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Messages - Isra

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General Discussion / Re: The Perfect MMORPG...?
« on: November 14, 2007, 08:06:29 am »

EDIT: About Perma Death, with good NPC systems controlling behavior within towns, the new players would only have to be concerned with alleys and isolated places. That's because only a moron would go after a new player and get killed after by a guard.

Perhaps only a moron, but there are a lot of morons out there and all it takes is one to get into its head that killing new players is fun....then create another character and do it all over again!

Well Perma death is kind of harsh don`t you  think? Severe consequences yes but permadeath....the game would run out of players fast i`m affraid . Imho i think there needs to be a sense of risk asociated with PvP interaction , lose should have serious consequences but not as far as permadeath . Losing all the equiped and inventory items for once? losing skills (lvls)? permanent consequences in relations with the NPC`s (you commited a crime in a certain town , you won`t set step in the town (or the region for that matter) without the guards rushing to kill you (again)

That would probably soon lead to (let`s assume players are able to buils towns , infrastructure, and craft every item available in game) entire player owned towns , regions , kingdoms in the (let`s asume NPC `s have a small region of influence in a very vast game map) wild unexplored lands  . Let`s even go further , how about "resurection" requires someone to resurect you in a cretain ammount of time or the death is permanent . In NPC towns or regions , NPC`s will resurect you , IF they like you enogh (you`re not a criminal or such , or a declared enemy) . In the player ran regions , only owners of cerain structures  , say a temple to Laanx (maybe you need a strong claim on the region in order to build one in the first place) can perform resurections

What will this lead to ?:In a NPC town , someone kills a newbie : the guards rush in , kill the agressor (permanently) and the local priests take the newbie to the altar and resurect him .
                                In an unclaimed land , in some forest , two players run into eachother and decide to fight : The winer can drag the loser`s corpse to a shrine in his alliance`s town (if any) and if he can do it in time , resurect the dead enemy..or he can just walk away and the loser`s death is permanent . The resurection procedure should be a lengthy and complicated ritual , so it would prevent "on the run" resurections , or even not allow resurection if there is fighting nearby (i don`t want a FPS respawn point thing )

/rant off , back to work

General Discussion / Re: Duelers are good Roleplayers?
« on: February 16, 2007, 01:57:49 pm »
exactly , it should be rare but nontheless possible at any time . I know proper policing such a thing would be a real challange but hey can`t i hope it will be posible soon (TM)? My point was that killing someone , in fact death , should be a really serious thing , like losing the items you were carying , perhaps your precious levels or even your character . Agreed on the random killing , just walking to someone and attacking him , it should be a very very rare thing , a risky thing to do , with serious consequences , but nontheless posible . I guess i`m just against artificialy limiting one`s options in game by accepts/declines and such things . Of course this would lead to a very hard-core game and discourage fighting unless one is absolutely certain he can win, considering what losing brings , but that`s what i would like to see , a game that does not emphasise PvP but leaves the option open for those that feel like taking a risk
 i can`t get morrowind out of my head...there you can walk to each and any NPC and attak him , no "you can not attak this one" messages will pop up , you can kill whoever you want whenever you want (well that`s ATTEMPT to kill)..but face the consequences , guards in all towns will try to kill you on sight , merchants will either attack you or won`t talk to you and so on
Back to PS , such a system would discourage PvP if anything in my opinion , even if it would be compleatly open PvP , because most people that kill for skills or for fun value there skills and gear to much to actually risk loosing them . Then again you could chose an outlaw`s life , runing from guards and hiding in forests , raiding the roads robing travelers and such . To sumarize it , i`m not for random PvP for fun or lvls , just the oposite , but I am against limiting one`s options via accept/decline kind of methods

