
Fan Area => Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) => Poetry, Comedy, and other. => Topic started by: KwartzTheKran on November 30, 2003, 05:56:58 am

Title: The legend has wings (sign up and rules)
Post by: KwartzTheKran on November 30, 2003, 05:56:58 am
This is the sign up thread for whats hoping to be the first large scale multiplayer roleplaying story in a very long time so bare with us.

First everyone who takes part is going to have to post some character info, and feel free to join the story anytime: For example:

Name: Kwartz

Race: Kran

Personality and allignment: Simple and kind, true neutral as too dumb to be otherwise.

Background: Found wondering aimlessly by the explorers guild was taken to Hydlaa where he now resides.

Weapon: Fists and anything heavy lying about at the time.

Strengths: Strong, Large, Tough and Resiliant to Magic.

Weaknesses: No magical abilities, Low inteligence.

Anything else:

Each person who takes part is expected to post somewhere between 1 - 5 paragraphs of story, feel free to include any of the characters taking part but try to reflect their personality accordingly.
Also there is no problem in taking the story where u feel, try not to be too daft though.
And finally dont post all powerful characters, its just no fun that way, each should have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Post by: Moogie on November 30, 2003, 10:46:50 am
Name: Moogie

Race: Enkidukai

Personality and allignment: Kind, selfless, optimistic. Chaotic good.

Background: Moogie was found lying unconcious in the forests near Hydlaa City a few years ago. The warrior Draklar took her into his care and nurtured her untill she was well. Moogie remembers little of her past, but her friends in the once Feline\'s Lair guild know a bit more.

Weapon: Preferably a staff, but she does keep a Rapier handy too. ;)

Strengths: Strong inherant magical abilities of the Brown and Crystal ways.

Weaknesses: Weak at actual combat.

Anything else: In times of suffering or anxiety, Moogie turns her attention to the pendant she has worn since she can remember, to give her the means to carry on.

I think that\'s all. :)
Post by: _ShAdoW_ on November 30, 2003, 11:26:12 am
This is my character!

Name: Baird(reall game name too)


Personality and Allignment: Stubborn, willing, Nuetral.

Background: Baird lives in the Hydraa Plaza and has few peple he trustes. He is very rich and has many a weapons. He was found by the Explorers guild as he stumbbled on thier lands and collapsed as he was ruined and weathered. They revived him using strong magic and he ran away many times. After the last time the people treated him nicely and he stayed. He now lives in the Tavern. He always carries his two Silver Falchion.

Weapons: Prefers his two Silver Falchion but sometimes uses his Galkard.

Strenghts: Brute Force and martial combat. He does not believe in magic.

Weaknesses: Any arcane abilities. And blinding light.
Post by: Draklar on November 30, 2003, 06:02:49 pm
Name: Draklar Az\'randal

Race: Dermorian

Gender: Male

Personality and allignment: Stubborn, Diligent, Honorable, Lawful-Evil.

Background: Banished from his homeland, he traveled to the Hydlaa city. There, he became well known for his good deeds and fighting for justice. However scars of the past didn\'t leave his soul and eventually led him into the path of darkness.

Weapons: Two Handed Great Sword.

Strenghts: Strong, Tough, Somewhat Resistant to Magic.

Weaknesses: Able to use only Red Way of magic, Somehow less resistant to the Dark Way.

Anything else: Loves poetry and wine.
Post by: Auran on December 01, 2003, 01:13:42 am


Outsider: Fallen Solar/ Baatezu;
His original race being nonexistent in these realms he adopts many forms as the need arises but the general form is human or elven.



Personality and allignment:
Shrewd, Unemotional, Vile, appears Civil and sophisticated but is actually fiendish and devoid of morals; Neutral Evil.

As far as he remembers the memories are hazy ones of being shackled to a wall in a dark dungeon. The only sound he recalls are his own cries of anger and pain amid intense silence and visions of darkness. Then one day he felt the wards holding him weaken and his power rise. He then broke his shackles and ventured out into the realms. He wandered for hundreds of years gathering knowledge about this world and its ways. His continuing quest for his actual identity and his reasons for being here in this alien realm.  His wanderings finally brought him to Yliakum where he felt some strong urge to linger. He thus settled down and started forming a society of evil.  To this day the actual reasons of his coming and presence in Yliakum are unknown even to him save for the fact that his instincts told him that this was his destiny.  

Composite Long Bow and Vorpal Greatsword.

Strong, Agile, Resistant to necromancy and Fire but specially susceptible to anti evil spells.

Women :P and inability to tolerate holy or blessed artifacts.

Anything else:
Being a fallen Celestial and now devilkin, Auran has a variety of innate spell casting abilities though he is not a core spellcaster, Necromantic black and white come naturally to him. I prefers to think of his class as Archfiend which is a multiclass cocktail;). Also, in his native form he appears a steel grey Solar, with tattered wings of fire but that is a form he never dons in this world;).
Post by: snow_RAveN on December 01, 2003, 10:13:26 am

RACE: Klyros  

Gender: male

Personality and allignment: Neutural, loner , rather observe then be apart of something , paticent(SP*),  unoptimistic , RATHER FRIENDLY TO CHILDREN

currently resides in the far away form Hydlaa in a small remote village, hiding from his past and what he was An assassian

weapons: A nice kartar and a bunch of throwing knives in the chest which is in his room untouched for some time now

strenghts: Speed, aglity, blue magic , ablity to think fast on his feet

Weaknesses: cant last long in fights , fire magic
Post by: Keldorn on December 01, 2003, 11:57:16 am
Name: Keldorn

Race: Enkidukai

Gender: male

Personality and alignment: neutral good, kind to people. Approaches everything with a certain naive way. isn\'t aware of all the evil in the world.

Background: grew up in a small village, ventured out of the village to explore the outside world. First adventure would be to reach the city of hydlaa.

Weapons: small sword, inherited by his uncle.

Strengths: quick, agile, stealthy. Can go unnoticed past certain places because he\'s small built.

Weaknesses: not very good in close combat.

