
Announcements => PlaneShift News and Rules => Topic started by: Uadjet on August 31, 2021, 06:10:50 pm

Title: Dev Q&A August 22nd 2021
Post by: Uadjet on August 31, 2021, 06:10:50 pm
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Zarre says: Hi Uadjet l/
Fliks says: two Uadjets :O
Beadeater Did you ever find out what happened to magic ranks on way quests?
Fliks says: they go up
Zarre smiles, "Now pets can talk. "
Stalfos says: They used to
Awaade says: Pets that talk can be dangerous... They will spread a word how you threat them
Uadjet says: I think that's changing. The Devs are trying to make it possible for people to train via quests instead of grinding. It won't be nearly as fast, but still possible.
Zarre says: Only if you admit to hearing a pet talk in the first place. ;-)
Uadjet says: As part of theat, quests that teach a skill in some way will provide a level or two in that skill.
Fliks says: quick make my Grofel a KiKiri
Uadjet says: I can't morph npcs.
Beadeater : So we we may be able to gain ranks again in the ways from the ways quests?
Fliks says: oh ok
Uadjet says: Believe me I tried
Stalfos says: Use Polymorph with brew potion, then give the potion to your familiar
Uadjet chuckles. "Pets can eat in PSU, but I don't know about potions."
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Jeranenie says: I expect the NPC server will need to be restarted for the morph to take
Fliks says: yes i can feed my grofel
Stalfos says: OK, that was neverwinter nights, except brew potion wouldn't work with lvl 4 or above spells
Uadjet says: And I think these are the only two potions that have a morphing effect.
Fliks says: dun dun dun
Stalfos says: Yes please, rogue potions all round
Fliks says: can i drink
Stalfos says: 10 fore each attendee
>Fliks Clawrer nods at Stalfos Kyralum.
Uadjet says: Those have very long durations, and as they're spell effects I think only dying gets rid of them early.
>Uadjet picked up a Minor Rogue Potion
>You drink the potion and are morphed into a rogue as a disguise!
Stalfos says: Sounds great, it's your round
>Uadjet picked up a Major Rogue Potion
Uadjet says: So unless Beadeater has another question, I'll give you all a little update.
Awaade says: Shortcut of Talads week of streaming in like 5 minutes?
Uadjet says: That's a good bit of it, yeah. :D
Uadjet says: He's been doing a lot of work on ambient sounds.
Stalfos says: Doesn't sound like a major priority
Uadjet says: Part of it is music, so that each major place has its own songs.
Uadjet says: Well, I don't know. A completely silent world isn't very engaging.
Gonger says: There is someone playing around with stupid character names, this morning we had Clerical Erroor, now it is Paladinn Celerity.
Uadjet says: Now if you can hear birds as you're running along, and frogs when you pass a lake, it just feels more real.
Stalfos says: What is needed is the ability to craft Rogue Potions, THEN work on abmient sounds
Awaade says: music can be good, but ambient sounds of landscape or citizens can have great impact on gameplay
Gonger says: Yes, sounds will make things more realistic.
Gonger says: And Stalfos, good luck telling Talad what to do next.
Stalfos says: I wouldn't dream of arguing with a god
Awaade says: Gonger - if you try hard enough on streams he may listen :D
Stalfos says: I might sick beadeater on him though
Awaade says: anyway we were chosing ylian female character model as viewers :D
Uadjet says: Heh, if he can put up with my jokes I think it's safe to conclude he's hard to anger.
Stalfos says: You can't even change Ylian female hair colours, ALL BLONDE
Gonger says: Very unrealistic, that.
Stalfos says: Bottle Blondes I'd wager
Gonger says: After all natural blondes will dye out in the long run.
Uadjet says: I think getting Ylian women in the game was the top priority. Hair color is relatively easy to change, but not as essential as other tasks.
Stalfos says: Like Ambient sounds!?
Stalfos says: But if the BLonde to brunette ratio gets to high the world ends
Awaade says: characterisation is definitely not pirimary focus for Talad, for start we need to have updated models for each race at least\
Uadjet says: If redheads die out the world isn't worth living in anymore.
