
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: Talad on January 06, 2002, 04:00:45 pm

Title: Politics, wealth
Post by: Talad on January 06, 2002, 04:00:45 pm

                            posted 26-09-2001 09:57 GMT        

                         It\'s be great to have government being run similar to current real world government which would allow for PCs to be able to run for
                         election. Of course they would need to obtain the votes (assuming the game starts with a democratic government) which would
                         require a lot of player interaction (in order to gain PC votes). NPC votes might be dependent on your fame and prestige so
                         entering the game and running straight for election will probably get you nowhere - you may need to go out and do some great
                         things first. If a player gets elected and says he/she will run a democratic government but somehow (if possible) then sets up a
                         dictatorship to ensure he stays in power forever then he may risk civil war or maybe the NPC population may diminish and
                         relocate to another town (more on that below). The loss/gain of NPC population (and most likely PC population) can be a powerful
                         thing as these are the people who are paying the taxes. Such a system means government is most effective when you have a
                         happy population irrespective of the type of government (i.e. democratic, monarchy, fascist, etc).

                         In many RPGs, after you\'ve played for quite a while, you end up with a tonne of money and nothing to spend it on. It would be
                         great to be able to buy shops, taverns, etc to create more wealth. Eventually you\'d be able to able to build a castle/stronghold
                         somewhere which would be the start of a new town. This automatically sets up a monachy government which follows the same
                         principal as outlined above. If you can keep the population safe and happy then your population will grow. Population growth of
                         course creates new problems/opportunities which need to be overcome. Eventually you would levy taxes, create a militia, etc.
                         This would give players a long term objective and the world would gradually take it\'s own shape rather than that given by the world

                         Anyway, just some ideas and I\'d be interested to hear what others think.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 28-09-2001 05:32 GMT            

                         What you described follows more along the genres of a simulation game, with controlling a government, etc. Planeshift is going
                         to be a Role Playing Game. We are possibly going to deal with features such as you stated, but limiting to tavern and housing.
                         (most likely).
                            posted 28-09-2001 10:12 GMT            

                         Oops - sorry; I better explain a little more. One person wouldn\'t control the whole government but rather a single person can run
                         for a single position. Maybe the theives guild wants to lossen up the laws so when they get caught thieving the punishment is
                         negligable. In order to do that they run for election and (over time) get 5 people in to the top 8 positions; they now have majority
                         vote and may start proposing law changes. Eventually this sort of law degradation attracts more thieves to the town as they can
                         get away with their activities. Local citizens, who are now getting sick of getting ripped off, decide that they don\'t like this town
                         and decide to move elsewhere. As you can imagine the town is now degrading into a pit of the low morality citizens. The thieves
                         guild might like this especially as they run the whole show. What started as a democracy has now degraded into a kind of
                         oligarchy (Rule by a small group wielding virtually unlimited power for evil or selfish goals). As you can see each person must
                         play a small part but the over all \"personality\" of the town has totally changed.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 28-09-2001 19:10 GMT            

                         that is a genious idea, never seen that in an RPG!
    PS Official Member
                            posted 28-09-2001 22:23 GMT            

                         The reason it has not been used: It is unplausible and can be very difficult. One thing we may possibly be doing is allowing
                         certain players (ie: our staff, players that we wish to reward, etc.) to take the positions of government, and either appoint them
                         ourselves, or to allow the players to vote for our candidates we select. However, a general with the other players would not
                         function possibly, as it is risky.
                         Also, as you described it in your first post, you seem to have gotten carried away, which lead me to the belief that you meant
                         larger control than you did. Apologies there.
                            posted 07-10-2001 22:43 GMT            

                         Geez, what kind of barbie world game this will be? Lineage has this kind of system. There\'s some castle which can be
                         conquered if you have a guild. The guild leader becomes the king/queen if he manages to capture it, and can for example raise or
                         lower the taxes. Also he/she can control the castle guards what you have to kill if you want to conquer the castle. The guards will
                         respawn after the castle has been conquered (I think), or then you can buy new ones. I don\'t know the system so well, but
                         seemingly it seems to work.
                            posted 08-10-2001 09:27 GMT            

                         it has to be said that in lineage there are no citizen\'s at all, except for some horks that wanderaround and have no AI at all.
                         Besifdes, capturing a castle is something totally different from governing a city. (being the ruler of a castle if your charisma is
                         high enough -do you use charisma?)

                         and after all, lineage isn\'t an FP RPG.

                            posted 09-10-2001 01:40 GMT            

                         yeah, I know Lineage sucks. It has charisma attribute, but I don\'t think you can use it in the whole game.

                         And what\'s this citizen thing? what are those? NPC\'s or PC\'s?
                            posted 09-10-2001 04:53 GMT            

                         PC\'s :player characters. characters in the game controlled by a human being. usually PC\'s are adventurers.
                         NPC\'s:non-player characters. characters in the game that are not directly controlled by a player, (-especially not in a pc rpg, in
                         real-life rpg\'s the gamemaster/dungeonmaster controls the NPC) but that can interact normally with PC\'s. an example of an NPC
                         is an evil ruler.
                         characters: there is no particular word for them, but the beings usually indicated as \'characters\' or \'0 level characters\' are all the
                         other living beings you can encounter in an RPG. Merchandisers, low-int monsters, animals and citizen all belong to this

                         a citizen is an inhabitant of a city. :D
                         villagers are inhabitants of a village, foresters live in a forest etc.

                            posted 09-10-2001 06:43 GMT            

                         I notice that PKing is a hot topic and here\'s one reason why I make the suggestion about the governing bodies that I do.
                         Basically the ruling body would be able to set the laws regarding killing of \"citizens\" (both PCs and NPCs). Then players which
                         wish to PK will naturally migrate to cities which allow PKing and those that don\'t will stay clear. Let\'s go back to my previous
                         scenario of where the thieves guild now runs the city of XXXXXX. The city is rough; killing and theft have become a way of life.
                         Player Y has played for a while and is a high ranking Paladin. He decides he would like to try and rule a city but politics are not
                         his strong point; how else do you get to rule a city? By attacking it and destroying the governing body. Paladin Y now has to
                         recruit an army to overrun this city and do it quietly if he wishes to gain a surprise advantage. This sort of scenario now requires
                         much team work and heavy interaction by all involved players and I\'m a firm believer that player interaction greatly increases and
                         RPG. Want to run around just killing stuff? Play Diablo. Anyway, this is one way in which PKing can be catered to all people.
                            posted 09-10-2001 12:21 GMT            

                         so citizen can be PC or NPC?
                         And yes, I know the difference between PC and NPC
                            posted 18-11-2001 17:02 GMT            

                         I\'m reviving this post its old and interesting and half un answered
                            posted 18-11-2001 20:25 GMT            

                         In my opinion, maintaining a world with a complex system of government isnt easy. There are bound to be problems and I think it
                         is unrealistic to expect to make this game a complete simulation of a real world political system.

                         It would be interesting to see and perhaps if the team could get together when the engine is a bit more finished and try it out to
                         see how it goes then that would be cool...

                         Engine Contrib.
    Ancient One
                            posted 18-11-2001 22:44 GMT            

                         Erm, I know this is old but actually
                         PC= Character controlled by Human.
                         NPC= Everything else even monsters, wildlife and all that stuff.

                         Well this is if you play games like Fallout, Arcanum, Silver, Septerra Core etc. If you play D&D games then its probably different.
                         Oh yeah and Characters= people in the game, persona\'s etc.