Anything else: Keldorn is more of a thief type character, sneaky and stealthy.
Post by: seperot on December 01, 2003, 01:40:31 pm
uhh i shoulda posted here first >.>

Name: Seperot


Gender: male

Alingment & personallity: Neutral (more of a swing between good then evil but  neutral will do) fast thinker, rushes head long into the unknown, sneaky,

Backround: Violent childhood which ended in the death of his adopted family by his own hands followed by 12 years as a loner

Weapons: Katana, Short bow

Strenths: Roguish traites

Weaknesses:paranoid, extream lack of trust

Anything else: owner of one crystal
Post by: TJ_2000 on December 01, 2003, 02:05:39 pm
Name: TJ

Race: Ylian

Personality and allignment: Mysterious, Lawful-Evil a suave yet dark feel to him

Background: A skilled dark magician TJ has travelled  many planes in his time but is currently resting from adventures in Hyldaa

Weapon: A ornate double bladed sword lies under his dark cloak, red runes glowing faintly on the blades

Strengths: Skilled in dark and red magic as well as good fighting in skilled duels

Weaknesses: Cannot match brute strength. Weakness to crystal magic

Anything else: TJ\'s past is hidden, seemingly hiding a pain beneath his dark exterior residing in the depths of his heart no one has touched.
Post by: Jessyn on December 01, 2003, 02:52:24 pm
well, i did write a long post here, but then the school network ate it, so i\'ll try again.  this doesn\'t necessarily mean i will be entering the story soon, but that i will.  Oh, and in game, NO ONE KNOW ANY OF THIS.(RPing purposes)

Name: Jessyn

Race:  Brae\'Latha  (pretends to be dermorian)

Gender: female

Personality:   a careful,methodical young woman, she isprone to occasional bursts of rage, these are uncommon, but dangerous to bystanders.  Cares only about herself and her friends(at least, that\'s what she tells herself)  shy.

Background:   torn from her world by powerful magic when she was very young, she grew up in the streets of various cities in Ylakium.  actually a type of elf known as a Brae\'Latha, she tells everyone that she is dermorian.

Weapon:  potions, an ancient Brae\'Latha sword, quarterstaff

Strengths:  alchemy, some stealth training, jane of all trades

Weaknesses:  only basic training in combat and magic, shy.

Post by: Wedge on December 02, 2003, 12:09:19 pm
Name: Tycho

Race: Believed to be Enkidukai

Personality and allignment: A carefree vagrant that oft leaves a trail of confused faces behind.  Rarely, if ever, is serious about anything.  Tends to get involved with whatever he sees that piques his interest, regardless of whether it\'s any of his business.  Neutral Abberation.

Background: Wandering about in an all black body suit, the few travelers that see him may mistake him for an apparition in the darkness.  No one knows where Tycho came from, nor why he\'s anywhere a\'tall.  And if he knows he\'s certainly never told a soul.

Weapon: A number of spells of deception lay at his disposal.  Smoke screens, light flares, shadow blending, multi-imaging and more.  Though many of them seem like simple parlor tricks, only the most powerful mages can scry the truth from his greatest illusions.  He wields no offensive items or magic.

Strengths: Extremely agile and clever.

Weaknesses: Has no concept of how serious a situation may be.  Probably can\'t take a hit.

Anything else: [OOC] I dunno when or if I\'ll get involved in this thing (seeing as how much I\'ve done in this part of the forums), but if I do this character can at least fit in... or not fit in... just about anywhere.  And the idea is somewhat modeled after the Chesire Cat. [/OOC]

well, i did write a long post here, but then the school network ate it
I know how you feel, so if you\'re gonna do that, always work in notepad first  ;) .
Post by: Kramy on December 04, 2003, 04:19:28 pm
Name: Kramy

Race: Kran

Age: Relatively new formed, Kramy is only 3 months old, although the substances he is made from have existed for eons.

Personality and allignment: Tries to do good whenever possible. Sometimes good gets shady though, and it is easy to trick Kramy into doing evil by explaining how it\'s good.

Background: Newly formed, Kramy is rather odd for a Kran. His intelligence is very high due to all the murcury forming his neural pathways. Reaching an intellect roughly half that of most humans, coherent speech is not much of a problem, though he still takes several minutes...or ponder over things.

Weapon: Ever since he can remember he\'s loved using staffs, pikes, and pointed things to poke stuff and get food.

Strengths: Very intelligent for a Kran, skillful in defensive combat, tough skin.

Weaknesses: Gullible, has little understanding of the world due to his age, and tends to get into lots of trouble.

Anything else: Kramy tends to get in trouble whenever he goes into towns. He just doesn\'t understand why the humans get angry when he eats parts or their paths of food. I actually don\'t know much about Planeshift, so feel free to explain stuff to Kramy(and me) as I go along. I\'ll try not to drift too far off track, and Kramy certainly isn\'t a superhero like seperot.
Post by: Natrina on December 04, 2003, 06:05:26 pm
Name: Natrina

Race: Enkiducai

Personality and allignment: Persuator and kind but rageful when provoked, Neutral.

Background: Daughter of Aturen, Naturina is the leader of Bloodclaw Inc.

Weapon: Claws and legs.

Strengths: Flexible and fast.

Weaknesses: Very week in taking damage.

Anything else:
Post by: Dexlan on December 04, 2003, 06:23:45 pm
Name: Kayto

Race: Enkiducai

Personality and allignment: Mature Enkiducai, was good willed hard working family man untill fate took him to Yliakum and turned his life upside down, hard outlook on life now, protective of younger charactors.  Neutral.

Background: trying to return to his family Kayto already skilled in blades and unarmed combat has now taken an interest in magic arts.

Weapon: Two short swords strapped to back, daggers and throwing blades. and a staff

Strengths: Flexible and fast .

Weaknesses: limited knowledge in magic (not for long!).

