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Messages - The Wandering Djinn

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I have also had similar problems trying to login to the Laanx server. It loads as normal through to the Character Select screen. Then as it nearly completes the "Loading GUI" step, the progress bar stalls, and Mac OS X pops up this message: The application psclient_static quit unexpectedly

I tried Pizik's suggestions but with no success.

Then I ran the psupdater_static in Terminal, which reported that both the updater and the client had no further updates to download.

I tried again with the psupdater_static in Terminal, but this time with Console running and it's logs window open as well.

Still no joy but I now have two output files, one from Terminal, and the other from Console. To save on space in this forum, I have sent these to the Nopaste website and provide the links below:

Saved Terminal Output from running psclient_static :

Saved psclient_static.crash.log :

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: psupdater doesn't work
« on: July 23, 2008, 04:14:08 am »
Updater worked for me.

Here is the Terminal output:

Last login: Wed Jul 23 20:24:16 on ttyp1
/Users/DIVERSIONS/PlaneShift/; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
[localhost:~] /Users/DIVERSIONS/PlaneShift/; exit
Crystal Space for MacOS/X 1.4.0 [MacOS/X-powerpc-GCC]
Ported to MacOS/X by Eric Sunshine <>

PlaneShift Updater Version 5 for macosx.

Checking for updates:
Checking for updates to the updater: No updates needed!
Checking for updates to all files: Updates Available!

Downloading update file..
0% ---- 25% ---- 50% ---- 75% ---- 100%
Patching file art/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/shaders/lighting/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/skins/base/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/lighting.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/gui/containerdesc.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/gui/detailwindow.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/gui/guildwindow.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/gui/inventory.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/gui/money.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/help.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file README-osx: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Update finished!

Updater finished, press enter to exit.

[Process completed]

NB: the system specs for my iMac are in my sig.


In Options I have  Shift + R  set to toggle between Walk and Run and the R key to Auto-run

In CB version they worked fine and took immediate effect, but since SB version, although I have the same potions set I have to tap the Up Arrow cursor key first.


The brumous conditions around the Ruins that morning allowed Jerila to sneak past the ulbernauts and gather a posy of snowbuds and charmflowers for her sisters wedding celebration.


My male Enkidukai character gets over the waterwheels by waiting until the pin at either end of the shaft rotates around to horizontal, At that point it is just like a step at just the right height to jump up onto, first the pin, then the shaft, and then off onto the other side. Also works coming back the other way :)

General Discussion / Re: armor repair working?
« on: July 12, 2008, 05:44:57 am »

Yep, Armor Repair is a skill that anyone can walk into from right off of the street -even pull themselves up with by the bootstraps!  :P


Hey there, I also have a problem with my logs.

Actually I have the same problem with the screenshots, I just can't locate the screenshots folder either. Any idea?

For PlaneShift 0.4.01 Client, your PS logs folder on a Mac running OS X Tiger or OS X Leopard is under the following pathname:

/Users/your_user_name/Library/Application Support/PlaneShift

For PlaneShift 0.4.01 Client, your PS screenshot folder on a Mac running OS X Tiger or OS X Leopard is under the following pathname:

/Users/your_user_name/Library/Application Support/PlaneShift

...both folders are in the same place as it happens :)

Complaint Department / Re: no climbing anymore? Great :(
« on: July 05, 2008, 06:37:02 am »

*enters the thread and pauses to finish eating one of the 13 pies he has just looted from The Brigand...*

In games like PS we spend most of our time using one or other of movement controls which move our characters or avatars in a Forward direction. Some of the rest of the time we might use the movement controls which make our characters or avatars Turn Left or to Turn Right. Some of us may even make use of the movement controls that alter the camera view to Look Left or to Look Right. But that's pretty rare, because mostly we are moving Forward. That can easily make us rather tunnel visioned.

In a game like PS it might just be that the Developers have created areas / features in the landscape where the Forward movement controls do not work. Even create areas / features in the landscape where no movement controls work at all! But it might be, that these Developers have also created areas / features in the landscape where only the other, less often or rarely used movement controls are the ones that move your character / avatar through or around or under or over or up or whatever to get to the next part of the landscape.

