
Gameplay => Wish list => Topic started by: Turahk on January 05, 2004, 05:08:31 pm

Title: "Fun" Magic
Post by: Turahk on January 05, 2004, 05:08:31 pm
ok for you perverts it doesnt mean what ur thinkin.....ur sick

anyway ok i started PS like in the summer and some of yall know me as Tur.....ok so ive been thinkin of improvments and stuff....(yes i do talk to much)
Ok since thers goin to be magic, instead of just offensive and Defensive why not have Fun magic...heres and example:

Night falls and thers a small group or party outside, a magician has learned the magic skill \"fireworks\" and uses it....he raises his hands above his head and a little way above them (maybe 5-7 feet) flashes like mini-fireworks start appearing....

Post by: tallimar on January 05, 2004, 05:24:49 pm
ahh, so what your saying is spells for performing in front of crowds and the such.  sounds interesting.  would that include a spell to create ale, whiskey or the such?  not a bad idea, a prestidigitation(points for anyone that can say that three times fast without slipping) for planescape.
Post by: Davis on January 05, 2004, 05:27:50 pm
Yes, I definately think there should be spells that don\'t do anything \"useful\". I also think there should be a lot of them, so one person will have a hard time learning them all. Adds more uniqueness to what one person does. Maybe there dcould be spells that you have to find...
Post by: Kixie on January 05, 2004, 05:29:13 pm
wine from bread would be awesome... But why not have some cool abilities from the fighters too? Like using thier sword or dagger to carve little animals.Or maybe wild animal riding almost like bull riding. Or even some pranks from the thieves. Having magicians only have fun stuff like that is unfair. :P
Post by: Turahk on January 05, 2004, 05:34:27 pm
ya basically things that dont really do anything just entertainment and stuff


lol i like teh bull riding idea and ale and beer thing to ^^
ya not only magician couls learn.....i mean them as universal skills......but then ther would be Class-special skills so that if im an Assassin that can do say a Mimic skill (like change appearance to a random shape ex: a large dog) but ur a magician and cant do it because its a Class-special skill
Post by: Axsyrus on January 05, 2004, 05:46:14 pm
\"fun spells\" would be cool, but i don\'t think these spells should be just for fun..
for example: there some red way spell that uses fire to damage your oponent, now if you use it without targeting something, it would give some nice fire effects, but wouldn\'t harm anyone.
This way every spell could be used for both damaging an enemy and entertaining other people.
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 05, 2004, 06:17:02 pm
i havnt read all of the post but if we DO have fun magic, i think it should be for putting on shows for ppl with some friends or other fun magic users, and u should have alot of spells, and for some, such as the fireworks, there should be upgrades, like mini-fireworks, fireworks, big-fireworks, explosive fun, fire-n-watch or something like that, maybe even able to aim where it goes? so maybe u wanna scare someone whos looking up by casting a firework onto the crowd that explodes confetty or something all over

good idea, i\'d love to see this in, be able to pull pranks, put on shows, have fun with it by urself by experimenting on what they would look like if u did this, then this, then this, and anything else ya can think of
Post by: tallimar on January 05, 2004, 06:18:13 pm
i like that idea better, more \"class\" specific fun skills.  like perhaps a bard type that can use perform to juggle as well as play music or a thief type that can throw daggers at apples on other people\'s heads and so on...  the limit here is only imagination. :)
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 05, 2004, 06:23:44 pm
maybe ya can put a guild together a be a traveling circus that does complex tricks (doing fun magic together making into a good show basicly) for money, and maybe sells things as a bonus, somethin like that would be cool
Post by: Turahk on January 05, 2004, 06:30:58 pm
wow this topic really took off ^^

lol \"welcome to the Traveling Corcus Guild\"...ya see if u watch that Intro when u go to teh site, it says sum stuff and then it says \"fall in love..\" so sum things could be like romantic spells like heart shaped fireworks and stuff...

lol now what if the thief missed, Tallimar?

wow the ideas never end!
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 05, 2004, 06:39:35 pm

PC1 casts in-love 1 on PC2

the spell misses PC2 and hits PC3

PC3 gets a msg on his computer that PC1 was hittin on him

PC3 looks around and see PC1 is just a guy

PC3 gets mad and casts pink skin on PC1

PC1 gets hit and his avatar\'s skin turns pink for 10+ mins

PC1 tries again and hits PC2

PC2 turns around walks up to PC1 and uses the slap emote to slap PC1, then the bye emote and leaves

