat nugget. Worst case, you hire a crafter to make a prosthesis of some sort or just go nubby from there on.

* Play multiple characters. When one dies, you can at least switch to another so you're not out of the game completely. ( by multiple characters, I mean distinct characters, not just another placeholder for the player. )

* Hell, if there is interest, you could just role play in the death realm. Set up a community of un-dead ( well, technically alive if you believe what you read ) players in the DR.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Jawir on January 18, 2017, 03:38:38 pm
Its not about debuffs or buffs, but IC wise. The IC effects are far more important than mechanic debuffs.

To me this seems a contradiction: "IC effects are far more important than mechanic debuffs" but then you ask a "game mechanic fix".
If you think really that way you already have all the tools you need to fix the situation: roleplay :)
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Mairon on January 18, 2017, 04:29:23 pm
Was just about to say that, Jawir.
You can roleplay nearly anything.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: netforce10 on January 19, 2017, 01:45:45 am
If Death should have a larger impact then I think the only thing that needs to be changed is the lore, as it is it is posed as something not really all that bad which is why Larili, after having died multiple attempts, doesn't mind it as much anymore. I should however have RPed the discomfort more but I was quite tired at the time.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Illysia on January 19, 2017, 11:50:15 am
Was the lore changed at some point? In the past it was definitely described as a traumatic experience.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Tidebringer on January 20, 2017, 02:29:46 am
There's actually a book dealing with death in game, entitled "My Observations on Death and Dying", by Londris... what's-his-face  ;D

I know there's a copy that can be found in the hospital in Amdeneir, which is where I first saw it and read it. Allow me to place a relevant excerpt:

"Of course the process is excruciating. From what I'm told, and my own memories, it is as though your entire body is being torn asunder. The aftershock of it leaves you weakened, nauseous, dizzy, disoriented and experiencing a multitude of other symptoms I've been told about."

That's just a small little excerpt, I highly recommend anyone interested reads the rest of the book! :D
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Rigwyn on January 20, 2017, 03:23:19 am

Those books (all of them) are key to understanding death, the death realm and Dakkru in PlaneShift.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Mairon on January 24, 2017, 08:29:44 am
I have also an idea that Dakkru`s curse time could be calculated randomly, maybe based on the person`s mental and physical stats too, which could be a resistance factor. So if the curse lasts from a few hours to several weeks and 10 minutes is an hour of IG time, it could take up to about 3 hours.
But in that case the time when Dakkru still doesn`t need new players should be expanded.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: cdmoreland on January 24, 2017, 11:36:04 am
I started on EZPC which was the non-rp server and was scared of death and the Death Realm. When Ellis did finally get killed, it took 3 days (and I was playing many hours a day back then) to find my way out. With the number of players we have online at this time a new player may well find themselves in the same position.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Migg on January 24, 2017, 01:26:14 pm
I started on the non-rp server as well. While it has been too long ago to remember how long it took, getting out of the DR wasn't a task I finished in a day, let alone an hour. The portal is not the most prominent feature in the DR either, and it's not as if a new character who has suffered the traumatic experience of wandering through the Death Realm will feel inclined to walk into that ominous mouth!  :'(
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Dilihin on January 24, 2017, 07:27:37 pm
While it can be hard for newbies to find their way out ( yes, even for me, first time i tried planeshift i quit because i couldn't find my way out.... -_-), it has 0 challenge for old players. Maybe adding a penalty for dying often in x time? I think that wouldn't be too harsh and doesn't really punish for dying now and then, only if you abuse death.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: cdmoreland on January 25, 2017, 02:01:14 pm
What about those that worship Dakkru?
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Rigwyn on January 25, 2017, 06:23:11 pm

Players are certainly welcome to impose their own death related limitations on their own characters.

ie. "If my own character dies, I will only allow him to resurrect once but only if someone else does the rez, and there will be a bleak price or consequence."

Usually though, it's more about wanting someone else to impose restrictions on other people's characters.   :-X

Another option is to just completely ignore anyone who does really silly things, but that road has it's pitfalls too.

Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Siteya on January 26, 2017, 01:23:28 am
How my hearts beats...or thus stops...for some time, before once again beating yet some how restricted... its a story, if its not a story here, its stupid. Read the lore...tell your story. Some times you character should die, and some times they should live. its a story. That is the point.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Siteya on January 26, 2017, 01:29:23 am
I feel so inexperienced here with Rig having 1900 posts. :P
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Mairon on January 26, 2017, 05:34:45 am
Those that worship Dakkru welcome it, Waesed. Your life force that`s drained during the resurrection goes into the Dark Crystal, thus making it (and Dark magic as well) more powerful.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: cdmoreland on January 26, 2017, 11:06:10 am
We use to have some great rp by some that worshiped Dakkru.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Mairon on January 26, 2017, 01:12:16 pm
Used? Are there any such people today? Because I haven`t seen anyone, just two, logging for a couple of hours only once.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: cdmoreland on January 29, 2017, 06:39:28 pm
There was even a guild wherein most members were BF. Haven't seen them around of late.
Title: Re: Death has no impact — consequences of readily available resurrection
Post by: Can-ned Food on July 04, 2017, 06:17:34 am
I was rereading this recently, and it brought to mind a synopsis I read of Riverworld.

