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Messages - Necronomium

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First of all Id like to make my statement about the state of the game. Today most mmorpgs will never be "finished" for example if WOW devs would state that they are going to stop developing the game since it is finished most of the people would be irritated. So you cant always hang up for the statement that this game isnt finished, it might have some glitches and stuff that devs are working on before they will start calling it ready but id really hope that they wouldnt stop developing the game to that.
Secondly about the skill differences between characters, thats really not a good reason for a wipe that new players are too jealous for the older players for them being better. I dont have very good characters at the moment but Im still not hoping for a wipe so that the "better" characters would be wiped. It will offer some challenge to the game if there is older players that you need to catch up to.

And finally about what would make the wipe worth it. If the Devs were to put something new to the game that would really make the old characters obsolete I could easily accept the char wipe. For example if they woulde implement the racial traits, if they were to take away the chance to use heavy armor for klyros, I could understand the wipe completely. Another good reason would be some kind of huge update that would bring loads of more stuff to the game that would be just plainly easier to put in with wipe. But Im really not in for the idea that when there is any kind of new thing going to be put in to the game there will be a wipe, nor will i understand the wipe to make everyone have even starting ground to the game. The older players should have the advantage over the newer players if they want it. And no one is stopping an old player to make a new char eh?

General Discussion / Re: Death Realm Guide
« on: February 26, 2008, 10:42:53 pm »
Id like to add to that dying IS fun, as long as its not when you get glitched just before entering a vital spot after walking there for 2 hours. The death realm itself is pretty nice place, Id just hope that there would be more npcs with some items that you could get from DR only and some more quests would also be nice. Its not that hard to get out of DR, you just need to be creative.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Klyros favorite
« on: September 10, 2005, 03:07:25 pm »
Im a klyros and i took a liking to pterosaur egg pie, its pretty tasty, but you might some bruices in getting those eggs so for not so strong adventurer i suggest that you should satisfy for crow eggs. Crows arent going to peek you to pieces and give you to their children to feed (of course you arent going to go to a nest that has already hatched pterosaurs, cause then there would hardly be any eggs would there?) and crows make nests to trees rather than cliffs and for klyros and endikidukai it is fairly easy to get those eggs from pterosaurs pretty easily, it might be little harder for krans.

I havent got much of tale about how i found this recipe, else than i climbed to pterosaurs nest and accidently dropped an egg to warm cliff near volcano. That egg cooked to a very pleasant crispy form and althought i had hard time not becoming crispy and tasty my self, i got that baked egg and flew off to enjoy this tasty masterpiece.

But the ingredients for the ultimate and perfect omelette for approximately 4 persons (depends from races mostly) are:
3 pterosaur eggs (crow eggs if you cannot get any pterosaur eggs)
1/2 pepper
1 1/2 liters of any fluid available
1/2 potato or carrot (depends from whom you worship; Talad=carrot Laanx=potato)
and of course the most important part 1 leef of dill

1.put pterosaur eggs and fluid in to frying pan and fry them in about 400 degrees of celsius
2.cut pepper carefully and put it in the mix its time for you to perform any food prayers, rituals or anything you do when making/eating food and after that put carrot/potato in to mix
4.cut dill in to dust and sprinkle dill over omelette

remember to watch your food so it wont burn and your back too so pterosaur wont kill you.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Klyros favorite
« on: September 10, 2005, 03:06:03 pm »
could admin or gm or something delete this i intended to reply rather than to make new subject..

Wish list / Priests
« on: April 07, 2005, 12:50:32 pm »
Maybe there should be more priestic skills for someone who wants to be priest, like enchanting, but thats already part of magic, but there could be a meter like devotion to gods, like you would have something like this

Talad: 15,78%
Laanx: -7,89%
that blue fire or what was that: -7,89%
, so when you would make sacrifices to gods like giving away trias or sacrificing health (just little effect) you could get your religion up for that god and other gods would get angrier for you. And if you would kill cults dedicated to Laanx other gods would like you more and Laanx would get more angrier, and then on certain point they would start to give bonuses to you or haunt you.. Like if you would be in favor of talad you could get more damage, but Laanx would send some servants to kill you.. very fun for dedicated priest :D..

