
Support => Forum and Website Discussions => Topic started by: _Atticus on August 25, 2003, 08:48:37 pm

Title: A flamer's forum
Post by: _Atticus on August 25, 2003, 08:48:37 pm
I think this type of thread has been done before so I guess this a continuation of it. I request that there should be a part of the forums where PS players and clans can flame each other or you could even flame stupid crap in real life. I mean I see this sometimes over in the guild forums which is just not proper. People just need to get their anger out on someone sometimes for doing a newbish thing or a dumb thing (if there is a difference). I mean take me for example, there is some people that I really hate like Yann from SH, I really hate that guy :evil: (jk). I\'ll even help the administrators name this forum. Call it \"The Pit\" or \"The Cesspool\". Someone back me up here.
Post by: Drilixer on August 25, 2003, 09:00:09 pm
hehe.. I can think of more than a few people that annoy me... but hey! that\'s why we have the \'Hydlaa Plaza\'!!!

Or go ingame in the client and flame away :D
Post by: _Atticus on August 25, 2003, 09:02:17 pm
Anybody can flame anybody in game, it just seems better to flame on these boards where the words can be set in stone.  :D
Post by: Moogie on August 25, 2003, 09:04:58 pm
1. Flaming is against forum rules and not acceptable within these boards. Any blatant, out-of-hand flaming noticed by the moderators is deleted.

2. The community both ingame and here in the forums is happy and friendly, hardly a flamer among us. It\'ll be a cold day in Hell when we see disruptive troublemakers given their very own forum to spam and flame and ruin our reputations in.

3. Because of the above, I doubt a flamer\'s forum will be created. We do not want to encourage this type of behavour. Ever.
Post by: _Atticus on August 25, 2003, 09:10:41 pm
Bah rules are meant to be broken and can always be changed. And I have to ask, Mogura, are you female?
Post by: Drilixer on August 25, 2003, 09:11:41 pm
hehe - *shies away in fear from the menacing image of that dancing cat thing in Moogie\'s Sig*

you win ;)
Post by: Moogie on August 25, 2003, 09:18:49 pm
Originally posted by _Atticus
Bah rules are meant to be broken and can always be changed. And I have to ask, Mogura, are you female?

Yes I am, why do you ask?
Post by: _Atticus on August 25, 2003, 09:25:57 pm
Just wondering, no harm to be done.  :D
Post by: Drilixer on August 25, 2003, 09:26:27 pm
Originally posted by Mogura
Originally posted by _Atticus
Bah rules are meant to be broken and can always be changed. And I have to ask, Mogura, are you female?

Yes I am, why do you ask?

*forgets the cat and begins shieing away from Atticus*
Post by: Kiern on August 26, 2003, 06:25:35 am
There is already a forum for that, it\'s called The Hydlaa Plaza

EXPERIMENTAL: Off-topic chat board. Please do all your chit-chatting here. Moderators will delete obvious spam, overly hateful flames, and cussing but otherwise you have free reign to sink as low as you want.

so...your all wrong :P
Post by: Moogie on August 26, 2003, 07:17:15 am
Off-Topic and Flaming forums are two completely different things. Our off-topic forum is still clean and happy, no flames allowed.

Atticus wants a flamer\'s forum, which is not off-topic, just attracts all the lowlifes into feeding their primitive \'male pride\'-enduced bickering and creating a whole load of grief for us all.
Post by: Yann on August 26, 2003, 10:33:30 am
4 - Hating the Leader of the Rogue guild is a dangerous thing.

Post by: _Atticus on August 26, 2003, 11:00:13 am
Atticus wants a flamer\'s forum, which is not off-topic, just attracts all the lowlifes into feeding their primitive \'male pride\'-enduced bickering and creating a whole load of grief for us all.