PC1 logs off with 1 failure and pink skin still in effect o.O

maybe something like this could happend with the fun magic since u cant attack ppl or anything, or perhaps instead of gettin a msg like PC1 hits on you or something, maybe its more like a reverse fear spell so instead of running away he/she runs towards you, and maybe plays an emote before the user can gain control to use the slap emote or the thank you emote or whatever lol
Post by: tallimar on January 05, 2004, 07:14:28 pm
if the thief missed, well, i guess that person would have a dagger sticking out of his eye for a while now wouldnt he? :P
Post by: Kixie on January 05, 2004, 07:16:28 pm
Hehe as far as pranks for assassins, thieves, etc. One of em could be flatulence. lol that would be hilarious to see  green cloud sneak from behind the serious magician.

Pranks could also include a dragon poping up. It doesnt do any damage just scares the hell out of resting players. I like the dagger throwing idea for the rougues. Wiliam tell all over again. I dont think that you should die if you happen to miss though. Maybe just skinned head and all the hair near there gets cut off. Lol that would make people pretty mad if they had a reverse mohawk for a certain period of time.

And what about this? Some sort of potion that \"cleans someones bowels\" and they allways have a hurt stomach (via very minor health deduction and text saying your stomach hurts) and you are stationary for a period of time, doing what your already thinkin\' of course.

 Oooh i just love the idea of fun little things to occupy ones time in planeshift. Not to mention all of the drinking games, horrible talents like poping out ones eye (if its a glass one) and nasty stuff like that.

Well improve upon my ideas if you wish...
Post by: tallimar on January 05, 2004, 07:30:12 pm
i could see it now, the dungeons would be full of noobs while all the vets are running around making each other fart and giving everyone reverse mohawks.  i guess that would give Anarchy Online a whole new meaning. :D
Post by: Turahk on January 05, 2004, 08:37:33 pm
LOL!! ya like the characters start running from the magician with the fartin prank pulled on him.

I like teh love idea Rogue, that would be hilarious to see it miss and a Kran go chasin an Enikundai.

another trick could be to \"set\" someone on fire, their character runs around a little while teh others step back.

hmmm lets see, assassins are hard to think of :( well besieds teh knife trick...

Animal tamers or whatever they are could have their pets do tricks....and magicians are almost limitless with tricks....fighters/knights could to things like \"feats of strength\"

Post by: Kixie on January 05, 2004, 08:43:00 pm
Omg the posibilities are endless. If there are any devs out there reading pay attention here. Feats of strength would be  pretty neat. maybe even picking up players could be a neat little trick. Haha watch me curl a whopping 8 dwarves.. Oh yeah! Also if you failed to get your feat/magic trick to work it would be nice to have little animations of it not working. Like you falling off the animal for the bullriding concept and for the farts or other magic trick they back fire on the magician. Already mentioned the victim of a rogues trick having a shaved head. Lets hear some more fun tricks!!
Post by: Elegrand on January 05, 2004, 09:24:36 pm
Originally posted by Turahk
another trick could be to \"set\" someone on fire, their character runs around a little while teh others step back.

Too improve on this idea: THe fire shouldn\'t hurt, just make it a real illusion, so your vision is all flamey-like, and they have a fire damage status but they\'re not getting hurt. It should also go onto to others.
Post by: tallimar on January 06, 2004, 01:49:47 am
lol, i like that one.  aint nothing like an entire town of people running around on fire :D
Post by: Turahk on January 06, 2004, 05:08:56 pm
Originally posted by Elegrand
Too improve on this idea: THe fire shouldn\'t hurt, just make it a real illusion, so your vision is all flamey-like, and they have a fire damage status but they\'re not getting hurt. It should also go onto to others.

ya thats what i meant....none of these tricks would do damage of any sort :D

Post by: roguewolftamer on January 06, 2004, 06:31:09 pm

thx for posting :)

lol just messin with ya, but its called fun magic cause anything thought up of course wont do any dmg at all, and thats for anyone else who doesnt know
Post by: tallimar on January 07, 2004, 02:23:18 pm
one question, because fun magic is vestigial, would it have a low mana cost?
Post by: Turahk on January 07, 2004, 04:38:27 pm
Originally posted by tallimar
one question, because fun magic is vestigial, would it have a low mana cost?
ya i assume it would :)  unless the spell is so amazing and huge ( say \"Multi-Spark\" wher more fireworks then normal appear) that it could only consume a lot....but im sure mana will regenerate slowly or somethin so i doubt it will be like u have to eat sumthin to keep the show going :D

