
Announcements => PlaneShift News and Rules => Topic started by: Uadjet on July 25, 2021, 04:47:51 pm

Title: Dev Q&A June 27, 2021
Post by: Uadjet on July 25, 2021, 04:47:51 pm
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Zarre chuckles
Uadjet says: So if you have a question, please step up to the lecterns.
Uadjet says: Damola?
Damola smiles "I have one."
Damola says: About PSUnreal, I did not check for myself, maybe it is a known bug. On the way from Gugrontid towards Delver, somewhere higher up a mountain, I am still exploring, it looks all quite different, the color changes considerable. As if inverted. All very bright with lots of yellow and red. Trees in kind of bright yellow or beigeā€¦ instead of green for example. After walking a bit more on that path way, the color changes to normal again. Is this known?"
Damola says: If not, I may try whether the position command is already implemented, make a screenshot and report it on Flyspray.
Uadjet says: Hmm. I haven't encountered that. It could be an error loading the map tile at the lowest LoD.
Damola says: Hmmm, I will check flyspray then and if I do not find it there, report it.
Damola says: By the way, Delver is nice.
Uadjet says: It is!
Uadjet says: There are still a few of the Hydlaa buildings there. Delver was initially right on the edge of two map tiles. When Talad made the new version he cleared the buildings from the map tile he made the village on, but not the other.
Uadjet says: It'll be fixed, and quite easily, but it's not the highest priority at the moment.
Uadjet says: If there aren't any more questions at the moment, I'll give you a quick update.
Damola says: Yeah, please do.
Uadjet says: Talad's been doing a lot of work (as always) with bugfixing, Tribes, music, and maps.
Migg says: Music!
Migg says: Which music? ambient?
Uadjet says: The tribes are getting more complex, allowing them to gather resources and even change their environment.
Damola says: Nice, Music! I like the music that plays something in PSUnreal. I think in Hydlaa.
Zarre says: Any progress making it possible for 3 players to start playing music at the same time?
Thosor says: Or to move while playing?
Migg says: Oh, let the band march on!
Zarre says: lol...or just walk around a bit?
Uadjet says: I don't know about movign while playing, but Talad is working on player-made and performed music.
Migg says: \o/
Migg says: Yay!
Zarre says: Yay!
Uadjet says: So players need not fear that music will be delayed!
Uadjet says: He's also got pterosaur travel working, which is quite nice.
Uadjet says: No more 21 minute sprints from Hydlaa to Amdeneir.
Zarre says: ouch
Thosor says: when? I got stuck at "perfect" then nothing.
Uadjet says: And i honestly got lucky with my starting direction. I could have missed by a long way.
Damola says: Nice, Ptero travel working. Looking forward to update!
Migg says: I intend to walk the first time
Uadjet says: Like when I tried to go from Hydlaa to Homestead, and managed to go 90 degrees in the wrong direction and find the Ojaveda desert.
Uadjet says: Oh, definitely walk the first time!
Damola says: I still did not figure out the way to Amdeneir, but I eventually will.
Uadjet says: I loved watching Amdeneir load in the distance.
Uadjet says: And the forest around it.
Damola says: Yeah, its great to explore the wilderness.
Uadjet says: And the Rockdom quarry, etc...
Migg says: if you go straight, you are bound to either find the labyrinths or the edge
Damola says: It still resembles what is in PS CS, but it is a lot more natural and quite different as well.
Lurielle says: North from Gugrontid?
Anysu cheers about ptero travel
Migg says: Does the loading screen map for ptero travel resemble the actual outline in PSU?
Damola says: I tried to find a path way from Gug, but didn't. Anyway, no spoilers please, I like to find for myself :)
Uadjet says: N from Gug is the Eagle BD fortress. Amdneir is more WNW.
Damola says: By the way no loading screens when running around in PS Unreal, its all one map ;). For Pterosaur travel, I don't know.
Damola says: Would be great to be sat onto a Pterosaur and experience the actual flying, maybe with a way to shortcut the animation.
Anysu says: lack of loading screens, nice.
Uadjet says: The roads are more of a distraction than a help at the moment, with a few exceptions.
Anysu nods at Damola
Uadjet says: Talad and Zwei have also done a lot of work on maps, including... But I'm sure you wouldn't be interested in new areas.
Migg says: :o
Damola says: Oh, I mostly walked the roads so far, but good hint, then I will leave them here and there.
Damola thinks out GM does enjoy teasing us
Anysu says: new areas!! Please tel!!
Uadjet says: Well, you know how the BD fortress has been lacking the "BD" part?
Uadjet says: As in, no Bronze Doors?
Damola says: Hmm, yeah.
Uadjet says: Well, that's been fixed.
Uadjet says: Nice big doors.
Damola says: We recently had this in a certain event with Attier and Chelsair
Thosor says: with locks?
Uadjet says: AND a large area just on the other side.
Damola says: Got to visit BD still in PSUnreal
Damola says: So much to explore there
Uadjet says: AND some caves leading into the Stone Labyrinths proper.
Lurielle says: Wow and are we allowed to go there?
Uadjet says: The current version of unreal has collision turned on for that whole area. Can't even teleport into it.
Uadjet says: Believe me, I tried!
Uadjet says: Players will be able to get there, yes.
Uadjet says: New players will, I think, find that area before the rest of the game.
