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Wish list /
« on: August 31, 2005, 07:55:13 am »
What do you think about something like the following system?

Every spawn point (or a set of spawn points in a small distance to each other) represents a lair.

Every monster \"knows\" to which lair it belongs, and every lair has a population value.
Every time a monster belonging to a lair is killed, the population value goes down.
If a lair is left alone, it\'s population value will slowly increase over time (e.g. by one every 10 minutes or so).

So, what\'s this value good for?
I would say that it should determine things like the time in which new monsters are spawned (value = 0 means no spawn at all, value = 5 means one monster per hour, value = 10 means one monster every 30 minutes and so on), and maybe how much the loot of the monsters belonging to the lair is worth.

Each lair could keep track of the monsters belonging to it, so that a maximum number of monsters belonging to a particular lair can be set. (e.g. if there are 10 living monsters belonging to lair A, it\'s spawn point(s) will not longer produce new monsters until one of the lair A-monsters is slain).

Off course, there should be a maximum the population value can\'t exceed.

If the server could handle this, you would have
- a dynamic aspect in the world (one time more monsters here, one time more monsters there)
- the campers would be forced to move elsewhere after some time

Perhaps they would even move earlier if the spawn rate of a lair seems too low for them, so others could come.

I don\'t know if this is a good idea, just wrote what currently was on my mind.

Hmm... an additional idea: there could be quests to fight monsters of a particular lair until it\'s population value has dropped to a low value...

Sorry for the long post. Hope the idea isn\'t too bad.

Wish list / Preventing "Uber Spells"
« on: August 30, 2005, 09:36:09 am »
I think for each spell there should be a possibility of failure depending on the difficulty (or power) of the spell and the skill of the caster. If a spell fails, it should have more or less nasty consequences for the caster and/or his companions, depending on how big the mistake was the caster made (the lower his skill and the more powerful the spell, the worse are the consequences). What exactly happens also should depend on the spell itself in the best case.
Off course I think, this will be a very difficult thing to implement.
Some things a spell does could just be reversed in case of failure (caster takes damage instead of enemy, or enemy is healed instead of damaged; armor is weakened instead of reinforced and so on), but with some spells it might be really difficult to find something that makes sence and can be implemented.

In this way, a magical apprentice could have the possibility to cast devastating spells, to summon a mighty demon or whatever, but his chance to succeed will be minimal (if it\'s not just 0 because of his low skill), not to mention the high chance of bad things to happen...

Maybe I will think more about these things or even do some coding as soon as I have the time.

Wish list /
« on: February 21, 2005, 02:37:25 am »
Cool idea, I think. I am for it, too.

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: February 20, 2005, 02:36:42 pm »
Hmm... Seems there were some points I didn\'t think of.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Raiding Parties
« on: February 17, 2005, 06:01:06 pm »
I\'d like to make the following suggestion to allow raids later in the game:

The idea is that PCs can form raiding parties. These can be groups with many (let\'s say up to 100) player characters, but they can also be smaller.
As soon as they want to do a raid on a town or on other PCs, the leader activates a \"raiding mode\" for his group. As soon as this mode is activated, the members of the raiding party turn to \"raiders\" with the following effects:

1. Raiders can attack others (non-raiders) without having to challenge them, and others can attack the raiders.

2. All raiders are marked in a certain way, e.g. their names could turn red or so. NPC-Guards attack them.

3. When a raider is killed, he goes to Death Realm and loses his status as a raider. Additionally, he can\'t be a raider for some time, let\'s say an hour or so.

4. When a PC is killed by a raider, the PC is \"robbed\" by the raider, that means, the raider gets a copy of something his victim has. This should be money and/or a valuable item. Since PCs can\'t do anything against beeing attacked by raiders, they shouldn\'t lose anything, at least nothing really valuable.

5. When a PC kills a raider, he should get a reward, like fame points or something like that, and perhaps some money.

6. Raiders are able to rob houses or something like that, so that a raid on a town could be very profitable.

The raider status is turned off either if a raider gets killed or after some time, let\'s say an hour or something like that.

It should be discussed what could happen to the victims of a raider.
Shall they really lose nothing?
Do they go to Death Realm, or are they revived where they died after a short time, unable to take part in the fight that\'s going on between the raiders and their comrades?

What do you think about this suggestion and the questions?

Wish list / Another idea
« on: February 15, 2005, 04:47:56 am »
This brings me to an idea:

Later on, there could be NPC-Mercenaries who can be hired alone or in groups by a single PC or a guild. Then you lead them to a place and tell them to guard it, so they will attack everyone who doesn\'t belong to the PC\'s or an allied guild and who gets too close to them. In this way, guilds could hire guards for their guild houses. Commanding mercenaries to guard a place should only be possible on ground your character or guild owns.