Anything else:
Has lost his way grives for his family and has hardend himself not to get attached to others.
Post by: mucera on December 05, 2003, 08:04:47 pm
name : morgrob

race : ylien

alignment : tends to neutral good,a usually kind person,simple for the way he spent his life up until now.

background : lost his family under dark circumstances he can only remember sometimes in his adopted and ran away.
he got taught the basics of the red and azure way,and is far from having them mastered.

weapons : none

strength : knows some red and azure magic.due to his youth on the farm he is quiet strong but doesn?t tend to use his strength.

weaknesses : he likes to communicate but is normally suspicious of strangers.once he thinks he got to know them though,he is far to confident.he has a need to find friends and share his thoughts and time with them which can be easily used against him.that may change as he grows older.
Post by: Sifright on December 06, 2003, 11:10:35 am
Name : Andromath Spellweaver

Race : Yilkian

alignment: Lawfull Good

Back : At a young age he was sent to a mage school by his family having shown amazing natural aptitude for casting spells even at the age of three after many years of schoolnig in the aracane arts he become disiplined and poerfull able to control most magik\'s well being well versed in all forms of magick how ever he is strongest in the crystal way after many years he joined the arcane order as mere aprentice but he was soon uped to the rank of adept when the council memebers realsied how power full he was.

Weapon: He carries a stave around with him which can be used as a melle weapon to keep monsters and creatues from attacking him usualy to allow him to cast a spell to incapicatate them

Strength: a jack of all magicks But strongest in Crystal way. He is also very agile allowing him to dodge some blows and to attack very fast with his stave

Weakness : he has very low endurance whislt not being fat and over weight he skiny and a weakling very prone to dmage from swords
Post by: Fanomatic2000 on January 04, 2004, 08:03:56 am
*Removed* (Full info in a seperate thread :) )
Post by: Thakaltas on January 04, 2004, 12:39:30 pm
Name: Thakaltas

Race: Enkidukai

Personality and Alignment: At least partially insane. Tends to see everything as a threat, and thusly tends towards killing over asking questions. Chaotic Neutral.

Background: Lived just outside of Hydlaa for much of his life.

Weapon: Mainly the more interesting polearms (halberds and bills). Can fight with a sword, but usually doesn\'t.

Armor: Medium armor, to allow him to move quickly as well as providing decent protection.

Strengths: Fast, agile. Good with a halberd. Infravision.

Weaknesses: Weak against magic in general. Not very resilient.
Post by: Saethan on January 10, 2004, 04:21:06 pm
(it\'s been a while since I\'ve participated in a RP thread, but I\'m going to give it a shot :D )

Name: Saethan

Race: Diaboli

Personality and allignment: Appears calm, quiet, neutral from the outside, often bored.  Is able to very convincingly act like he cares about you(although doesn\'t find a reason to put on this act very often).  In reality usually couldn\'t care less if the people he interacts with were alive or dead.  Chaotic neutral, as he isn\'t really out to cause any harm but his careless use of the dead can seem evil, also has a small obsession with obtaining more power.

Background: Was abandoned at a very young age, came upon a house in the middle of a forest with a very elderly man in it.  He took Saethan in, probably happy to have somebody to talk to.  He claimed to be a mage, and told story after story about both horrible and wonderful things he had done.  The stories(particuarily the darker ones) fascinated Saethan and led him to research the dark magics, research that started with scrolls he found in the man\'s house after the man had finally died of old age.  

Appearace: Wears a heavy hooded cloak that shades his face and hides his horns and tail, easily mistaken as a Ylian unless you get close enough to make out his face.  His cloak is designed to make him as un-noticeable as possible(barely noticeable if standing still in a shadow),  people tend to notice Diaboli and he doesn\'t like that.  Carries a staff that appears to be nothing more than a walking stick, with a large red prism on the top of it.

Strengths: Highly adept at dark and red magic.  His tail is also abnormally strong for a Diaboli and can be used to suprise enemies should they get close.  Has no reservations against raising the dead to fight for him.   Has natural charismatic abilties like all diaboli do, but rarely uses them except in dire situations or for controlling undead.

Weaknesses:  Not very strong, has no fighting skills beyond the suprise factor he gets with his tail sometimes.    Overall weak at close range.

This might need a little work(i.e. \'came upon a house in the middle of a forest\', how generic eh? :D).. just now made it up because none of the old characters I\'ve used for other stories sound interesting right now.

[edited to add chaotic neutral to allignment]
Post by: Vassago on January 10, 2004, 05:41:00 pm
Name: Vassago

Race: Ylian

Personality and allignment: A person with no respect for authority, and a enourmous fear for mages. Is mostly by himself, but when he is drunk, then *damn* he is talky

Background: A son of the wealthy Sir Tyrher von Yttertaft. In his youth he was bullied around by almost all other children, this continued to the day when the other children hired a mage to take care of the \"strange\" Vassago von Ytterhaft, this was a terrible thing to do and he was left, almost dead in the middle of the day and now with a fear of magic and cursed to never get to be exposed of magic again. The rest of his life he was residing in darkness and getting used to the lack of light. He died at the age of 42 in the hands of a diabloii mage.

Weapon: Daggers, stillettos, anything short, pointy and preferably poisoned
Strengths: Wealthy, used to darkness, ambidextrous, lucky and a sixth sense which has saved him many times

Weaknesses: No magical abilities, if exposed to magic, he will probably be killed

Post by: Slashomatic on January 11, 2004, 12:06:38 pm
Name: Electrokah

Race: Male Human

Personality And Allignment: comical, witty, cool, and he is also short tempered when it comes to certain things but otherwise calm, and he is lawful/good/freelancer

Background: Just a regular guy, until he reached the age of 20 which is when he started changing, he gained the super-natural power to control pure energy, his structure and skeletal system became extremly solid, and his athletic abilities greatly increased ... he could manipulate energy, like emitting focused energy beams and lightning bolts from his hands and with his newfound strength and hardened body he begain to vigorously learn Martial Arts and sword techniques for 5 long years, with Master Zenji\'s guidance and that of many other Martial Arts Masters he had became a very powerful and skilled Martial Artist, and with the knowledge of Martial Arts he could then utilize the full potential of his body, mind, and spirit, he than could run, jump, dodge, and block incredibly better than any of the Masters that trained him ever could in their wildest dreams, he had vowed to use his strengths and power for all things good and pure  