Post by: Davis on January 07, 2004, 04:51:17 pm
Just because it has no \"useful\" abilities doesn\'t mean it should be easy to cast. Think about Mercedes Benz cars. They are complete shit and cost about 4 times as much as a car that\'s 4 times as good.

Anyway, I don\'t like mana costs. Mana is a bad system IMO.
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 07, 2004, 06:11:25 pm
fun magic is for fun, which means all the little stuff would prob cost nothing to little mana, and the good stuff would cost alot
Post by: Elegrand on January 07, 2004, 08:56:54 pm
I guess it would take little mana to use, unless its something really spectacular like summoning a zombie and making it dance :D.
Post by: toadman31 on January 07, 2004, 10:13:45 pm
I think this is a great idea. I would love seeing mages making people grow tails of various animals.

and for an idea for the theif maybe he could sneek up behind some one and put a bunny hat on there head when there not paying attention,or maybe even pull there pants down or something.
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 07, 2004, 10:29:21 pm
ya, somethin like deequip leg armor & clothing ;), but anyways i think this would turn out to be really good at putting shows on and everything once they had enough fun magic spells in and everything
Post by: Jaxan on January 07, 2004, 10:47:42 pm
Maybe you can only do only 1 thief action every minute or something, until you get better. I can imagine the \"uber n00b p4n7z3rs 0f d00m\" running around pantzing everyone they see. *shudders* heh... maybe that would be funny once in a while though... :P :D

Jaxan officially says that he likes the whole idea of useless fun junk. (pretend thats a prestigous thing) ;)
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 07, 2004, 10:53:35 pm
maybe they can do it all they want but with thieves the better at it the most likely they\'ll succeed, otherwhys when they try the person could catch him cause hes not skilled enough to do that to that high of a lvl person

the higher skill in thief type fun magic

(all fun magic falls under fun magic but some are different types such as light shows (fireworks), thief fun magic, pranks, warrior fun magic, and even magic tricks)

the most likely the person will succeed with higher lvls then lvl 1

i.e.: 1 rank in the skill fun magic can get most lvls 1 with maybe a 70% chance of success, at rank 2 it goes up 5% to 75%, and sincee that hit 75% he can start hitting lvl 2\'s for 65%, until 75% then hit lvl 3\'s for 60%, ect. till 5% then will decrease from 10% and minus 1 each lvl or so, but increases only 1-3% each rank

this is another idea of mine, may explain it abit more and may be good, but as i explained above thats just starters, if its changed to be more even then i think that\'d be better
Post by: Turahk on January 07, 2004, 11:43:43 pm
Originally posted by Jaxan
Maybe you can only do only 1 thief action every minute or something, until you get better. I can imagine the \"uber n00b p4n7z3rs 0f d00m\" running around pantzing everyone they see. *shudders* heh... maybe that would be funny once in a while though... :P :D

Jaxan officially says that he likes the whole idea of useless fun junk. (pretend thats a prestigous thing) ;)

LOL!!! i love that idea!! \"uber noob pantzers of doom\" LOL!! its rymes to!

ya like roguewolf said....higher lvl= better or lasts longer or has a better chance of succeding.


P.S.   i really cant believe this topic took off so fast :) on other forums mone never did :( but hey this one is and we\'ve seem to done a lot of teh ideas so if the devs do notice this then they might like it even more cause WE have already come up with the rules and stuff :D
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 08, 2004, 01:30:01 am
man, this game could be one of the best if we had something like fun magic :D, but this game seems to have alot of thinkers that can come up with ideas from idea starters and make it into something good (along with me)
Post by: Turahk on January 08, 2004, 04:09:09 pm
Originally posted by roguewolftamer
man, this game could be one of the best if we had something like fun magic :D, but this game seems to have alot of thinkers that can come up with ideas from idea starters and make it into something good (along with me)

