
Announcements => PlaneShift News and Rules => Topic started by: Uadjet on January 16, 2022, 10:57:56 am

Title: Dev Q&A January 9th 2022
Post by: Uadjet on January 16, 2022, 10:57:56 am
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: Gonger?
Gonger says: Greetings! Not a question, more a remark about the Download page on the PS website:
Gonger says: I think point 3 about payment should be changed to make more clear that this is strictly optional.
Gonger says: The way it is now, it looks obligatory, because it is part of a sequence.
Uadjet says: Ah, I haven't checked out that page in a while. One moment...
Uadjet says: I see what you mean.
Uadjet says: It's even listed before downloading the game, which could give the impression that you can't play until you pay something.
Gonger says: Aye
Thosor says: And many may think it is like other games, keep paying in game.
Uadjet says: I'll pass that on to Talad.
Gonger says: So maybe take this point 3 out of sequence, and put it separately below.
Gonger says: "If you wish to support this free game,..."
Gonger says: Thanks.
Uadjet nods. "Good suggestion."
Uadjet says: Okay, so for development news: A new version of the PSU alpha is out!
Damola says: Yeah, it appears movement on mount if improved once more.
Damola says: Did not have much time to play yet, and did not read up on any summary of changes so far, so keen to learn more
Uadjet says: Talad's fixed quite a few things, and he's currently working on the new bugs that have popped up. I missed today's stream, but whatever bug was giving him trouble is now fixed. He mentioned that on DIscord.
Harither says: he fixed in this stream some things.
Harither says: and was happy
Thosor says: Working well in Linux on my Framework machine. Just lightning flash type graphics weirdness as before.
Harither says: at the begin of 0.7.16 been some crashes but they are fixed now
Thosor says: I snoozed all last night there.
Uadjet says: Other than that, Talad is populating and decorating the dungeon he's been working on. It has a few NPCs now. Friendly ones, I mean. Stonehammers. He might not stream the hostile NPC locations. I wouldn't. :D
Thosor says: on the gobble bridge.
Harither says: sorry for the commants inbetween the meeting
Harither says: *comments
Uadjet says: Oh, no need to apologize. It's good to hear what was going on. :)
Uadjet says: And I got infravision and nightvision working, though both need fine tuning before they're ready to use.
Harither says: well we (i think there are some more here) testing for bugs.. trying (sometimes successfully) crashing the server
Uadjet says: Currently, items can be set to different 'heats', so a forge or lavvar will look hotter than a person.
Anysu says: Can you turn that ability option off if do not want to use it?
Uadjet says: Yes. It'll be able to be toggled via keyboard.
Uadjet says: Once I get that working, I'm thinking of working on some underwater effects. I don't know if they're really worth it, but it's a way to start learning to do things in the Unreal editor.
Uadjet says: Now if only I could get the editor to load in under 15 minutes.
Anysu says: Too long a wait for me, that be.
Uadjet says: I want to see if I can get the Nolthrir and Klyros version of nightvision to be a bit blue, as their eyes would be tuned to see better underwater where blue light travels best.
Thosor says: How about sonar pings or whale sounds?
Thosor says: A mount called Flipper?
Uadjet says: That might be included in an underwater pack I got free from Epic, actually. There was one with a crashed WW2 plane in there. :D
Uadjet says: I'm not sure where the sonar pings would be coming from, though. You mean from aquatic playable species?
Gonger says: Who knows what can be discovered in the levels that are underwater?
Uadjet says: Oh, the Deep could have just about anything! I'm not sure the Emerald Lake is quite big enough for whales. :)
Yacare says: dissorted noises of whales to hostile npcs
Thosor says: dolphins do it through their head organ, i believe.
Uadjet says: Talad did say that future maps will include other levels, instead of going all the way around the Dome first.
Damola says: Nice.
Anysu says: Would like to see other levels!!
Uadjet says: That opens up new environments, and room for more cities. I wouldn't mind seeing the Pillars of Felim, myself.
