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Messages - evil scotsman

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A prison map, where the inmates must mine a certain quota of ore before being released, which would have the effect of introducing the possibility of some 'chain gang' RP, and at least give the prisoners something to do while serving their time :)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Banking, how does it work?
« on: November 25, 2007, 05:54:53 pm »
Hmm, where can I go to use it?

All the answers are in the first post, if you read it carefully you may get a clue as to who you should be lookin for :)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Wedding Invitation
« on: October 28, 2007, 08:38:58 am »
Say, for example, you are a male hetrosexual. You have a male best friend whom you care very much about, in fact love dearly yet in a completely non sexual way. Would you marry your male best friend because you love them?

A Kran by definition cannot be male, so this pretty much ends the logic of that chain of reasoning.

As far as the topic of Kran having emotional responses that are analogous to what we know, well lets put it this way, settings has nothing to say on the subject of Kran emotionality, so we can pretty much RP them more freely than perhaps we can Ylian, since ylian are constricted to 'normal' human emotional responses.

RP in PS must be in line with settings, however in situatuions where there are no rules defined, then we must be free to decide for ourselves how we RP our characters. To define Kran as emotionless, or incapable of feeling empathy for other beings would leave us with nothing to do with kran other than to mindlessly eat, sleep and reproduce. If we allow kran any emotional responses then they must be allowed to express them, in a consistent RP manner, this must include Love, Hate, Passion, Ennui, or in fact any emotion that we as humans feel appropriate to the situation.

I for one think that Socius has it right, we need to think beyond our narrow RL definitions in a society that has many sentient species, since sentience appears to include emotion.

Finally, I'd like to congratulate Kemedes and Akashani, and wish them happiness in their union  :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: How much PS do you play?
« on: October 23, 2007, 01:35:48 pm »
Sadly work eats up a lot of my leisure time these days, and the weekend is pretty much all I have at the moment, however I do rather enjoy a few hours over saturday-sunday just to see what's going on.

At least I have the energy and time for IRC most evenings,  :thumbup:

Wow, thanks for this, as a user of a low spec computer this will prove invaluable  :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: VERSION 0.3.020 - WHAT IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU?
« on: October 14, 2007, 12:48:59 pm »

Much longer load times on some maps, notably Hydlaa.
Massive lag, again Hydlaa, in fact I now have to use adaptive camera, something that was never needed on .19.

Shortcut buttons will take a little getting used to, but not really an issue.

All in all these are minor irritations, overall it's been a good experience so far, the world looks smoother, and lighting is more expressive than previously, ojaveda looks great, i'm hoping to make the journey out to Bronze doors later, just to complete my initial exploration of the new improvements.

I'm still awaiting my first death, and further testing of other changes and additions, but I feel positive about the upgrade so far. :)

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Please help me choose a distro
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:33:05 am »
Actually I use Zenwalk mostly, a slackware based distro I first discovered when I was hunting for one that was small, fast, and worked with my wi-fi card, zenwalk worked with minimum fuss, so i stayed with it, it isn't the most beginner friendly distro, but I know it well enough now, but I can't honestly recommend it for everyone :)

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Please help me choose a distro
« on: October 13, 2007, 08:03:14 am »
If as you say you haven't tried linux before, then i'd probably have to recommend one of the Ubuntu flavours, easy enough to set up, pretty easy to install standard software. There are always plenty of alternative distros, and each has it's own particular strengths and weaknesses, Ubuntu, ( and Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc), has a decent balance of features, designed with new users in mind, it's not what I use, but it's what i recommend for a first-time user.

However as with everything linux there are a few major differences to get to grips with, it can be a steep learning curve at first, i'd prehaps suggest a dual boot configuration, as that way you can still access a familiar OS until you are ready to move to linux full time.

As it's a laptop you may find some issues with graphics drivers, however the forums here are pretty good if you know your graphics chipset   :)

General Discussion / Re: Say thank you
« on: October 06, 2007, 06:39:26 pm »
I still know few of the players of the game, however i'd like to thank all of them, each and every individual who contributes to the experience we have when playing.

Also the friends i've found on #planeshift, another part of the planeshift experience, the people behind the masks as it were, and those here on the forums, an important part of the community, and a great bunch of people.

Thanks Leama, I do love a nice positive thread to post in, and will miss the chance to meet you in game, at least for the time being, i'm hopeful it's just temporary though :)

General Discussion / Re: A sense of direction
« on: September 29, 2007, 02:29:48 pm »
you are refering to my hexans? ;P I just wonder where from you got the 'octans' ;>

well i assume hexans refers to the six divisions you proposed, however Jeraphon hinted that eight divisions were already a reality although not noticeable in game yet, hence octans :)

Do you know what is lightspeed, fiber wire and why transmissions through it are so fast? ;P

yes, the speed of light in a vacum is 299792458 metres per second, and that fibre optics use fast laser diodes for high speed data transmission, however in a hypercomplex crystalline structure such as the azure sun, who knows what reflections and refractions of the incoming light may do, there may indeed be a certain amount of light accumulation, which implies a delay in the transmission of light from surface to yliakum.

I'm not saying it's perfect science, since the refractive index of the crystal is unknown it can do anything settings says it can do, I was just trying to shed a little light on the subject ;)

since regardless of the fact it's a medieval fantasy setting, the science still has to work, for me anyway.  :thumbup:
I like ya.

