
Gameplay => Wish list => PvP,PK and Thieving => Topic started by: paxx on September 16, 2003, 10:04:33 am

Title: Pumping up the danger factor?
Post by: paxx on September 16, 2003, 10:04:33 am
Ok, I have seen many interesting and good posts on thieving and pking.

Some not so good.

But now I am going to ask.  How would you create an environment where the danger factor was extreme enough (without human intervention) that thieves and serial PKers where less then .05% of the population. Here I am not talking about banning and such.

Or even about player enforcement, but more of AI enforcement. The greatest thief would never get caught?and most would never guess it was him, but when there are magical means of looking into the past and such it is difficult to hide?and if people can magically track you?well you will get caught. Or won?t you?

But saying you might get caught, what would be a sufficient danger to discourage most people from PKing or stealing from players?

Again so only about 0.05% of the population would commit these ?crimes? with any regularity?

In short, what deterrent is sufficient knowing that people can have many characters, and having one thief just to ?find? stuff for the other characters, kind makes sense.  

Post by: Xordan on September 16, 2003, 12:32:59 pm
There isn\'t much you can do. Most of the things people are suggesting wouldn\'t make any difference if u had a seperate thief character. I suppose rejection from the community would be one. Most people wouldn\'t get along well with a thief. Although a good thief wouldn\'t let people know his/her other characters. Maybe if the account of the thief is logged into the server, so whatever character you play on the NPC\'s will know who you are. If you transfer stolen goods from your thief character to u\'r other character then that account\'ll be flagged as a thief.
(This needs tweaking alot.)
Title: danger is it!
Post by: Cyrioch on September 16, 2003, 12:58:38 pm
Thieving and killing is different!
I am on of those who think PK is an important and inherent action of mmorg. Sometimes your char MUST kill.

No level restrictions, very few safe spots. No exp for killing, cause you want someone dead for some intention (material gain, territorial claims).

Really destructive is killing without any higher intention. f.ex. spoiling other players fun.

i got the experience, that theres only one thing which keeps players decent: permanent death, deletion of char.
permanent death is the ultimate danger.

My advice: When a char killed a certain number of chars he gets the flag permadeath. He dieing himself causes deletion. A char may lower its bodycount by spending lvl ups for it.
Doing levelups for no gain is the ultimate pain.

This leaves some options. When i kill some pickpocketer, my bodycount wont rise much. When killing the infamous baker, it will.
Leaving options is important! My char has the option to kill this baker and will do it if f.ex. some other baker is paying a reward.
Post by: Xordan on September 16, 2003, 01:43:14 pm
Unfortunatly although I agree with you, that baker who got killed won\'t agree with this at all. We\'ve been over this in about a thousand threads.  :D And we\'ve not found summin that made everyone happy.
Post by: Wedge on September 16, 2003, 02:14:24 pm
I already scattered my ideas around about this.  So this revolves around the sytem of marked players being caught by burly guards anywhere near civilized areas and being able to be brought in for bounties by other players.

Permadeath should never happen, some devs seem adamant on this as a fundamental rule.  But the system where the worse the differential of stats between you and the player/NPC you killed, the harsher the penalty is I think would work.  I.E. a very experienced player kills a newb, then the difference in their stats is subtracted from the killer; basically resetting them to a newb themselves.  Of course there would be a minimum stat reduction of something like 10-20%.  I assume death won\'t have nearly as harsh penalties, so the penalties for PK would be worse than death, but not permadeath.

Thieving is more complicated, since there are two ways you do it.  One looting a dead corpse, and two stealing from a live player.  I\'m not going to go into how the second one would work if it existed, that\'s not the point here.  Basically though any stolen good would be marked as so, and no NPC merchants (at least normal ones) would take them and pry call the guards on you if you tried.  So the stolen goods could only be sold on a black market system, you could add NPCs to it but I think it\'s best left to PCs.  Any player would know they were buying a stolen item though, and run the risk of being marked themselves then.

