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Messages - cyclone3d

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Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / try this.
« on: February 19, 2006, 10:53:41 am »
Well.. if it stopped working after you went into the setup... did you change something in the setup program?

I know enabling any sound setting but \"software\" on my system makes PS crash.

You may have to uninstall and re-install... or figure out where the config file is and edit it manually.

Have you tried going back into setup and changing any options back to what they were before it started crashing?

Download memtest86 from

Run it and see if it finds any errors... If it does, you either have a bad stick of RAM or need to re-seat the RAM in the slot(s)

Also, what are your system specs?

How hot is your CPU running?

What programs are running in the background?

When  I try to run anything besides the \"recover\" updater, it usually just has a window that pops up with nothing in it, then my computer locks up.

Sometimes the GUI will load in the window, but the computer immediately locks up.

Here are my system specs

Abit UL8 motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 3700+
ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB
Sound Blaster Audigy
Windows XP x64

I do not have anything besides Avast! virus scanner running in the background. Disabling it does not help.

I have tried the latest ATI drivers (6.2), and the 5.10 drivers (as this was the last driver release from ATI that actually worked properly on my card.

I do have an Nvidia Geforce 6800GS on the way. If for some reason I can\'t get PS working before then, we will have to see if it is an ATI issue(which is what it looks like).

I will post back if I can get it working.


Well, I was able to get PS to run.... I had to lower my processor speed by 200Mhz.

Not sure exactly why.. but I have run across this same type of thing when I have compiled certain programs with Visual Studio using all compiler optimizations.


Anyway, I was able to get it working by lowering my CPU speed by 200Mhz

I have seen this issue before in different programs that I have written and compiled in C/C++ with Visual Studio.
It usually happens when all compiler optimizations are turned on.

I\'ve also had to put checks in certain programs to re-try things like array re-allocation because of timing issues.

Not sure if this is the case here, but it definitely seems like a timing issue.


Anyway, it seems to be a timing issue between the game, system speed, and ATI drivers.

I just installed a Geforce 6800GS AGP, and the lockup problems went away.

Before I had to lower my CPU speed by 200Mhz to get the game to not freeze my computer.

Anyway, If this post gets deleted, I WILL NOT post back again.

Please avoid posting two or more successive posts before others have replied. Just edit your last post to add new information :) Thanks! --Karyuu

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