You saw it first here folks! Mogura has just flamed the male sex.  :D
Post by: Moogie on August 26, 2003, 11:19:56 am
Well you don\'t see us nice females starting \"ur mom\" flamewars now, do you? ;)
Post by: Caldazar on August 26, 2003, 11:57:33 am
Nope, you\'re more like an assassin, working in the shadows, spreading rumours etc. That\'s a lot worse than a bare-hand knuckle fight if you know what I mean? :P
Post by: Moogie on August 26, 2003, 12:55:02 pm
Originally posted by Caldazar
Nope, you\'re more like an assassin, working in the shadows, spreading rumours etc. That\'s a lot worse than a bare-hand knuckle fight if you know what I mean? :P

Indeed, but it employs intelligence, one thing that seperates us humans from all the other animal species. :)
Post by: Kiern on August 26, 2003, 03:20:34 pm
flames in the off-topic forum are not usually deleted, neither are the ones in the other threads.  The only time they are deleted is when some loser whines about them (which happens a lot) of they are flaming for no reason or use a lot of words they are not supposed to...I would know, I\'ve done it enough times.

and I know plenty of \"females\" who act the way you suggest males do, I stay far away from them, but they are still there, no matter how hard I try. :P

my point was there is no need for a flamers forum as you can do it most anywhere as long as iyou are smart about it.

I hate having to explain everything I post...yet I always do :O
Post by: Xalthar on August 26, 2003, 03:37:06 pm
If people can\'t find another way to vent out their \"steam\", male or female, they are just plain stupid...

no need for a flame-forum...
Post by: Drilixer on August 26, 2003, 09:28:21 pm
Originally posted by Mogura
Originally posted by Caldazar
Nope, you\'re more like an assassin, working in the shadows, spreading rumours etc. That\'s a lot worse than a bare-hand knuckle fight if you know what I mean? :P

Indeed, but it employs intelligence, one thing that seperates us humans from all the other animal species. :)

haha - Moogie I dont think PETA would agree with you on that... people are evil... cockroaches rule!
Post by: Moogie on August 27, 2003, 06:51:08 pm
Quiet you! :D
Post by: Monketh on August 27, 2003, 08:26:09 pm
Believe it or not the PETA has been known to conduct terrorist activities...  Wait, terrorists that aren\'t anti-semite? *Shocked & awed* That\'s rare, but stupid nonetheless.  

Now the PTA, they\'re scary :P
Post by: seperot on August 27, 2003, 11:46:11 pm
*looks at everyone who posted here* poor moogie she is being ganged up on *Pokes people in the eye for ganging up on moogie* there we go all better now

**dissapears without a sound** 8)
Post by: TheGeneral on August 28, 2003, 12:33:04 am
Who\'s a female here?
Let me through, I am a licenced professional here, where does it hurt....ah, yes, that\'s serious, we will have to operate.....scalpel....bottle.....a shot of whiskey...stiches.....good as new. Now, who was complaining about being a female here, raise tho hand!!!
I have studied under the great master Link, and he once told me, there are no females, it\'s always some guy pretending to be one so he can get his way. Chew on that for a while...EH! :D
Post by: Zephyrus on August 28, 2003, 04:40:35 am

sorry, just keeping on topic
Post by: Xalthar on August 28, 2003, 12:31:24 pm
Originally posted by TheGeneral
Who\'s a female here?
Let me through, I am a licenced professional here, where does it hurt....ah, yes, that\'s serious, we will have to operate.....scalpel....bottle.....a shot of whiskey...stiches.....good as new. Now, who was complaining about being a female here, raise tho hand!!!
I have studied under the great master Link, and he once told me, there are no females, it\'s always some guy pretending to be one so he can get his way. Chew on that for a while...EH! :D

and a wise teacher he must indeed have been.. :P
Post by: Moogie on August 28, 2003, 02:09:35 pm
I\'m female, but I sure as hell wasn\'t complaining. :P

I know most females you see in computer games are actually male. It\'s disturbing... but then again, I\'ve never really fathomed the true sincerity of the excuse: \"It\'s just roleplaying\".

I guess my trust is determined by the persons themselves... whether I believe they are actually intelligent enough to be \'roleplaying\', or whether they just play female characters so that they have the power to take their clothes off whenever they please.

I pretended to be male once in my old community... how guys actually do this all the time is beyond me. It feels so incredibly deceitful, just... wrong. O.o
Post by: _Atticus on August 28, 2003, 03:10:12 pm
Wait, wait. So you\'re a female posing to be a female, correct? Hopefully not anything else.
Post by: Moogie on August 28, 2003, 03:33:01 pm
Yes I\'m female for real and female in games. I have only ever posed as being male once online and it felt quite uncomfortable.
Title: haha
Post by: DragonWarrior on August 28, 2003, 06:24:31 pm
cockroaches lol??????
Post by: Drilixer on August 28, 2003, 07:21:35 pm
Originally posted by Mogura
Yes I\'m female for real and female in games. I have only ever posed as being male once online and it felt quite uncomfortable.