Unlike a PK\'er I\'m going to guess a non-looting thief may be able to get away with an item without being marked themselves based on stat checks.  But the more items and the higher the value of stolen goods the more likely it is the Theif will be marked at which point they may be treated the same as a PK\'er except their penalty will only be all the items they stole, and their items and money say on a 2-3x scale of the what they stole.  Also recovered stolen goods would be returned to the original owner.  As for looters, assuming they did kill the person as well then they have that penalty added when caught for killing.  Someone who loots a body but isn\'t the killer is treated just as a thief then.
Post by: Cyrioch on September 16, 2003, 03:32:16 pm
dont do it soo much worse than death, cause then i will delete my PK myself *gg*

One misdeed should not be punished twice.
If you get beaten for killing then you should benefit from the loot and other advantages.
Just making sure that noone draws profit from killing wont stop pk.

Back to AI:
Every char which is marked as pk got some NPC headhunters on his heels? They are searching the area the pk is in, warning other chars, forcing the pk to move constantly?
Why not leaving the headhunting to players? Just provide some noble paladins with info on the location of pks and they will start the hunt.
community is better than AI
Post by: lostprophet on September 16, 2003, 03:54:41 pm
Wasn\'t that the plan? I didn\'t read the post properly.
Post by: Wedge on September 16, 2003, 05:48:01 pm
My plan anyway, was to have AI hounds around civilized areas, whereas out in the open, yes it is up to players to take care of someone like this for a bounty.  I didn\'t put that specifically in this thread, more of my idea is in these two threads:
Post by: sashok on September 16, 2003, 05:56:22 pm
I really like my solution to Theiving personally, please paxx, tell me what  you think about it, I posted in here
it\'s 3 posts down at the bottom.

As for changing characters in order to steal then to give the loot to the \"clean character\", I think that my way could minimize this, just because it would be much harder to steal.
Another thought I had is if a character of a player becomes a theif, just freeze all other characters of this user, but give him an option, whether he agrees to only have this character or have an option of deleting this character now in order to allow any other characters of this user.  

Of course there are flaws and it might seem too harsh, but this issue is very important to just not allow theiving and PK
Post by: Abemore on September 17, 2003, 04:54:52 pm
When a player has many characters, risks go down for that player.  A temporary character can easily be used to take these PK and thieving risks, and then pass on the the benefits to another character.

So increasing risk is not a sufficient deterrent.

The alternative is to decrease reward.  Rewards for PK\'ing and thieving could be made so low that they are not worth the effort.  Many people just wouldn\'t bother at this point.  But still others might just enjoy griefing people regardless of the rewards.

So decreasing reward is not a sufficient deterrent, either.

But a combination of these 2 things may be enough.  I\'ve suggested this before, and I have not yet heard a good counterargument.


An important thing to remember when a character is killed in the game is that death is merely an inconvenience.  It is not permanent as it is in real life.  So we should not be too concerned when a PC is killed.  However, we should also make sure we do not encourage it by giving rewards for PK\'ing (such as exp and loot (well maybe a little exp)).  

The killer character will then have to deal with the repercussions of his actions (ie. bounty, unfriendly NPC\'s, etc.).  It\'s not likely a temporary character would be used for PK\'ing due the time requirement to build stats and the lack of reward.  It would more likely be done for roleplay.

(also consider increasing PC to PC equality to increase risk)
(I believe we logically gain experience from everything.)

Bottom Line: PK - Little to no reward (some exp, no loot), and considerably high risk.

Thieves want to steal, but nobody wants to be stolen from.  I think a system for this is not nearly as difficult as PK.  I\'ve suggested a system in another thread already.  The solution is the same: high risk, low reward, and people wont do it.  But because thieving is not that bad, the risks don\'t need to be that high.  However the reward must stay low (at least when stealing from PC\'s) so as to not grief other players.

Should only be able to steal: a small percentage of gold and maybe insignificant items (like apples).  No equipment or high value items, as this causes grief.
There must also be a pickpocket indicator so players have a way to avoid being pickpocketed.
Post by: Wedge on September 17, 2003, 05:37:59 pm
Sounds good to me.
Post by: paxx on September 17, 2003, 08:02:20 pm
On, Pking?not the thief stuff.