Uadjet says: But I digress.
Awaade says: we want Merrida
Stalfos says: True, they can survive on less sunlight for their Vitamin D
Uadjet says: He's got it set up so that some sounds can only be heard in some sections of the map.
Gonger says: Apparently blond is on a recessive gene with humans, so in the long run...
Awaade says: we dont have sunlight here, only reflection via crystal xd
Stalfos says: Redheads are more recessive then Blonde though, I think
Uadjet says: The best example of that is the Arena. Ven and others have put in a lot of work to make the different sections look different, and be appropriate habitats for whatever type of creature is in them.
Stalfos says: The crystal gives Vitamin D, just during eclipse, eat mushrooms
Uadjet says: Now we can have sounds for each section that won't overlap. You'd only heard riverlings, for example, in their section and presumable just outside the door.
Awaade says: oh yes, i hate running around and around arena, usually i turn wrong way on first try so need to go 3/4 of way to destination
Stalfos says: Order of Keen Edge, left then right to escape arena
Stalfos says: or opposite order of keen edge for Veja
Awaade says: get killed by any monster inside and speedrun via death realm to Harnquist XD
Beadeater : Also, how come Yulbars don#t seem to be available in CS anymore?
Gonger says: Awesome work, that.
>Overriding race for Uadjet to yulbar
Gonger says: Awaade, you need to check the barrels in the corridors...
Uadjet says: They aren't? In what way?
Uadjet says: The stack of three barrels is the way out.
Uadjet says: Two on the bottom, and a third on top of those, iirc.
Stalfos says: I've tried many new characters, they all seem to get Groffels, whereas earlier they were so rare
Awaade says: Will do :)
Uadjet says: It's based on race of character, I believe.
Gonger says: And in the central room, one exit is marked. Just look closely.
Stalfos says: Hmm, I tried Kran, Nolthrir, Enki, All Groffel
Uadjet says: Some get groffels, and some get yulbars. Nobody gets baggas, as they don't exist yet.
Anysu says: I got Yulber.
Uadjet says: Stonehammers might get yulbars. Kran, maybe?
>Anysu Atani raises an arm and points towards Callisto.
Stalfos says: Hmm wait my old Nolthrir got Yulbar
Awaade says: i dont remember which one i have on second character,
Awaade says: ylian
Stalfos says: Thosor has Groffel
Uadjet says: Maybe I'm wrong. It could be race and gender.
Stalfos says: Now Groffel is so common I kinda want Yulbar
Uadjet says: Or maybe there's a randomness to it.
Anysu says: My other enki and Ylian have groffel
Stalfos says: Tried like 10 characters and it was Groffel
Uadjet says: That's weird. I'll ask Talad when the stream is over.
Awaade says: toss a cvoin to decide, head, tails and rim :D
Stalfos says: Yes, same name but it's different now
Stalfos says: This isn;t Discworld?
Awaade says: dev meeting while talad is streaming, cant be in 3 places same time... can I? :D
Stalfos says: It's Stalagtite world
Uadjet says: So other than sounds (and map fixes), Talad has also worked on shapechanging. It's complex in Unreal, but it is at least partially working now.
Anysu says: Will the shapechanging be same as in Legacy?
Uadjet says: That one had me worried, as I use it for nearly every event. It's also how the polymoprh spell works.
Uadjet says: I think so, Anysu. Right now it's still buggy to change from player race to monster and then back again, but a relog would fix that.
Fliks says: how do you turn into other things
Anysu nods at Uadjet
Awaade says: *sings* its a kind of magic ;)
Uadjet says: It's the polymorph spell. Blue Way.
Uadjet says: GM's just use /morph, which has no timer.
Fliks says: ooh
Uadjet says: Oh, last bit of info on ambient sounds is that Talad has been doing a day/night cycle, so things will sound different depending on the time of day.
Stalfos says: Yeah I just tried Polymorph in UE and nothing happened
Uadjet says: Okay, so other than sounds, Talad's been talking about player housing. Specifically, player-built housing.
