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Messages - Bebel

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Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Dark Empire: Promotional Thread
« on: September 24, 2006, 04:36:40 am »
Of course, I won't replace Setill.

He crushes people's heads whereas, I enjoy tinkering with their minds until they explode.

Completely different.
Hehe, Setill couldn't replace Nurahk neither, It was a team work as they were same ranked. Just two different jobs.

Not sure if I will return to PS one day, I have lots of fun elsewhere, I am thinking (with herleva and Narita) about building a DE guilde like on another mmo. Still loyal to the Dark Empire even on another world, DE is in my heart :)

Hail the Empire !

General Discussion / Re: Women Of Yliakum
« on: June 02, 2006, 02:40:35 am »
*laughs is ass off*
This is a video game, there is rules, if someone don't respect the play nice policy, just ban him. If someone is playing the macho-man and harrass women ingame in a IC way, I think he got a problem irl.
You already have an ONU organisation (the Scoy), now a Women of Yliakum, and soon greenpeace ? Why not vote for a president also ?

Guilds Forum / Re: The Dark Empire: Promotional Thread
« on: May 26, 2006, 01:23:30 am »
@ all : Shal has warned me IC, at the begining when he arrived in the DE , having him as a member it's like good at all ( i don't know the english term for this ). He did very good job for the DE, I witnessed it. The only thing I can blame on Shal is that he didn't respect the DE's rules, and for this yes he should be kicked. But for the GOOD job he did for the DE I expected him to leave the DE instead of beeing kicked.

@ Waylander : I know the guild is in good hand with you  :detective:

I htink poeple prefer potions more than magic just because potions doesn't need any training and cheap to get. Magic is hard to train, expensive and long. That's the reason why poeple will say it's not fair to use magic..

Guilds Forum / Re: The Dark Empire: Promotional Thread
« on: May 24, 2006, 03:43:49 am »

 and Herleva is supporting him by acting out against me in-game and in the forums. Look over her recent posts if you want to catch up on the drama.
Supporting me in what ? are you feel attacked by me somewhere ?

To be honest, I'm not sure why they've decided to use this as an opportunity to 'take me out'.
a bit paranoiac ? We didn't decide anything, I left PS for different reason and herleva doesn't leave PS, just the DE, we didn't plan it. Don't supposed about what poeple do if you didn't talk to them, in that case to me.

That said, I don't think that having a few bad apples means that the guild is a complete waste, so I'll continue to recomend them to people I meet, through my signature and in-game. Setill and Herleva are leaving PS anyway, from my limited understanding. I'm not sure what's going on for sure, because Setill blocked my private messages after I asked him what was wrong, and it seems that Setill never got back to Sangwa after I asked Sangwa if he could shed any light on what was happening.
Bad apples ? you mean me and Herleva? Sorry but there is a worm in PS who trolls the forum, who is the source of most of players complain, you. When it's not only one person who say that you have a problem, when it's everyone who say this, you may questions yourself.
Why I blocked your PM? Ā because you start to be rude and change the sense of all what I'm saying, as usual, like in most your posts, turning things and arguements in a stupid circular logic.
Don't associate my departure of PS with you, I have nothing against you, this is a VIDEO GAME, what you are doing ingame and out game doesn't bother me much.
And yes, I didn't have the opportunity to meet Sangwa yet.

i guess who died didn't put the challenge to auto decline.

General Discussion / Re: The grand balance of good vs evil
« on: May 22, 2006, 05:59:20 am »
And a dark shadow begged the evil ton invite him in the group  :|

I played as an npc for this RP to help; I respected the RP background of the battle and that's why I didn't use potions.
I stayed in DR after the death for the realism, but some of the good side asked me to come back telling me "You have 3 life, come back and fight you are missing the fun".
If you want that kind of fun , I mean a OOC fight for fun, just post a new battle event without all the rp mascarad behind like " HUGE battle, come and kill all you can kill, 3 life allowed, bugs allowed ( potions ), no fee entrance !!!Ā  \\o//".

ok the dark side didn't use potions at this battle... Some died in HONOUR !

[i have fraps too, it's impossible to use it with PS ]

It's not nice to use poeple like npc just for your RP...
* Monk_ wonders what Bebel is referring to.

Do you understand now ?

General Discussion / Re: Characters
« on: May 19, 2006, 02:56:13 pm »
well, this is going a bit  :offtopic:
Suno just ask for your alt's name, if you don't feel good to tell , just don't post...

General Discussion / Re: Characters
« on: May 19, 2006, 11:46:16 am »
I have setill, Abel, Jini, Grok, Ales but in another mmorpg.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: The story of a Lich
« on: May 18, 2006, 02:06:36 am »
Brrrr.. I'm chilled :sweatdrop:, the story is original , I like it

It's not nice to use poeple like npc just for your RP...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Thank other players!
« on: May 16, 2006, 11:03:04 am »
Why I'm being thanked is beyond me...

Maybe because you are one of the still too few who prefer to develop their character, not only their skills. ;)

Even if it is hard to understand for Gag Harmond, why Aradia decided to follow this way.

I bet she met a persuasive person...

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