Getting Pked is more then an inconvenience, lets say early on?it is 10 minutes out of your way?later at the midcareer, it may be a half an hour or more just to get back to the location where you where, not to mention all the other stuff. And at the high end, not such a huge deal, but annoying.

The issue is early on and in mid career you might get hit again and again, making it really annoying and a total turn off to the game.

As far as equality?this will be very hard to do in the game, it will be easy to say, this mage and this mage is equal, but not this mage and this fighter, even at equivalent numbers, some might be made to take damage and dish it out, other to avoid damage?.the list is endless the variations we will have, one on one will not be fair and I don?t think anyone plans it to be.

A player who specs for PvP will rule there and at soloing?.or even worse, we can have a large 40+ group pf PvPers clearing an area over and over.

I really do not see it getting changed too much from what has been stated in the past because I have not seen an idea that shines beyond the negative aspects of Pking.

Example:  I?m with my team of mages, we are resting after a tough battle, a group of marauders (pvpers) comes through our camp and whips us?30+ minutes later we finally get back to the spot  and it is now saturated by 4 other groups?

What does this do to the Players point of view?I just lost half an hour of my 2 hour playing time through no fault of my own, because I trusted that the group was not a group of Pkers.

Same situation?but everyone knowing the PK ropes?
You are resting under a tree, and see a large group approaching, they seem to be all melee types, none in any of your guild or alliance guilds?your group nukes them all before they can get to you?just in case.

Same situation?but more caution.

Large group stops clear of spell range, a single person comes to your group and says they would like to hunt in the area?you say fine?they kill you all anyway.

In essence, while it creates a more realistic concept, I do not think it is worth it in any way. Here the reward is not having to watch your back while you hunt in the area. Yes often that is a good enough reward for killing PCs, this does not even account for the people who just enjoy pissing in your corn flakes cause you did not help them early on in their adventuring careers, and they now want to mess with you. Or players that kill all dwarves (cause they are staying in character). When it comes to justifying a kill, I can come up with many?that gives me an idea, but that is for another place.

In short to have this type of game would be nice, but it will not be Planeshift as the developers currently envision it.

Now, what risk are we talking about??? And give me something that would keep a guild dedicated to Pking from just doing it as often as they could?...and does not include Devs or GMs slapping them around.

There is plenty of stuff not covered yet (all of it has holes) but you still have avenues to travel.
Post by: paxx on September 17, 2003, 08:25:46 pm
In short, people are thinking of the lone Pker?I am thinking of legions of them coming to this game and playing it in mass?and while they are at first a minority, they become the majority cause it will be PK or die anyway. If we allow certain actions, it is as if we encourage it. In fact it is that way.

If we see some type of exploit we will remove it, if we see an error or some incredible advantage to certain races, we will correct it?.this is the same in most MMORPGs and I don?t think is different here.

Post by: Abemore on September 17, 2003, 10:46:14 pm
The risks.
There have been many posts discussing results/punishments/repercussions for those that PK.  

- the bounty system
- NPC\'s that raise prices or don\'t do business with you
- being marked as a murderer (see bounty system)
- being killed instead.
- banishment from towns

The specific risks are not really important at this time.  Different risks can be brainstormed and added at any time.

But you did see my point: the cost/benefit ratio must lean heavily toward cost.

The only benefit is the clearing out of the undesired PC(s), and maybe the satisfaction of causing grief for someone else and potentially yourself.

Example System
3 Statuses:
*good - default; has not PK\'ed anyone in a very long time
*questionable - status earned from a single PK (Ex. Penalty: NPC\'s raise prices)
*PK\'er - 2 or more PK\'s (huge penalties: NPC\'s don\'t do business with you, bounty on your head, etc.)

The only cure for a negative status is lots of in game time as the status slowly decays.  PK guilds (if any existed) would be kept under control by the RP guilds.   Those marked as murderers can then be PK\'ed over and over until the status wears off... free of charge.  Another penalty for 3rd level PK status could be that stats decrease as you are PK\'ed or you begin to drop money or equipment, or not; the possibilities are endless.