I think its cause a lot of us have played MMORPGs before and know what makes one fun to play and we are dealing with a developing mmorpg so it might be possible to give the devs ideas :D
i just wish it was possible to maybe email them this link or get them to notice us...
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 08, 2004, 06:24:03 pm
no, im sure they do, but they\'ll either read it themselves (i know one does) or they get the info from their fellow staff workers and such, but anyways, alot of the MMORPGs i\'ve played had ppl who played alot too but they werent as good with ideas as the ppl in this game, but then again if u find a free MMORPG thats still in development then ur most likely gonna have good ideas anyways but still
Post by: Turahk on January 11, 2004, 12:14:19 am
i think teh topic died :(  no one has posted for like 3 days......well it was a try.....never give up hope! MAYBE some curious dev will scan the forums and notice the beer mug and decide to check it out...

Post by: toadman31 on January 11, 2004, 12:28:17 am
In trying to keep the post alive i think i\'l add a bit.

As for mana cost i think it\'s magic (or not depending upon your class) any way just because it doesn\'t really acomplish anything doesn\'t mean it shouldn\'t count towed you Xp towards you skill points.

Like bull riding for a warrior would increase his body building skill or something like that, and a mages fire works spell should incres his magic skills in what ever area i think each magic type should have a few fun spells. and even a thief depantsing some one should count towards his sneak skill.
Post by: toadman31 on January 11, 2004, 12:30:52 am
opps sorry wrote all that and forgot to make my point.

Since it should count towards your Xp it should take mana equil to a real spell of the same complexity.
Post by: Rougearrowz on January 11, 2004, 07:20:45 am
the only thingy i have to say about this topic is that there HAS to be a magic pillow spell or a mass magic pillow
this has many posibilities
pillow fights
piloow forst
and therfore it would be fun
i mean it could be ps\'s way of pking
/me appologises about the lameness and stupidity of the above comment but feels it must be said none the less

ok  i think tha tis abotu it i will go away now and let u return to whatever it was u were doing

oh yeha and id like to say hi to my mom, my record company, my friends that guy on the street um my heros ect ect
Post by: Commando on January 11, 2004, 07:40:47 am
I just thought about this:

30-Dec 12:00 (PS time)

A little deliveryboy has the mission to deliver papers to wizards (and other spell knowabled):
\"All wizards, hear hear!
Do you want to earn some money?
Partisipate in tomorrows fireworks department!
You will earn 10 circels, for almost no work!\"

31-Dec 23:59 (PS time)
62 wizards has gatterth a bit from the town.

31-Dec 24:00 / 1-Jan 00:00 (PS time)
The show starts and last until 01:00
The sky is full of fireworks and it\'s a really beutifull sight..

That would be totaly awsome!
Post by: Turahk on January 11, 2004, 10:29:35 am
EXACTLY! the whole point is for fun and entertainment...maybe even get money :D its an easy way to have PS Events

As for pillow fights and forts.......i love that idea! ya im 13 and all but chuckin a pillow at ur friends face is still fun :D

thanx for the input,
Post by: Jaxan on January 11, 2004, 06:51:00 pm
Hmmm... massive fireworks would probably cause hellish lag... :rolleyes: but then again, by the time any of this is implemented it shouldn\'t be a problem.
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 11, 2004, 11:04:10 pm
ya sorry i just got back today, but since this thread needs a boost heres some ideas: oh and fun magic should cost none to a few points of mana and cost either no XP for like 1-10 XP each time casted or whatever


mini-fireworks (fireworks 1)
shoots off some of the smallest fireworks

small fireworks (fireworks 2)
shoots off some small fireworks

fireworks (fireworks 3)
shoots off medium size fireworks

big fireworks (fireworks 4)
shoots off some big fireworks

huge fireworks (fireworks 5)
shoots off the biggest of fireworks

firework show (all 5 fireworks put together)
shoots off all the fireworks at once

targeted firework (Tfirework)
shoots off a confetty bomb at a certain point

targeted pillow (Tpillow)
fires a pillow at a certain point and makes a cloud of white gas appear

targeted bulls eye (Tbulleye)
fires a bulls eye at a certain point and sticks for 10-30 secs

targeted arrow (Tarrow)
fires a sucktion cuped arrow at a certain point and sticks for 5-10 secs

targeted disc (Tdisc)
fires a frisbee at a certain point and can be caught if the emote is done at the right time