Stalfos says: Aww lookit the lil Yulbar
Fliks says: YAY
Stalfos says: I built a Tower In Bronze doors outside, but I think Thosor dismantled it
Fliks says: i can have a home finaly
Awaade says: on one hand: i need to grab UE and help debug with linux and my job experience in finding bugs, on other hand: just watching UE streams makes this client pretty much ugly and You dont want to play anymore this version...
Gonger says: That was not said, Fliks.
Gonger says: If the rules for homes stay as they are...
Fliks looks to gonger i can still build one with carpets
>Overriding race for Uadjet to yulbar
Stalfos says: Pthhh, in my day we had 16 bit graphics, and we were happy with it
>Label color of Uadjet set to gm
Fliks says: eek giant pet
Stalfos says: AHAHA
Gonger says: Graphics? I used to play MUDs... purely text-based with some occasional ASCII art
>Fliks Clawrer begins casting a spell at Uadjet!
Uadjet says: Talad was using the area outside Amdeneir's walls as an example of a flat, empty space where players could build things.
Fliks says: i do like the sound of that
Uadjet says: There would of course be limits. Applying for a plot of land, costs, and then everything you'd need to build the building.
Fliks says: but i already see a problem with that
Awaade says: Yeah, i reminded MUDs on stream, Talad told that PS was MUD dozen years ago...
Stalfos says: Only the richer players can afford then
Uadjet says: And unused buildings would need to fall apart of disappear if abandoned for too long.
Uadjet says: I don't know about richer.
Awaade says: richer is kinda off... after reaching some point in character development you cant be poor :D
Fliks says: ooh im realy likeing this
Uadjet says: i think time spent in game would matter.
Stalfos says: Sure, they disappear cos other players teal them if you are away from them or offline
Gonger says: Right now everybody is rich... there is way too much money in thegame.
Uadjet says: There are players who are ridiculously rich, and if they rebalance things for PSU then it would be profoundly unfair to newer players.
Awaade says: that makes me wonder how much tria you can get into character without breaking game XD
Stalfos says: Sure but I'm still poor compared to olders players, cos they had to max via grinding not skill quests
Fliks says: hmm i dont think that 299k tria is alot by nower day standards
Gonger says: Older players also had to pay for skill training.
Uadjet says: One of the common topics for discussion in the secret channel - and in the secret channels in IRC back when - is how to deal with the excess tria.
Stalfos says: I do remember that, although I rerolled after that
Zarre says: Not all old players are rich either. ;)
Fliks says: how can you have too much tria
Anysu nods at Gonger about skill trianing cost
Stalfos says: Also the walk over to the approriate trainer
>Stalfos Kyralum draws a weapon and swings it at Uadjet!
Awaade says: i remember times when not only you paid for skill training, you had to buy teorethical knowledge and then practice rest of skill level...
Awaade says: soe more or less getting back to trainer after each skill level gained XD
Fliks says: that dose not sound nice
>Teleported Damola Etedi to meetingore in instance 345
Awaade says: that was unique skilling in MMO - at that time there was only 2 or 3 games that had option to train all skills and none was that complicated
>Damola Etedi waves at Uadjet
Stalfos says: Tria and PP of course, I remember standing on top of the rogue camps tents and summoning missile
Uadjet says: So the Devs are thinking tria could be used to speed up access to certain things. Not critical things, of course. More cosmetic.
Damola says: Oh look! A cute Yulbar!
Damola says: Here, you sure need some more sand cookies than a regular one.
Stalfos says: It just tried to eat my Groffel
Uadjet says: Techinically a yulbarisaur.
Damola says: Oh, that is not so nice, then I better give it some sand cookies.
Fliks says: ha
Anysu says: I recall all the gathering of pp and tria.
Awaade says: climbing skill was usable ... i mean OLD times XD
Damola says: Some day I post all those inoffcial screenshots somewhere on the internet.
