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Messages - Jessyn

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Collaborative Stories /
« on: December 10, 2004, 12:09:51 pm »
\"Krayn, did you see any siege equipment when you were flying over the area?\"

\"Well, i saw something that might do the job, but it\'s got about 20 zombies guarding it, as well as a dead glowing guy\"

Jessyn sighed, dead things that guarded things and glowed were ALWAYS bad news.  Mixing a few powders together, she handed the Klyros three glass jars.  

\"Could you deliver these...just try not to hit the catapult, \"  she said to the Klyros, \"and don\'t shake them!\"

Jessyn, Cielen and Eitri headed in the direction the klyros had indicated, after hearing three large rumbles, they walked into a clearing.  Krayn was just landing beside the large mangonel.  There was no sign of the undead mage, but seven of the zombies had survived the aerial bombardment.  The group fanned out the deal with them as they oriented on the still living with a look of rotten hatred.


Wish list /
« on: December 06, 2004, 04:25:44 pm »
but the walls are there, so the space is not infinite, it\'s just repeating.


Wish list /
« on: December 06, 2004, 04:00:08 pm »
if you have a push/pull function, you would have some idiot pulling people up to the top of the iron tower and pushing them off.....  I would prefer nonsolid to other players, solid to hostile forces(including PC\'s in a guildwar/arena setting)


Wish list /
« on: December 06, 2004, 03:22:00 pm »
i think he means that units that team up get certain bonuses.. like the archer has higher rate of fire, and some cover fromt the shieldbearer.  Or the monster cannot attack the pikeman until it gets past the swordsman, and the pikeman can just inflict damage...

I think it\'s a great idea, because this is how battles are actually fought.  Most of this could be done by how players position themselves in combat, but i like the idea of archers having reloaders, perhaps mages could have apprentices precast pasts of the spells.....or just have two(or more) mages combine their power into one big nasty spell.


Wish list /
« on: December 06, 2004, 03:14:36 pm »
Actually, from prolonged use shooting things, the part of the bow that usually breaks is the string.  The bow itself can crack, but that can be repaired.  If the bow actually snaps(blocking with it perhaps?) then it can\'t be repaired... but a sword is the same way, it can dull, and get nicks, and you can fix it.  If it snaps, it\'s cheaper to buy a new one.


Wish list /
« on: December 06, 2004, 03:11:20 pm »
I for one, when(because there always will be some) I meet someone speaking in l337, will treat them like a deranged madman who is babbling incoherently.  I will ignore them, and if they attempt to \"r0xx0r\" me, they will get to meet the city guard, and, if i can lure them into the arena, my potion of UberMelting.


General Discussion /
« on: December 06, 2004, 03:05:31 pm »
I actually met a man who could dual wield scottish claymores...for aboiut a minute, slowly and awkwardly.  And he was 7 feet tall and built like an ogre.  FYI though, you can use a hand-and-a-half sword in one hand, although a longsword would be better.

Jessyn will fight with a staff and unpleasant potions, with a single light longsword for emergencies.


The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 02, 2004, 04:58:29 pm »
I have been asked by someone to repair their computer because the \"coffee holder\" was broken.  Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.  Of course, that is stupidity, which can\'t be cured.

The driver thing may be ignorance, which is easily cured.  Like so:

Drivers are programs that allow your hardware to interact with your software.  You should always use a driver written for your particular make of hardware.  If you have a GeForce, use a driver written for GeForce.  There are often more than one driver written for a specific card, you should go with the most up to date one(usually) for best performance/stability.

As for the moron with the coffee stains in his cd burner.... I hope you die a painful coffee-electrical death!


Collaborative Stories /
« on: December 02, 2004, 04:48:47 pm »
Jessyn groaned as she stood up.

\"Thank you,\" she said, \"I am called Jessyn\"

Calling to the dwarf, she asked, \"Do you have helmsroot and rathbane?\"

Eitri rummaged in his pack and produced small pieces of the dried plants.  Favouring her injured side, Jessyn carefully made a small amount of healing salve, and rubbed it into her side.  Binding her ribs with a section of bandage from her pack, she turned to the two men.