targeted paint (Tpaint)
sprays paint all over a certain point and stays for a set amt of time and can be washed off with water

targeted water (Twater)
sprays water all of a certain point and washes off removable magic

targeted mini-fog (Tfog 1)
sets off a fog bomb at a certain point that creates a fog that is knee-high

targeted fog (Tfog 2)
sets off a fog bomb at a certain point that creates a fog that is waist-high

post other ideas and as i think of more ill post it like i did with these

NAME (easy to remember name)

thats an easy way to do it, but any way is fine as long as we can all understand it
Post by: Turahk on January 12, 2004, 04:20:27 pm
O.O   wwhoooaaaaa

thats a hella lota spells ^^

lovin the idea! kinda like a creature file but of Fun Spells

ill add some later :)

Post by: roguewolftamer on January 13, 2004, 04:11:22 pm
:) heres some more


mimic (mimic)
when cast, the caster will turn into the target for 30 secs, will not mimic name, only looks (can work on human-size mobs)

Mini Balloon (ball 1)
casts a small balloon

small Balloon (ball 2)
casts 2 small balloons

Balloon (ball 3)
casts 1 medium sized balloons and sometimes 3 small balloons

Balloon Barrage (ball 4)
casts 6 small balloons and are thrown onto a certain point (only pops and causes a fright which makes the person jump alittle bit)

Big Balloon (ball 5)
casts 2 medium balloons and 1 small baloon

Huge Baloon (ball 6)
casts 1 huge balloon

really big Balloon (ball 7)
casts 1 huge balloon and 2 big balloons

very huge Balloon (ball 8)
casts 2-3 huge balloons

All balloons (except balloon barrage) is for holding or letting go (they\'ll float up so far and pop), balloon barrage basicly is like water balloons except only have air in it

water balloon (Wball 1)
casts 1 small water balloon then can be thrown at a certain point

big water balloon (Wball 2)
casts 1 big water balloon then can be thrown at a certain point

huge water balloon (Wball 3)
casts 1 huge water balloon then blah blah blah

giant water balloon (Wball 4)
casts 1 giant water ballon and then u know what u can do, but instead its thrown with magic since would be pretty big with small hands :)

water balloon barrage (Wball 5)
casts and then throws 6 water balloons onto a certain point

big water balloon barrage (Wball 6)
same thing but with big water balloons

huge water balloon barrage (Wball 7)
except with huge water balloons

flood (Wball 8)
casts 6 giant water balloons over a certain point then dropped

all water balloons can be thrown except the giant ones and barrages, barrages are usualy just a volley of balloons, the giant barrage is basicly 6 giant Wballs touching each other after cast on a certain point and will drop when they materialize, the giant Wball is basicly just thrown with magic instead of ur hand

any questions ask me, but maybe u should post some spell ideas urself :)
Post by: Junilia on January 15, 2004, 03:42:12 am
wow lots of spells they are nice ones too.

Does the water do anything and affect the stats?

The thief should be able to catch a ballon so does the other jobs  but only if they have very high agility they can try to catch the water ballon and find out what happens :D

PS: you should look out for the smilies in those spell stuff you wrote (ballon 8) :D
Post by: Turahk on January 15, 2004, 07:06:01 am
ya that is a lot of spells.....sadly im to busy to think or post any :(

Post by: Jacer on January 15, 2004, 08:23:52 am
With all the excitement here, a warner should say ...

Fun magic, especially cast on other players, is a good way for grief play ;)
Imagine somebody chaincasting green farts on you - and basically, you have no means of stopping him from doing that ... that could very well break your day ;)

Post by: elscouta on January 15, 2004, 10:02:46 am
then maybe /ignore should remove fun stuff
Post by: roguewolftamer on January 19, 2004, 02:23:38 am
maybe, but then again u shouldnt have something like green farts or whatever, that isnt exactly fun, its stupid, but anyways, no fun magic is only for show and events, such as yes a water balloon fight, paint ball fight (basicly paint filled balloons but very small), or whatever u can think of, its not ment for griefing, even though yes it could get annoying if ppl were throwing big water balloons into a group of ppl, maybe make it lag alittle worse?

but if it does get added there needs to be a way to remove the animations for it, on ur side anyways
Post by: Dexlan on January 19, 2004, 05:49:42 am
How about sticky magic! :D
The target gets stuck to anything they touch for a short time including other players!
would be mad in tavern the targeted player might touch off someones beer and it sticks to them, so that the beer owner thinks their beers been nicked by the targeted player!
or a whole load of players stuck together like some mad conga dance!