Weapon: The most incredibly strong, sharp, and lightweight double-edged broad sword ever known to exsist, it can almost cut thru adamantium

Strengths: Energy Control, and super-natural strength, power, and agility, which all are greatly enhanced by the knowledge of Martial Arts

Weaknesses: Broad Sword has trouble cutting thru adamantium, and weak when exposed to strong dark-magic, strong earth-magic, halloween, voodoo, after consuming bluecheese and liver, and any other gross food

Anything Else: Electrokah has a good sense of humor, and keen eyesight, and has recently become an animal trainer, he loves cats, should you harm a cat he will kick your ass, not anything serious just a harsh spanking with the flat of his blade, and he is a little frightened by clowns in those rainbow outfits, yeah they look like psycho\'s
Post by: neotepz on January 23, 2004, 08:48:21 pm
Name: Sengoku

Sex/Race: Male - Human

Age: 24

Personality And Allignment: Amazingly Calm and some would say unemotional, Lawful - Good ( he would say honourable - good).

Background: Upon his birth, he was born into an age old tradition of his village, that tradition was honour. For 16 years he trained to use the katana, the tanto, the wakazashi before being considered a man in his village, after this, 4 years later he left to seek his honour yet he never returned to his village. This training with weapons and the code of honour, this teaching gave his villages warriors a set of codes to live by, elevating them above hired killers. Those who followed the code in the true sense, never considered their own lives when entering battle, showing what they felt was true honour and loyalty.

Weapon: Katana with ancient runes running along the blades centre, also next to the Katana is his secondary weapon which is rarely drawn, the tanto (a small knife, similar in style to the katana).

Strengths: Agility, Strength, Reflexes, Code of Honour

Weaknesses: Weakness to most magic although the swords runes seem to protect him from week magical attacks and spells.

Anything Else: His most distinguishing feature is the scar that runs from the top of his right eye, all the way down his face, although he can luckily still see the scar is easy to see and he has so far never told anyone why he has such a scar and it may also lead to some questions about why he never returned to his village after this scar had appeared... He also seems to have some skills with the arts, such as poetry, writing, drawing, painting.
Post by: Taldor on January 24, 2004, 10:09:32 am
Did anyone notice almost all characters have more a less the same weaknesses (Bad in/against magic or physically weak)?
Post by: neotepz on January 24, 2004, 08:52:16 pm
amazingly, yes.

i think the weakness in magic was to stress the weakness to the mage, seropot or something like that (soprry bad with names)
Post by: Monketh on January 28, 2004, 10:24:26 am
Hope you guys don\'t mind if I join in a little late!
(I figured out a way to come back from the dead though)

Name: Monketh

Race: Dermorian

Personality and allignment: Rational, a centrist kind of guy

Background: One of the Master Rangers.  Like many in Yliakum, he woke up one day and was picked up by a guild.

Weapon: An assortment of throwing kinves, a longish dagger, a rapier, and anything lying about.

Strengths: No apparent general strengths, other than sword forging
Weaknesses: Food

Anything else: Revived by cult to be used as a sacrifice, thusly lives.  Clothed in dark cloak (with hood).
Post by: Kuiper7986 on January 28, 2004, 10:23:51 pm
Name: Kuiper

Race: Male - Xacha

Personality/Alignment: Kind, nice, mildly shy, and sometimes over-optimistic. Filling up with anger

Backround: About 17 years ago, when Kuiper was born, he lived a good life for a while. His father was an accountant at the nearby gold bank and his mother make tapestries for royal families. But after a few years later his father had died from a terrible disease and his mother had to died from this disease. He knew there was nothing left. He then left to become a monk, where he only chose to train with hand-worn weapons. Since then hes been quiet and angry but never showing it, fillied with anger, he uses that anger into the power of his punches.

Strengths: After years of meditation he has become very tolerant of magic attacks and has pretty strong melee attacks.

Weaknesses: Has almost no experience in ranged weapons, or any bladed weapons; e.g: Swords, Daggers, Axes, polearms included.

Anything else: Has knowledge in Herblaw, skills in Pharmacy, and healing.

Weapon: Anything that is worn on your hands, whether it be combat gloves, claws, gauntlets, or knuckles. But specifically, these here. Gauntlets with silver spikes.
Post by: Syzerian on February 16, 2004, 02:57:57 am
Name: Syzerian

Race/sex: Male Dermorian

Personality/Allignment: Good, trustworthy, honorable, quiet

Backround: Banished from old homeland for herecy(sp?) and taken to hydlaa by a necromancer

Weapon: long bow, weak lightning and healing magic, spear

Strengths: a master with a bow and arrow, immune to ice and cold, fast and agile, weak lightning and healing magic

Weaknesses: close combat, fire, cant swim

anything else: demorian night seeing ability, follows no religion
Post by: Kraxton on April 15, 2004, 01:07:48 am
Name: Phanx
Race: Kran

Personality: Phanx is as dumb as a brick with a childlike innocence; easily duped and quick to forgive. He (deferring to the male pronoun) is extremely loyal to his friends, and he is quick to help any creature he sees being unjustly harmed.

Strengths: Phanx has the usual strengths of the Kran race.

Weaknesses: Phanx has an unusually high craving for rubies, which he will gobble up at any given opportunity.

Weapon: Kran is a pacifist, and only believes in empty-handed fighting.  He is a skilled martial artist.

