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Messages - Hangatyr

Pages: [1]
Development Deliberation / Re: New combat system - under development
« on: March 24, 2014, 06:30:19 am »
I am just afraid that implementing new features means adding new bugs to old bugs, already neglected for years. I know people who are more interested in getting prepared balance attempts finally uploaded to the game database (e.g. fixing Platinum Steel blades with a value less than an Octa, or enabling bulk crafting), than looking forward to having combat even more complex and possibly beginner-frustrating (I already expect new characters being unable to kill a Diseased Rat without a double-boosted attack).

But well, there are different kinds of players. Some may be excited about these plans. And I may be more pessimistic than usual today. Sorry for that downer. :flowers:

I agree fully to what LigH said!

.... Bugs (new and old) will be fixed like I always did, if an old bug hasn't been fixed yet there is probably an issue that make it difficult to fix, debug or close it. About PS longsword cost they've been fixed long ago ....

Hangatyr: "Hanquist what do you offer me for those Platinum Steel Longsword Blades of finest quality?"
Harnquist: "Well ..." He starts adding up the value of the ores, taking in account the time spend to craft them, multiplying the outcome with the average weight of an Ulbernaut and finaly taking the square root out of this nonsens "... uhmm yes after taking everthing into consideration I offer you 213 Tria!!" he replies with a broad smile.
Hangatyr: "Ahh yes 213 Tria you said? Just to make sure."
Hangatyr: "I also have some Platinum Steel Sabre Blades of finest quality too. How about those?"
Harnquist using the same formula, but this time he triples the weight and divides it by the amount of sparks emitted from his furnace during a second .. "Ahh that would be .. erm .. 61 Tria my friend, a quite nice offer I may add."
Hangatyr nods and mutters "Uhmm .. 61 Tria .. If I dig some coal, I get twice as much for a single ore."

So much for "it is fixed a long time ago"!

Complaint Department / Re: Crafting Issues with Quality
« on: January 14, 2012, 06:00:21 pm »
Well time for me to join this discussion. First of all there might be some with higher skills than mine as I've seen them in the past, way back when Dweomer Detection worked. Funny as some of them had higher skills as it was possible to have at this given point of time; levels above 100. So as I don't licked or kissed the butt of a goddess, my skills are my work. Weltall point to one who outdo me, one who gained his skills like I did, the honest way.
Back to topic. It's nice to look at a beautiful formula, but it's different if one has to deal with it. q300 kits end up in q70 swords, what a joke. There is no way in RL that if I attach a handle to a blade that the blade looses its quality. If the rivet is loose, I replace it. If the screw is loose, I tighten it. If the leather around the handle is loose, I'll tighten it. BUT this has no effect on the blade.
Right now I am working on steel ingots and with my skill level the Q bounces up and down like mad, going from q85 to q300, which is a hell of a range. Dropping Q by 150 isn't uncommon to me. It's more the rule rather than the exception. Btw. I never saw it happen to go up by 150. You say randomization has just a little or no effect, well as I usually work of stacks so the static part of the formula doesn't change (quality of starting item and my skill level). So why, if randomization can be nearly 'neglected', the outcome of my work varies that much? Taken q220 as initial, the range is from q85 to q300.

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Architecture
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:50:24 am »
This is just an excerpt of the following LINK
Here are 10 reasons why you should become a player and a fan of PlaneShift:

   1. Planeshift is a great place to find new friends from all over the world!
   2. PlaneShift is a virtual world where you've always dreamed of living.
   8. You will be able to build your house, your castle, your realm.

My answer to your wish Lorepius? Soon(tm)  :P

Complaint Department / Re: Unbalanced professions
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:40:36 pm »
Here's another point. A sword costs 90k if you buy from Hangtyr. I don't, but a decent sword usually costs about 20k.
Guess I have to set something clear!
Pal I don't know where you're getting this number from, but definitely not from Keella or me!
If you or someone else buys a sword of finest quality he/you will pay 15.625 trias for a single sword. Nothing more, nothing less. Which is way far from your mentioned 90k. Next time your are referencing me. make sure to talk to me at first!

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Yarrow Note Game: now open!
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:00:30 pm »
--- WANTED ---

The Way of the Hammer, represented by Lady Keella and Sir Hangatyr, is requesting assistance in the seach of the origin of a ransom note.
As you all might know, the mighty axe "Icy-Fire" of Sir Hangatyr got stolen. As we don't know anything about the circumstances, tracing down the path of the note might be a good point to start off.
Any questions regarding the note will be answered by either Lady Keella, Sir Hangatyr or Sir Hangatyrson
If you have any information or evidence about the person responsible for the writing of the ransom note, please report to the undersigned.

