
Announcements => PlaneShift News and Rules => Topic started by: Uadjet on March 19, 2021, 02:43:47 am

Title: Dev Q&A March 14th 2021
Post by: Uadjet on March 19, 2021, 02:43:47 am
Here's the Q&A log for the March 14th meeting. Sorry it took so long, but I spent a few days trying to fix my computer. My early attempts just ended up increasing my boot to to nearly an hour.  :@#\  A fresh install on a new drive sorted it right out, though.  ;D

Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: I'm alone on the stage at the moment, though I've poked the dev channel in discord, so who knows?
Uadjet says: But since I didnt', I'm Uadjet and as you can see I'm continuing my proud tradition of not cleaning up after myself!
Uadjet points to the random items in front of him.
Damola grins
Damola says: Any questions, anyone?
Migg says: :D
Damola looks around
Uadjet says: As I said, if you have any questions please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage. If not, I'll go on for a bit about what the dev team is working on.
Uadjet says: Gonger?
Gonger says: One question: What is all this stuff good for, except for making jokes on Damola, which is not a bad reason at all?
Rykia says: haha
Migg says: :P
Damola looks to Gonger "Heh!"
Gonger says: So there is no other reason?
Uadjet says: This is something I was discussing with Migg, and... I don't want to spoil things, but it's for somethign next week.
Gonger says: Aha
Uadjet says: We were trying out different items to get the right look.
Uadjet says: Any time I build something using items from the game there is a process of conjuring up items with the right shape or color or size, and seeing which combination of things looks most like what it should look like. It's how I build the catapult and ballista outside Gug.
Migg says: Uadjet was helping me fix the setup for a gamne next week, at the Imperial Festival
Migg says: so if you come thete, you can see for yourselves :D
Jilerel wonders what that Imperial and festival means
Migg says: though I have posted quite the spoiler in the forum
Uadjet says: Okay, as there's nobody else in line to ask a question, I'll tell you what Talad's been working on.
Damola says: Nice!
Migg says: great!
Uadjet says: I dont' know if every aspect is working, but he's not just porting things over. He's got a plan to improve upon them.
Uadjet says: The idea is that pets will start out small, and grow as they improve their stats.
Anysu says: Did many streams on Pets.
Uadjet says: Talad even managed to teach them how to eat food if it's dropped near them.
Gonger says: To my dismay I discovered yesterday that groffels do not like beer.
Gonger says: Oh, I have a real question...
Migg says: get a youlbar
Gonger says: How to register for the PS Wiki? There is a login field, but I could not see any way to register.
Uadjet says: Ah, that was closed due to spam registration attempts, I think. We'll need Talad to open it up again.
Migg says: perhaps you could ask a dev or gm to register you
Migg says: then no spammers can get in
Migg says: at least in theory :)
Gonger says: Can you do it, Uadjet?
Damola says: Nice to hear that about pets.
Damola says: Haha, there could even be an /eat emote command for chars, so our beloved chars can also eat something.
Migg starts eating his fingernails
Uadjet says: Sadly that's beyond my abilities.
Uadjet says: That's website stuff. I only have mojo in game. :)
Damola looks surprised "Even GM powers are limited."
Gonger says: So ask Talad in chat, Uadjet?
Uadjet says: I will, but I think Talad's still streaming right now.
Gonger says: No, I meant "Should I ask Talad in chat?"
Gonger says: I will try later :)
Uadjet says: Oh, sure.
Uadjet says: I know there has been some work done on info that could be added there, so it would be nice to see it start growing again.
Uadjet says: So Talad's been working on pets and doing a lot of bugfixing
Uadjet says: I know that just about everyone on the dev team has done some work on teh Unreal map, tracking down the bits that don't make sense and cleaning them up.
Uadjet says: Just had to check my logs to see what the devs have mentioned...
Uadjet says: But I know that work on the Outpost (not the Explorer's one) is continuing, though I suspect players won't be able to see it until it's done. That's one of the surprises that they're holding on to.
Anysu says: Oh another post, nice!
Uadjet says: Zwei did mention at a previous meeting that it is a Stonehammer outpost in the Labyrinths.
Uadjet says: From the concept art, it should be amazing!
Migg says: hear hear!
Damola says: Wonderful
Anysu says: In the Labyrinths? Will we be able to go into there?
Uadjet says: I don't know how much they'll do and how soon, but you'll get at least a taste of it.
Uadjet says: Zwei has also done some work on the Bronze Doors. Specifically, making actual doors.
Jilerel says: Oh, now we can exile people and lock them inside the labyrinths =D
Jilerel says: I mean, suggest people to explore the labyrinths for the benefit of scholars.
Anysu want to actually explore, Labyrinths.
Migg says: woot, actlual bronze doors!
Anysu says: Could be another dungeon area to explore... be cool.
Uadjet says: Yeah, I'm pretty excited about that too! I'm thinking of a creature that was free on Unreal's marketplace, and wondering if it could have a place in there.
Uadjet says: Just checked the images again. He's done a lot of work on the BD area.
Uadjet says: And on top of that, the Lemur models are being worked on.
Jilerel says: Something I talked about on discord and a bit before on stream is the licensing on the source code of the game; I understand that the UE4 related code cannot be under any open source license, but PS's code itself can be open source. So what's the plan on that?
Uadjet says: Oh, you'll need Talad to answer that.
Uadjet says: I mostly run events and try to keep players from turning this into Lord of the Flies with magic.
Uadjet says: The legal issues are well outside my area of expertise.
Anysu turns into a fly and buzzes around Uadjet
Anysu says: lol
Jilerel says: I see, thanks. I'm kinda bothered by that matter around the UE port, but we'll see where that goes then
Migg says: lol
Anysu says: That was fun!
Migg says: quick! bring a swatter!
Anysu says: eeeekkk
Migg says: EEEek!
Migg says: Shoo, shoo!
Uadjet says: I know the chain info isn't much of a hint, but that chain is attached to other things, and... It's really going to be fun, is all I'm saying. :D
Anysu says: Okay sorry for disrupting the meet.
Anysu sits quietly buzzing as she listens
Migg says: A chain of interesting events!
Uadjet says: Let's see... I mentioned BD, Ylianf, the lemurs (the models look great!), pets, bugfixing...
Harither says: lto of bugfixing..
Uadjet says: Ven is working on fixing bugs with porting quests.
Anysu laughs at bugfixes
Harither says: new world lotta little bugsies.
Migg says: There's a bug! Let's resolve it!
Anysu says: Oooooh!!!
Damola protests "No poison in here!"
Thosor pulls out a KARGE can of DDT spray.
Migg says: What did you spray that bug with?!!!
Venalan says: I had a little time so thought i'd jump in quickly
Anysu salutes with a wing
Damola says: Hi Ven.
Venalan says: ive been finding bugs in quests, still a lot to test. The system is really quite complex
Migg says: Yes, we have lots of bugs in here too
Anysu cringes... well was a bug.
Venalan says: after quests are done i think ill go back into adding more stuff to the world
Venalan says: I want to do more caves
Damola says: Nice.
Venalan says: I've nothing else to add
Uadjet says: Okay. :)
Uadjet says: Thank you all for coming! We'll see you again in two weeks. Have fun!
Anysu says: Thanks for all you do GM and DEVs
Rykia says: Thanks to all the volunteers for PS. :)
Migg says: Thank you all for the great work!
Title: Re: Dev Q&A March 14th 2021
Post by: Migg on March 21, 2021, 01:06:08 pm
Even though I always try to attend in person, I enjoy reading these transcripts, and I'd like to thank you Uadjet for posting them in the forum!  \\o//