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Messages - Einnol

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Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Scions of Wyldewood
« on: January 04, 2008, 03:20:54 pm »
Great to see around again, Anfa.  Welcome home.  :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: London 2012 Olympics logo - HORRIBLE
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:44:26 pm »
Marqsaynt, thanks for pointing that out.  I remember reading that too while link surfing some of those articles related to that logo.  It was this article here: .  The fact that it triggered seizures in at least 22 people is the most disturbing thing about that logo, IMO.   :'(

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: A in game player list
« on: December 11, 2007, 07:56:40 am »

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: London 2012 Olympics logo - HORRIBLE
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:50:43 pm »
@Duraza:  Exactly!  And with all those big bags of money that the Olympic commitee would save on the logo design, we could just point them to the Planeshift 'Donate' button.  ;)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: London 2012 Olympics logo - HORRIBLE
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:36:21 pm »
All I can say about the logos on that site is "What were some of them thinking??!!"  I have no idea what that Chinese one is supposed to be, but based on the look of that logo, I don't want to know.   :o

I can almost kinda sorta kinda see a something similar with that Olympic logo, but nowhere near as blatantly ... *ahem* ... blatant as some of the other logos.  Regardless, it is pretty bad.  It doesn't seem 'trendy' or 'elegant' to me.  I can just imagine the designers of that logo laughing all the way to the bank over something that looks like it took 15 minutes to make.  I've seen better works created with MS Paint on this forum.  Hey Zorbels, maybe you should let your daughter take a crack at making an Olympic logo.  I'm sure it would better than the 'real' one.  In fact, I know there are probably dozens of artists in this community that could make something much better.  New community artwork contest, anyone?   ;D

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« on: December 03, 2007, 09:56:35 am »
* Einnol kicks his alter ego in the rear 'Hurry up and get there.  What's taking you so long?'   ;D

Captivating, Arka.  Keep it coming.   \\o//

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Humble Beginnings
« on: November 23, 2007, 01:36:49 pm »
Once upon a time, a Stonebreaker walked through the city gates and into Hydlaa for the first time in his life.  Seeking for a way to support himself, he went about the task of looking for employment.  Since he was good working with his hands, he sought out the local blacksmith:

Mon 07-Nov-2005
(19:35:52) Einnol says: hello
(19:35:52) Harnquist tells you: Greetings, traveller.  Quality arms and armor you'll find at my shop.  Can I help you?
(19:36:05) Einnol says: do you have any quests?
(19:36:05) Harnquist tells you: Give you..?  Get a job, freeloader!
(19:36:16) Einnol says: I would like a job.
(19:36:16) Harnquist tells you: No.

Disappointed, but persistent, the dwarf returned later after taking a walk around the city:

(20:55:21) Harnquist tells you: A fine day for business.  How can I help you?
(20:55:34) Einnol says: do you have any quests?
(20:55:34) Harnquist tells you: I'll not give you anything.  You must earn your keep here in Yliakum, just like everyone else.
(20:56:13) Einnol says: Do you have any work?
(20:56:13) Harnquist tells you: No.

Thus began a cold relationship between the two.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: How did you find planeshift?
« on: November 21, 2007, 11:30:10 am »
I discovered Planeshift by reading a short (one or two paragraph) review of it in Lockergnome, a "geek" e-mail newsletter.  Planeshift was the featured "internet download of the day" and I saved the e-mail so I could check it out later on.  About a month later, I got around to checking out the link.  :D  This was roughly around 0.3.011.

