
Gameplay => Wish list => Granted or negated Wishes => Topic started by: Ostrich on January 10, 2004, 06:13:41 pm

Title: Horses
Post by: Ostrich on January 10, 2004, 06:13:41 pm
Most games have some sort of fast transportation, usually horses, you could make this one stand out more by making Ostriches ridable rather than horses, they can be ridden in RL, not as far-fetched as it may sound.
Post by: Axsyrus on January 10, 2004, 06:21:29 pm
ah, another transportation thread.. use the search funtion next time..

anyways here\'s some of te stuff that\'s already has been discussed and decided:
The PlaneShift Settings Page


 The Slow Way

Long stairs that wind along the walls or corridors dug deep into the rock connect every adjacent level. Most citizens walk from level to level, even though such a trip is very tiring, especially when going uphill with a load of goods. Because of this, wide landings were built where they can lay down their loads and rest.

 The Merchandising Way

Because walking is so slow and cumbersome, an ingenious system of pulleys, wheels, and spider silk ropes was devised. These silk ropes attach to either people or goods and are then lifted up. The winches are privately owned, however, so generally they only belong to the mercantile society, and their use is allowed only after a fee is paid to the society, which varies according to the quality of the winch.

 The Elite Way

The fastest way of getting over remarkable distances in a short time is using flying animals: Pterosaurs and Megaras.

There will be giant worms to ride ingame too, don\'t expect all of this to happen to soon though.
Post by: Elegrand on January 11, 2004, 08:32:04 am
Originally posted by Axsyrus
There will be giant worms to ride ingame too, don\'t expect all of this to happen to soon though.

That sounds like the Fremen from Dune riding the Worms.
Post by: Mizaria on January 15, 2004, 04:09:27 am
Taking this a step further, what would be really nice is if there were several kinds of mounts, each one only being able to access a certain area.  For example, what about sea mounts being able to swim over water and even dive into it\'s depths.  Of course, diving would be a bad idea to someone whose race isn\'t made to survive under water for long.

These mounts could be tamable, which might even open up a whole new job area, that being beast tamers... possibly even summoners if their magic skills are high.  Different races would naturally have varing luck with taming certain beasts as well.  Humans would be somewhere in the middle in this, animalistic races having the best luck taming, while the more bulky arcane ones having next to zilch luck.

Alignment could play a part in this too, good being able to tame innocent and pure creatures, evil taming the dark and powerful, while neutral could go either way, but wouldn\'t be able to tame the excessively good or evil aligned creatures.

It could even be taken further with the introduction of taming items, feed, and mount exclusive equipment, but that might be overkill...
Post by: Junilia on January 15, 2004, 06:29:38 pm
Originally posted by Mizaria
These mounts could be tamable, which might even open up a whole new job area, that being beast tamers...

Isnt there already Animal tamers? Did you read all of the jobs in the Char choosing? Animal tamers should be able to tame beasts too but its harder. I dont think there should be another Job it just makes animal tamers seem unskilled and noone will choose it.