Also how about a players screen been flipped so that they view every thing upside down!

Making  player\'s characters pants drop would be a laught too so simple but a classic no matter what character this us done to they will always have big white boxer shorts with love hearts on them LOL!!! :D
Post by: Kixie on January 19, 2004, 12:50:53 pm
well as far as the sticky idea goes most of these magic tricks are harmless and have no effect except cool animations. But your sticky idea could have dire consequences and could be used in a combat form. good idea but just too risky...
Post by: KwartzTheKran on March 19, 2004, 03:44:57 am
This is a really good idea you know, magic shouldnt just be about combat, some of the more dafter suggestions being just plane stupid however.
But ya fun magic like illusions, fireworks, fog, mist, flashy stuff, generally anything suitable for inner cities, would be entertaining, at least for a while.
Post by: Turahk on March 19, 2004, 07:19:16 am
YAY! people like the idea again!

and for anyone who thinks constant casts of the same spell will be aloud it wont....there would be a \"cool down\" time like in Warcraft III so you dont get ur day ruined

and i guess there could be a \"blindfold\" button that filters out fun make (you could find it under the in-game options menu if there is one)
Post by: Kixie on March 19, 2004, 08:00:35 am
Well i havnt posted for 2 months in this thread, so why dont we get this bad boy started again. Ive been thinking Maybe alchemists could make stuff too. like a potion that turns your face blue, or a potion that makes you really bouncy and when you are nudged by someone you bounce a couple of feet. seems anoyingly cute actually, something you would see in fairy land... bleh. :P
Post by: druke on March 19, 2004, 02:14:40 pm
jsut how wou7ld you write something like that?
Post by: slabertooch on March 19, 2004, 03:08:16 pm
I was browsing the forums and saw this and just had to throw down on the topic.  
   Awesome idea this fun magic, but lets take it a step further.  How about fun magic is the first spells that you can learn before you move on to the serious spells.  Now keep in mind that the spell progession would have to be swift, so that it wouldn\'t be detrimental to the playing experience.  It could be a sort of rite of passage for young magic users, you have to perform fun magic in front of your guild in order to progress to the real magic.  Sorta how it would be in real life if we had that kind of magic, learn the little stuff first.
Post by: Kixie on March 19, 2004, 05:19:43 pm
Originally posted by druke
jsut how wou7ld you write something like that?

well in either instance im not a programmer so i have no idea. but it cant be that hard to do right? i think your talking about the 2nd one because the first one would just replace your face texture. 2nd one where you bounce could be done like this. potion drank by character, character has bouncy effect. bouncy effect causes you to bounce depending on what speed you were nudged at. the machine would consider you nudged if the person in is a 1 foot proximaty to you. this could get buggy if more than one person was around you, but who cares. if someone walked up to you during this effect you would bounce 2 feet off of the ground for 3 feet. you would bounce about 3 times each bounce gettting exponentially smaller untill rest. if someone ran at you same thing except about 4 feet off of the ground and 9 feet in a direction for about 4 bounces. now obviously if you start bouncing in a direction if something is in your way then you will ricochet and keep boucing on how many bounces were left. Ok heres an example

Kenny drinks the bounce potion and gets its effects. someone runs up to him and nudges him. he bounces 3 feet but then is ricochetted off of a tree and he bounces 3 more times. This counts up to 4 bounces, one off the trees and 3 on the ground. now he can bounce off of 4 objects but he must not touch the ground or he will bounce 3 plus the ground.