Uadjet says: And having that Winch actually move would be amazing!
Damola says: Would be nice to have the Winch actually doing something. I bet a travel with the winch would be more expensive than with a Pterosaur
Uadjet says: Probably. And it goes down 5 km per level, so it's not a quick trip. I'm assuming they'll shorten that a big. :D
Anysu says: That all be cool.
Damola says: Oh, what was the state regarding swimming and diving? I think in 0.7.15 its not yet implemented. I did not try in 0.7.16 yet.
Uadjet says: So I think having an actual area past the Bronze Doors (not to mention actual bronze doors) and the eventual possibility of seeing the other levels is pretty cool.
Gonger says: Well, after a difficult (work) year 2021, I am building up my energy again, so I will do more advertising for PlaneShift again... Hoping to attract some more people.
Gonger says: More players in the long run will also mean more developers.
Yacare says: wicj plataforn ads run por PS?
Uadjet says: Ah, swimming is (I think) only possible in the lake in Delver. That has to be set up for each area that players can swim in, and I think that's the only one active.
Uadjet says: For those who wish to test it, Delver is the first small town Talad built, and it's on the road between Hydlaa and the Eagle.
Damola says: Ah, I see. Need to try it there then. Damola would very much like to swim!
Gonger says: No ads, Yacare. I am writing reviews, and I answer to other reviews, things like that.
Yacare says: ohh
Lytoza says: Thanks, Gonger.
Yacare says: i mean socail media ads, work
Damola says: Have been there, but did not try to swim there. Its the one with the wind mill were we had an event, right?
Gonger says: Since PS is FFP (Fully Free to Play, my creation to make a difference towards F2P), we can hardly spend money on ads...
Anysu says: *nods at Gonger*
Gonger says: But all ideas are welcome.
Uadjet says: That's the one, Damola. You can swim in the small pond. The one with a few trees growing underwater, last I checked. :D
Yacare says: yeah, but maybe in a future, if PS can raise some money. some of that migth be uses in socials
Gonger says: Feel free to become a Patreon, then.
Gonger says: I did it now :)
Yacare says: haha
Damola says: thanks, Uadjet.
Yacare says: maybe an NFT system?
Gonger says: A what?
Yacare says: it migth work?
Uadjet says: non-fungible token?
Yacare says: i know ps is totally free, but who knows
Yacare says: yup
Damola says: didn't we have a forum thread about that? I did not understand what it all meant.
Gonger says: In that thread I had the impression that the origingal poster wanted to make money for himself throug PlaneShift, by giving a share to the game.
Damola says: Ah… interesting. I did not understand the intention at all.
Yacare says: oh wow
Anysu says: You should not have to pay anything, to do ps. Aside from support as pateron which is only optional. It is not like any game, not to make money but provide an rp platform and to max by doing not paying. IMO
Uadjet says: I never did get an answer on how a free game with no real world currency transactions would benefit from blockchain.
Gonger says: PS is free, PS shall remain free.
Gonger says: FFP, not F2P
Gonger says: I hate all those games that call themselves Free MMORPG, and then are neither FREE, nor RPG in our sense.
Gonger says: Makes it so much harder for people to find PlaneShift...
Anysu nods at Gonger
Yacare says: yup and the others pay millions on ads, thats a big diference
Yacare says: there si s no corner of the internet thta is not flooded with ads of mmrpgs
Thosor says: Someone I met wanted to sell a linux box with planeshift installed to make money. That was a couple cycles ago..
Gonger says: You may have read in the forums about the poll I was running on Reddit...
Gonger says: 555 people answered, and for 219 (!) it is enough RP if they choose a character Class...
Uadjet says: Ugh.
Thosor says: Non-commercial TV is as bad as commercial TV now, with all the "underwriter" ads.
Thosor says: Let those with tria support the game willingly for others to play free.
Anysu says: Any other developer news, Uadjet.