I agree completely!  I havn\'t gotten around to washing yet today so I\'ve got that \'burning masculine itch\'...  Oh shit wrong commercial
Post by: Evanchild on August 28, 2003, 08:53:05 pm
ummmm..... im gonn go over there really far away....

i shoudl pose asa  a female.  just because
Post by: Drilixer on August 29, 2003, 11:16:41 pm
Originally posted by Evanchild
ummmm..... im gonn go over there really far away....

i shoudl pose asa  a female.  just because

you want to experience that \'burning feminine itch\' don\'t you Evanchild?

(have you ever seen those commercials?  I hate it when they come on while you are just relaxing, watching TV... really ruins the mood...)
Post by: Xalthar on August 30, 2003, 08:40:24 am
I don\'t see anything wrong with playing as a female in online games, but stating wholeheartedly that you are a woman (even though you are truly a man :P) is stupid IMO...

I mean, what\'s wrong with being male?? :P :P
Post by: Zephyrus on August 30, 2003, 09:38:05 am
I pretended to be male once in my old community... how guys actually do this all the time is beyond me. It feels so incredibly deceitful, just... wrong. O.o

Deceitful and wrong... Yup, sounds like you experienced being male there for a second...  :D
Post by: Moogie on August 30, 2003, 09:47:09 am
Xalthar: Everything. :P
Post by: Zephyrus on August 30, 2003, 11:07:55 am
I would call you a tiny bit sexist...

Did you know there is actually a group feminists (forgot their name) that want to eliminate all males by use of artificial insemination? Their plan if I remember right; wait for all current men to die, and all babies that show to be male on ultrasound are aborted. Yup, sure scared me...

But seriously I get annoyed that it is acceptable for women to say things like that, I mean if a man says women are all bad drivers it is unacceptable. But if a woman says all men are stupid and controlled by testosterone then that is somehow acceptable. I am not allowed to say all women are emotional and overly sensitive (not that I would want to say that), but a woman is allowed to say that all men are aggressive and violent. Which in my mind is kind of prejudice... Anyway, sorry for that little off topic rant.
Post by: Keldorn on August 30, 2003, 11:13:37 am
man, you\'ve got some serious issues there ;)

i for one did see the smiley at the end of moogie\'s post, don\'t know about you though.
Post by: Zephyrus on August 30, 2003, 11:17:38 am
Lol, I did, sorry I wasn?t accusing Mogura, and I was just getting it off my chest. But even so I doubt women across the globe would appreciate it if jokes consisted of; \"what\'s wrong with women? EVERYTHING!\" So why should men be expected to tolerate it?
Post by: _Atticus on August 30, 2003, 01:54:25 pm

Dude, but seriously, go whack off! All your answers will lie there.  :D
Post by: Drilixer on August 30, 2003, 02:42:38 pm
Originally posted by Monketh
Believe it or not the PETA has been known to conduct terrorist activities...  Wait, terrorists that aren\'t anti-semite? *Shocked & awed* That\'s rare, but stupid nonetheless.  

Now the PTA, they\'re scary :P

forget them what about the Animal Liberation Front!!!  check out this article!
Post by: Xalthar on August 30, 2003, 04:31:14 pm
Originally posted by Zephyrus
I would call you a tiny bit sexist...

Did you know there is actually a group feminists (forgot their name) that want to eliminate all males by use of artificial insemination? Their plan if I remember right; wait for all current men to die, and all babies that show to be male on ultrasound are aborted. Yup, sure scared me...

There are some SICK people out there...! 8o

Originally posted by Mogura

Everything. :P

*Xalthar\'s Jaw drops open* 8o

:P :P
Post by: Moogie on August 30, 2003, 04:33:14 pm
Zephyr, hey I didn\'t mean to sound sexist at all. I was joking! :)

Sorry if it seemed serious though. That feminist group sounds extremely scary... it takes two to tango, don\'t they know that? Thank god most of us are right in the head.

From my point of view I have noticed the slight imbalance in male/female prejudice. But you must understand that, if anything, this is probably just payback for the many millenia that women in all sorts of cultures all over the world have had to suffer as the \'lesser breed\'... probably.

Sure, it seems women are allowed to get away with saying more degradatory (sp?) things towards men, but I don\'t think it\'s worth making a fuss over unless we start beating, raping, kidnapping, killing and torturing you just because you\'re male... as this is what we (as a gender) have had to live through.