Background: Kran left his homeland in search of enlightenment, joined The Brotherhood of the Holy Crystal, and is serving all other sentient beings while residing chiefly in Hydlaa.
Post by: mercenary on April 30, 2004, 02:13:47 pm
Name: Zaeku

Race/gender: Enkidukai/male

Personality/alignment: cold, uncaring, arrogant, never speaks unless required to or listener is a close friend, loyal, obedient/ neutral-evil...following commands

Strengths: Strong, agile, uses magic to alter lighting in areas...whether it is azure-illusion way or crystal way-light or dark way, skilled in hand to hand combat

Weaknesses: wears no armour for any available extra speed...defence is extremely low, no magical/physical resistances of any kind

Equipment: Steel gloves, gauntlets etc ommiting claws, may be barbed or spiked, dark hooded cloak so shadows take full effect

Backround: mercenary, currently employed by mysterious cloaked figure.
Post by: SaintNuclear on May 02, 2004, 07:01:35 pm
Name: Nuc

Race: Kran

Personality and allignment: Lawful-Evil. Thinks he\'s the best, always right (but usually isn\'t overtly arrogant). Strong believer of Talad, and considers Laanx and his believers as a danger. Dislikes every other race besides his own. He can get into rages over minor things and going berserk. He never actually trust anyone, always on the watch, but expects others to trust him as he feels himself as trustworthy.

Background: Nuc was created before the other races came to Yliakum, and remmembers how they came in and acted as if it\'s their home. He trained in combat by his own. He was an apprentice to a Ylian weapons blacksmith in his teenhood.

Weapon: A big battle axe he forged on his own in 6 months. He took alot of time and effort into forging it, fitting every tiny aspect of it to him and his needs thus increasing it\'s strength when it\'s in his hands. He\'s pretty much ok with maces and war hammers, and terrible with anything else.

Strengths: Strong (even compared to other Krans), well trained in combat.

Weaknesses: Slow, not agile.

Anything else: The general pros and cons of Krans applies to him, of course.
Post by: Fextina on May 03, 2004, 12:43:37 am
Name: Fextina

Race: High Elf (will there be one?)

Personality and allignment: Lawful evil, sneaky, and quick.

Background: Born to a noble family in the cursed town of Rewana. Was abducted at 7 by the merecenary guild, and they demanded a ransom. To make the long story short, they didn\'t get their random, so they kept me, and I learned their life style.

Weapon: My tounge and charisma. People believe what I say, and follow what I command.

Strengths: Wickedness.

Weaknesses: Weak to poison, magic, and any bloody potions.
Post by: seperot on May 03, 2004, 05:45:45 am
im shocked people are still signing up and such hope you guys come up with some good stuff :)
Title: joining
Post by: iberolinx on May 08, 2004, 05:45:05 pm
Name: Elfenthor

Race: Ylian

Gender: Male

Personality and allignment: Free, neutral

Background: I just grew uo myself on a misty forest without past, present nor future. There I learnt the magic from the fairy\'s , the gnomes and the dargos, and I learnt to fight taught by the Elven and the life, and I\'d still be there, forsaken, if someone hadn\'t come for me...

Weapons: no weapon

Strenghts: Strong, Powerful Magic, Ancester Protected.

Weaknesses: Weak eyes, females...(all races), impulsive.

Anything else: Likes playing and hearing to music, arts fan.
Title: oh!
Post by: TheRedMonk on May 09, 2004, 08:22:11 am
sorry Im late ;)

Name: Tybalt the Red Monk

Race: Enkidukai

Gender: Male

Personality and allignment: Nice to his friends, horrible to his enemies. Lawful Evil

Background: When he was a baby, a human couple found Tybalt abandoned in the woods and adopted him. He was taught the martial arts by his father and lived very happily until his parents got a child of their own and Tybalt was starting to get ignored. It ended with him getting locked down and tortured in a basement. One day he was released by Pein the god of torture who made him his prophet, The Red Monk. When he left the darkness of the basement and stepped out of his house, the sunlight burnt his eyes and made him forever blind.

Weapon: Fists and claws

Strengths: Agile with incredible willpower

Weaknesses: Blind and therefor very weak when his other senses are put down.

Anything else: Likes to share his knowledge with people he likes.
Post by: Rougearrowz on June 09, 2004, 12:02:05 am
yea soz me is late but yeah

Name: Rouge Arrow

Race: Demorian

Gender: Female

Personality / alignment: slightly psychotic/maniacle kind generous adventurous sneaky humerous (to herslef anyway) Chaotic good (well most of the time)

Background: rouge lived in a small vilage on the surface world when one day she was playing hide and seek and got lost in a cave long story short she ended up in hydalee plazza.

Weapons: Throwing claymores (aerodynamically designed as well as very lightweight but still deadly)
twin long swords and longbow also trees shadows and gravity.

Strengths: good with a vaiety of weapons, multi purpose party member, bard

Weaknesses: cant sing  has no magical abilities besides her spell like ability to summon a variety of minor effects by encasing sumthing with a pillow is psychotic and will eat anything when hungry

Anything else: she is very different:D
Post by: PenguinX on June 18, 2004, 01:50:40 am
Well, this is my first roleplay thread. Hope it\'s suitable =D(-PenguinX)

Name: Xyphon

Race: Enkidukai

Gender: Male

Personality/Alignment: Neutral Good- I have a mind of my own, but I tend to lean toward Good. I am also very quiet and reserved.

Backround: My parents were both killed when a band of grotesque monsters ransaked our poor, yet sufficient cottage. At the tender age of 12, I saw people suffer and die because of these horrible evil creatures. I swore to myself that day that I would be free, yet dedicate myself to help others free themselves of that evil. Each day I struggled to survive from the lack of food and water, but survived. I eventually grew \"street smarts\" over the years.
I had schooled myself in the art of hand to hand combat and with exotic weapons such as double bladed daggers and crescents. I also had limited knowledge about bows. Later, when I had earned enough money, I trained in a few arts of magic to enhance my other combat skills and a learned many useful utility spells.

Weapons: Various martial-art techniques, also several spells. I use different weapons, but I usually use a sharp crescent. In certain situations I also use a longbow.

Strengths: Fast common thinking, useful enhancing/utility spells, melee/ranged capabilities, survival skills.

Weaknesses: Lacks knowledge of the outside world, quite poor, very reserved at the most inopportune moments, tends to have a weakness against fire magic due to the horrible moments he experienced when his village was burned and ransacked.