Okay, so in the light of the recent major revision of the collision detection and other related code, the points I've made might not seem of much comfort. As has been said before, PlaneShift is a game that is under a constant process of development. Some of the changes and improvements will seem drastic and even world-changing of what we have become used to as we play. The changes get refined, tweaked, and eventually improved upon, as overall the game gets smoother and more stable and more feature-rich from update to update.

I reached the Brigand by a slightly different route to how I had become accustomed to reaching him in the past, but I got to him by normal running.

Oh, by-the-way... the ladder in the Death Realm wouldn't let me run up it in the manner I had become accustomed to in the past -so I brushed the dust off one of the seldom-used movement controls and got to the top without fuss. [the character I used was a male Enkidukai... perhaps other character models might have difficulty?]

*What? ... How did I happen to end up in the DR? ... Erm... -that's another story entirely!* :P

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Getting the updater working.
« on: July 04, 2008, 08:14:55 pm »
Hmm... I've always used the psupdater through the Mac terminal - right click, "Show package contents" then "Contents" then "Mac OSX" then "ps_updater_static."

I tried this method on file "psupdater_static", which started off fine, but then Terminal reported that it could not find file "updaterinfo.xml"...

I opened Spotlight and searched for that filename: it found only one file "updaterinfo.xml.bak" ... strange to have apparently 2 file extensions!

I got brave, located the file and deleted the ".bak" from the filename then saved.

Double-click on "psupdater_static" ... .. . and Terminal raced away and produced this record of its activity:

Last login: Sat Jul  5 12:34:59 on ttyp1
/Users/jonathan/PS/PlaneShift/; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
[localhost:~] jonathan% /Users/jonathan/PS/PlaneShift/; exit
Crystal Space for MacOS/X 1.4.0 [MacOS/X-powerpc-GCC]
Ported to MacOS/X by Eric Sunshine <>

PlaneShift Updater Version 5 for macosx.

Checking for updates:
Checking for updates to the updater: No updates needed!
Checking for updates to all files: Updates Available!

Downloading update file..

Downloading update file..

Downloading update file..
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!

Downloading update file..
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!

Downloading update file..
0% ---- 25% ---- 50% ---- 75% ---- 100%
Patching file art/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/effects/weakness.part: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file art/world/lighting.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/effects/spells/darkness.eff: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/effects/spells/electrotouch.eff: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/effects/spells/weakness.eff: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file docs/credit.txt: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!

Downloading update file..

Downloading update file..

Downloading update file..

Downloading update file..
Patching file art/shaders/snippets/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/gui/inventory.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!

Downloading update file..
Patching file art/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!

Downloading update file..
Patching file art/things/ Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Patching file data/gui/loadwindow.xml: Done!
Checking for correct md5sum: Success!
Update finished!

Updater finished, press enter to exit.

So, I'm back in-game and, so far -no dire problems!  \\o//

Have you tried the instructions and advice in this Forums Post? :

Have you tried the instructions and advice in this Forum Post? :

Try putting the ingots back into the furnace until they melt into iron ore.

As Cebot has pointed out this is not correct, iron ingots melt into molten iron.

Click on this link:

-for some useful information on metal crafting.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Your favorite lyrics
« on: June 24, 2008, 08:09:42 am »
This song perhaps above all others has impressed me most since I first heard it soon after it was released. It has become the most listened to track in my collection especially after I read Dee Brown's book Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee ©1970. Fortunately for my vinyl copy, a CD version of this album was released in 1992.

Favorite song : The Song Of Crazy Horse
Album name : The Song Of Crazy Horse †
Artist name : J. D. Blackfoot ‡
Year : ℗1974
Label : Fantasy Records
Catalog № : F-9468
Genre : Folk-Rock
Source of the lyrics : lyric sheet included with original vinyl LP recording

YouTube link :

† This album was recorded in New Zealand with local musicians when J.D. Blackfoot visited here, and it won the New Zealand Album of the Year Award for 1974.
‡ His real name was Benjamin Franklin VanDervort, but in 1970, he legally changed his name to J.D. Blackfoot.

