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Messages - Skylander

Pages: [1]
General Discussion /
« on: January 17, 2005, 01:55:45 pm »
lol Aravi.  never judge a Kran by the size of it\'s crystal,  it\'s how it uses it.

General Discussion /
« on: January 13, 2005, 01:44:06 pm »
A long while ago scientist have found out that lifeforms can be silicon based  just as they can be carbon based and that they wouldn\'t be surprised if a silicon based lifeform was found on this planet.  Now silicon based lifeforms dont have to be hard as rocks like for us ,  we\'re carbon based so that dont mean we have to be hard as diamonds or coal.  So I would theorize that being that Kran evolved from a harsh environment and are well suited to it, their skin is probably composed of 2 layers.  The lower layer would be a thick, tough,  rigidly flexible skin that is alot like rhinocerous skins.  The upper layer is sorta grown like skin or fur and this upper layer is what gives the kran it\'s hard stony like appearance. Very tiny crystals grow from the rhino like skin giving  the Kran a stony or stucco like feel and appearance.  Now if you were to look at the skin under a magnafying glass or microscope, you\'ll see something like a quartzy like cobblestone pavement.  This cobblestone effect allows for the Kran to have it\'s flexibility  while at the same time the crystals protect the Kran from envionmental hazards (heat, water), blades, blunt force and points.  The Kran aren\'t fast movers due to the stiffness of their lower rhino skin.  Now that Kran must ingest stone or what ever they ingest, there must be a delivery system in place to replace the vital material throughout their body and that would mean a digestive system and blood vessels.  So if you do successfully crack open a Kran ,  it will bleed.  Now reproduction wise,  I would suppose a pair of Kran would each excrete a clay like ball in which one of them knead both balls together activating the life process.  Once kneaded this bigger ball develops a hard protective shell.  Once it has developed enough ,  a fully developed  very small Kran hatches from it.  It will take a long time for a small Kran to grow to adult size  but they will always be fully independant and able like their adult counterpart.  Now the clear crystals you see on various parts of Kran such as their chest,  these are grown over time and are pretty much like the same deal with antlers on antelope and various other animals.  It may be a way of attracting another Kran for courtship.  The bigger and nicer crystals you have growing on you ,  the more desirable you are.  Cloudy and deformed crystals are a sign of a sick Kran.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: December 30, 2004, 01:38:43 am »
I bought my ATi Raedon 9200SE 128 mb  videocard for $50 at  and it runs crystal blue pretty well.   The have a whole mess of  128mb ATi and Nvidia cards for $50 there.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: December 24, 2004, 06:49:41 pm »
Go here to get the missing msvcr70.dll file:

Hope this helps

Go here to download the missing msvcr70.dll file and any other  missing dll files you might need:

Hope this helps you guys a bunch

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