Anything Else: I take a long time to make a friend, but once that person is my friend, I am quite loyal and will die him/her. Currently lives in a mud cottage with bare nessacities.
Post by: smoak on July 02, 2004, 01:12:46 am
Name: Smoak

Race: Klyros

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet, shy,clever, very curious/Alignment :Neutral good

Background: Lived on the outskirts of Hydlaa. Was an adept in the red way and constinly strove to improve. Found a crystal one day and used it for practice on a big spell. It blinded one of his eyes and sent him to the barren lands where the lord of the lands found him. He took up the blue and brown way because the only red he could manage was a smoke wall (thus the name). his study of the blue way has given him an intuition that allows him to fell the prescence of things making up for his blind eye.

weapons: through experimentation of spells he learned to summon weapons and prefers double short blades.

strengths: quick thinking, agile, uses long range spells(no bows) very resisstant to red way

weaknesses: too curious at times, maye too trusting too some

Anything else: He sometimes will go into a beserk rage and use powerful red way magic but blacks out and forgets the beserking afterwards
Post by: Zackery on July 07, 2004, 12:25:51 pm
Personality and Alighnment: A timid creature. That is on the side of good.
Background: Found many times blankly staring into space. Many worry about Roscoh\'s communication with the others. But, his thin, slender body allows the other Enks to teese him. But, when he had enough he ran away from home and swore that he would protect the less fortunate.
Weapon:A foil that has been passed down from generation to generation, and keeps a bow just in case.
Strenghths: Close combat and ranged.
Weaknesses:The fear of death some times freezes wich gives the enemy a better chance to attack.
Anything else:The focus of avenge over his father death still passes through his mind.
Post by: Adeli on August 10, 2004, 05:08:27 am
OOC: Uhhh, is it too late to join? I hope not.. I only just found the time to come to the forums more often.

My character:
Name: Tyralus
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Appears to be Ylian
Personality: A loner, and untrusting. Tends to be apprehensive towards others. Quick witted and prone to outsmart others, often causing trouble because of this.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Background: Tyralus remembers little of his background save a name \'Allandrad\'. At a young age, Tyralus was found by a gang of thieves known as the \'ShadowDancers\' and was inducted into their ranks. He quickly became one of the greatests thieves in the gang, and could outmatch any of the gang with a rapier. Returning from a mission one night, he discovered the ShadowDancers home had been attacked, and all of his fellow rogues had been slaughtered. Tyralus fled taking nothing but his rapier with him and found himself in a city known as Hydlaa. He continues to thieve, but only when he really needs tria. Otherwise he acts the part of a hunter and tracks wild beasts around the city. The only key to his past is a signet ring than cannot be removed from his right index finger, forged of some black metal and encrusted with a ruby cut into the shape of a crescent moon.
Weapons: Tyralus always has his rapier with him, whilst hunting, he carries a large knife in his belt and a shortbow.
Strengths: A master of stealth, Tyralus has the ability to become like the shadows in which he hides and has amazing perception, making his tracking of beasts easy. He is also extremely intelligent. High agility.
Weaknesses: Tyralus is not able to carry much in the way of equipment as this would way him down. He is hurt by the death of his friends and as such is often overcome by grief and does not think things through as much as he should. He is obsessed with revenge and this also clouds his judgement. For reasons unknown to him, Tyralus has an immense phobia of all magic. He cannot use it, and does not trust those who can. When faced with magic users, he is prone to flee.
Anything else: He suspects that his fear of magic is linked to the mysterious Allandrad and his past.

OOC: I am sorry for the length of this, there was a lot that I wanted to include. I hope this is not too late...
Post by: Adeli on August 10, 2004, 05:49:23 am
Sorry the story is kinda dead.. I should have checked it first... never mind me... feel free to use my character if you want, he\'s not a coward, just fears magic.
Post by: Enter_the_Xero on October 06, 2004, 06:29:00 pm
Name: Coga Maxwell

Race: Elf

Gender: Male

Age: 19


You hear somebody behind you and you turn around, yet you see nothing. You have the feeling that you are being followed. Someone is laughing in the dark or is it just your imagination playing a trick on you. You wake up in the middle of the night becouse someone is whispering treats in your ear. You open your eyes and see nobody, everything is quiet. You have got so scared of this mysterious presence that you hired a powerfull bodyguard to protect you with his life. The haunting have stopped yet the feeling that someone is still there haunts you everyday. After a week you hear a horriblly evil laughter as you pass trough the woods to get some herbs. Your bodyguard goes farther in the woods to where the laughter came from, he takes a look around yet finds nothing. The whole city hears your story and now two mages woluntteer to follow you around for free as well as your bodyguard. You feel more confident and go to Gej, a beutifull little town full of dwarfs to buy some dragon milk. When you enter the town you see nobody around, the town seems to be empty of any soul. One of your mages senses an evil presence and casts a spell called \"Revieling Light\". Your pupils widen in pure horror as you see a huge unholy demonic aura strething out from a male Elf-Enkidukai halfbreed. He has a slim body, long blue hair, daggers attached to his gloves, two giant swords on his back, and spiked armor. You hear him laugh a cold heartless dark laughter not possible by anything living and dissapear into air. You draw out your sword and your group prepares for a battle. Wind blows you hair to the right... darkness, cold, fear passes you mind in a mere second...  and your guardian falls, dead. One of the mages summons a Hard Rock Elemntal while the other put\'s up a barrier prapring for a second attack. The demonic aura creeps closer and closer....  you look up and see him standing on the barrier looking down upon you, smiling. The rock elemental land a hard blow on the monster, then freezes and crumbles before your eyes. The evil creature begins chanting a spell and both of the mages fall. The barrier breaks and you slowly back away horrified. You feel steel at your throat, his dark lifeless eyes staring down at you, smiling. The smile slowly turns into a grown; you think that you are dead without anyway to escape. The deathknight releases you and turns around facing a young night elf. The elf is also skinny and has almost the same outfit without any armor. \"Stepbrother, we meet at last.\" he says in a confident voice and draws ou his sword...