Just basic really. im not a programmer so i dont know how well this will work, or would work.
Post by: The Gumster on March 19, 2004, 08:45:01 pm
really great ideas, but i think you are leaving out the warriors, i mean, what could a warrior do?
Post by: Kixie on March 19, 2004, 09:35:36 pm
easy, show examples of brute strength like picking people up.
Post by: MercenaryVII on March 19, 2004, 11:12:16 pm
i think that there should be showy warrior skillls that people can do when they are a certain skill level with there weapon. then people will be like woah
Post by: tallimar on March 20, 2004, 12:44:52 am
the whole bouncy thing wouldnt be as hard as you might think, its just working with collision boxes and a bit of math.  of course one should be careful on how that would be implemented into a game since there could be a grief factor involved.
Post by: The Gumster on March 20, 2004, 09:41:09 am
Originally posted by MercenaryVII
i think that there should be showy warrior skillls that people can do when they are a certain skill level with there weapon. then people will be like woah

what can you do showy with a weapon?
Post by: Icefalcon on March 20, 2004, 09:51:05 am
juggle knives, spin em in you hand...stuff like that
Post by: MercenaryVII on March 20, 2004, 07:27:11 pm
do like fancy combos and have light coming out of you as you do it to get attention

eg. BOB goes into a congested area and to show of does spinning slash which everyone knows requires a sword level of 15. BILLY sees this and then does a stab, forehand slash, backhand slash combo which everyone knows requires a weapon lvl 25. BOB walks away.
Title: Oh, Oh! Pick me, pick me!
Post by: ngefan on March 20, 2004, 08:20:25 pm
*making chibi characters out of your group
*having supersized weapons
*big heads
*voodoo dolls would be cool
*re-arrange someone\'s bodyparts
Post by: tallimar on March 22, 2004, 07:36:44 am
nice idea mercenary, perhaps the warriors can even do some kind of fancy weapons dance if the players can time their moves right. :P  the kind of displays, for example, that can be found in some martial arts or action movies.

um, ngefan....  the idea here is simply showy, what you are suggesting could very well could lead to griefing.
Post by: tallimar on March 28, 2004, 09:53:08 am
some of the basic ideas that have been said here seem to go something like this:

ranged(archery, throwing, ect): feats of accuracy and juggling

melee(swords, maces, hand to hand...): feats of strength and skill

arcane(magic, ect): showy spells

rogue(stealthy, subversive...): pranks and prank items

There have been some really good ideas in this thread... i wonder what we can come up with next?

PS: im just posting to bump this thread :P
Post by: Cyberchu on August 10, 2004, 09:39:04 am
Hmmmmmmmm what happens if you cast water balloon on towering element of fire or fireworks at the enemy guild hall
Post by: Toadhead on August 10, 2004, 10:01:04 am
I like the idea.

But... it should be something specials, just unique..
If everybody can do it nobody would look to it!!

I mean in my opinion it should be REALY hard to learn how to use magic. and it should be even harder to learn spells. In my opinion you should need to learn each spell, not just learning magic so you can use ALL spells! If you need to learn all spells separately less people will become a mage and that would be good becuase I think 90% of the players will become one.

So: You can train you\'re magic skills, when you have high magical skills you\'re mana will restore faster, spells will do more damage etc. You can upgrade you\'re skills by practice. When you found a scroll with a spell, it will cost like 1-100 hours to learn it! (1 hour for realy easey simple spells and 100 hours for extremely difficult,  powerfull, rare, unique spells. When you cast a spell you will lose mana, when you don\'t have enough mana you can\'t cast spells. More powerfull spells will cost more mana. There is another thing, some spells requires you to have an specific amount of magery skills. So powerfull spells can only be learned by good mages.

I think this would balance the game abit, tell me what you think.
Post by: steuben on August 11, 2004, 08:22:06 am
i like the idea. but it should be cross-\"class\". but according to char stats. and available at higher levels.

a high-level fighter should be able to learn a few showy magic tricks. but only if his intelligence is high enough.

simialar with a magic-user. learn a few knife tricks but only if his agility is high enough. etc.
Post by: Draco_X5 on August 12, 2004, 03:27:37 pm
Along with the fun, you could have things that don\'t really do anything but still can come in handy.

For example, you stopped to check something out but the group you were traveling didn\'t stop for you and is now far away. Yes, you could shout locations back and forth, but IMHO there\'s no substitution for saying, \"I\'m right here!\" and suddenly there\'s a pillar of fire stretching into the heavens.  :)

Or, say you\'ve finally met \"the one\" here online. Wouldn\'t it be great to be able to conjure up a rose on the spot?

