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Messages - Arerano

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16
Fan Art / Re: Arerano's CS art
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:55:00 pm »
Just fixed the image links, and the tutorial link on the first page.


[I know, the drawing kinda sucks when seen that large. Looks good when printed in 300dpi though :P (Yes, I drew it)]

I'm running with an original core duo ( 1.83ghx x2 cores ) and an Nvidia geForce go 7300 and 1g ram.  The client runs fairly smoothly at 800x600.
( Seems the client does not try to spread the load across multiple cores/cpu's )

it does not

Exactly. And that's why 2x 1.33 GHz is not better than 1x 2.4 GHz.
I did see that you wrote that it's "its not AS good for Planeshift as the Pentium D"
However, you seem to have missed my point. It's by far not as good as the 2.4GHz P IV either.

Performance has improved and people with lower end equipment can play PS of course, the only thing is that we don't support it. The hydlaa problems are being looked into and were getting closer!  :surrender:

Thing is that we guarentee that it will work on that hardware, we cant guarantee itl work on a P3 766mhz :D

PS: A c2d 1.3Ghz meets the recommended requirements and exceeds the minimums by about 3-4 times (However at 2 cores its not AS good for Planeshift as the Pentium D)  :flowers:

Your logic is quite flawed considering that the CPU intensive tasks of PS run in only 1 thread mostly. (except the loading of maps and things which usually doesn't happen (much) as long as you stay within 1 sector)
modern CPUs' 1.33GHz of one core may be rated like 1.5GHz, but the amount of cores won't be of much use with only 1 thread (which does the heavy work). Even if you have 1000 cores of 100MHz (which, with your logic, would exceed the recommended settings ~400 times)
You can not simply do "GHz multiplied by cores".

Seems like the CS team and Xordan did a great job at reducing some of the system requirements.
All 0.4.x versions were unplayable on the plaza on my core2duo 1.33GHz (ULV) whilst 0.5.00 is quite enjoyable even.
I can walk around at the Hydlaa Plaza without considerable lag. (too bad that there's no FPS counter)
I didn't try all maps yet, but Ojaroad1 and the Tutorial map worked like a charm.

The graphic settings are on medium, running in a 1024x768 window.
Core 2 Duo, 1.33GHz (ULV)
2GB RAM and an ATI Xpress 1200 graphic card.
Windows Vista (I disbalbed Aero though)

2.4 Ghz Pentium 4 or Athlon XP 2600+
1 GB free disk space
56k modem Internet connection
I would reconsider those minimum requirements as they may scare people away who might otherwise still be able to play and enjoy it.

My impression is that the performance improved greatly. (CPU requirements wise)

I shall make another test with some people around me, and some items laying around.

Sometimes the fps drop considerable inside Hydlaa. Couldn't find out why. It doesn't seem to be directly related to other players around me.

Fan Art / Re: Arerano's CS art
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:25:34 am »
Hello there everyone.
I've had some occasional modelling practice in the past months. I didn't really do that much though as I am currently focusing on improving my (non existing) drawing skills.

However, I shall present you some few things I made and I hope to get some comments too.  :)

Here we have a very low-poly bludgeon. I made it for a little fun game in the blender game engine. (The unfinished game is some collaborative work of the #smc channel on freenode)
The bludgeon also has a normal and an AO map.

"breakable" table and chair. Was also meant for that little game.

And a crossbow which uses "fists" instead of arrows -- a "punchbow"  ;D (also for that game)

They are all very low-poly - meant for game engines/realtime environments - and use normal and AO maps.

Oh, and an unfinished cougar (mountain lion): (unrelated to that aforementioned game)
It's currently TOO low poly at the shoulder blades area but I planned to fix that issue rather later than earlier (during animation to see where exactly more geometry is needed).
It's skinned and rigged (for animation). The texture isn't final - more some preview kind of thing.

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Hand Grenades!
« on: February 04, 2009, 04:32:32 am »
Why do you hate noobz anyway Kevin ?

Maybe because some just hate themself?  ;D

Fan Art / Re: Cherppow's backpack
« on: February 02, 2009, 04:50:05 am »
Looks like he took off a layer too much  ;D

I always have to chuckle reading that MOTD...
..I mean.. in order to craft you still have to level. It's really a paradox.

General Discussion / Re: System Stats
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:08:04 pm »
I will consider what was said there but i would like to continue here
I wouldn't wonder if people consider not to repeat themself. But yeah,.. Of course, it's simpler to just ask again.

*shrugs and picks some more 'performance info'*

General Discussion / Re: System Stats
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:46:32 pm »
Why creating a duplicate topic instead of reviving one (that was made for exactly that (or maybe not)):

General Discussion / Re: Which Server?
« on: January 27, 2009, 03:30:11 am »
And worse than that is gratuitous drama, like the kind displayed in that remark. And actually, no, as an argument over a spawn point has a clear objective.

You don't own any spawn point.

Which server?
Currently most of the times neither. I just lack time and mood.. sure I could possibly take the time from somewhere, but I still kinda lack the latter then.

but maybe it's just some phase.

does it also happen if you disable sound in pssetup?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Which jobs work in some way ?
« on: January 26, 2009, 12:13:13 pm »
Had to look for the place in the wiki myself:
It's not very up-to-date though (still having "cooking" and "bakind" marked as "Not Implemented")

Maybe people don't work on it because they don't even find it in the first place. ..and some may think "No,... not yet another account".

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Which jobs work in some way ?
« on: January 26, 2009, 07:37:31 am »
I went to the link Tuxide dropped, and first entry in thread directed me to another thread, which seems to be on the old forum maybe?  Either way, it would not open there.  While the thread Tuxide dropped was a good start, it did not appear to be updated recently.

Yes, the old forum doesn't automatically forward to the new forum.
However, if you have an old link (like the one in the forementioned topic), just replace the "" in the link (in your address bar) with "" and you will see that topic on the new forum.

Fan Art / Re: Cherppow's backpack
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:20:26 am »
Thank you so much for recording and cutting and uploading the creation of that piece.

Working in GIMP I tend to use many more layers. (my wall texture, for example, has like 30 layers  :o )

*now wonders if that recording is a response to the " make drawing look so easy..".. to prove the contrary*

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