[Edit: Degradatory...? Degratory? De... bah nevermind.]
Post by: Isgrimnur on August 30, 2003, 05:18:02 pm
but I don\'t think it\'s worth making a fuss over unless we start beating, raping, kidnapping, killing and torturing you just because you\'re male... as this is what we (as a gender) have had to live through.

Well yes but instead of equality we\'ve now got it swinging towards women getting the advantages, also most men today wouldn\'t even dream of doing things like that so revenge against us would be pointless for what one group of people did to another years ago.

Anyway this is seems to be getting a bit serious to say it started as a bit of a joke but ah well there you go. Also half the blokes here are probably women anyway  (I would say the other way round as well if there was more than one \"woman\" :P  here at the moment.

 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Post by: Zephyrus on August 30, 2003, 05:30:26 pm

Its ok Mogura; I know you didn\'t intend for anyone to take offence.

And I understand perfectly what you mean about the history of mankind vs. womankind.  I have felt guilty many times about my ancestors; I am a tall white Anglo Saxon male? If you trace my ancestors back we have done a lot of oppression; my bloodline has been involved in the Raj, the colonisation of America/oppression of the Native Americans, the wholesale slaughter of the Zulus, the concentration camps of the Boers, the oppression of the Scots, welsh and Irish. My ancestors were the red coats, the slave traders, and the armies of Longshanks, go further back and my line is roman? So as you can see I have a lot to live up to?

But the realisation I had is that I am not them; I am not responsible for their crimes. The idea of using broad generalisations, on a long dead opposition?s remaining heirs in an attempt at vengeance is ridiculous. In the words of a great man; ?an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind? we should not strive to settle blood feuds by spilling more blood, but instead by the realisation of their futility?

sorry... too serious.... I will try and be more lighthearted, next time...
Post by: Isgrimnur on August 30, 2003, 05:38:40 pm
Im guessing your English like me then :D , Anyway don\'t just look at the negative but look at the positive of all the things our ancestors have given to the world and the things that have been prevented as well!!

*pats Zephyrus on the back*

Anyway I think we\'ve all got quite a bit off topic so...
Post by: Zephyrus on August 30, 2003, 05:52:58 pm
Yeah I am English...

Pah, topic, it was a poor topic anyway, obviously no one is going to make a flamers board, verbal abuse and aggressive posts could lead to deep rooted hatreds and feuds throughout our quiet community...

Take for instance recent relations between a certain high-ranking BO member and a certain AO council member. If there had been no restraints on flaming that would of gotten pretty bad, and I have a feeling it could of caused (and may still cause) a slight rift throughout some of the more active members of this fan base. At least this way people have to argue their side properly, instead of just sending all caps hate messages.

My opinion; not a good idea.
Post by: Kiern on August 30, 2003, 05:59:23 pm
Originally posted by Zephyrus

sorry... too serious.... I will try and be more lighthearted, next time...

why sorry to be serious?  some times serious discussions can be fun (well, interesting to talk about anyways), but some people just have an inability to be serious for a little bit.
Post by: Fish on August 30, 2003, 06:27:16 pm
Flaming is just totally wrong.  And pandering to flamers by giving them their own section should never happen.  Since I have my reasons I thought I would just explain them.

My first point is the flame usually looks quite stupid.  Even if they have a point(they usually don?t) it?s lost in some emotional tirade.  Anybody responding to the flame will respond to the emotion not the point you?re trying to make.  Which comes to my second point.

Flaming somebody will never convince anybody you?re right.  Most people just ignore it(I do).  And the people who read it will either be amused by the stupidity of it all or just wish you hadn?t posted.

This project is on source forage.  Crystal space which is the engine for this game is on source forage as well.  Both these projects are running at 99% to 98% usage.  That makes this project a very high visibility one.  This means some fairly influential and important people to the development team are likely to visit the form from time to time.  Some of these people are perspective coders, people from other development teams, people writing magazine articles about the game, and in some cases some of the true hacking heroes of Linux.  The last thing they want is a flame board!
Post by: Moogie on August 30, 2003, 06:54:25 pm
Originally posted by Fish
Flaming is just totally wrong.  And pandering to flamers by giving them their own section should never happen.  Since I have my reasons I thought I would just explain them.

My first point is the flame usually looks quite stupid.  Even if they have a point(they usually don?t) it?s lost in some emotional tirade.  Anybody responding to the flame will respond to the emotion not the point you?re trying to make.  Which comes to my second point.