And then, along with all the fun magic, you can\'t forget to have levitation! Imagine the thoughts of the people passing by a player after you\'ve set a boulder floating two feet above his head!  ;)
Post by: Seytra on August 14, 2004, 09:41:28 pm
I like these ideas, but, creative as I am, :D I can use most of these to aid me in less funny situations as well. But I don\'t think this is a bad thing, because you can use almost anything for purposes other than the ones it was intended for. I can kill you with my printer. Not very original, but it works. I can blind you with my flashlight and make a blow on you that you can\'t dodge since you don\'t see it coming. I can mark my way using a hammer. I can use fog spells to disguise myself or to cause confusion. I can cast fireworks in your guild hall. I can also throw a mug at you. Both things can\'t be avoided but you\'ll agree that mugs will be necessary anyway. ;) I can also use the \"create sound\" spell to disrupt your speech if I dislike your point. Alternatively, I can use a whistle. I could, of course, make colorful bubbles come ourt of your mouth when you speak, which would be much more funny IMO. :)
Therefore I don\'t think that there is no reason why the more creative ones shouldn\'t be able to \"abuse\" fun magic to their advancement. After all, if it\'s going to be some sort of subprofession then why should these guys not be able to defend themselves a bit?
Post by: Irish-Wiskey on August 28, 2004, 06:52:32 am
i belive that this is one of the most important discusions, because it is the unnessesery things that makes the world alive.
Title: feats of strength
Post by: fangednightmare on August 31, 2004, 05:44:33 pm
for feats of strength how about a stage in a major city with a lifting bar, any person could step up to the stage, and lift the bar as a show of their strength, the weights would be dwarves that would curl around the bar to make it heavier, any class(including dwarves though dwarves wouldn\'t lift it as high) could try to lift it and also there might be competitions to see who could lift more (the amount you could lift would depend on your strength, and maybe some other aspects).
Post by: nacraw on September 03, 2004, 05:45:24 pm
should definatley be able to flourish your weapon in a show-offy way. Maybe when using your floursih skills there could be awsome particle effects? like swish marks in the air or smarpklers on trhe end of your sword? just to add to the effect of \"fun magic\" and \"showy stuff\"??
Post by: Spiffy Fox on March 11, 2005, 06:06:21 pm
Fun magic.. I love it! Get spells for roleplay, amusement, etc.
In so many of the games I\'ve played, I always thought how much I would love to have spells to \'play\' with, instead of just fighting monsters...
Great idea, this one :D
I imagine I would spend quite a bit of time just playing with sparklies.
Post by: Incenjucar on March 11, 2005, 08:11:58 pm
Just so long as using \"Fun Magic\" makes you attackable (Can you imagine the Visual Spam you\'d get in the tavern?), and you can only have a \"Prank Spell\" cast on you if you\'re challengable.
Post by: Lordbug on March 25, 2005, 07:16:03 am
Great idea!!!
Love it!
*prepares his magic mugs for some funny spells

But also this spells could be used in a offensive way as Seytra said, but in wars and stuff...
For example:
Guild A is at war with Guild B. Guild B is loosing, so it\'s members decide to cast some fireworks, fog, and the bouncing spell, it would cause lag, some members of Guild A would be frighten and would cause the members of Guild A to bounce arround, guiving advantage to the Guild B, by attacking at a long distance either with spells or other ranged weapons avoiding the lag caused in the area where Guild A is.

Another use of this spells could be a little usefull, but without being a combat/defensive spell, like turning something into another, levitation (as someone said already), change the color of something (mmm... don\'t like my black megara... maybe I\'ll make it blue).

A (usefull but non-combat) powerfull spell could be casting a huge cloud that would start to rain, you know for the fields in bad times to farmers... things like that...

Anyway, I would love to see players all wet because they were fighting with balloons, people without some clothes on, a pink Enki, etc... Because as Irish-Wiskey said, this things make the world alive and less boring.
Title: illusions
Post by: cossack on March 28, 2005, 12:54:23 pm
I dont know if this has allready been said but what about illusions. Its basicly a prank. for about 10-30 seconds your victim sees the item in his right hand as a banana or some other object depending on the wizards level. How would you find this funny if only the victim sees the item as this, just look at the chat window:

>tom attacks the rat for 11.30 damge
>tom attacks the rat for 12.10 damge
>you cast illusion spell
>tom is attacked by rat but doges it
tom says: my sword has turned to a banana!
bill says: what are you on about?
>tom attacks the rat for 11.60 damge
>your spell wears of
tom says: never mind

you break out in fits of laughter