
Announcements => PlaneShift News and Rules => Topic started by: Uadjet on May 12, 2019, 07:09:56 pm

Title: Dev Q&A May 12th 2019
Post by: Uadjet on May 12, 2019, 07:09:56 pm
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweith (Art)

Uadjet says: Okay, welcome to the Developer Q&A!
Rykia says: Thank you
Rywanda says: thx
Uadjet says: Not sure if Mordaan or any of the other Devs can make it today, so let's call this one a GM-who-spies-on-the-developers Q&A.
Damola giggles
Rykia grins
Uadjet says: Oh, here we go!
Mordaan says: Sorry, had to reboot before logging in.
Uadjet says: Hi Mordaan!
Rykia says: welcome
Uadjet says: No problem. I logged in at the last second myself. Forgot to buy fresh sage for the gnocci.
>Diuren Dietey salutes Mordaan Dev with respect.
Damola says: wow, cooking with fresh sage, awesome :)
Uadjet says: So it's been a little quiet in the last few weeks, but I have overheard a bit of chatter.
Uadjet says: Zwei is hard at work on Amdeneir, trying to get the city nice and polished for the first UE4 release.
Rykia says: That's great news.
Uadjet says: I think Gug is imported into UE4 now.
Uadjet says: The tavern presented some difficulty. Something about the floors and walls not showing up.
Uadjet says: But it got sorted in the end.
Mordaan says: Awesome!
Uadjet says: I asked Ven about the quests I'm working on (Body Dev, and the armor quests), and as usual I was worrying too much about making quests easy. He told me not to worry about tasks being too short.
Damola says: Really nice. I like the screenshots in the forum
Uadjet says: He did okay my using NPC's to mock the players doing the quests, though.
Uadjet says: You'll see what I mean.
Damola says: NPC's mock players, aha…
Damola grins
Uadjet says: Also got my list complete of what spears and polearms I want to do. It's a little Eurocentric, but I'm trying to add it some more exotic options.
Uadjet says: Currently have one spear per race, but not sure that's necessary.
Uadjet says: Fishing spears for the aquatic races, hunting spears for races with hunting traditions, etc.
Uadjet says: Adding fine details to the items will be the trickiest part, as I have no artistic skills, but I can at the very least add materials in Blender and modify them a bit to look as good as the in-game weapons.
Mordaan says: Good enough. Someone can always touch them up later.
Uadjet says: Going to do the crafting books for both regular and plat-steel, and for the crafters the assembly will be like the mace/hammer books where you add various sharp bits to a base and then attach it to the haft.
Uadjet says: Other than events, that's pretty much what I've been working on in the last few weeks.
Mordaan says: Good stuff.
Uadjet says: That and watching my yard turn into a hay field that I can't mow because it's always raining when I have the time.
Mordaan says: :)
Rykia says: You really offer the community a lot of events. That's really cool considering the size of the GM Team. :-)
Damola nods "Yes, I second that. The conclusion of the longer event series yesterday was epic."
Uadjet says: Thanks!
Uadjet says: Got an NPC that that series that I want to bring back later, so there should be more Diaboli events.
Damola smiles "Nice."
Uadjet says: Oh, chatted with Zwei about flying/gliding in UE4.
Uadjet says: Just thought I'd mention that.
Uadjet says: Because I'm a tease, apparently.
Damola says: Oh, and what was the content of your chat, if you feel like sharing it, instead of just teasing us" Damola smirks
Uadjet says: He mentioned that his impression was that it would be more gliding like in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. True flight would be problematic, given that the world isn't complete and players could easily fly off the edges.
Uadjet says: But I did some googling, and it doesn't look hard to add flight to UE4 games.
Mordaan says: That's encouraging.
Damola slowly nods "Well, when flying you'd have a 3rd dimension to navigate, so… there may be two additional keys needed to change altitude."
Uadjet says: Gliding along above the ground would probably be the first thing added.
Damola says: yep, sounds reasonable
Haviland says: I would at least assume that a klyros is able to jump from roofs without any damage
Uadjet says: Innate slowfall?
Haviland says: I should be able without any spells, should'nt I?
Diuren says: New keys are not really important. You can't control your speed without a relation to the angle of the wings. So - W = down and faster; S = up and slower. ArcheAge has a quite intuitive control concept in this regard.