Flaming somebody will never convince anybody you?re right.  Most people just ignore it(I do).  And the people who read it will either be amused by the stupidity of it all or just wish you hadn?t posted.

This project is on source forage.  Crystal space which is the engine for this game is on source forage as well.  Both these projects are running at 99% to 98% usage.  That makes this project a very high visibility one.  This means some fairly influential and important people to the development team are likely to visit the form from time to time.  Some of these people are perspective coders, people from other development teams, people writing magazine articles about the game, and in some cases some of the true hacking heroes of Linux.  The last thing they want is a flame board!

You\'ve got very good points here and I agree.
Post by: Drilixer on August 30, 2003, 09:23:47 pm
Originally posted by Fish
This project is on source forage.  Crystal space which is the engine for this game is on source forage as well.  Both these projects are running at 99% to 98% usage.  That makes this project a very high visibility one.  This means some fairly influential and important people to the development team are likely to visit the form from time to time.  Some of these people are perspective coders, people from other development teams, people writing magazine articles about the game, and in some cases some of the true hacking heroes of Linux.  The last thing they want is a flame board!

If they are that prestigious and good with computers etc. etc.  I don\'t think they would go to a fanbase\'s forum for enlightenment... I\'m sure anyone that \'deep in the world\' would take anything said in the forums with a grain of salt...

(I\'m not in support of flaming... but I just wanted to point that out that)
Post by: Evanchild on August 30, 2003, 10:09:00 pm
we don;t want to promote this:
guy A:you a fscking j00n00bitz l0v1ng m0f0
guy b: yeh well i hacked ur comp and deleted all your files.
guy a (from public library):FU
then one guy finds other guy in street pulls a DE.50 and caps him in the face.

i think all flaming should be private in pms and such.
Post by: Wolfmane on September 13, 2003, 06:50:48 am
*sneaks into this thread, treading very carefully looking for anyone throwing rotten tomatoes*

Actually I\'m glad this thread was posted. Obviously, I\'m pointed out as one of the main culprits of partaking in Flaming wars as of late. Firts of all I dislike, no make that despise, flaming wars and I certainly do not believe a flaming forum should even be considered  8o

\"Ok, so why the h*ll did you get involved in some of them then?\" I hear someone ask!
*looks around frantically at everyone asking the question all at once, ready to duck from tomatoes*

Firstly, I really try not to. If I had responded in a flaming mood everytime I got annoyed at people doing less then intelligent and/or ethical things on the forums I would have been history a long time ago. Occasionally, however, someone does something so utterly rash, brash and \"spit-in-your-face\" that I simply loose it .....

This is especially true when someone attacks a third person in a totally unacceptable and \"lower-than-snake-sh*t\" fashion. THAT I cannot take and I simply have to act, both to support the victim but also to support the basis of elementary ethical behaviour. Yes, if anyone is wondering I AM referring to the attack on the Leader of SH that was so bad that the whole thread had eventually been deleted from the forum. (This was NOT Atticus who attacked the SH leader btw - in case somebody gets the wrong idea from posts earlier in this thread).

Anyway before I get rambling on too long and boring again (moogie will slap my hands again and it hurts!  :P ) I suggest we stay miles away from a flamers forum and rather, if anything, implement a Code of Conduct for users on the PS forum that all can voluntarily sign up to. This might help clearly spelling out a standard for what behaviour is acceptable and what not - actually Moogie you would be a good person to take the initiative in something like that as your image is untarnished and you set a good example.

As for the males role-playing females ..... Well this is my first time trying it. But I make no secret of being a male and playing a female. As for being able to take my clothes off  :P (good one Moogie) As a male in real life I have absolutely no problem with taking my clothes off when the occasion call for it and it is fitting in the circumstances. So don\'t expect Illyria to become a strip tease dancer in some tavern soon .....  8) But seriously I find it boring that there are so few female players in RPG\'s and then if there are to be characters that are both female and male some males simply HAVE to play female characters otherwise we will end up with Allibaba and the 70 thieves - ALL male. Also I find it a role-playing challenge to not only play another role but also one of another sex, it is not that easy to do it convincingly.

So, DEATH to Flamers!  

Long live the meek, mild and self-restraining!