This has been touched on briefly in a few recent posts, but I was already thinking it before I read that far so I'll blurt it out anyway.  I think the best way for us to increase the player base and still retain the feeling of community is for each of us to introduce one RL friend or relative to PS.  Explain to them beforehand about the development status of PS, the bugs, the server crashes, and that patience is a virtue.  That way, they are a bit more prepared and know what to expect.  Help them thru the bumps of account registration, client installation ('do not update'), and character creation.  Since you know them personally, you are in a good position to help them on the phone or maybe even *gasp* face-to-face if absolutely neccessary.  Once they are in-game, help them ease into everything (mechanics, RP, the community itself).  This isn't really something that the devs can do, but rather the community.  Still, it's my opinion and I'll stand by it until I think of something better.  ;)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] A Lord's Will
« on: November 17, 2007, 01:15:51 am »
Evening settles upon Hydlaa as Einnol Feldorm enters Kada'El's Tavern after a long day.  After getting a tall mug of dwarven ale from Allelia, the stonebreaker wanders downstairs to relax and enjoy the mug of delicious brew.  He spots his dear friend Indygo and a few others sitting around a table and joins them.  Among the patrons at the table is a male klyros that seems vaguely familiar to the dwarf.  During the conversation that follows he glances periodically at the klyros as if trying to place where they may have met in the past.  Eventually, his curiousity overcomes him and he asks the klyros what his name is.  He responds that his name is Dono.

Something does not seem quite right to Einnol.  The klyos' face isn't immediately recognizable to him, but something about his voice seems very familiar.  But, the name 'Dono' is completely foreign to the dwarf.  It just does not seem to fit.  The more Einnol tries to push the thought from his head, the more it seems to stick.  It is like a riddle begging to be solved.

His concentration is soon distracted in a completely unanticipated way.  The sudden arrival of an old friend captures his full attention.  Zorbels, a female Enkidukai, descends the steps and non-chalantly looks around.  After a quick, but joyous conversation with the friend he has not seen for some time, he invites her to join them at their table.

Several mugs and much conversation later, everyone prepares to retire for the evening.  Einnol approaches Zorbels to bid her farewell, but she is speaking to the klyros that he had been obsessed with earlier that evening.  He waits patiently and tries not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but when his friend's voice starts to rise angrily, he can't help but notice.  She is vehemently calling him by another name ... a name that Einnol does remember well.  Suddenly it all makes sense to him.  The name she was speaking and the klyros' voice echoing in his memory matches perfectly.  An urgent sense of dread overcomes him.  The timing is not right.  It seems right, but wrong at the same time.

Zorbels continues her accusatory dialogoue with the klyros oblivious to her Stonebreaker friend who has crept up defensively beside her.  That is to say, she is oblivious up until the dwarf jabs her in the side with his elbow, cutting her off in mid-sentence.

"Are you sure?  I mean, ... he looks a little bit like ... HIM.  But, I am sure many klyros do.", he tells her as he obviously fumbles to find a way to draw her away from the klyros.

The look she gives Einnol indicates that she must have picked up on his not so subtle implication.  The momentary gaze between them is mutally understood that there would be a time to figure this whole mess out, but this moment wasn't that time.  It is apparent they are both thinking the same thing.  But, what if they are wrong?  Worse yet, what if they are right?

General Discussion / Re: Roleplaying a corpse
« on: November 15, 2007, 08:05:30 am »
Something like a /sleep command that puts you into a lying down pose would suit not only this purpose, but ... ummml ... sleeping as well.  ;D

But, something to keep in mind when roleplaying a corpse is this:

A corpse will be the last thing that character ever is.  If a 'body' remains after death, that means that the soul no longer inhabits it.  No Death Realm.  No second chances.  Game over.  Take the corpse to the nearest disposal chute and toss it in.  Delete the dead character.

General Discussion / Re: Farewell all...
« on: November 14, 2007, 09:00:58 am »
Best wishes and take care of yourself, Cilay.  Congratulations on the new family as well.

I, myself, can attest to the difference RAM makes.  I saw a huge difference in map load times after I upgraded from 512 MB to 2 GB of RAM (no other hardware was changed).  As Miaua said, there would be a lot of reading and writing to the hard drive for the swapping of virtual memory at the same time that the map is being loaded from the hard drive as well.  It creates a bottleneck there and slows the system down.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Hello PS !
« on: November 02, 2007, 10:25:10 am »
Hey there, Baston.  Good to hear from you.  Long time no see.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Proglin's funeral.
« on: October 31, 2007, 02:12:42 pm »
[I have no idea yet how to RP a response.  When I try to find the words, they just slip further away from my sight.  Anything that I could say here I think you already know, so I'll just say "Goodbye and best of luck, my dear friend."]

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday Miadon
« on: October 31, 2007, 12:27:57 pm »
Happy Birthday.   \\o//

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