- Enjoy! :)

The Song Of Crazy Horse

You took his land and you ate his corn
On his grave your land was born

You took his pride and you fed him dirt
You wished him winter without a shirt
And you called this Red Man "Savage"

After you crushed him you helped him up
To let him drink from an empty cup

You gave him the Navy without the fleet
And made him lick your hands and kiss your feet
And you named this mad dog "Savage"

Well I found a book the other day
So I looked up Red and White to see what it'd say

One was a savage the other unlearned
Like a look in the mirror the tables were turned
For history has named you "Savage"

In the year of '65
When I was very young
We watched the dust clouds to the South
We knew that you had come
We saw you build your chain of forts
Along the Bozeman Road
But Red Cloud had his allies counted
Long before it snowed

And someday Great White Father you will know my name

In December of '66
You met me face to face
I decoyed your Captain Fetterman
And we never left a trace
Into our sacred homelands
Your bluecoat soldiers came
But we just taught you a heap big lesson
In the Battle of a Hundred Slain

And someday Great White Father you will know my name

In the June of '76
Our Nation joined its hands
We made our camps on the Little Big Horn
Not knowing of your plans
You sent your long-haired Custer
With the 7th Cavalry
To hunt and kill my children
For wanting to be free

And I think it's time Great White Father that you knew my name

It's Crazy Horse, it's Crazy Horse
And I wish you were here to see
'Cause I got Yellow Hair cornered at the Big Horn
And I'm about to set him free

Ride to the village to get my Oglalas'
The Sans Arc and the Minneconjous'
Get Sitting Bull with his band of Hunkpapas'
The Brules' and Blackfoots too

Ridin' home from battle came the Cheyenne ponies
With white blood drippin' from their feet
Their riders were lookin' and shoutin' up to Heaven
Here's to Chivington at Sand Creek

Hey there Mister Wagonmaster what do you have inside
Hidden underneath of that buffalo hide
Could it be you brought to me some food from the man back East
So my starving children could have a feast

Hey mother come look and see
what the bastard done brought to me
It's alcohol, tobacco and guns
Alcohol, tobacco and guns

Now I have seen the eagle soaring beautiful and free
I don't want no man to make less of me
Do you take me for a fool or as a little child
And do you really wonder what's made me wild

Hey paleface you better run
Because my men been havin' lots of fun
On your alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco and guns

I have waited patiently for you to pay your rent
But as yet I haven't seen that first red cent
I don't think that there's much chance of me evicting you
But watch out for the day that you get Sioux'd

A hundred years have seen the setting sun
But his sad country still is run
On his alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco, and guns

A hundred years have seen the setting sun
But his sad country still is run
On his alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco, and guns

Now you try to trick me
And lock me up in jail
Where would a stupid savage
Find the bondsman or the bail

I turn to run for I am scared
I want so to be free
I feel the ice-cold bayonet
As it sinks deep inside of me

But someday Great White Father you'll remember me

Sioux warriors teach your children
The white man's evil tongue
Make them know the name of Crazy Horse
And the battles he has won
So they will know the truth
When it's knowledge that they crave
Let them sing of the Land of the Free
And the Home of the Brave

And of the Great White Father that dug my grave

Brown rivers once were blue
Now the fish float upside-down
Ancestral burial grounds
That's where you've built your towns

The smokestacks from your factories
They pollute my skies
You slaughtered all my buffalo
And you left me here to die

And all of this you have done in the name of God

Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee
But there is more buried in his grave
Than the wisest men could see

I have dreamed the vision of the horse that dances wild
I have seen the land of the Great Beyond
I am one with this Earth as a little child
Let my eternal life shine on


Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee
But there is more buried in his grave
Than the wisest men could see

(repeat twice)