EDIT: Spelled the name wrong...
Post by: Bjorn on October 10, 2004, 10:11:38 am
Name: Eitri Helmgard

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Age: 44

Weapon: Double edged axe

Background: A former dwarven explorer, Eitri travelled the world and became wise as he aged. At the age of 40 he retired to become a weapon smithy, and has lived peacefully ever since. 4 years after, he is getting an itch for adventure again...

Strengths: Eitri has mastered the art of melee fighting, although not very intelligent, but when he starts a fight, he ends a fight.

Weaknesses: With a fairly low IQ, Eitri knows little magic except that of enchanting swords, hammers and axes. He is very dim-witted and relies on his friends to do the thinking.

Physical Appearance: Eitri is short and stubby (just like any other dwarf), has a long white beard, and wears platemail armour wherever he goes.

Behaviour: He is very \"silly\" and gets drunk every chance he can get. He is very supersticious, which is why he always drinks out of his own goblets.
Post by: cirdan telemnar on October 10, 2004, 01:55:11 pm
name: Cirdan telemnar

race: Elf

gender: Male

Age: 56 (Since he\'s an elf he will still look young as a 27 year old human)

weapon: Long Bow

background: An elven archer looking for the evil that destroyed his home town and his life.found hydlaa plaza and made a living in the city.
Now he got news of evil spreading in the plains...

strenghts: Cirdan as all the other elfes is a great archer.
but also he can breath under water and is intelligent.

Weaknesses: Altough he is great in long distance he has very low health and a bad melee fighter

aligment: Good, As most other elfs.
Post by: Sangwa on October 19, 2004, 06:46:05 am
Name: Sangwa Raumo (Not his birth name)

Race: Enkidukai

Gender: Male

Personality and allignment: A rather misterious guy, known to be a evil (though not mean :P) rogue, but who really is Chaotic Neutral.

Background: Son of Aturen, left his home to start his own business as a wandering Acquiring Connoisseur, later joined the Dark Empire.

Weapon: He would rather not use one, but a poisoned dagger does wonders.

Strenghts: Fast legs, good hider and a skilled pick-pocketer.

Weakness: Gold, women and ale.
Post by: hickle00 on November 20, 2004, 12:15:44 pm
Name: Andres Muli

Race: Half-Orc

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Personality and allignment: Unusual Good

Background: Andres Muli banned from his orc clan, has gone around recruiting every half-orc that crosses his path to form the first every half-orc clan

Weapon: Carries around a large warhammer, made completely out of strong oak  and leather grip handle

Strengths: Strong in hand-to-hand combat, good at recruiting for wartime, strategist

Weaknesses: Weak at talking to any race besides half-orc

Anything else: Andres turns to devilsweed and and strong dwarven ale in times of uncertinaty so he may concentrate and relax.
Post by: MaveriktheEnkidukai on November 21, 2004, 07:51:00 pm
Name: Maverik

Race: Enkidukai

Strength And Allignment: Violent, Can\'t Remeber why he is where he is, Blademaster/Dark mage.

Background: A young tennager who awoke to find himself in the ancient sewer. Dose not know why though.

Weapons: Great Sword

Strengths: Fast Good with a sword and magic.

Weakness: his own Rage.
Post by: Cyberchu on December 02, 2004, 05:24:58 pm
I would apreciate it is any alchemists or seige weapon users could please post here
Post by: Krayn on December 09, 2004, 05:58:20 pm
Name: Krayn

Race: Klyros

Personallity and allighnment: energetic and playful.  neutural good.

Background: There are many stories of how he came but not even he is sure but he believes this is what happened.   One day Krayn was eating with his mom, dad, and brother at there hut.  Then the sky grew dark he didn\'t know what was going on. But then he saw dark figures coming.  He and his family flew into the sky. Then suddenly an arrow shot Krayn\'s wing. He soared down uncontrollably and hit the ground. The next thing he remembers is a group of Enkidukais finding him. He has no idea who his family is. But he is on a quest to find out and no one will stop him.

Weapon: duel swords

Strengths:his agility and strenghth while flying

Weaknesses:Wings being harmed and long ranged enemies

Anything else: When he struggles he remembers he has someone that loves when he sees the pendant he had when he fell that day which shows him atleast he had a family.
Post by: Nonk on December 16, 2004, 04:27:28 pm
Name: Nonk the Mad

Race: Enkidukai

Age: 32

Alignment/Personality: Chaotic Good, bad tempered, kind, trusting and loyal.

Background: Has wanted to be a warrior ever since he saw a duel at the age of three, and has trained in his spare time ever since. During his childhood he was also apprenticed to a blacksmith and later a fletcher. Eventually he gained enough skill to move out and become a knight errant.

Weapons: Mainly a sword and shield, but will use pole arms and bows when appropriate.

Strengths: Skilled with most weapons, can repair weapons and armour, can make arrows and has learned rudimentary tactics on the fly.

Weaknesses: Is illiterate, knows no magic and is awful at anything requiring the least amount of stealth.
Title: Charater
Post by: Pandora on December 20, 2004, 10:18:16 pm
Name: Parodox

Race: Elf

Personality: Neutral (won\'t cause trouble if isn\'t nessary)

Weapon: Long posion dagger at his side and a three hooked claw on his right hand.

Background: He has a history which he tells no one. He trys to forget about the past and doesn\'t care for the future. His quest in life is to live by any means he has.

Strengths: Secracy and the art of instant killing. He is aslo good at stealing and making potions.

Weakness: Fighting for  a long time in hand to hand combat.

Anything else: He doesn\'t talk to others much reforing to keep to himself. Those that know him will tell you he is weird and dangerous.
Title: Hope im not...
Post by: Matthewrdot on December 27, 2004, 03:43:39 am
Hope im not too late to join...

Name: Matthew

Race: Ylian

Personality and allignment: True Neutral, Kind, Wise, Called Demented by his enemies as he exerts strange strengths in battle and beats large numbers of people alone.