In this system, us law abiding citizens can PK a PC when the time comes for such a thing to be done, but it is done with control.
Post by: paxx on September 17, 2003, 11:46:50 pm
The main issue with all that you have come up with, is that a good group, can out weight most of the penalties you mentioned. A guild can have  ?buyer characters? that get supplies, ect.

Also I see these guilds, doing PC raids at times??everyone clears their PK record? and they invade an area till their all ratings are all messed up again and then they logg in with their other characters to wait till people forget, repeat.

I am of course thinking worst case concepts.

Here is my current list of ideas I am mulling.

1. no PK on players who have only been playing 20 hours or less.
2. large none pk areas, towns and such.
3. as a player goes up in murder count?he gets limited in the way he can interact at all?once the NPCs stop selling, players can not give him stuff, he can only loot, not pick up off the ground?
4.   eventually the character cannot benefit from support, (healing and buffing)
5.   character cannot enter in groups larger then X (proportional to his PK rating)
6.    character cannot be part of any game organizations (guilds)

Now the bad of all of those, is if I happen to logg on another persons account (for whatever reason) I can truly destroy their character in only a few minutes.   So then we would have to limit it to one or 2 a day.

But this would prevent mages from protecting themselves from melee types they know are about to kill them?

In essence I have still not seen an elegant solution, for all that is spoken about past threads. I think guild wars and such will provide enough for those who want it.

And in the benefit/cost ratio, the trick will be more to make guild wars largely beneficial to be part of at a low cost?

But the issue of shutting up the loudmouth idiot who is yelling insults at you, remains.

So some type of harsh penalty for PKing I would like, but one that I could take to shut that little XXXX up with.

Or we might have a Guild Enforcer (a title Guilds can give officers) who has the power, regardless of level to have huge powers, and PK with almost total immunity?but while this power is used.
It costs the entire guild some type of guild exp, that is also used for other things.

And if the power is deemed to be abused, the entire membership of the guild is penalized. The members as of the date it happened, online or off. So in essence the enforcers can snap some idiots neck if necessary, but it is generally not used, and PKing for any other reason I think is a moot point, since there will be areas where it is allowed as many people want, it just won?t be all places. And even further there are guild wars that are even less restricted.

The more I think on it, the more I like the simplicity of geographical limitations, and allowing guilds the ability to shut people up if necessary, is nice. This gives the players the ability to police themselves (big benefit of PKing) yet also requires responsibility in it?s use and holds groups accountable.

All in all I do think it is a good compromise and leaves most people happy, except the PK anywhere anytime crowd.

But I?ll continue to read others ideas as I mull these over?I would still have to figure out how to sell this in any way to the dev team. So I?ll give it time to age a bit with me and hope that something better comes along.

Post by: Abemore on September 18, 2003, 12:26:38 am
The example 3 status system I mentioned allows players that oh so important stop-annoying-me PK.  But it penalizes those that abuse the privilege of PK.  Sadly, I fear no system will have the elegance you seek.  But by keeping the penalties high for abusers of PK, you keep the people who practice it to a minority.  You have an excellent list of penalties there.  

The example system is good.  A tweak here and there is all that\'s needed to polish it to your liking.

Your hypothetical group of PK\'ers would have to wait an enormous amount of time in game to remove their status, all the while being susceptible to all the penalties you and I mentioned.  It simply would not be worth the trouble to any group of sociopaths.  And if it is, simply increase the penalties and time needed for status to decay.

Some further tweaking, and who knows, maybe elegence will present itself.

Post by: derwoodly on October 02, 2003, 10:21:25 pm
Thieving and Pking are related but have different issues.  Here is my ideas for a system that allowed thieving.

The path of a thief would be a difficult one.  At a skill level of zero your first task would be to seek out a thieves guild.  This could be a difficult task in itself.  Something like a quest.

After pledgeing your life to a thieves guild you would become a thief of skill level 1.  At this level your chance for success would be low, and you could only attempt to steal pocket change ( a few triads or less )

The thieves guild would expect a daily percentage of your booty.  You would have to travel to the guild and pay the guild leader otherwise you would loose your ability to commit crime.