Milkweed illusion casts its die
And the horse that dances starts to fly
Rhythms of metamorphosis leave their stain
Memories of happiness kept in vain

The target tomorrow is one step beyond
For lilies of mercy lost on a pond
They cry out for freedom to the lighthouse above
They are angels of victory, peace and love

Visions of odin dark and oblique
Mind over matter which all men seek
A vague understanding with no recourse
And a fond remembrance .... of Crazy Horse

Just ride away
And travel right out through space and time
Try and find a way
Of leaving the illusion behind

And in this sleep your mind will be awakened
To the calling of a dream that lies within
You're just a child who has but to remember
That in yourself you just found your best friend

So ride away
And let your mind go through its metamorphosis
And try and find a way
To bring your sunken love back to the surface

Sail on silver clouds straight through the fire
Like a lily pad adrift on a windless sea
Clinging to the breast of Mother Nature
Together sailing beautiful and free

Ride away

It's said that Crazy Horse had the power to dream himself into the real world
And leave the illusion behind

So ride away
And don't recall the things that are best forgotten
And try and find a way
Of picking from the barrel the one that's rotten

The key to peace is sitting on your shoulders
So knock upon the door and you walk on in
You're just a child who has but to remember
That in yourself you just found your best friend

So ride away
Ride away
(repeat twice)

Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee

The Song Of Crazy Horse

You took his land and you ate his corn
On his grave your land was born

You took his pride and you fed him dirt
You wished him winter without a shirt
And you called this Red Man "Savage"

After you crushed him you helped him up
To let him drink from an empty cup

You gave him the Navy without the fleet
And made him lick your hands and kiss your feet
And you named this mad dog "Savage"

Well I found a book the other day
So I looked up Red and White to see what it'd say

One was a savage the other unlearned
Like a look in the mirror the tables were turned
For history has named you "Savage"

In the year of '65
When I was very young
We watched the dust clouds to the South
We knew that you had come
We saw you build your chain of forts
Along the Bozeman Road
But Red Cloud had his allies counted
Long before it snowed

And someday Great White Father you will know my name

In December of '66
You met me face to face
I decoyed your Captain Fetterman
And we never left a trace
Into our sacred homelands
Your bluecoat soldiers came
But we just taught you a heap big lesson
In the Battle of a Hundred Slain

And someday Great White Father you will know my name

In the June of '76
Our Nation joined its hands
We made our camps on the Little Big Horn
Not knowing of your plans
You sent your long-haired Custer
With the 7th Cavalry
To hunt and kill my children
For wanting to be free

And I think it's time Great White Father that you knew my name

It's Crazy Horse, it's Crazy Horse
And I wish you were here to see
'Cause I got Yellow Hair cornered at the Big Horn
And I'm about to set him free

Ride to the village to get my Oglalas'
The Sans Arc and the Minneconjous'
Get Sitting Bull with his band of Hunkpapas'
The Brules' and Blackfoots too

Ridin' home from battle came the Cheyenne ponies
With white blood drippin' from their feet
Their riders were lookin' and shoutin' up to Heaven
Here's to Chivington at Sand Creek

Hey there Mister Wagonmaster what do you have inside
Hidden underneath of that buffalo hide
Could it be you brought to me some food from the man back East
So my starving children could have a feast

Hey mother come look and see
what the master done brought to me
It's alcohol, tobacco and guns
Alcohol, tobacco and guns

Now I have seen the eagle soaring beautiful and free
I don't want no man to make less of me
Do you take me for a fool or as a little child
And do you really wonder what's made me wild

Hey paleface you better run
Because my men been havin' lots of fun
On your alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco and guns

I have waited patiently for you to pay your rent
But as yet I haven't seen that first red cent
I don't think that there's much chance of me evicting you
But watch out for the day that you get Sioux'd

A hundred years have seen the setting sun
But his sad country still is run
On his alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco, and guns

A hundred years have seen the setting sun
But his sad country still is run
On his alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco, and guns

Now you try to trick me
And lock me up in jail
Where would a stupid savage
Find the bondsman or the bail