Damola grins
Zarre says: Fun climbing days :)
Awaade says: my first contact with planeshift was definitely more than 10y ago
Stalfos says: I mean, I remember paying for skill training, Xacha, Diaboli, 2 Dwarf races
>Damola Etedi waves at Awaade Savaig
Damola says: Wow, and now you play again, Awaade? Great.
Damola says: Kga, Gova.
>Damola Etedi waves at Anysu Atani
Anysu says: Must be more than 10 years for me as well
Awaade says: my other character is over 350h old and that was few years ago and that was not my first contact... name is Kudar Dhanhan
Uadjet nods. "Diaboli are back, and the two Dwarven races were made into purely RP clans with the same stats."
>Damola Etedi waves at Jeranenie Kegur
Gova says: Kga!
Stalfos says: Talad said he may convert Ynwyn into Diaboli
Damola says: hmmm
Awaade says: im playing with this lemur while streaming on twitch
Stalfos says: Finally Lemur models
Fliks says: are you streaming us or a another game
Awaade says: i might not look like lemur right now :P
Uadjet says: I do need to have Talad delete my fourth character slot on this account. There's still a problem with traits where if you have traits not appropriate for your race you crash on character selection.
Uadjet says: Do you have any idea how often I've changed my traits?!?!
Stalfos says: There are traits!?
Awaade says: i stream multiple titles, mostly openttd, minetest, truck simulator, war thunder and now planeshift
Uadjet says: Heck, my GM character is a Derghir with - I believe - red hair in the traits.
Fliks says: whats your twich name thing im going to wach
Zarre says: *smiles*
Stalfos says: No no you Giant Yulabr now
Uadjet says: So the only character on my GM account I can play with is my Ynnwn guard.
Zarre says: Must be ingrown hairs
Stalfos says: Soon to be Diaboli
Uadjet says: So I need Talad to delete that last slot so I can create Ylian women and Lemurs.
Stalfos says: No no you can't Ylian on UE
Uadjet says: No? I thought I saw Talad as one. Maybe that was in the editor.
Stalfos says: Well, there was bug report, supposedly fixed 7.12, but it still doesn't work: new ylians for me on Linux
Stalfos says: Old ones transfered from CS maybe
Awaade says: Fliks - in general i record 30m episodes for YT using Twitch stream, so it is like recording 3-6 episodes on one go while streasming and then uploading to YT
Uadjet says: I'll try it out and see if I can access the new races.
Stalfos says: Hmm seems to be OK if you wait a while, then relog, I'll update the bug report
Stalfos says: Still all blonde though
Uadjet says: And discussion continues regarding the location of Araloth kel'Maren, the Stonehammer city.
Uadjet says: Talad wants to move it to the two map sectors we have in PSU, so that every race has at least one good-sized town or city.
Uadjet says: I'm in love with the description of that city though, so I'm trying to pester him enough that it's placed next to the outer edge and can therefore match the description on the wiki.
Uadjet says: If you haven't read it, just search the wiki for Delving. It sounds amazing.
Awaade says: it might be easier to update wiki :P
Awaade says: just saying :P
Uadjet says: I'm not giving up on that city though! I can see it in my mind, now.
Uadjet says: Maybe I should try building assets for it.
Uadjet says: But that's what the last few weeks have been like in Devland. Any questions?
Awaade says: im getting tired, and i need to wait for wife that is stuck in train, she has no keys to home and train is getting at least 40m late
Awaade says: having fun XD
Awaade says: i saw Talad works on new village with Xiosia shrine, great job, that UE is great job and tons of work
Damola says: Stalfos, you play PSUnreal on Linux? I tried, but it crashes… a lot… when I turn around, after I ran a few meters and then even directly after logging in. 0.7.11 was fine
Uadjet says: That's Homestead.
Stalfos says: Yes, I've had no problems like that
Damola says: I think I read on the wiki, it sounded *awesome*
Uadjet says: I'm glad Talad gave me a list of useful teleport coordinates.
Uadjet says: Though I think he did so to prevent me from littering PSU with teleport marker.
