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Messages - lokiwolf44

Pages: [1]
Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) /
« on: January 20, 2006, 10:37:29 am »
Nice story. Maybe abit more details about the characters, instead of just endkidaki maybe put a name and a discription. All in all good story, I like it.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The Death Realm
« on: January 19, 2006, 11:44:09 pm »
\"You wander through the endless dark, searching, ever searching. For once why cant you find your path? Something shrouds your vision, something clouds the way. Never will you leave our lands, never shall we free you from these bonds.This is your doom, this is your death. This is where you\'ll stay. Wandering ever onwards, yet getting no where. You have died and dead you\'ll be, when friends grow strong and full of life.Dead is what you\'ll be\"



EDIT: HeHe sorry its a bit morbid. I might write a story to go along with it.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) /
« on: January 19, 2006, 10:28:09 pm »
You boys better hand over that dwarf or... well I\'ll let you imagine what happens if you dont. *lifts sword mencingly*

In-Game Roleplay Events /
« on: January 19, 2006, 09:55:39 pm »
[Teri Colin]

\"I have died one too many times and have grown acustamed to the death relm. I sleep in the libaray and offen wander the twisting paths of the Death Realm, perhaps you will see me there.\"
     Teri perches on a ledge her tail flicking every once in awhile, if she is restless only her tail shows it.
\"Of course i dont spend all my time there, I come out to fight or just to explore the world of the living. Although for me the place that is death to others is my home.\"
     Teri lets her urge to be off, to do something, take over and she leaps off appearntly in no ceirtian derection, simply to wander.
     Over her shoulder she calls \"I am but a boat in the ocean, sailing where the wind blows\" She runs untill she is out of sight.

General Discussion /
« on: January 19, 2006, 09:13:06 pm »
ok i know this doesnt belong here but zorbels i love your sig. \"commen sense is not so commen\" and the picture.

I dont think your guild out of game is that good of and idea, Im a newbie so Ill tell you what i do;
If i need help I try and figure it out myself then ask whoever i see first, if they dont know or dont answer i ask one other then I try a friend, If they dont know I ask on the addviser channel, then browse forums. Looking at websites doesnt even cross my mind, and \"psfag\" is not the best name for attracting people.

maybe just join a helping guild like knowledge seekers, or even just help random people out

Newbie Help (Start Here) / yay!
« on: January 19, 2006, 09:00:43 pm »
YaY!! Planeshift is free forever! PlaneShift is free forever!
*does a little dance around room* I was thinking of asking that but decided to scan for anyone else who already asked it.


err sorry about that, just started and already addicted

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: January 18, 2006, 10:10:06 pm »
ok first of im newb so dont yell at me for asking this stupid qeustion but what is fullbright and how do you use it? (i get stuck in DR due to not being able to see)

I know the way out but i get still fall of edges because i can not see.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: January 18, 2006, 10:00:05 pm »
Iv been playing the game and it rocks!!! Unfortunitly my name i wanted \"sunspirit\" didnt work so i have instead Xmy, Teri,and Riky. this game is so cool but a little hard to start out, when your a low lvl. Ill be on Riky mostly.
C ya ingame all peoples!

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: January 17, 2006, 12:21:09 am »
Originally posted by Karyuu
And while there is nothing wrong with sprinting from place to place, I can guarantee that many characters will look at you oddly if you mention that you commit suicide just to get from one place to another quicker.

lol that sounded funny.

Im just introducing myself even though it is still downloading. lol. just saying hi! And my character is gonna be called SunSpirit, and is gonna be either fenki (i think thats what its called) or menki ( the cat guys)

 so ya....  if you see me in game tomorrow could you maybe help me out a little because ill probably be clueless.

I tend to write about irrevelnt things with bad spelling so dont mind me!


PS: yay 64% done! (1 hr 23mins to go)

ya bye!
and i geuss people can use this a introductory tread to introduce urself. so watever.

OK last word i promise! BYE!

Pages: [1]