Calling all females, calling all females ...... get your cute ar*ses - *ducks from a huge tomatoe with a crystal inside thrown by moogie* - over to PS and roleplay so we can get some sexual balance over here.
Post by: Vengeance on September 13, 2003, 12:29:18 pm
/me dubs Wolfman the King of Codes of Conduct.  :)
Post by: Xalthar on September 13, 2003, 12:39:10 pm
heh, if he runs for prime minister here in Denmark, I\'ll surely vote for him :D

*urges Wolfmane to start his political career* :P
Post by: lostprophet on September 14, 2003, 08:16:43 am
Holy whack they\'ve got issues!
What\'s the PETA?

Don\'t worry moogie, anyone who\'s been to Essex will know that women can be just as agressive as men :P
Post by: Isgrimnur on September 15, 2003, 02:42:33 pm
I was wondering about the PETA too anway isn\'t there that saying \"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned\":evil:??

Wolf for Prime Minister!!
Go Wolfie! Go!

Down with Flamers Forums everywhere!!!
Post by: Moogie on September 15, 2003, 03:28:11 pm

I think having a Code of Conduct would be great, not that many users would actually take the time to read it however. Still, it\'s something that should be there to point potential troublemakers at if they start stepping out of line.

As for me writing the code... :P I don\'t think I could do something like that. These things have to be organised and thorough; two things I frequently lack. Besides, I\'m not perfect. Nobody is. I have my faults just like anyone else and although I might be fairly respected in this community, it doesn\'t mean that I always have been.

Basically what I\'m trying to say is that I wouldn\'t like to have this responsibility, as I feel I shouldn\'t make up rules and regulations for everyone else to follow, like I\'m the special \'Perfect Example of Good Manners and Law-Abiding\'. Because I am not.

Upholding rules is another chapter of the book entirely. It\'s like the difference between being the president of a country and a simple traffic warden. You\'re either fit to make up the rules and lead an entire community of people with them, or simply be there to keep an eye on the system and make sure the community abides by those rules.

Given the choice, I wouldn\'t want to be the one who makes up the rules.

...but it was a kind suggestion anyway. :D

(Btw I thought this thread died a long time ago. :tongue: )
Post by: Jedi on September 15, 2003, 10:21:18 pm
Hmmm...I just found this thread *Moogie groans* and hobo-dilly, I had a lot of reading to do. :rolleyes:

Well, I might as well put in my two cents worth on each and every subject mentioned herein.

Chapter 1: Male Chauvinism

It all started a long time a go when some bone-headed, ape-faced excuse for a man decided that he was better than the other \'version\' of his species because he was bigger. This lead to rise of the Dominant Male Image. An image cultivated by man himself, to instill doubt and instability in the minds of women and children for the sole purpose of ensuring his prolonged reign.

For many millenium this image held strong, the monotony broken only by the gifted few. Even those few special people, who had so inspired the \'lesser\' beings, were eventually stamped out. Man was obsessed, neigh, driven by his need to be the superior. Even though many of the leaders would have said otherwise, and they may even have believed it, they did not take the steps to correct the grievous mistreatment of the female division.

This is not to say, however, that women were so physically abused, for in truth the majority were not, but this repression was that of social inhibition. It was frowned upon when women spoke out in public places. It was considered improper for a woman to teach, regardless of whether she had more knowledge than the man. Woman were the housekeepers, nothing more, nothing less.

It was not until the early 1800\'s that women began to realize that they, too, were entitled to both the rights and freedoms that men had. Thus began the female factions now known as women\'s libists. After many decades of hard work, they have finally achieved that which was their goal: Equality.

However, some of these groups thought they deserved more. They continue their slavish work to this day, trying desparately to impose on man the same punishment that he himself had imposed on them not two centuries past. This, I view as not only wrong, but a gross act of revenge. As was earlier stated, though man as a whole have caused the difficulties that women faced, we, as an individual society and a new generation, are not to blame.

I am deeply regretful at the actions of the past, but when it starts to turn around I begin to see that we do not truly learn from our mistakes until we experience them for ourselves. That, and that alone is why history will always repeat itself time and bloody time again.

Chapter 2: Don\'t Be A Flake, Be Yourself

The life of Popculture. So easy is it to loose oneself in the \'cool\' that they forget to take breaks, sit back and relax. Ever meet someone who\'s never serious? Sure they can be fun for a while, but then you start to realize how shallow they really are. If you are never serious, never let yourself get in touch with your emotions, then you will ultimately strangle your emotional self until there is nothing left. You will be a slave to the fad, to the jokes, and to those who can see beyond the gold-encrusted veil.