If you make an attempt to steal and do not succeed you will draw agro from the guards and the NPC or person you attempted to steal from.  If you are killed while on the guards hate list.  Then you will respawn in the stockades.  While in the stockades your character will become a NPC that players can attack and gain skill points but you will not be able to move or attack back.  The lenght of the stay will be dependant on the stuff you where trying to steal.  Level one it might be only a hour or two. At high levels it could be days!  

The trick to leveling would be to steal out of town.  When out of town if you fail on attempt to steal and not near any guards the player that you stole from would have to kill you themselves.  Once killed you would spawn in the Stockades of the nearest town.

The key to this is the regular trips to your thieves guild to keep up your status, and the stockades.  I believe that the number of thieves could be controlled by adjusting the chance of success and the amount the thieves guild master would take.

In this system anyclass could be a thief and there would not be and red letters over your head.  And if you failed to steal you could aviod getting caught by running for your life and laying low untill a specified amout of time for the agro to clear.  Guard agro could be only a few minutes while player agro could stay untill the player logged.

To make the stockades fun.  Players could get skill increases for throwing stuff at the thieves.  A NPC could walk by and give the thieves regular floggings as well.

Whew. that is all for now.
Post by: derwoodly on October 02, 2003, 10:32:25 pm
Humm, my system is not 10 minutes old I have already thought of an exploit.  Oh well.
Post by: Armenelos on December 23, 2003, 09:59:32 pm
I like Derwoodly\'s idea for thieving, make it so when a thief starts off there is a large percentage due to your guild master and as you get higher ranked it becomes less and less, so that there is a profit in doing this.
But a thief shouldn\'t be able to steal everything, I read someone say that it should only be so many pounds, which I think is a good idea. I mean if you were walking and someone took 10 gold, you might not notice, but if he goes and takes 100 gold, you\'d definatly be feeling a little light. You should also be able to steal gems//potions.
The chance of stealing should be determined by the thief\'s skill and the victim\'s ability to catch them should be maybe high wisdom or intelligence. There definatly shouldn\'t be a little icon that pops up, because that will lead to the thief always becoming caught.
If the thief is caught he should have some chance to get away, a one hit KO wouldn\'t give him a chance. If the thief is caught putting him in the stockade for a few hours or days would be a good punishment. and when he gets out maybe his reputation would go down so much like in Baldurs Gate II. Eventually if your rep was bad enough guards would chase you and try to bring you in or kill you. NPC\'s would attack you and merchants would raise prices.
The Stockade is a good idea but not the whole getting skills by abusing the thieves. Then ppl would just hang out at the stockades and get there skills up.
I have a feeling a messed up in here somewhere but I can\'t think of it.

There is always going to be someone who doesn\'t like something, you can\'t please everyone no matter how hard you try. The Devs should choose something, let us try it out, and then work on it from there.
Post by: Kuiper7986 on December 24, 2003, 12:45:28 am
Originally posted by Cyrioch
No level restrictions, very few safe spots. No exp for killing, cause you want someone dead for some intention (material gain, territorial claims).

No level restrictions? Person who has the potential to die the first time he\'s playing? That would suck for the people who are new to the game.

Very few safe spots? It should be very few un-safe spots. If there were very few safe spots you couldn\'t go anywhere, you\'d most likely be killed by a griefer pk\'er.

No exp for killing, cause you want someone dead for some intention. How are you going to get the guy you want to kill to the unsafe zone? If he knows your going to kill him, why would he go to an unsafe zone.

I\'m not flaming you, I\'m just directly replying to your opinions.
Post by: tallimar on January 04, 2004, 08:14:52 pm
the whole stockades idea wouldnt work out too well.  first of all it takes away from the player\'s game time just having to sit in a cell or chained down, thusly decreasing the games overall funfactor(as referred to in some mags).  secondly a player could simply just log on as the imprisoned char and go to work or eat dinner or something and it would defeat the purpose of being in there in the first place, even if a min inactive port timer was setup, ive seen the multiple inactive port timers fooled endlessly on UO.

