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Messages - zyrom

Pages: [1]
Linux Specific Issues / game crashes shortly after trying join
« on: February 11, 2006, 04:53:36 pm »
When trying to join a game it crashes with the following message:
Code: [Select]

After cur_region->Prepare: time=37887
After Precache: time=37978
After SetupWorldColliders: time=38031
Region hyojapath loaded successfully.
Before LoadMapFile of /planeshift/world/hysewers: time=38186
After LoadMapFile: time=38544
  Lightmaps are not up to date (no \'lm_precalc_info\' found in cache).
  Use -relight cmd option to calc lighting.
After cur_region->Prepare: time=38597
FindBestSplitLocation failed: split_loc(nan) >= min1(nan)
  This node contains the following objects:
    0: \'_f_corner_03\' (-193.883,5.01266,-98.1008)-(-174.389,10.2627,-78.6076)
    1: \'torch_emitter_08\' (nan,nan,nan)-(-1e+09,-1e+09,-1e+09)
Something bad happened in csKDTreeChild::RemoveLeaf!
  Trying to remove leaf for: \'_s_sigil_03\' (-5.91674,-0.660167,-4.18592)-(-4.5768,1.64949,-1.87626)!
Something bad happened in csKDTreeChild::RemoveLeaf!

Running from csv version compiled with the \"easy_planeshift\" script.

(Tried the precompiled versions but they all had some library depenencies not satisfied by my system...)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 11, 2006, 11:13:28 am »
\\o/ and an enormous thanks to you!,
finaly got it updated!
so this thread has now ended :)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 11, 2006, 10:01:16 am »
Originally posted by Nilrem
Seems that all mirrors are down, indeed, except the third.

yes i have gone to the step of excluding the others as they just hang the updater indefinitly...

Hope all of this will lead to a working game :P

Me to :), at the least we will get a list of all the files missing, so that the server might at some point be updated....

it seems i must impose on you again.. could you upload the examples dir ? since that one seems empty on the third server as well...

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 11, 2006, 08:36:52 am »
ok, that got the updater going for quite some while....
i now stops at art/effects/examples/spire_example.jpg
which i also assume i do not need, but since the updater wont pass...

had a look at the updater log it seems to be barfing
at random stuff in the \"create ...\" lines:



some of the those files seems to be present at:  though


You sure you weren\'t able to play without those sound files?

erhm, *sligtly sillly look* since it is a fresh install i assumed  i have to run the updater...
anyway tried it, but there is a fair amount of error messages and the only server available is localhost :)
also tried the pssetup but it complains about missing files, and the gui so garbled when it finally loads, that it is impossible to use

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 11, 2006, 06:51:41 am »
Originally posted by Bereror
Files in these mirrors are for the current official version (from 2005-11-30). If you built Planeshift yourself from CVS sources, then the updater downloads some configuration files in the data directory that might be not compatible with your version. This is just a warning in case you get some strange errors.

Ok , thanks will keep that in mind :)

Originally posted by Bereror
For the mirrors, ....

Originally posted by Nilrem
Also, try editing the file updaterconfig.xml and see if activeid is set to 3 instead of 1. ....

Thanks, had that one figured out already, with the help of the forums.

and now we go for sounds/weather/...

Btw, thanks for taking time with this, much apreciated !

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 11, 2006, 06:21:16 am »
Originally posted by Nilrem
There you are:

thanks, of course it now complains about the next file:

the magic directory btw, did not exist prior so i had to create it...

I get the distinct feeling that this thread might continue for a bit :)

Originally posted by Nilrem
This file, anyway, belongs to an spell that is not yet publicly avaiable, so you really won\'t notice the difference when playing the game.

ok, just that the updater complains about it and wont continue...
is there a way to skip stuff in the updater ? or reverting it to a not \" bleeding edge, mirrors not updatet yet\" version :) ?

Or am i going about this in the a completely wrong way ?

Background: used the  \"Easy PlaneShift build script\" to build the code, no problems there, followed the Readme that says to run: psrun updater -auto ...

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 11, 2006, 05:04:48 am »
thanks! that did thee trick until :
would you mind uploading that to ?

the updater fails with a 404 error on the the file:

going there with a browser confirms that the file is non existent...

is there a way around this ?

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