Anysu cheers
Dentritus says: are there any indoor areas yet like this room?
Uadjet says: Do you mean separate maps like this?
Uadjet says: There are indoor areas like Kada's. Delver has a few buildings that players can enter.
Uadjet says: You just hit "E" (the new interact key) to open the door.
Dentritus says: Did not try Kada's yet, but found no doors so far I could open.
Migg says: do indoor areas resemble the house they are in? like Kada's?
Migg says: GH maps ton't fit their exterior
Migg says: *dont
Uadjet says: Well, the new indoor areas are all part of the same map as the exterior, so unless there's some weird Doctor Who stuff going on, they will match.
Migg says: Ah, a tardis!
Gonger says: Greetings. A question just came to my mind - will it ever be possible for GMs / DEVs to change certain parameters for certain areas? I am thinking of respawn time in a particularly dangerous zone, for example.
Gonger says: Ups, I already hit Enter... sorry
Gonger says: Anybody there?
Uadjet says: Hmm. I'll have to ask the Devs about that.
Dentritus says: I think some monsters already have different respawn times
Uadjet says: There is the option in the modify command to change intervals of spawns, but that is Dev only.
Dentritus says: I can confirm it at least for Skalg and the surrounding Tefusangs
Gonger says: A second example from the RP about the Gambling Den... Sometimes it would be less distracting if a conversation could be limited to a smaller area. Sometimes there were three things going on at the same time.
Gonger says: It also happens at the market quite often, that conversations overcross to each other, because the talk zones are too big.
Gonger says: Yeah, good point about Skalg. So it is possible.
Migg says: Like a /whisper like the /shout command?
Uadjet says: I suppose a whisper command could be added, but that won't help much if the default talk range is huge.
Migg says: Perhaps color-coding by range will help?
Migg says: like shouts appear purple?
Migg says: Loud talk is purple, normal is white, low is yellow or grey or something?
Uadjet says: Changing speech range via admin command... I'd not considered that. Maybe it could vary by type of map? Interior vs Exterior?
Gonger says: Well, what I mean is, in the Gambling Den in Paajah's Office, the conversation should be limited to the office instead of being heard throughout the Den. I am just wondering whether such a thing would be possible.
Uadjet says: Yeah.
Uadjet says: You really can hear just about everything from every point.
Uadjet says: Maybe interior maps could have a different speech distance.
Thosor says: Guring outdoor events, if one is looking around for items, you get easily out of range.
Thosor says: *during
Thosor says: in legacy
Uadjet says: That might be easier than implementing a new variable to control the range of speech.
Thosor says: I missed Mohonin's whole speech on stage, I was too far away. Thought he was taking cigerette breaks.
Uadjet says: I can pitch it to the Devs, and see what they have to say.
Uadjet says: So if you want to see the new SL area, watch the last stream that he did today. Talad added a lot of tunnels to explore.
Thosor says: cool
Uadjet says: The two recent music streams are also worth checking out.
Gonger says: Trust me, Thosor, it was better like this.
Thosor says: hehe
Uadjet says: That's another aspect. It would be helpful to be able to increase speech range for people who really do need to be heard. Hmm.
Migg says: What about an amplifier?
Uadjet says: I did just read about a spot like that in Delving (Stonehammer city) where a person could speak at a normal volume and would be heard throughout the city.
Uadjet says: A place that was kept under guard to keep people from abusing it, amusingly.
Migg says: In the theater, sound on the stage should carry far and clearly as well
Uadjet says: But being able to dampen or amplify conversation by region/map or individually would be nice.
Anysu nods at Uadjet
Migg says: but what about something like a big horn? using it wil let you be heard far
Migg says: like an amplifier
Uadjet says: Yeah, I was thinking that. If a stage region could be determined in a map like this, anyone standing on it would be heard everywhere on the interior map.
Uadjet says: An item could work, though I think it's less likely to be a problem if it's limited to specific zones or a "buff" that can be added or removed and would clear on exiting the game.
Migg says: It was a real thing, having big horns to speak into that would amplify voice
Uadjet says: I'll see what the Devs have to say about it.
Damola says: Imagine using a sound glyph there
Uadjet says: I suppose an item that makes a normal comment have the range of a shout wouldn't be too bad, given that players are already capable of shouting without the item.
Migg says: megaphone is the word apparently
Uadjet nods.
Uadjet says: Oh, because I love teasing: There are three other areas that are partially done, but not ready yet to be added to the game. I don't know when they'll be done, but new places will keep coming!
Damola says: Looking forward to those!
Uadjet says: So, unless someone has another question...
Gonger says: Sounds great.
Uadjet says: Then I think it's time to bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and we'll see you at the next meeting in two weeks. Have fun!
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Migg says: Thanks for the updates and all thehard work!
Damola says: Have fun!
Damola says: Thanks!
Migg says: Bye all, a good night!
Anysu says: Be handy if one could wave and still remain seated.
Uadjet says: That'll work in PSU.
Uadjet says: I think.
Anysu says: Good to know!!
Anysu claps
Uadjet says: The wave animation could be played just from the waist up.
Anysu says: Nice.
Anysu says: Thanks for the meeting and all you do Uadjet.
Anysu says: Bye all!!
Lurielle says: Goodbye
Anysu says: Thanks to Devs as well.