General Discussion / Re: Duelers are good Roleplayers?
« on: February 16, 2007, 01:05:17 pm »
Why do you guys keep separating PvP from RP ? Wouldn`t it be IC if i would walk to someone , draw my sword and swing it at him without any warning or any conversation before? Why not ? Could i be drunk , a psycho or even worse a l33t , yes , but there were and allways will be a good amount of those IRL , why not have them in PS aswell? The thing is , even if I kill my target , will i survive ? RL ..maybe , i`d go to jail or something....medieval fantasy seting? I doubt the guards or the victim`s friends or maybe just the do-good warrior walking by will think twice or bother RP `ing with me before slicing me down
Oh i`m not gona repost the same things over and over , i just remember i`m not a forum fan , reading some threads makes me wanna stop playing , but HAVE DEATH MEAN SOMETHING allready , via game mechanics, then let people PvP with or without RP prelude

in my opinion RP is NOT making up pretexts for OOC actions using fancy medieval english . RP is seeing your character like a person not like a tool , and playing him acordingly , making him "alive" . Conflict , PvP is part of that , that`s why i think you can`t separate RP from PvP

I`ve said this before in some thread : I am all for open PvP and open war . Both sides agreeing on a conflict is ridiculous , agreed , but i allso see the other side of the problem , people just runing around swinging there silverweaves slaughtering everyone in sight . The solution to the entire PvP issue in my opinion is SERIOUS consequences of death . No ammount of "accept/decline`s" or GM policing will fix all the stupid PvP going around for absolutely NO reason . Finding a way to make death a serious issue (even to the point of losing your character) would be the only way to my humble opinion
In any case killing inside or nearby towns should make the guards react imediatly . The wildlands are another story though . Yes there may be l33ts roaming the roads and the hills, but then again if they are proven to be dangerous criminals they should think twice before approaching any town`s gates or risk beeing killed on sight . Perhaps Harnquist will not deal with someone who is suspected of beeing a criminal... But again , the key is how serious death is . If it`s just respawning and a little time spent to get back out there , all the above things will be useless . First thing to do in my opinion would be losing your inventory on i`d love to see how many l33t pwn3rz would risk loosing there ub3r-m3g4-l33t-swords-of-pwning just to get another duel point.I say free PvP and open wars but with consequences! If i could have it my way the "challange" button would go away , so try killing that harmless-looking dwarf if you feel like it but deal with it if you fail .
 Now about PvP , does anyone remember that feature of Gothic 2 where when fighting quest-related NPC`s or stuff you would knock them down , then had the choiche of delivering the killing blow or leting them live? Would that work in PS? In some form anyway , I mean when someone is allmoast dead he falls down (now about that , it would be great to see hitpoints affecting stats/skills , as in someone who is at 20% hp should not be able to fight/run like someone who is at 100%) , combat is over , the winer can either kill the loser or walk away . I guess the loser would be compleatly incapacitated , and either recover after a while or die eventualy if noone shows up to heal him

General Discussion / Re: Played for 5 days, and just un-instaled, heres why
« on: February 16, 2007, 06:11:52 am »
Here `s my 2 cents on the issue : Quests should be a compleatly different thing in the final PS version . Presuming that the aim is to get "smart" NPC`s that are able to "do there thing , play the game " independent from players , compleatly dynamic NPC`s if you want , then NPC quests should be specific to what the NPC in question is doing at the moment the player is offering to help . Perhaps at a point Harnquist will be lost somewhere on another level of Yliakum , so obviously he will want help geting back to Hydlaa , not ask for the same darn ore for like the 100000000`th time . What I mean is that if NPC`s will soon (TM) be able to interact with eachother and the game world independent from players , then fixed quests must go . NPC`s would engage in certain actions , and then based on those actions , "quests" should be "randomly?" generated .
I know the NPC communication system is curently a real pain , but i don`t think keywords is the solution