One the other hand, have you ever met someone who was just a total mushy? (Be quiet Moogie) People who let themselves become too serious too often, will end up missing out on having fun. They will never experience life, the emotions of fun and care-free that make life worth living. People like that will never know what it\'s like to be insulted and not care, to be slandered and have it slide off like water, to be able to look up at your dreams with pride and courage and know, without a doubt, that you have the power to get there.

The ideal personality can maintain the perfect balance of these two things. However, the key is that perfect, as in beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. That is why there are none who can please all the people all the time. (Except maybe Moogie :P)

Chapter 3: Flamers Burn In H3ll

Flaming has been going on ever since someone decided to get a little over-emotional about something and \'let it all hang out\', as it were. This steadily degraded into a cursing match that would never come to any good end.

That is why I am whole-heartedly opposed to the Flamer board. I mean really, if you can\'t think of something better to do than overeact to someone\'s valid opinion and start tossing derogatory (even I got that one right :rolleyes: ) comments, then you obviously need a hobby. Maybe a nice little room in a penitentiary too. Nobody needs to flame. People only end up getting hurt. As in war, in flaming there are no winners.

Chapter 4: Code of Conduct

*Sigh* I am way too tired to finish this right now. I\'ll write this tomorrow when I have time. It\'s nigh midnight and I just don\'t have the strength to continue.

Good stuff. :D I\'ll bbs.

EDIT: I am not even gonna spellcheck this thing. I am waxed. Sorry for any mistakes.
Post by: Jedi on September 16, 2003, 08:07:14 pm
Sorry, folks, but Chapter 4 is temporarilly suspended until I can actually draft the CoC. :D

Chapter 5: Playing With The Opposite Sex

Now, I don\'t know where some people get their ideas, but let me assure you there is nothing wrong with playing the opposite sex in video games. I haven\'t played a male character in ages except when I didn\'t have a choice. Actually, I have a reason for that. Ever notice that the hero of every story, every game, every movie is usually some big, muscular man? Now that right there\'s a subliminal message if I ever saw one. One time, at the gender choosing stage of character creation, I thought, \"What if w oman could kick that much ass too?\" Well, they don\'t call them fantasy games for nothing. ;) I chose the female and beat the game with it, leaving hordes of impossibly stupid enemies hewn in two behind me.

Besides, the female was put into video games for the male. Lara Croft anyone? Who can honestly say that in Angel of Darkness they had more fun playing as the guy, then her. Well...if you want to get technical, who can honestly say they had fun playing that game. :rolleyes: My point is, women are just starting to get into video games now and female avatars have existed a very long time. ;) Why, I can harken back to the days of Gauntlet on the NES. I believe, if memory serves, the woman was a blob of pixels that more resembled a cow than anything and was armed with an infinite load of axes that she hurled with the might of freight train. They went forever, too. :D

I guess another reason I favour the female sex is that they often specialize in ranged and sneak combat, which is, if you pardon the expression, really my bag. I have tried to use guys for this, but they just came off as sissies. The women in videogames are usually built light and so fit into the role a little better. Another thing. Ever notice how the women in video games have the perfect bodies? Now, really. I know I can\'t be the only one thinking that is utterly rediculous. :rolleyes: That, too, is one of the reasons I play them. No, not for their body, you pig!, but to spite the entire concept that one who has seen such battle as the characters often do can still look like a knockout.

I suppose there are other reasons that I choose the female sex, but they\'re probably a little too deep for public audience. :P Especially when you\'re in a rowdy mood, as I suspect you are. *sits back and waits for the inevitable flame*

More as I write it.
Post by: Grakrim on September 16, 2003, 09:36:02 pm
How did this thread escape my attention? Maybe its because I hate the Hydlaa Plaza forum with an all consuming hatred, or maybe its because I\'m too lazy to throughly read each and every forum.

Anyway, a Code of Conduct is a good idea, but not really nesscary.  Most of us know how to behave in a community without any sory of bible to dictate \"acceptable\" conduct.  In my short time on these forums, I haven\'t seen any overly uncivilized conduct or hateful flames.  This is one of the best communities I\'ve ever had the pleasure to call my home.

Originally posted by Mogura
Besides, I\'m not perfect. Nobody is. I have my faults just like anyone else and although I might be fairly respected in this community, it doesn\'t mean that I always have been.