\"I can show you the way to Forentium, it will not be easy to get past the zombie army, but maybe we could hit them from behind...\"

Suddenly, she grinned, showing her slightly pointed teeth,

\"Do either of you know anything about catapults?\"

OOC: I like greek fire


Wish list /
« on: November 30, 2004, 03:12:49 pm »
like the DnD Druid spell, Shilleilagh.  ho, hum, unarmed druid...Bzzt, now he\'s holding a glowing warclub, oh dear...

Basically creating magic weapons that only the caster can use and which only last for a short time.  Like summoning a pet, but sharper.


Wish list /
« on: November 30, 2004, 03:10:02 pm »
excellentpoints snut.  It takes me a good 15 seconds to get my bow off my back, bent, and strung.  A skilled archer(not me)  could probably perform the same feat in about 7 seconds.  7 seconds may not seem like a lot,but when there is a large, bad smelling, furry thing charging you, it\'s a long time.

An archer should operate as an archer, not as warrior witha  different weapon.  eg, he should shoot at his target until it gets close, then either run away, or pull out a sword.  Well, a single archer shouldn\'t be shooting at anything he can\'t kill before it gets to him.

The archer is a SUPPORT fighter, his purpose is to deal additional damage without getting chewed on.  Like a mage, he is fragile, and easily digested, and like a mage, he should be able to deal more damage than a fighter, as long as he has the advantage of range.

There\'s my ramble,


Collaborative Stories /
« on: November 30, 2004, 01:58:43 pm »
OOC: well everyone else seems to have forgoten this thread, but I haven\'t!

Out of the frying pan...

Jessyn was fed up with being cooped up in Forentium, and was arguing with the captain of the guards,

\"I am no more use here, I am no warrior, I am out of useful reagents, unless you want me to cure the zombies of warts!\"

With that, she left though one of the small rear gates of the city, and headed out into the wilderness, evading a few zombie patrols on the way.  Suddenly, she was confronted by three zombies on the trail ahead of her.  They groaned and growled, waving their clawlike hands at her as they charged.  

Jessyn ducked the wild swing of the first one, and stumbled back, reching for her belt and finding an empty row of bottle holders.  Snarling, she pulled a small blade from a hidden back scabbard and chopped the arms off the second zombie, who was just reaching for her throat.  Backhanding it across the torso,  spun to face her remaining foes.

Screaming obscenities, she charged  a zombie, and bashed it\'s skull in with the pommel of her sword.  Spinning around, she swung at the last zombie, just as it slammed a fist into her side.  Feeling something crack, Jessyn fell onto the zombie, stabbing it in the neck as she fell.

\"And me without a healing potion\" she said, slipping into unconsciousness.


OOC: someone, fell free to show up and save me

Collaborative Stories /
« on: November 30, 2004, 01:38:18 pm »
1)  Jessyn would ask if she could purchase both the box, and the item she had come for originally.  She would save the box for an emergency, then take it back to the shopkeeper.

2)  Walking into the camp, calling out to see if anyone was around, Jessyn would then build up the fire and camp for the night, but in the woods just outside the camp, well hidden, to see what if anyone would return.

3)  Jessyn would consult with the healers of the city, and find out how to cure the cholera, using potions and magic healing,  then teach the healers how to make the potions needed.  She would then make some extra potions, use some of them to bribe the guards to let her out of the city, saving at least one dose for herself, just in case.


General Discussion /
« on: November 29, 2004, 12:38:32 am »
and here i was under the impression that indirect magic would be non combat spells used in funky ways.  DnD example: using the grease spell on a hill to make people fall off a cliff, illusions to make it look like the dragon is actually a small rock, using burning hands(a level 1 spell) against a massively powerful invisible creature to make it show up in the fire so you can target it with nasty things....  New and innovative uses for old spells and combinations of spells.

Also, aren\'t debuffs spells that strip away buffs(both good and bad)?


Wish list /
« on: November 27, 2004, 05:17:08 pm »
Hmmm, or perhaps we could eventually find our way into the really big cave?  I\'ve always been curious, too, is the cave lit, and if so, how?  more crystals, or a hole in the top?


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