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Messages - Half_Pint

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Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: May 23, 2005, 06:52:51 am »
I\'ve got an Geforce 4 graphics card, 512mb Ram, 2.8ghz proccessor, Windows XP.

Thanks again for the help, it\'s nice to know who I\'m seeing ingame.   :)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: May 23, 2005, 06:39:17 am »
If that\'s a blind shot, I would hate to have you shooting at me with your eyes open!

I uncommented the line, and I can see the labels perfectly now.  :)

Thanks!   8)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: May 21, 2005, 08:46:41 am »
I am also having this problem.  Any help would be appreciated.

Cheers.  :)

General Discussion /
« on: December 24, 2004, 09:51:49 am »
Thanks, devs!  Merry Christmas!   8)

Guilds Forum /
« on: December 21, 2004, 06:03:40 am »
Terrible, absolutely terrible..  Best wishes with the recovery, Rangers!  

Hey, Monk, let\'s declare war on the webworms!  What a truly Mirthful endeavour that would be, eh?  Rangers, Defenders, and Mirth, just like old times!  

/me pulls out his axe and starts hacking hackers to bits.  Have fun on vacation, Monk!

And X, Actually, I\'ve always thought spaghetti tastes better the second time round..  It\'s a bit drier and..  Actually, I have no idea why I think it tastes better..  Oh, well.   ;)

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 20, 2004, 02:54:40 pm »
Nice!  That is sad but true.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 20, 2004, 07:40:39 am »
Donnie Darko, dudes, don\'t diss dat.

(Sorry, couldn\'t resist the alliteration...)

I\'m feeling a little insane this morning. :D  I guess that comes hand-in-hand with Christmas vacation, eh?

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 14, 2004, 12:50:22 pm »
*sigh*  Have neither of you heard of a rhetorical question?  :D

Anyway, you know Mirth\'s position on violence.  It has not changed, nor will it.  Mirth has done as little as any other good guild of late to stop the spread of evil, and we now reap our reward.  Non-violence can prevail without your reckless use of force, but it must have those who are willing to fight with the weapons of kindness, generosity, and laughter.  Lately, that has been lacking.

OOC:  Darn school, making me inactive..  :P

Please don\'t go OT on this..  It\'s not our thread to spam..   8)

EDIT:  My point being that using non-violence to combat evil still requires action.  That has not been happening as it should.
OOC:  Lol, it\'s sort of hard to get back in-character after a few weeks..  :D

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 14, 2004, 09:22:30 am »
My friend, I am sickened that the power of evil has been allowed to spread to such extent that it can damage your most noble, most excellent guild.  How have we let the world come to this, that such a wonderful guild can be harmed by malice and hate?     :(

Know that you have the support of Mirth, and know that we will stand by you through this time of trouble.  Let me know if you are in need of assistance!

OOC:  Sorry, I\'ve been inactive for a while due to a need to adjust to my new loads of homework, but I\'ll be returning to full activity next week.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: September 16, 2004, 11:21:27 am »
My taste in music is basically all things rock, although I particularly like Green Day.  

If you haven\'t checked out their new CD, do it now!  You can listen to the whole thing on, and it is AWESOME!  (Not like anything else they\'ve ever done, it\'s got a lot of softer bits to it.  Really great!)  :)   :D   8)  :)

Guilds Forum /
« on: September 15, 2004, 12:08:58 pm »
I think that if an NPC force were ever to invade Yliakum, with the objective of crushing all those who lived there...  the guilds would band together of their own accord.  

I hope that at some point there will be some extent of player-run government in PS, but I don\'t know if now is the time for it.  As you said, Kuiper, it has taken time to progress from individuals to guilds to alliances.  A full government would logically take still more time to occur.  

Personally, I think a lot of people are just incredibly paranoid that a union of guilds would take over the world and leave everyone else in the dust.  Although this idea wouldn\'t have that effect..  

I like the idea of guilds banding together against a common enemy, but I don\'t know if we really need an Act to accomplish that.  

Just thought I\'d add my two tria\'s worth.  :)

Guilds Forum /
« on: September 11, 2004, 02:42:17 pm »
Cool!  The basic idea is like Mirth, but its chaotic.  I love it!  :)

As Zabeal said, it really is refreshing to have a chaotic guild that is truly, er, chaotic.  :D

Best of luck, and let me know if you need any help!

EDIT:  Lol, looking back at what Mirth originally was, this is a lot like it.  Still, I don\'t doubt that you came up with this on your own.  :)  Great minds think alike..  :D  Anyway, it\'ll be awesome to have another happy-ish guild around.   8)

Guilds Forum /
« on: September 08, 2004, 11:43:37 am »
Only if you promise to be Mirthful during the party.  :D

I was just looking back at the very earliest threads in the guilds forum, and I came across the original Mirth Guild thread..  Back when YanRK first started the guild.  :)  Here\'s what it says:

\"Mirth Guild is a happy happy guild (ei. Very Good, as in not evil) So, if you want to ally yourself with a bunch of happy folk, then Mirth is the guild for you!!
-Open to all Races
-For more info check out the website!(link under sig)
-It\'s better to br good. \'cause they always win   \"

Hmm, the standards for starting a guild have changed since then..  :D   As has Mirth.     8)

Guilds Forum /
« on: September 08, 2004, 09:16:27 am »
Why must there be mercenary guilds at all?  Their entire reason for existence goes against the spirit of Mirth, as they are devoted singularly to violence and conflict.  It saddens me that it is felt that such a guild is neccesary, and I am disappointed that a new guild seeks to expand into this vile business.  All the same, I respect that this guild also has peaceful aims.  I wish you the very best with those.

It sickens me that the Mercenary Guild would resort to violence in order to increase the number of violent acts they get paid to commit.  This cycle of violence must be broken.  Please see the insanity of greed-driven violence, lay down your weapons, and allow peace a chance to spread.

OOC:  The above was all strictly IC, in case you couldn\'t tell.  :D  I think the idea of a Mercenary guild eliminating competition makes perfect sense in an RP context.  Mercenaries are warriors by profession and by nature, and it is natural that they will seek to intimidate.  

Best of luck to The Sect, and may you survive the full fury of the Mercenaries.   8)

Guilds Forum /
« on: September 04, 2004, 10:50:53 am »
Thanks, Cyberchu.  I forgot about my sig.  :)

For another guild to be made a member of the CLA is less of an application process, and more of a scouting process on our part.  We keep an eye on guilds that are potential members of the alliance, and build up our relationships with them.  When we think a guild is ready, we may propose that they join the alliance.

For individuals who wish to join the CLA, they should check out which of our guilds fits them best.  We are all currently recruiting.   8)

Ah, yes, the parties..  :D  You can look forward to some riotous, Mirth-hosted bashes in CB, I promise you.  :D

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