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Messages - FyreBrand

Pages: [1] 2
Linux Specific Issues / Re: super slow
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:56:31 am »
That would be the first place I looked.  When I first installed PlaneShift I was using the mesa driver.  It would crash everytime I would try and load the game.  After installing the ATI proprietary driver everything worked much better.  Nvidia has a pretty easy to navigate site and they will get you to your driver binary.  They even include a script for updating your config file so you don't have to do it.  They include packages for IA32, IA64, and AMD64/EM64T.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: What OS/distribution you are using?
« on: September 18, 2006, 03:49:37 am »
Ubuntu 6.06 -- Gnome desktop

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Missing Textures?
« on: September 18, 2006, 03:31:04 am »
They're not mining rocks - that is supposed to be grass :} And that problem has been occuring for as long as I can remember, too, with sometimes what seems like random bursts of "Hey it works!"
Thanks for the explanation.  It's always been happening to me and I have tried searching for a thread on it but couldn't find one about that specific area.  I've tried reloading the client as someone suggested, but it didn't work.  Again, thanks.

a) It worked fine for me.

ATI Radeon X300 - 128MB - PCIX
-driver: ATI proprietary driver 8.28.8 fglrx
-os: ubuntu linux 6.06

It worked fine.  There was one small area that looked like the ground was invisible.  I thought, hmm, the ground was black and I could walk on it so why not try invisible.  Note to self: invisible ground doesn't seem as solid as black ground.  It was an interesting way to visit the DR though.

General Discussion / Re: Implementing Premium Edition Business Model
« on: September 12, 2006, 02:57:14 pm »
I was just kidding about [GM]Dave.  Brainstorming on improvement is always good.  I probably could have said concisely that generating revenue is good, but I don't care to support the pay for content by the piece type of business model.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Another npc bug..
« on: September 12, 2006, 02:46:32 pm »
Frak is from Battlestar Galactica.  In the original series the character Starbuck (who was a man) often used the expletive Frak.  This was in the 80's when even alluding to the "F" word on US TV was considered racey, especially in a family show on prime time.

General Discussion / Re: Implementing Premium Edition Business Model
« on: September 11, 2006, 08:12:12 pm »
Hi there,

I am relatively new to this game (am still downloading it for the first time!) from reading through these forums and comparing many different MMORPGs, has there been any thought to implementing at some point an optional premium edition of the game for one time nominal fee, that will enable some addtional features, such as a couple new playable races / weapons / skins / spells / etc. There does not seem to be enough content yet for this approach, but this model (which is used to great effect by Praire Game's Minions of Mirth, for example) seems to be greatly effective at satisfying both the player community and the development team. Why?

1. Stingy players can still play the game for free, forever, with most of the content enabled.
2. Players more liberal with their cash can play with new content, making them happy.
3. The dev team gets some monetary compensation for all of their intense, time consuming, often thankless, and difficult work.

Yes, yes, I know that Free Forever! will always be a battlecry for many people - but who wants to kill rats forever? Seems this appraoch could solve a great many issues much faster, and provide a more professional game all around.

What do you all think?
I think there is more to a game than hack-n-slash (killing rats forever).  There are some aspects to this game I am really enjoying that other games haven't offered in the same way if at all.

1. Mult-Platform:  I really appreciate that the developers have gone through the extreme pains to make this multi-platform.  That vision alone was what made me initially investigate PlaneShift.

2. Unknown World:  There is no in game walkthrough on what to accomplish.  I can kill rats and rogues or I can mine and develop crafting (or both).  Even at this stage of development there is a lot to do.

3. Actual Roleplaying:  It's not an easy thing to find.  The roleplaying here is great and the community is fun.

4. Hobby:  I love the fact that this is developed in people's spare time and that it is less subject to "mad cash cow disease" than commercial products whose sole purpose is to generate revenue.  I have no problem with paying for software or games for that matter.  I own quite a few.  But this whole idea of pay for additional content is one of the worst ideas to plague the gaming industry in recent years.  I have happily paid retial for a single player game and I've paid my monthly fee for some online games, but I don't want to piece-part content together.  What kind of story and immersion is there in that.  All I think when those models are implemented is, "Ah, their original business model sucked and they couldn't make it so they are going to gouge their customers."

I'm really glad that the development team is satisfied with their game becuase it rocks.  Please OP, don't make me sick [GM]Dave on you. Thats never pretty.

Thanks. I will go to the bronze doors area and run it.  When I originally ran it, I was in town.  Thanks for the help.

I have the same "black textures" near the waterfall.  So I ran the psclient from the terminal with the relight switch.  I typed it exactly as follows:
Code: [Select]
./psclient -relightI don't think the operation worked because it only took a few minutes and those of you who have performed it report it taking over an hour.

My system specs are as follows:
Dell Dimension 8400
CPU: P4 3.0 Ghz
Video: ATI X300 128MB ( driver/fglrx ver 8.28.8 )
OS: Ubuntu 6.06

I'm a very long time Windows user and I'm still learning Linux so I still don't understand everything that's going on under the hood.  Each stage PSClient load was successful but several files weren't found, able to be opened, or deleted.  This makes me wonder if I was suppose to run this as sudo.

I have the terminal output saved as a text file but I didn't post it in code blocks because it was really long.  I do have it though.  Sorry I'm such a noobie about this.

Wish list / Re: Better implementation of the /roll command
« on: September 10, 2006, 01:52:10 pm »
I'd like to see the /roll command actually resemble die in this world.  For example, the results for a 1d10 would be 0 through 9, not 1 through 10.  I would also like to see the actual rolls when rolling multiple dice instead of the sum of their values.

It actually does make a difference.  Sorry if you can't see it.


Araye prepares for the insults and locking of his thread.
I would like to see multiple results as well.

I'm curious as to why you would want to count from 0?  Typically computers count from 0 anyways so it would seem easier to implement than 1 - 10 (not that it's hard to do that either).

I like Under the Moon's idea of being able to make the roll private.

Fun stuff to read. After reading that I decided to go out and explore a bit more since I'm fairly new to the realm.

I headed out towards the waterfall only I checked the outskirts away from the road.  I found an odd sort of ruins and proceeded to explore.  The creepy thing is that someone had left a few Ulbernaut body parts and an Ulbernaut hide on the ground.  Of course I picked them up (hey it was around 1000 tria worth of materials) but I beat a hasty retreat.  I wasn't risking the return of Ulbernauts, Neo, or crazed GM's.  Afterall I had really gone out to see the falls and I took this sign to get myself back on track.

Fan Art / Re: Movies from Flep
« on: September 10, 2006, 01:01:05 pm »
Very nice Peacer.  Thanks

Fan Art / Re: Everything for you ~~A restound hronzo Productions Movie
« on: September 09, 2006, 09:07:07 pm »
You know on the music thing: As long as you like it and are pleased then it doesn't really matter.  It's not like you're making a commercial endeavor and must succeed with a target audience.  It's your expression and you are free to do it any way you want.  At least that's how I feel about art or expression.

Thanks for uploading it Miadon.  I appreciate that.

Fan Art / Re: Everything for you ~~A restound hronzo Productions Movie
« on: September 09, 2006, 04:30:18 pm »
My main criticism about any video I've watched so far is the music is too modern.  For me a style of rock or industrial just jags on me.  Maybe it's my old man thing though.

Also if you want people to watch your videos it would be good to make them in a multiplatform format or upload them to a webservice like youtube or google so that the format is irrelevent.  No more wmv for thanks.

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