General Discussion / Re: new combat style
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:46:43 am »
ok , again , PvP is necesary, imperative , with out PvP PS would never be complete . I dare say there can be no real RP without at least the posibility of PvP
action-game style PvP , in my humble opinion , does NOT belong in a RPG game
action role playing games as some games are called are fun , i play them , I play shooters aswell , i enjoy fast-paced action and adrenaline rushes every now and then , but these games are NOT rpg`s , no even so cold action rpg`s are NOT ROLE playing games .
Combat in Planeshift , especialy PvP , is FAR from functional at the moment , much less perfect . But things seem to be moving in the right way
 "Either way you might as well roll 2 cubes and have the low roller /die"

hmm...well A LOT of cubes actually , or dies , to calculate all the variables (eventualy) present in combat such as weapon type vs armor type , chanche to hit , to miss and so on...and get the result "x hits Y" for # dmg" , " Y dodges X `s hit" ...this is the way characters (should) perform dodges , evades , sneack attacks and such things , not by bashing the keys and by the Player knowing better then his oponent Player when to move forward and backwards

Remember it`s not you in there , it`s your character . The player skill should manifest it`s self (eventualy, in a final version) in the decisions you make about your character and in what he(she) becomes

well at least this is my opinion on things and how a RPG should be . But then again , if  things go the other way , as it seems the vast majority of players now actually belive "diablo" , "dungeon siege" and "WoW" to be Role playing games (yes they are great games but not role playing games)  , it`s fine with me , after all the players are the ones that make an online game worth playing or not

and i`m not telling people to leave the game , i`m just saying that if they want "action" and"excitement" they should play shooters , i know i do

General Discussion / Re: new combat style
« on: February 10, 2007, 01:30:33 am »
 \\o// \\o// \\o// Awessome!! Finaly!!

ok now this  alone is reason enough to get my A## back in Hydlaa plaza .
Really now , i do agree with most of the arguments about beeing able to move in a fight , but the "movements" , dodges and other things should be linked to  character skills and stats not the player bashing keys . So yes i`m VERY happy with click the attack and wait for the results . If by player skil you understand the player ability to bash 1000000 keys / second and time the process aswell , as in bash key 102 at exactly 0.12231 seconds from the combat start , then this type of player skill should have no place in PS . Go play a shooter and attempt to get a headshot on the guy behind the wall while jumping backwards and twisting in mid-air or somethig . The runing back-and-forth attempting to time your attack requires only one skill : avoiding game mechanics lvl 30 or higher
As for PvP , I am a big suporter of it , actually free all-around PvP , that is the ability to attack anyone anywhere would be great in later stages of the game , however with SERIOUS implications for killing other people , if caught ofcourses , such as (NPC)guards baning you from the towns , NPC`s denying you services prison time or such . Anyone remember the consequences of killing a guard or two in Morrowind?
Ofcourse this will only be posible when Death Realm is actually completed to some degree and death becomes a "serious" thing , not just a free trip to a vendor . PvP in RPG`s should NOT be similar with PvP in FPS`s , where the emphasis is on geting 1000 kills/game and on top of it that l337 uber h3adshot

The Hydlaa Plaza / MMORPG's
« on: February 08, 2007, 07:29:49 pm »

i just HAD to advertise this  ;D ;D

The Hydlaa Plaza / MMORPG's
« on: February 08, 2007, 06:29:42 pm »
no mention of Baldur`s gate I and II + expansions? :-\ or The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind for that matter actually , the most mod-ed game i know of , with a HUGE number of awessome mods , hell even a beta multyplayer! \\o//)
As for mmorpg`s , i belive there quality depends largely on there player base . I`ve seen several "l33t PL`3rz" in PS  , but the vast majority is (or was last time I `ve had some ale over at Kada`el `s) a great bunch of people , and that`s the main reason i played (and will play  again as soon as the download is done) . On the other extreme , Shadowbane , a game I played last year , could be called L33T PWN`3r H34v3N but nontheless i`ve been part of a nation with very strict RP rules ( excuse me in advance if i violated some forum rules by posting this link )

oh well I look forward to seeing Yliakum again ! (download at 68%)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The Genocide in Darfur, Sudan
« on: December 27, 2006, 01:57:59 pm »
That's 4 times the Iraq War.
Some things to consider

Pre war Iraq for the most part Has:

Running water
A Strong GDP
Safety for most civilians
No internal civil war

Pre war Iraq doesn't have:

10,000 deaths per month
Overall Sad citizens

Pre war Sudan for the most part Does not have:

Running water
A Strong GDP(It's a poor 3rd world country)
Safety for most civilians

Pre war Sudan Does have

Civil war
Government Power struggle
10,000 innocents dead every month
Overall sad citizens


True for the most part . However a military US intervention in Sudan will be just as wrong as the one in Iraq . The desaster is there , it`s real and it`s ...making me question the human nature . You are right Datruth , things must be done, by me , by you by this entire %$#@* world . But the answer is not "US military to the rescue" . The answer is not another war . Sudan doesn`t have electricity , runing watter . Perhps helping them to build those would make a difference ? Understand this , even though you may think you help , you would be just starting another war . Some would say another war against Islam . Another war against some country that can`t defend it`s self . Stop the desaster curently going on there and start another one . Cause yet another increase in world wide extremism and anti-american feelings . However this thread has given me some insight in how americans see the world . It`s great to see some people care about other people . The only way to stop this kind of things imho is to educate people and change the way they relate to eachother . Not by war!! At this moment US external politics is dooing an incredible ammount of harm to the world . Stop policing the world , it`s not
your (U.S) place or right to do it

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The Genocide in Darfur, Sudan
« on: December 27, 2006, 08:43:18 am »
Actualy Datruth you are right about most things , but for some reason you don`t seem to see one obvious truth : Any foreign military intervention in Sudan will have the same desastrous outcome as the Iraq war . Nomater how just the reasons may seem from where you stand , an invasion is an invasion , nothing more and nothing less . For some reason I don`t fully understand US seems to consider themselves some sort of world-wide police force . US has no right to get involved military in other states afairs , nomater how bad things look from where you stand . That is WAR . That is the reason why US is by far the most hated nation on the globe at the moment . Keep in mind that there is allways 2 sides to a problem , and enforcing what you think is right on others will always go wrong and backfire on you . Now please don`t get me wrong  , I`m compleatly against the Dafur genocide , against any form of ethnic clensing , but military action is not the way to solve issues . Remember the US war in Kosovo in 1999 ? Well i witnesed parts of that first hand , I live in Romania , that`s on the border of Serbia . In 1999 US suported what today wuld be called terorists . Albanian islamists in the Serbian province of Kosovo were"fighting" for independence ; fighting = bobming schools , markets , all sorts of civilian targets , killing christians in the name of the jihad , selfproclaming the state of Kosovo all the things we ussualy blame terrorists or insurgents for today . When the Serbian army retaliated (admitedly , a lot of albanian civilians were killed , but that`s due to the fact that tehre were no albanian "soldiers" there , and the terorists are basicaly civilians...), the US called it ethnic clensing , and steped in to "free" the country . Ofcourse that was "smart precisionbmbings" of powerplants , hospitals , bridges , roads , compleatly destroying Serbian infrastructure, and killing far more inocent civilians then soldiers . That was 1999 . Today , 2006 , there are still UN troops in Kosovo , the albanian islamist separatist still cary attacks against serbian civilians , well that`s whatever serbian civilians are left there , because most of them ran away since the UN ocupation force did nothing to protect them and the serbian army can`t do anything about it either .
But the main issue is the US "crusade" to impose "democracy" around the globe . Can`t you (US) realize how wrong that is ? You can not "impose" democracy with bombs and troops . Just let the world be  it will find it`s path eventualy
Now about Dafur , yes it`s likely US will turn it`s attention twards Africa in the future , considering it can`t move it`s crusade any further in the nea east (Iran , Syria ) , since those countryes are indirectly under china and rusia`s protection . Now lets say you are right , well from where I stand you are right . US goes there and fights of those militias , eventualy the entire government . The opressed civilians will most likely side with the US..but what next? Probably revange , and revange against who? The islamists ; You will have a minority backed up by the US military fighting the "insurgents" , the leftovers
of those militias and the government . The opressed will rise to punish there opressors , and don`t think they will hesitate to give them the same treatement they recived . Civilians will die , without a government the country will go into some form of civil war and chaos , and the US will be in the center of it all...again . Understand that you cant fight insurgents and terrorists without killing civilians . They ARE civilians , the terrorist is ussualy that guy that lost his family/wife/kids....and feels he has nothing to lose , so he seeks revange in any way he can
But this is the world we live in I guess , an empire is an emipre , and it will try to expand in any way posible . It was like this since the beginings of history . The pretexts for war may change but the real reasons will allways be the same : power , wealth , and the destruction of those that don`t share your beliefes (well actually imosing your beliefes on others where that is posible)
* Isra sips some wine and apolagi
zes for his bad english . Merry Christmas and a happy new year , may it be a better year for the world