I never read the original Farmer version, so I don't know the details, but there was something known as “travel by suicide” or such:  people who are killed get resurrected out of the river the same way that they arrived initially. 
Painful, to be sure, but like people have always done, some people learned to accept something and take advantage of it despite the pain.

Anyway, I agree that the original problem was a result of bad RP. 
Should there be on-screen notifications reminding users of the terrible pains and anguish that occur as a result of dying, and which persist when you return to the land of the living? 
Maybe a throbbing graphical tint which complements Dakkru's Curse?  Hehe.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: netforce10 on July 04, 2017, 01:09:45 pm
Can't we just let that incident die? *ba dum tss*

But the reason I RPed Larili as annoyed more than hurt (although execution was still lacking either way) is because of an IC book, which I probably misremember(ed) in which the results were downplayed and people did it for the trill enjoyment as a sport until the long term effect were discovered. Although it most definitely was bad RP on my part that was not the cause.

Reading about the lore and how things are enjoyable to me but a lot needs to come from IC books, being restricted to the library to read those books isn't something I like and I don't think it should be the case. The obvious objection to putting the books online on for example the wiki is that players will cheat the "go find out which plants Nolthrir children play games with" quests. but I don't think there is a problem with that as except for walking to the library the player still fulfilled the purpose the quest has: learning about the world.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Eonwind on July 05, 2017, 02:05:36 pm
Reading about the lore and how things are enjoyable to me but a lot needs to come from IC books, being restricted to the library to read those books isn't something I like and I don't think it should be the case. The obvious objection to putting the books online on for example the wiki is that players will cheat the "go find out which plants Nolthrir children play games with" quests. but I don't think there is a problem with that as except for walking to the library the player still fulfilled the purpose the quest has: learning about the world.
sometime ago we discussed about releasing some of jayose library in the wiki section of planeshift and we agreed it would be fine to let the players read some lore outside the game so they can learn what they need to RP.

However, as of now, we have not the resources to start this task.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: MishkaL1138 on July 05, 2017, 05:04:05 pm
Reading about the lore and how things are enjoyable to me but a lot needs to come from IC books, being restricted to the library to read those books isn't something I like and I don't think it should be the case. The obvious objection to putting the books online on for example the wiki is that players will cheat the "go find out which plants Nolthrir children play games with" quests. but I don't think there is a problem with that as except for walking to the library the player still fulfilled the purpose the quest has: learning about the world.
sometime ago we discussed about releasing some of jayose library in the wiki section of planeshift and we agreed it would be fine to let the players read some lore outside the game so they can learn what they need to RP.

However, as of now, we have not the resources to start this task.

Tell me which books you want in the wiki and you'll get them there. No questions asked.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Dilihin on July 05, 2017, 10:37:57 pm
However, as of now, we have not the resources to start this task.
Literally just copy and paste, plz <.<
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Can-ned Food on July 06, 2017, 02:37:37 am
But the reason I RPed Larili as annoyed more than hurt

Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting:  don't take my comment on “bad RP” as some slight or deprecation.  I don't mean to sound high and mighty, or to make it seem like a bad RP is result of a personality defect on the part fo the roleplayer, even if it is caused by a lapse of their immersion.

There's a little adage I'd like to share — indeed, I think i've already done it here in some earlier post, — and then I'm done:  Everything that happens in RP, is RP.  Inconsistencies happen even in our world and with our personalities; maybe our Ghosts in the Machines have off–days too. 
Furthermore:  ‘Bad RP’ isn't always caused by a single player.
Title: Re: Death has no impact
Post by: Eonwind on July 06, 2017, 06:45:34 am
Reading about the lore and how things are enjoyable to me but a lot needs to come from IC books, being restricted to the library to read those books isn't something I like and I don't think it should be the case. The obvious objection to putting the books online on for example the wiki is that players will cheat the "go find out which plants Nolthrir children play games with" quests. but I don't think there is a problem with that as except for walking to the library the player still fulfilled the purpose the quest has: learning about the world.
sometime ago we discussed about releasing some of jayose library in the wiki section of planeshift and we agreed it would be fine to let the players read some lore outside the game so they can learn what they need to RP.

However, as of now, we have not the resources to start this task.

Tell me which books you want in the wiki and you'll get them there. No questions asked.

Best course of action would be to contact Venalan or Moordan (settings) via IRC.