Background: He was trained at a very young age to be a warrior and did not really have a hometown as his family or tribe were always on the move... one day the tribe was captured while he was hunting, they were all gone by the time he got back so he set out on a war trail against the captors of his tribe.. his trail still goes on til now...

Items: A dagger, A bow, Some basic clothing

Strengths: Good at surprise attacks and causing fear in the enemy, he can use this to beat a whole army on his own.

Weaknesses: Severely weakened in cold areas or cold weather, Goes mad when he sees fire as after his tribe was captured their tents were all burned to the ground, Not very strong (he cant carry plate mail or heavy items and hits less damage in combat), His battle rage which if not concentrated could be fatal to him not his enemy.
Post by: Bartimus on December 28, 2004, 09:22:20 pm
I like to roleplay, and I\'ll do my best(I\'ll only be able to make one post, then I\'ll be gone for a week at least).

Name: Bartimus Konn

Race: Ylian

Personality and Alignment:  Enigmatic.  Although he maintains a cheerful disposition, you can see that he is never as he appears to be, for when you look into his eyes, they do not shine as the eyes of most creatures do, as if he had no soul.  Although he chooses not to draw distinctions between people by labeling them as good or evil, he could be considered a good person, who commits acts that could be viewed as evil, due to reasons that he says cannot be revealed for his sake and the sake of others.

Background:  What happened in Bartimus\'s childhood is of no consequence, nor does he choose to discuss that knowledge with anyone.  But it is important to know that from a very young age, he had a great fascination with magic.  Because of this interest, he grew into a powerful mage, specializing in the Azure and Crystal Ways.  He is generally unknown to the public, and those who do know him see him as a priest of sorts, using his magic as a means to heal many people across the land.  But because of the things that he knows he must do, Bartimus is selective to those whom he chooses to know him, and will use his Azure magic to wipe the minds of anyone who he thinks may either pose a problem to his missions, or will not benefit him in any way.  Having used this skill many times over, he is now skilled enough that he can wipe selective memories rather than whole sections, and even add fake memories to replace removed ones.  This is a power he never abuses.  He has managed to revive a person from the dead with Crystal magic, but has only done it once, since he nearly killed himself in doing so.  Bartimus is not a sociable person, and is never the one to start a conversation.

Weapon: Staff with a glowing gem at it\'s tip that has certain magical properties.  The gem is not removable or breakable.

Strengths: Very skilled in the Azure and Crystal ways of magic.  Has a brain like a sponge, and absorbs everything he hears or reads.  Basic training with staff combat.  Fairly good Alchemy.

Weaknesses: Spent so much time practicing the Azure and Crystal Ways, his mind and body are now shut to all other Ways of magic, so he is unable to learn any spell from any other Way.  Slow on his feet and weak physically, since he spent so much time studying magic and so little time training his body.  

Anything Else:  

Height: 5\'7\"

Clothes:  Dark purple shirt and pants with black belt under a cloak which has the hood up hiding his face unless there is a special occasion.  He magically changes the cloaks color, depending on the job he is currently working on.  It is either silver of black.  Black boots.

Eye Color: Icy Blue

Hair Color: Platinum

Skin Color: Light Brown

Gender: Male

Age: 27
Title: Lyistra
Post by: lyistra on January 27, 2005, 10:48:19 pm
Lyistra is.. well, Lyistra.

Name:  Lyistra Mentana

Race: Enkidukai, Cheetah variety.

Personality:  Helpful, a bit jaded, though, tender hearted, but sometimes entirely too skeptical.  Retains a childlike sense of wonder about some things, and will sacrifice anything for those she considers a true friend.  She also is very strong in Crystal Way, but deep-down fears to use any of that ability.  In addition, Lyistra loves blades.. training in a fighting art that is as much art and dance, as combat.  Her teacher, the esteemed Muareh-Scylrha, said she had lots of potential, but really needed to be more willing to be aggressive.  She has an intense fear of closed-in spaces, and tends to be uneasy at best in dark, closed-in caverns.  She carries her lyre, an eight-string Jhar`ath, with some specialized fretwork, nearly everywhere she goes.   She is obsessive about learning new stories or music, and loves a well-spun tale.

Appearance:  In appearance, Lyistra is approximately 5\'6\" tall, and has, rather than the usual cheetah colouring, darker fur, and tawny spots, the spots lightening toward her tummy.  She usually has at least some kind of jewelry about, though often wears the minimal clothing that is required for her modesty.  She collects Emphyry feathers, usually having three or four of the shimmering feathers woven into her waist-length hair.  A couple of moth wings usually sit within that hair too, dyed with different colours.

Strengths:  Stubborn as water and wind.  She tends to protect everyone she can.  She trains fiercely, and has good control of the two blades she almost always wields, a pair of enlarged kukhri  style blades.    She is fairly nimble on her feet, and with her paws,  more wiry than brute force build.  She has good hand-eye coordination.

Weaknesses:  She tends to respond... poorly to having her friends threatened, and she has a temper.  And sometimes her own self-doubt shows through, when she has private moments.  She tends to be overly trusting, and often gets lost in just moving when she\'s in combat (imagine seeing a cheetah enki femme dancing, having forgotten she was just fighting, till the inspiration wore off, an unusual type of berserker at best).  Tends toward distraction when something new happens that seems interesting.

Eye colour:  Gold, with a splash of blue on the lower-right quadrant of the left eye.

Skin colour?  You\'re going to shave her to find out? *chuckles*

Gender:  Female
Age:  19 years old.
Post by: Tarachnul on February 01, 2005, 04:32:03 am
Name: Tarachnul

Race: Stonebreaker

Personality and allignment: stubborn, irritable, Chaotic-good

Background: Deposed Dwarven Thane whose people were conquered and systematically exterminated, now wanders the world of Yliakum in hopes of establishing a new nation and returning his people to their former glory.

Weapon: Giant Dwarf-sized Axe, (fists as well)

Strengths: Size (low center of gravity :D )

Weaknesses: Beer and Bar fights(has been tossed out of Kada-els upon many an occasion)

Anything else: famous inventor of the axe hurling technique