Awaade says: ive beek eaten XD
Stalfos says: You gotta unguard em
Damola says: Hmm, interesting, don't know why it crashes for me then. Well I reported on Flyspray.
Uadjet says: *markers
Stalfos says: Older PC perhaps, also I'm on Mxlinux
Uadjet says: Linus has been having a problem. It's a driver thing, I think. I've read that the Windows version with proton is running well.
Stalfos says: Mine runs natively, I did see the posts though about emulation
Damola says: Well I am on ThinkPad T14 AMD Gen 1 with AMD Ryzen Pro 4750 with integrated graphics, so yes, that is quite new. But it ran very well with 0.7.11 and before.
Anysu says: Guess that should be Linux not Linus there Uadjet
Anysu says: Your last line.
Uadjet facepalms. "No, I was talking about Linus from Peanuts. Still with the blanket..."
Uadjet says: :D
Anysu says: Thought I was in a Peanuts comic strip for a moment.
Stalfos says: Linus Torvalds created Linus yes?
Awaade says: you can say that... but its not enirely true
Awaade says: he was one of devs/creators and based on unix, but he is called father of Tux
Uadjet says: So, if there are no more questions I think we can bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and we'll see you again in...three weeks. It's the second and fourth Sunday of each month, so the extra Sunday this months makes it a longer wait.
Zarre says: Thank you too, Uadjet.
Awaade says: as usual i would not be able to get into, in general my "shift" in home ends about 10pm cet
Fliks says: oh ok
Anysu says: Oh thanks for clarifying that
Anysu says: Thanks for the meeting and all you do, Uadjet!
Uadjet says: Now I have to go see how deep the gorge by the BD Fortress is. There's no way digging 50m down is too deep that far away from the edge!
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Stalfos says: Thank you for this GM meeting
Uadjet says: Oh! I'll do another PSU event next week. Watch the calendar for time.
Stalfos says: can't be a dev meeting without devs perhaps, can Yulbars even use keyboard!?
Gonger says: I will be on holiday in September, and hope to help with testing, then.
>The disguise fades away so you now look normal!
Fliks says: someone should stream the event so i can wach it since i cant play PSU
Damola says: Thanks for the meeting!
Anysu says: Will ther be both a PSU and a PS event next week?
Uadjet says: Yes.
Stalfos says: Different times?
Damola says: Ah, nice.
Anysu nods at Uadjet
Damola says: I hope I can stabilize my PSUnreal Linux client till then.
Damola says: Otherwise, it might be difficult to attend the event.
Stalfos says: Now, about those rogue potions...
Anysu says: I will not make either, need to work long day that day.
Damola hands Uadjet-Yulbarsaur the sand cookies
>Damola asks to trade with you.
>You agree to trade.
Uadjet says: Sorry, I was petting the cat.
>Damola gave Uadjet 24 Sand Cookies.
>Trade complete
Damola says: Yum, yum!
Damola grins
Stalfos says: not with those massive paws, I hope
Uadjet says: Rogue potions will likely be available in limited supply at a future event.
Uadjet says: That cat's a Main Coon. Her paws are bigger.
Damola says: What size can make for a difference.
Damola says: But in the end, even a large Yulbar still looks cute.
Damola says: It still looks sweet.
Gonger says: I think even Uadjet would have a hard time to run two events in parallel in different environments...
Stalfos says: IT looks at you with hunger in it's eyes
Uadjet says: My brain would break.
Damola says: See you
Damola says: It has 24 sand cookies, that will keep it occupied for… maybe a second :)
Stalfos says: That's not even a crumb to this collosus
Anysu says: Bye all
>Anysu Atani waves.
Stalfos says: Bye
Damola says: Then it can eat you Stalfos.
Damola runs away
Stalfos says: I think it is gonna eat your familiar
[Channel] [1: gossip] Uadjet: Okay, the Gorge is about 450 meters deep at the outer wall. There's no way a 60 meter deep city would have any problems with breaking out of the Stalactite. I'm going to make sure Araloth kel'Maren gets made properly if I have to do it myself!