Thank you, and for the other matter, it's appreciated  :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: A sense of direction
« on: September 29, 2007, 12:49:44 pm »
Good ideas, guys; keep it coming. Personally I prefer wallward and "edgeward," although that wouldn't work too well on the Pit level, which has no edge seeing as it's the floor.

Protip: think of eight sections as this part's been done, even though it's meaningless to the player at this point.  :detective:

'Edgeward' works fine, describes the direction of travel perfectly, and since the lowest two levels are flooded there is no problem using edgeward to describe inward travel, (toward the centre of the 'lake').

I'm glad the there is mention of quadrants already, or rather 'octants', which ties up neatly with the octarchy, or am I extrapolating too far to fast? ;)

I like the thinking on compasses, obviously these too will have been discussed, but the eventual system used should be interesting to navigate with. Already I can see some thought of levels of skill being thought of, with regard to compass use.

As far as the light from the crystal is concerned, i'd expect that a crystal this large would have a lot of internal reflection/refraction going on, and this would probably mean that not only would the light be diffuse and non-directional, but would probably be subject to transmission delays, and this would also explain why the crystal is never truly dark, even at night. Anyone know what the refractive index of the crystal is anyway? :)

Finally, as a bit of a science geek, I do tend to think of the physics of the Planeshift world as a natural part of the settings, since regardless of the fact it's a medieval fantasy setting, the science still has to work, for me anyway.  :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: A sense of direction
« on: September 29, 2007, 07:01:08 am »
I think that indeed we would tend to use the azure sun as our natural centre point, and all major directions would be based on this, a polar coordinate system would naturally follow from this, with the divisions radiating out like the spokes of a wheel, terminating naturally at the wall, so each 'region' would be a wedge shape.

Language tends to evolve to fit the environment and culture of it's users, so I think that naturally we would refer to directions based on the position of the sun, with reference to our present position, so walking away from the sun would be something like 'anti-sun', 'wallward', or simply 'away', and toward would be 'sunward', or perhaps simply 'inward', perhaps the leftward and rightward directions would be as simply named.

I like the idea of a compass based on two systems, since this could also provide position information to a suitably skilled navigator, yet be simple enough to provide basic direction for the novice.
A system based on polar coords and a two system compass could be incredibly sophisticated, yet easy enough to use for new players, although compasses were not standard equipment for the average person in medieval times.

General Discussion / Re: A sense of direction
« on: September 28, 2007, 07:03:36 pm »
For the purposes of navigation it's simpler to call it cylindrical since most navigation will be done on any given cylindrically shaped level, each level is indeed smaller than the one above, but follows the same shape, navigating vertically is simply a case of either up a wall, or down an edge, ( which is also the wall of the lower level), however navigation on each level must involve either travelling toward that level's wall, it's edge, or circularly around that level.

It's not a network of caves, it's one single cave hollowed out inside the stalactite, yes, it's part of a larger world, however this has no bearing on the problems of navigation, or the naming of directions within yliakum, in the future we may indeed have other areas to explore, but this is not certain yet and indeed will present other problems, including navigation.


Scotsman, settings is aware of this issue and has discussed it many a time, and in fact have even discussed a discworld-style directional naming system.

One of these days we'll have something viable but until then, maybe it would be best to stick to landmarks and relative direction. :)

Ah, when I didn't find anything relevant in the forum I wondered, since I couldn't believe that no-one else had seen the potential problems, glad to see it's been discussed, I agree that at present, given the size of our world, that landmark and relative direction work, it just seems a little OOC to use north-south and such.

General Discussion / A sense of direction
« on: September 28, 2007, 06:37:50 pm »
Planeshift has a problem, namely the compass, or to be more accurate, the cardinal directions.

Since we inhabit a spherical world we are used to using the cardinal directions we know from our childhood, North, South, East and West. However Planeshift is not spherical, and our use of Earth based directions have many major problems in our Cylindrical world.

Mostly it's a question of names, and settings. Since the world of Planeshift is cylindrical in nature, north and south lose their meaning as directions, instead i'd like to propose the adoption of more useful names, such as sunward, wallward, clockwise and anticlockwise ( or perhaps widdershins ), much the same as the conventions used in Discworld, which work in their special circular setting.

At the moment we still use the familiar north south naming system, which works only because of the restricted nature of the world we have at present, however as the world enlarges and grows, the convention of referring to the Bronze Doors as 'northward' will have to change.

In the world of yliakum the inhabitants would soon have to abandon the earth based systems they were used to, instead they would develop a naming system that described directions based on the world they found themselves in thus sunward, which would be the direction one would walk in order to go from the wall to the edge of the level, from any point in the circle this would be a consistent direction similarly the converse could be known as wallward, which would be away from the sun, toward the wall. Equally clockwise would be to walk around the level in a right hand direction, anti-clockwise, or widdershins a left hand one. Logically to give directions a combination of sunward and clockwise might be used in order to describe the location of a particular place, for instance, the bronze doors might be described as 'following the road wallward', and north gate becomes the wall gate, the south gate the sun gate, etc.

I'm not saying that these names would be the ones that would be used, more discussing the eventual adoption of some system of naming of directions in a more IC manner than the OOC manner we use at present, obviously the details will need some fine tuning, and there will always be problems with navigation in a world that has no real analogue in our own experience I'm really just trying to call attention to an issue that may confront us some time in the future as the world changes around us.

General Discussion / Re: Money exploit: Confession Window
« on: September 28, 2007, 01:15:49 pm »

@evil scotsman: By the way, which one is Pink?

Ah, someone noticed, time to change my sig :)

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