Wish list / healing
« on: April 07, 2005, 12:39:40 pm »
Syzerians idea is good, healing should take time, but i wonder how many people would be online if you would have 2 weeks of recovering time, at least server wouldnt be crowded :P, but would it be too good game at all, this is eventually still a game.. how many of you have tried using a magic potion or magic to heal yourself in real life? Recovering should just the way it is now, maybe little slower healing from items but its good now..

Wish list / Why?
« on: April 07, 2005, 12:25:55 pm »
Why there should be a sales week because you couldnt keep anything, of course you could try new objects, but wouldnt that consume the game when someone tests the games everysingle thing without playing the game too hardly.. If you could test up every thing before wipe, what would you test after wipe? of course there will come new things, but still..

Wish list / Good ideas, but..
« on: April 07, 2005, 12:14:15 pm »
These are good ideas but people are already talking about them so please use search button and tell your point in there, and many of those things are probably going to come in to game, but patience like draklar said.. next time try that search, cause theres a thread or few posts about allmost everyone of those things

Wish list / teaching
« on: April 02, 2005, 07:13:44 am »
you couldnt help your friends so easily to gain levels if you could teach on third of your own skill and student of course would need to have progression points to get better. so if you would have 18 red way you could teach only to level 6 and if the student has required progression points for that, and you couldnt teach over certain level like 10 or then teacher should have 5 times more bigger skill level than student would learn like 55 to teach level 11

Wish list / Monsters
« on: April 02, 2005, 07:01:06 am »
Horse like creature that has claws in his front legs looking like this        \\     /  so it would stomp and claw you and hit with its
               \\  /    bag legs, if you are behind it, it has black skin
                O     and reddish hair and you can find these with
                 |      fiery tails and they would be wayyy harder
                 |      cause they could burn you and run circles of fire

Krans ancestor, looks quite much like kran, but cant speak and is even more bigger and heavier than kran and has minimal intelligence compared to normal races, would live in groups of 3 or 4 hranks, 1 leader, 2 females, 1 worker and on some rare occasion 1 shaman kind of hrank, they live on very harsh places like ice caverns and deserts, they can be in groups of 8 or 9 in extreme conditions where there is almost no food, on those groups hierarchy would go 1 leader, 4 females, 2 workers, 1 shaman and food guard and on these societys leader would have all power over anything except food
Doom Crow
Bird like creature that has 1 meter long legs and heavy fur on everything except on wings, attacks anything that it things food, if character has food with him, he could find him self surrounded by doom crows, they live at night, but they can be seen on day too

Wish list / body making
« on: April 02, 2005, 06:33:00 am »
so if you would visit death realm 1000 times you would become a grim reaper, or skeleton, wouldnt i do that at least 1001 times then, but shouldnt it be bad thing to die, not good..

Wish list / Hometown
« on: April 02, 2005, 06:20:22 am »
Very good idea, but i dont think you changing hometown would be good idea, think about it if we make it that way, soon the death realm is some kind of teleporting place, you just die an dgo where you want to ;), not too good.. even if there would be a death penalty system everyone would start using it as a teleport.. death realm = teleport .. nah, not good idea

Wish list / Oops!!
« on: March 29, 2005, 11:55:11 am »
So you could CHOOSE if you want to take normal mana or that manaless place casting

Wish list / Oh!!
« on: March 29, 2005, 11:49:41 am »
Oh, i mented that you wouldnt have mana at all like in many games and that could cast spells endlessly in certain spots like near ponds

Wish list / Casting
« on: March 27, 2005, 04:37:24 pm »
You could cast spells by either right or left hand by just clicking up the target with cursor.. but i must say too that the battle system has already been created

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