paxx, i like your anti-pk ideas!
Post by: Armenelos on January 05, 2004, 08:35:16 pm
Tallimar if your trying to cut down on the amount of PVP, Thieving, Killing then why would you make a punishment fun?? The stockades are suppose to be a punishment for something bad you did.
Post by: tallimar on January 06, 2004, 02:00:03 am
just having players standing around in a cell for X amount of time would take up valuable bandwidth from the players that are following the rules.  it would just be better all around to ban the account/ip/whatever for however long the punishment should last.
Post by: Armenelos on January 06, 2004, 07:11:24 pm
hmm good point. I\'d have to say the account though.. cause people can just change their Ip address can\'t they?
Post by: FunGun on January 06, 2004, 07:39:18 pm
Ive read through most of this posts and saw the general problem of ppl having many different accounts. But what would be if u couldnt exchange things from one char to another. If there would only be one IP allowed per user than noone could trade his stolen/gained through pk goods. This way a player simply couldnt benefit of his temp char and one of the main problems woulda been solved.
Only people who can have more than one Ip or play with a friend could do such things. Furthermore I would  delete every item dropped in the world by a specific player as soon as he disconnects.

Imo looting dead bodies isnt too bad, but there should be a timed restriction in which only the char(and maybe his party) who died can see his items/the whole body. This restriction could be set to 10 minutes, so if u r not into deep in a dungeon ur stuff wont be looted, and if you should be that deep in a dungeon ur char is surely pretty strong and there arent as many people running around in that part of the dungeon!

I really appreciate the idea of a thief guild. You could even steal some ideas from Terry Prattchets Discworld where thiefs have to pay a certain amount of money to their guild to be allowed to steel stuff. Furthermore they are only allowed to steal like 10 things or something in a months. This could be done with a credit system. You have 10 credits in a month when u begin and get a bit more when ur status in the guild has arosen. Different Items are worth a different amount of Credits, if u steal too much you get punished by degrading of ur status, loosing a whole bunch of money and having to give back the stolen stuff.

But this way there would be quite many thiefs, this could be changed by increasing the monthly(whatever) fee that is needed to be in the guild, this way only already richer players could get into it and the thief guild would be kinda \"noble\".

If you dont pay ur monthly fee you get thrown out of the guild and if the guild gets to know that someone without the guild license steals, the person will be punished in some evil way that is...well whatever cant think anymore way too late T.T.

If I wrote something that was already mentioned sorry if not, im pretty lucky huh?
Title: A concept, feel free to add to it, remember no grief, but some rewards
Post by: Armenelos on July 06, 2004, 02:59:07 pm
The whole thief guild idea is a good one make it so you have to do go to the guild right away upon making you character so you don\'t have people with good stats doing the same challenges and kicking their butts as people with low stats. Then you have to find the guild, make it somewhat of a challenge so you can knock off some of the pesky people, then when they finally get into the guild and find the guild master they have to steal something from a certain NPC, this would also be somewhat of a challenge but not that much since you are just starting out. After you\'ve accomplished these tasks then you are accepted into the thief guild but you start at the lowest rank. At the lowest rank you have to give so much of what you have stolen to the guild and after stealing from will say about 20-30 people you move up to the next level in the ranks. At the next level you owe your guild a little bit less of your earnings but it is now harder to attain the next rank.

Now stealing from PC\'s and NPC\'s is allowed but you do not exactly steal the item you more or less steal a shadow of an item or a tag and you can bring these tags//shadows to your guild and recieve money for them. There is no stealing of large or heavy objects, anything bigger then a dagger for weapons is to big other things use common sense on what is to big, no stealing armor, no stealing large amounts of money, gems, rings, glyphs, whatever those little things are. At the most you can only take 50 tria or so about 3 or 4 gems maybe, a ring or two, a few glyhps. Mind you this amount you are stealing is per attempt, their should also be a maximum attempt for stealing from each player maybe twice at the most per day, possibly week. And remember you are not exactly stealing these items but rather shadows or a tag for this item, so the PC\'s//NPC\'s still have these items. So their should be no grief. Thieves can only steal from people who are standing still or walking, not while the PC//NPC is running or is fighting and such. The degree of getting caught depends on certain stats, the higher the intelligence//wisdom//dexterity of the thief the better chance of getting away with stealing, the higher the intelligence//wisdom of the PC//NPC is the chance of catching the thief. If the thief fails and is caught he can run away and the PC//NPC has the option of chasing down the thief but what\'s the point? It\'s not like you lost anything. If the thief is caught they are taken to a jail where they are stuck for so many hours. You can accomplish this by banning that character for the select amount of hours. The accounts are not banned because you truly haven\'t hurt anybody with this system.