I turn to run for I am scared
I want so to be free
I feel the ice-cold bayonet
As it sinks deep inside of me

But someday Great White Father you'll remember me

Sioux warriors teach your children
The white man's evil tongue
Make them know the name of Crazy Horse
And the battles he has won
So they will know the truth
When it's knowledge that they crave
Let them sing of the Land of the Free
And the Home of the Brave

And of the Great White Father that dug my grave

Brown rivers once were blue
Now the fish float upside-down
Ancestral burial grounds
That's where you've built your towns

The smokestacks from your factories
They pollute my skies
You slaughtered all my buffalo
And you left me here to die

And all of this you have done in the name of God

Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee
But there is more buried in his grave
Than the wisest men could see

I have dreamed the vision of the horse that dances wild
I have seen the land of the Great Beyond
I am one with this Earth as a little child
Let my eternal life shine on


Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee
But there is more buried in his grave
Than the wisest men could see

(repeat twice)

Milkweed illusion casts its die
And the horse that dances starts to fly
Rhythms of metamorphosis leave their stain
Memories of happiness kept in vain

The target tomorrow is one step beyond
For lilies of mercy lost on a pond
They cry out for freedom to the lighthouse above
They are angels of victory, peace and love

Visions of odin dark and oblique
Mind over matter which all men seek
A vague understanding with no recourse
And a fond remembrance .... of Crazy Horse

Just ride away
And travel right out through space and time
Try and find a way
Of leaving the illusion behind

And in this sleep your mind will be awakened
To the calling of a dream that lies within
You're just a child who has but to remember
That in yourself you just found your best friend

So ride away
And let your mind go through its metamorphosis
And try and find a way
To bring your sunken love back to the surface

Sail on silver clouds straight through the fire
Like a lily pad adrift on a windless sea
Clinging to the breast of Mother Nature
Together sailing beautiful and free

Ride away

It's said that Crazy Horse had the power to dream himself into the real world
And leave the illusion behind

So ride away
And don't recall the things that are best forgotten
And try and find a way
Of picking from the barrel the one that's rotten

The key to peace is sitting on your shoulders
So knock upon the door and you walk on in
You're just a child who has but to remember
That in yourself you just found your best friend

So ride away
Ride away
(repeat twice)

Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee

 The Song Of Crazy Horse

You took his land and you ate his corn
On his grave your land was born

You took his pride and you fed him dirt
You wished him winter without a shirt
And you called this Red Man "Savage"

After you crushed him you helped him up
To let him drink from an empty cup

You gave him the Navy without the fleet
And made him lick your hands and kiss your feet
And you named this mad dog "Savage"

Well I found a book the other day
So I looked up Red and White to see what it'd say

One was a savage the other unlearned
Like a look in the mirror the tables were turned
For history has named you "Savage"

In the year of '65
When I was very young
We watched the dust clouds to the South
We knew that you had come
We saw you build your chain of forts
Along the Bozeman Road
But Red Cloud had his allies counted
Long before it snowed

And someday Great White Father you will know my name

In December of '66
You met me face to face
I decoyed your Captain Fetterman
And we never left a trace
Into our sacred homelands
Your bluecoat soldiers came
But we just taught you a heap big lesson
In the Battle of a Hundred Slain

And someday Great White Father you will know my name

In the June of '76
Our Nation joined its hands
We made our camps on the Little Big Horn
Not knowing of your plans
You sent your long-haired Custer
With the 7th Cavalry
To hunt and kill my children
For wanting to be free

And I think it's time Great White Father that you knew my name

It's Crazy Horse, it's Crazy Horse
And I wish you were here to see
'Cause I got Yellow Hair cornered at the Big Horn
And I'm about to set him free

Ride to the village to get my Oglalas'
The Sans Arc and the Minneconjous'
Get Sitting Bull with his band of Hunkpapas'
The Brules' and Blackfoots too

Ridin' home from battle came the Cheyenne ponies
With white blood drippin' from their feet
Their riders were lookin' and shoutin' up to Heaven
Here's to Chivington at Sand Creek