Damola says: hmmm, whatever works
Diuren says: You may not be able to rise, just to delay the landing
Uadjet says: Yeah, I'm just hoping some level of flight will be available for UE4 Amdeneir. Especially if the stalactites above the city have houses built into them.
Diuren says: Bat caves? :D
Uadjet says: @Diuren: That's the idea with Klyros natural flight, I think. Zwei suggested a double jump activates the glide ability.
Haviland says: that would be a fine addition
Diuren says: ArcheAge allows it the same way.
Uadjet says: On another topic, people seem to like the mentions of other places around the Dome, so I'm going to try and work those into more events. I can't really make the places, but maybe I can do a bit.
Diuren says: Furthermore I hope we will be able to use the same mouse look/turn schema like AA / Rift / WoW: Holding LMB turns the camera around the char, holding RMB turns the char itself. So you can move with keyboard and mouse together and control the viewing angle as well as the walking angle.
Diuren says: Since I play other games, I really miss mosue movement like I am used to in other games. Currently, PS is not able to simulate it.
Mordaan says: Ah, places like Homestead and Hetsan?
Uadjet says: I was thinking of using the huge lake as Emerald Lake for one thing.
Uadjet says: I have to pull my info off the maps posted in the Discord Dev channel, as I have to access to the Dev portions of Jayose.
Uadjet says: Still, those maps give me plenty of ideas.
Mordaan says: I haven been in favor of making those maps public for years.
Uadjet says: We've got a lot of variety on just this one level, with a couple huge lakes (one glowing), forests, jungle, deserts, and plenty of grasslands.
Mordaan says: It's not set in stone, but gives you an interesting perspective of "you are here".
Uadjet says: Yeah.
Mordaan says: Though a lot of things are backwards.
Mordaan says: Things on Ojaroad that should be on BD road and vice versa.
Mordaan says: Those were switched a long time ago.
Damola thinks about a secret plan to hide away when on such a secret map so the GM does not find her and does not teleport her back.
Damola fondly remembers a certain thievery not long ago.
Uadjet says: Oh, the idea is that humid air rises from the Deep and spreads out over the Dome when it reaches the ceiling. Stalactites block that moisture-bearing air, so there's less rain in regions where there are a lot of stalactites in the way. Stlagmites prevent air from returning back off the Dome, so regions with a lot of stalagmites tend to get more rain from low-hanging clouds. Hence forests, jungle, lakes, etc.
Rykia says: That makes sense. :)
Uadjet says: So there are good reasons for the varied climate.
Mordaan says: Perhaps less "rain" and more like "drippage"
Diuren says: Regarding "backwards" and roads ... I remember that the location of plants is still quite unintuitive and random, they are not where you read in books or descriptions where they would prefer to be. Like mangroves on a dry ground.
Diuren says: Or white oak in a valley.
Uadjet says: I'm still wondering about the 20 Vigesimi per level, though. After seeing the map of the Dome and how much smaller the lower levels are, you eventually reach a point where a Vigesimi's territory is measured in city blocks. "You rule from Bob's house to Sara's house, and over to that fountain over there."
Uadjet says: But we're 48 minutes in and I haven't even asked if anyone has any questions! If you do, please line up at the podium.
Diuren says: No specific issues today?
Uadjet says: Talad did do another stream or two. The one I saw was about updating the version of Unreal they're using. He seemed pleased with the upgrades, so there's more progress!
Rykia says: Yes, that was nice to see posted at Facebook since it's been a while.
Uadjet says: Trying to remember if there was anything else I wanted to mention...
Haviland says: maybe it's possible to upload a few movies? I'll alway miss the live streams...
Mordaan says: You can watch them any time.
Uadjet says: They're on youtube if you want to watch them, but it would be useful to have some smaller segments cut out for easier viewing.
Mordaan says: They're long though.
Uadjet says: Maybe I can download and cut out some portions.
Mordaan says: Heh, edited "highlights"? :)
Gonger says: Best of Talad.
Haviland says: If I recall corrdectly I saw only one movie showing UE4, but will take another look
Uadjet says: Yeah, Zwei may be a better source of UE4 stuff, but much of what Talad does is in UE4 as well. It's just always Hydlaa. ;)
Haviland says: at least zwei posted some nice screenshots in discord :)
Uadjet says: Yes, those are really fun to see.
Uadjet says: Well, if there are no questions I think we can bring the meeting to a close.
Mordaan says: Thanks once again for attending!