Bah! I don\'t believe a word of it.  You\'re perfect, even though you may not think so.
Post by: _Atticus on September 16, 2003, 10:48:30 pm
Wtf! This thread is still alive!  8o
Post by: dorbian on September 17, 2003, 03:44:22 am
how about a check on the words used by the people like a blocker i have one in the mtma forum which i turned off i assume we all are meture enough to use normall language but still it would be a solution to the not readable words like 31337 ( elite ) think about it!
Post by: Moogie on September 17, 2003, 04:28:17 am
Originally posted by Grakrim
How did this thread escape my attention? Maybe its because I hate the Hydlaa Plaza forum with an all consuming hatred, or maybe its because I\'m too lazy to throughly read each and every forum.

Anyway, a Code of Conduct is a good idea, but not really nesscary.  Most of us know how to behave in a community without any sory of bible to dictate \"acceptable\" conduct.  In my short time on these forums, I haven\'t seen any overly uncivilized conduct or hateful flames.  This is one of the best communities I\'ve ever had the pleasure to call my home.

It won\'t always stay that way, Grak... with the advent of combat looming in CB it\'s only a matter of time before the less friendly types start actually staying here and playing the game. At the moment, the most that happens is that they join, shout abuse for maybe an hour and leave. But combat will attract them like flies, so we need some kind of rulebook to point them at. :P


Originally posted by Mogura
Besides, I\'m not perfect. Nobody is. I have my faults just like anyone else and although I might be fairly respected in this community, it doesn\'t mean that I always have been.

Bah! I don\'t believe a word of it.  You\'re perfect, even though you may not think so.

Awwwwwwwww :D *hugs*
Post by: Zephyrus on September 18, 2003, 02:53:34 am
Awwwwwwwww  *hugs*

Grak\'s ego; now the size of Russia... :rolleyes:
Post by: _Atticus on September 18, 2003, 05:46:38 pm
Which one?
Post by: Davis on October 06, 2003, 12:28:35 am
This is a funny thread! And moogie is a cool name! And I should be sleeping cuz its past midnight but I still haven\'t done my homework which I really don\'t plan on doing anyway!
Anyway, flame board=bad, and also, I think anything that people have strong opinions on, like polotics, causes flaming. This topic is a good example, but I don\'t feel like explaining myself, I just feel like passing out.
And someone said something about a word check? I\'m sorry if I\'m misunderstanding, but listen to me say runescape...
Post by: shadowmancer on October 06, 2003, 09:29:55 pm
Ignore, I was just testing the censor.
Post by: Half_Pint on October 07, 2003, 01:37:33 pm
I disagree with your sig, shadowmancer.   :baby:  How can \"people\" possibly include me?  I\'m not a person.   :rolleyes:
Post by: Xalthar on October 07, 2003, 02:32:08 pm
Originally posted by Half_Pint
I disagree with your sig, shadowmancer.   :baby:  How can \"people\" possibly include me?  I\'m not a person.   :rolleyes:

lol :D

are you sure?? :P
Post by: shadowmancer on October 07, 2003, 02:56:26 pm
How so? You don\'t have to be human to be a person. Person or not, though, that doesn\'t mean I like you.
Anyway, I\'m gonna change my sig soon.
Post by: Grymmnor on October 07, 2003, 05:27:39 pm
The Mirth clowns aren\'t people!  They\'re cockroaches waiting to be squashed.
Post by: shadowmancer on October 07, 2003, 07:09:33 pm
If they can post on a forum, then they are people enough. It is the mind, not the body, that makes a person. In conclusion, you are stupid.
Post by: Davis on October 07, 2003, 07:12:57 pm
I hope you aren\'t using \"clowns\" in a derogatory fashion. You\'re in the Cabal, aren\'t you? That makes you part of the biggest clown college I know of. I mean, what do you people exist for besides our entertainment?
Post by: Spehk on October 08, 2003, 09:38:03 am
Believe me, we have the very same opinion of the rest of you Davis.
Post by: shadowmancer on October 08, 2003, 06:51:48 pm
Instead of a flamer\'s forum, there should be a more concentrated one, called \"shadowmancer flaming seperot\" forum. That would save lots of trouble rigt?
NOTE: This is less spammish then Mirth and Cabal arguing about clowns.
Post by: _Atticus on October 10, 2003, 02:54:15 pm
Dance, puppets.
Post by: Davis on October 12, 2003, 07:12:06 pm
That kinda killed the thread...