Gonger says: Only 4 people answered the poll on the PS forums
Harither says: a word to the tester... Pleease do check in bugs but before check if the bug already exists.
Uadjet says: I think that's all I have to announce today. Other things do go on, but I can't share quite everything.
Thosor says: I find it a bit hard to navigate the bug checker.
Harither says: in the bugtracker most bugs Ue related begin in the 7000'S
Harither says: i know thorso..
Harither says: but since we have legacy and ue we need to keep it as clean as possible.
Thosor says: If I want to find my flashing problem, is it graphics, layout, etc.
Uadjet says: Graphics, I would think.
Thosor says: Or I'm riding my drifter reverse saddle...
Thosor says: At least I keep my head now with the two vieing positions.
Thosor says: *viewing
Lytoza says: *tries not to laugh but fails*
Uadjet says: I have a joke for riding sidesaddle, but not reverse.
Thosor says: I do that too.
Thosor says: hard with no stirrups
Thosor says: Oh, and one neads a lot of padding on the saddle with it bouncing up and dow a meter or so.
Anysu says: Okay I have to go.
>Thosor Riereri bows to Anysu Atani.
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Uadjet says: Drifters should provide a more gentle ride, one would think.
Anysu says: Thanks for the update, Uadjet
Harither says: i think riding is not in final state
Gonger says: And...pterosaurs???
Harither says: ptero rides work
Thosor says: I can't call my rivnek yet to see if it is different.
Harither says: ptero travel..
Thosor says: Now that the linux version is stable to me, I'll explore the bugtracker.
Uadjet says: It's a bit bumpy, yeah.
Damola says: See you all!
Uadjet says: But we're past the hour and I'm out of updates, so if there are no further questions....
Damola says: Look forward to 0.7.16 testing.
Damola says: Take care!
Gonger says: Any idea when PSU goes live?
Gonger says: Yeah, I know, terrible question... ;-)
Gonger says: I am not really expecting an answer
Yacare says: ok, thanks Uadjet
Thosor says: If the intro doesn't scare off players.
Uadjet says: Heh, no. No idea yet.
Harither says: well
Uadjet says: But it should have plenty of new things to keep people happy!
Harither says: testest and talad have different thoughts about that
Harither says: i think it will take a while..
Harither says: there is still some to implement to be on the same state as legacy (this version of PS=
Harither says: my opinion
Uadjet says: Then I think we can bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and I'll see you again at the next meeting in two weeks. Have fun playing!
Harither says: also the in the world flying items need tobe fixedd.
Harither says: aye Uadhet
Harither says: *Uadjet
>Thosor Riereri bows to Uadjet.
Gonger says: Thank you for everything
Harither says: is Tua the only one who can work on the world beside talad?
Uadjet says: There are a few others, but I don't know how much time they have.
Harither says: i see
Uadjet says: If I did any world in-world, it would be adding hoodoos to the desert around Oja.
Harither says: heh
Harither says: some sandworms would be funny tho.
Harither says: small one not agressive
Uadjet says: There was a giant lizard in one of the free Epic packs. Hmm...
Harither says: hehe
Thosor says: Horny toads?
Gonger says: Horned, you mean...
Uadjet says: I hope....
Harither says: well a funny one
Thosor says: I wanted one so bad as a kid, but the pet shop was ut of them. ended up with an iguana.
Gonger shivers at the thought of meeting a swarm or horny toads.
Thosor says: It was more fun to let crawl into the living room full of my mother's friends.
Uadjet says: Ah, desert dragon. Head's a bit big for the body.
Thosor says: I hear chicken tastes like iguana
Gonger says: Well, thanks to you all, good night.
Thosor says: night all.
Harither says: same
Harither says: have to get up early
Title: Re: Dev Q&A January 9th 2022
Post by: gonger on January 17, 2022, 05:01:02 am
Thanks a lot, Uadjet, for these posts. Very helpful!