You can break into stores//houses and steal stuff from the owners but remember its only a shadow. Oh yeah and this shadow can only be redeemed at the thief guild and it only can be redeemed for money, you don\'t get the things you steal, just their worth. Which can be used to buy other things!!!!! How wonderful!!!

Now you can make the amount of thieves smaller by making the amount they must give the guild a large percentage but not too large since you don\'t want to discourage even the hardcore theives. Maybe put a restraint on how many people can join the thief guild per month, say 100? well the devs choose, something that goes with the number of players playing. Make the option to pickpocket only available to those who have gone to the theif guildmaster and accomplished the task.

Now I think I covered everything, if I see anything else I\'ll post it. I\'ve stolen some ideas from other people but whatever. It\'s something to look at and work with if people want, there doesn\'t seem to be any grief in how I see it, but like I said maybe I missed something. This is just a rough idea so far, I think I will come back and look further into it later on and have some new ideas.
There is no looting of corpses in any of this so all of those people don\'t worry about that. There is no stealing of large amounts of things, no stealing large things at all. And hell not really stealing at all, just shadows or tags, so their should really be no complaints on that end.
Post by: dfryer on July 08, 2004, 02:47:24 pm
That is a very interesting idea.  The economic implications need to be carefully considered, i.e. it should be balanced so that people can\'t get too rich too fast.  Also necessary to prevent exploits like one player getting a whole stack of valuable items, and then letting his friends steal them repeatedly.
Post by: Darkblade on July 09, 2004, 01:36:48 pm
Maybe you don\'t get their entire worth, only a part, like 1/3 or 1/4. That would slow down people getting rich fast.

But with the situation dfryer mentioned, it becomes harder. I suppose that you can only steal from a certain character a certain amount of times a week or month. Which theif would go back to the same person again and again?
Post by: derwoodly on July 12, 2004, 07:48:14 am
I would like to refine how I think a stockade could work.  I envisioned catching a thief and killing a thief as very similar.  To \"catch\" the thief you would wack\'em untill their health was zero.  At this point in time you would be given some options on dealing with the thief.

A window could popup like the \"trade with player\" windows in other MMORPG\'s.   It might look like this

Zales Fivefingers has stolen your money bag!
You hit Zales Fivefingers for 100 points!
You have subduded Zales Fivefingers.

:  O-- loot items, release thief                          :
:  O-- loot items. kill thief                                  :
:  O-- loot items, drag body to stockades         :

Sending someone to the stockades would require you to drag there unconcious body back to the city guards.  

Someone is sure to say \" I will just log off!\"  To combat this I would have your character stay in game, even if you were not online, and yes your hole stockade time could be over and done with by the time you log back on.  But your character would prety much striped of all his stuff.

This sounds like a lot of hasle and most people would just kill the thief.  Some might try to leave the thief in limbo by not answering the question, in that case a one minute timer would expire and the kill option would be the defalt.
Post by: Black_rose on July 15, 2004, 07:55:36 pm
Originally posted by paxx
In short, people are thinking of the lone Pker?I am thinking of legions of them coming to this game and playing it in mass?and while they are at first a minority, they become the majority cause it will be PK or die anyway. If we allow certain actions, it is as if we encourage it. In fact it is that way.

If we see some type of exploit we will remove it, if we see an error or some incredible advantage to certain races, we will correct it?.this is the same in most MMORPGs and I don?t think is different here.


dude your acting like a klan member acts with african historied people

ok..... whats your chant? noob power?
Post by: FESFES on July 18, 2004, 02:33:06 am
I think the world \"out side the city\" should be a dangerus place full of bandits Evrywhere