Hey there Mister Wagonmaster what do you have inside
Hidden underneath of that buffalo hide
Could it be you brought to me some food from the man back East
So my starving children could have a feast

Hey mother come look and see
what the master done brought to me
It's alcohol, tobacco and guns
Alcohol, tobacco and guns

Now I have seen the eagle soaring beautiful and free
I don't want no man to make less of me
Do you take me for a fool or as a little child
And do you really wonder what's made me wild

Hey paleface you better run
Because my men been havin' lots of fun
On your alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco and guns

I have waited patiently for you to pay your rent
But as yet I haven't seen that first red cent
I don't think that there's much chance of me evicting you
But watch out for the day that you get Sioux'd

A hundred years have seen the setting sun
But his sad country still is run
On his alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco, and guns

A hundred years have seen the setting sun
But his sad country still is run
On his alcohol, tobacco, and guns
Alcohol, tobacco, and guns

Now you try to trick me
And lock me up in jail
Where would a stupid savage
Find the bondsman or the bail

I turn to run for I am scared
I want so to be free
I feel the ice-cold bayonet
As it sinks deep inside of me

But someday Great White Father you'll remember me

Sioux warriors teach your children
The white man's evil tongue
Make them know the name of Crazy Horse
And the battles he has won
So they will know the truth
When it's knowledge that they crave
Let them sing of the Land of the Free
And the Home of the Brave

And of the Great White Father that dug my grave

Brown rivers once were blue
Now the fish float upside-down
Ancestral burial grounds
That's where you've built your towns

The smokestacks from your factories
They pollute my skies
You slaughtered all my buffalo
And you left me here to die

And all of this you have done in the name of God

Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee
But there is more buried in his grave
Than the wisest men could see

I have dreamed the vision of the horse that dances wild
I have seen the land of the Great Beyond
I am one with this Earth as a little child
Let my eternal life shine on


Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee
But there is more buried in his grave
Than the wisest men could see

(repeat twice)

Milkweed illusion casts its die
And the horse that dances starts to fly
Rhythms of metamorphosis leave their stain
Memories of happiness kept in vain

The target tomorrow is one step beyond
For lilies of mercy lost on a pond
They cry out for freedom to the lighthouse above
They are angels of victory, peace and love

Visions of odin dark and oblique
Mind over matter which all men seek
A vague understanding with no recourse
And a fond remembrance .... of Crazy Horse

Just ride away
And travel right out through space and time
Try and find a way
Of leaving the illusion behind

And in this sleep your mind will be awakened
To the calling of a dream that lies within
You're just a child who has but to remember
That in yourself you just found your best friend

So ride away
And let your mind go through its metamorphosis
And try and find a way
To bring your sunken love back to the surface

Sail on silver clouds straight through the fire
Like a lily pad adrift on a windless sea
Clinging to the breast of Mother Nature
Together sailing beautiful and free

Ride away

It's said that Crazy Horse had the power to dream himself into the real world
And leave the illusion behind

So ride away
And don't recall the things that are best forgotten
And try and find a way
Of picking from the barrel the one that's rotten

The key to peace is sitting on your shoulders
So knock upon the door and you walk on in
You're just a child who has but to remember
That in yourself you just found your best friend

So ride away
Ride away
(repeat twice)

Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee

- J. D. Blackfoot 1974

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: More Faces Behind the Players
« on: June 21, 2008, 05:39:21 am »

Well... here at last -for those who are curious- is a photo of Ollo Lhotse taken one fine day at his RL occupation:

-no, that isn't the Ojaveda Road... and what in the name of Talad and Laanx is that strange white thingy... erm... monster? !!!  :o

Complaint Department / Re: Merchant needed
« on: May 24, 2008, 10:46:36 pm »
Have you tried putting them into one of the furnaces used for melting metal....the should turn to dust.

I dispose of unwanted junk in Forges - these seem to process stuff at a faster rate than Furnaces do.

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