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Read any good fiction lately?
« on: December 01, 2006, 08:43:22 am »
Orson Scott Card - Ender`s game and the sequels is a must if you`re into the genere , aswell as Asimov and Herbert . But i`m not saying anything new here , this writers are the giants of the SF literature . Latel? I`m about to finish an interesting trilogy , Helliconia , by Brian Aldiss , it fits in the fantasy genere . Allso Silmarillion,  Tolkien`s masterpiece comes to mind , finished it a few months ago , and I swear it`s ....stuning

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: November 7th Midterm Election
« on: November 08, 2006, 11:18:26 am »
it is so interesting seeing your points of view on this , from the inside of it all . Yeap you guessed right I`m not from US
however here is my 2 cents on the matter . US politics has done more harm to the world in the last few years then comunism/nazism together throughout history .

Excuse me, but Hitler and Stalin murdered well over a hundred million people.  The American governmenthas promoted globalization, the American government has assassinated and tortured people, the American government has supported terrorist organizations abroad, but I don't think that you can put their war crimes even close to the those of Hitler and Stalin.

By the way, where have you been?  Or have I just not noticed you around and you've been here all along?

perfectly true there is no way you can compare the crimes of nazism and comunism to what US is dooing , in terms of lifes lost anyway . What I was talking about is creating this worldwide psychosis about terrorism, using fear as a mean of controlling "everything"and blindly attacking any way of life that is not the
"american way of life" . In WW2 the entire world reacted to the nazi threat , the nazi agression was NOT tolerated , but now noone seems to dare say/do anything against the US agression . This is where I see the problem, US is slowly turning into a planetary dictator . Us agression : hiting anyone and anything as long as it fits there ? economic? interests ,behind poor excuses that noone would actually belive .

but enough of this , democrats won, I`m off to drink to that

Ya I know my english sucks , it`s not my first language and I`ve failed most of my english exams in my 3 years of college

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: November 7th Midterm Election
« on: November 07, 2006, 02:09:35 pm »
it is so interesting seeing your points of view on this , from the inside of it all . Yeap you guessed right I`m not from US
however here is my 2 cents on the matter . US politics has done more harm to the world in the last few years then comunism/nazism together throughout history . I can only pray to whatever god out there that the democrats win this -and the next round- and hope that it makes any difference whatsoever
Whenever I start to contemplate the US actions and there effects on the entire world over the last decade .....I stop really fast and rush out to get drunk really fast , because realizing what US has done to the world scares the %^$# out of me
Sometimes I find myself wondering what will be US`s next step : They can`t extend there military actions in the orient - nowhere to go wth Iran there - , and no US will NEVER attack Iran , they can`t even deal with Iraq and it seems they plan to stay there untill they will compleatly exterminate the population there  , so no way US will dare move against Iran , not as long as rusia is backing Iran up. That leaves..what? Africa open I presume . probably they will "find" some threts to world security there if they will want to get there hands on some hypotetical resources there.....
But the main problem from where I`m standing is the anti-US sentiment world-wide . I don`t belive there was ever in earth`s history such a world-wide feeling of hatred twards a nation as the curent anti-US sentiment world-wide . to me it seems US is alone out there , except for UK ofcourse , and it`s dooing an great job on geting everyone else against it . So if this is to change then these ellections are crucial . I really hope the democrats win and things will change

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Other MMORPG's besides WoW
« on: October 15, 2006, 11:06:10 am »
 ;D shadowbane Is free , just register an account you`ll see me , site isnt` updated yet

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