Evil PCs or guilds could hire the mercs to rob others, where there actually isn\'t taken anything from the slain PCs, but the one who hired the mercs gets a small amount of money.  Commanding mercs to rob people should only be possible on ground that you and your guild don\'t own. But there should also be a price: the mercs want to be paid, and the PC who hired them can\'t reject challenges until he died the first time after the mercs are killed or driven away (this should start at least after the mercs robbed their first victim. Characters killing such an evil individual should get a reward.

If something like this is implemented later, I would suggest a skill or ability value to determine how much the mercenaries will cost, how many can be hired and what fighting skills they have.

Funny idea, but if this is done too often, it get\'s an annoyment.

Wish list /
« on: January 27, 2005, 03:34:37 am »
I would like to propose a component system with the glyphs.

This should work in a way like this:
You have one basic component that determines the main effect (e.g. fire damage, invisibility, flying, whatever).
Using the basic component alone would make an effect only working with your character (a flame for light appearing above his/her head or fire damage for meelee attacks, character becomes invisible, character can fly and so on).
Then you can add additional (secondary) components like distance effect, area effect, stronger effect and things like that.
I don\'t know how complicated it would be to implement such a thing, but it\'s great in P&P-RPG. In most cases, I think, the graphical effect used on the character when casting a spell on himself could also be used when the spell is cast on a different target. For damage spells, I would like to propose using a particle system. So you could have a different particle colour (and perhaps even particle graphic/form) for each basic component and a small piece of code for each secondary component that determines how many particles are created, how long they last and in which way they are moving.

Hope this isn\'t too much work and doesn\'t lower performance too much.

Wish list /
« on: January 24, 2005, 03:52:48 pm »
I have another idea on fatigue:
It could influence your regeneration rate of HP and Mana.
If you are fully rested, you regenerate them really fast.
By fighting, running, mining etc. you get tired, and your regeneration rate goes down. So a tired character gets killed more easily in combat, which to my mind adds a great amount of realism to the game in a simple way.

In order to rest, you could stand still (medium to strong recovery), walk (low to medium recovery) or stay in a tavern (very fast fatigue recoverey, especially if you drink and eat).

Wish list /
« on: January 21, 2005, 05:38:58 am »
The world of Planeshift is an underground world, so I can\'t think of weather in it. But perhaps something can be found that could influence the magic instead of weather.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Solution
« on: January 21, 2005, 05:32:48 am »
After running the updater and pressing the OK-button, wait a few minutes while the program downloads the needed data. This will happen in the BACKGROUND, so don\'t wonder if there is no progression bar.
Then unzip the in your Planeshift  directory (with PS-directory as target). Now the updater should work.

(I think, you can read this in another thread, too.)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 21, 2005, 02:56:24 am »
I have the same bug: 23 PPs instead of 1.
After training, 0 PPs were showed correctly. But after the next login, there was a 23 again.

After updating Plane Shift the last time, my character can\'t either die nor kill monsters.

The first time, I went down into the sewers and fought against some rats. They reduced my health to 0, but I didn\'t die. I kept on hacking one of the rats for about 10 minutes, but nothing happened. Also, it\'s health bar didn\'t appear.

I logged out and in again for two times and tried to kill a gobble. It hit me several times, but didn\'t reduce my health. At it\'s health bar there was written \"1%\", but it was full.
I reduced the bar to zero, i couldn\'t kill the monster.

My system:
AMD Athlon XP 2000+
256 MB RAM
nVidia GeForce 4 4200 with 128 MB RAM

Wish list /
« on: January 14, 2005, 03:29:54 am »
It is also my opinion that there should be no automaps, at least not for characters without a map making skill. I like the idea of PCs making maps and selling/giving them to others.
But I think, at least in the starting town there should be a FEW signs to help the newbies.

Wish list /
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:06:26 am »
@Karyuu: I disagree with you. Sure this would be the point if there were maps of EVERY region with ALL places of the world in them. But who says the maps MUST be complete? I am sure, maps and signs have not to be banned completely from the game.

I think maps with cities and the roads/ways between them are okay. Off Course, dungeons, witch huts etc. should not be in them. So you would find easily the places important for civilisation as a noob, but you would have enough places to explore and things to find out.

This is also the reason why I think signs (at least in the towns) would be nice that help you find important places like temples, libraries and so on. Special places like, let\'s say, a thieves guild or something like that should only be found by exploration or by asking characters about it.

Another point to maps: think about an NPC selling maps to hidden treasures. But when people arrive at the described place, they realize that it was a trap, and they get ambushed by the companions of the map trader. Perhaps you could even make a quest out of this. That was just an idea I head on my mind.

Wish list /
« on: January 12, 2005, 04:12:01 pm »
I think players shouldn\'t be able to build everywhere. To my mind, there should be areas PCs can buy on which they can build like they want. These areas could have different sizes and prizes. So a single character could buy a small piece of land to build on,  and a guild could have a huge area to build a guild house. In this way, the devs could avoid labyrinths of player built houses, but every one should have enough freedom to build at a place he likes.

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