--- REWARD ---

We will determine whether a reward will be paid only if we pursue an investigation, and its amount. In making this decision, the information you provided will be evaluated in relation to the facts developed by the resulting investigation.

   Lady Keella
   Sir Hangatyr
Members of the honourable Guild 'The Way of the Hammer'

[* More information can be found here --[ The Song of Ice on Fire   ]-- *]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Hydlaa Message Board
« on: September 11, 2010, 12:50:29 pm »
Hangatyr starts to walk by the message board and looks at it for a second before he pins a parchment that reads:

[* More information can be found here --[ The Song of Ice on Fire ]-- and here   --[ The Yarrow Note ]-- *]

Jacula was acctually just a poor, misunderstood Ynnwn with a passion for knitting and tea parties.
Yes, yes, if it comes to knitting or crocheting you should talk to me lovely wife, as she's a genius :D

And all of those who voted for us, thank ye.

It's a whip, BI.  But Tazen did give me a punishment stick if I can find it somewhere. "roots around in her bag..."
:oops:  Damm, to late .. should have waited with my voting.  ;D

Wish list / Re: Combine crafting/blacksmith with a minigame
« on: August 06, 2010, 02:22:18 am »
I don't like the idea at all. Why? Plain simple.
I usually RP (if someone is around willing to) or chat with my friends and guild mates, or even write this reply whilst crafting and I don't want to waist my valuable time with 'wacking' what ever.
If you are bored, try something else like grinding your weapon skills.
Side note: Add a mini game to it, to raise the fun: "Whenever you hit the mole properly and in a decent time frame, the damage done to your opponent varies from none to a full hit." Yeah .. sounds fun to me.

- Let a maxed crafter/blacksmith make a named weapon once in a while (about 1 named for every 500 or more q300 ones he makes)

500 or more Q300? You can't be serious or just have no clue. I never sold that amount on Q300 weapons and believe me I sold a lot over the years.

- And let such weapons be restored back to their max quality, but only on the condition that the repairer has all three skills (making, smithing, repair) maxed and his alignment matches the item (if not, it turns into a generic again)
Maxed skills? It will take years for an average player to get there, not spending 24/7 online. Even I didn't maxed my skills yet and I am close to the given 24/7 ;)


actually I dont like this idea. There is just one, but I think a sort of important reason: This is a RPG.
So I could be a 65 years old men unable to hurt a fly. But I could play a young dermorian. A young one sneaking arround and killing... dwarfs?

So what I want to say: Dont mix the users and the chars skills. I am good at hitting a key so Thob is a good smith? No.

:) thob

(I am not 65 years old o.O but you may think about why chosed this number)
Fully agree no need to add anything.

Wish list / Re: Higher looting chances.
« on: August 02, 2010, 06:37:40 am »
...I think the general issue is that stronger monsters *seem* to drop a lot less as they're harder to kill.
if it takes a lot longer to kill a certain monster than another, you may get the feeling they they drop a lot less....
It doesn't *seem* to be less, it *is* less. To get the amount of Talons to fullfill the request of Kelicha, I had to kill 150 Maulbernauts .. Getting 15 perfect talons and 5 or 6 hides. As some of it was 'multi drop', the drop rate is about 10 to 13%. But 10 out of 150 is a different story. It got proved last night as I helped Tuathanach to get his last Talon. Again I killed 15 to get one (1) single Talon.
... What do Maulbernauts do that they have so few Talons left to be looted? Eat them off their own extremities?...
Yes, seems they prefer to eat themselfs or cannibalize their own breed.  ;)

Complaint Department / Re: Planeshift is getting to hard to play.
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:11:39 am »
maxed is 100 now

*strokes his beard* Well .. err .. if true, point me into the right direction of a trainer with the proper knowledge to train me, as over the past months I didn't found one. Erm .. speaking of Sword Making.

Complaint Department / Re: Some thoughs about crafting
« on: January 30, 2010, 09:07:37 am »
because they are probably duplicates of a secret entry

If you guys revealed new physical principles you might be right to keep it in secret until getting the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010, if not .. well *shrugs*

Complaint Department / Re: Some thoughs about crafting
« on: January 30, 2010, 08:03:32 am »
Saying so in the bugtracker would probably be far more useful than here though.

Erhmm ... We did, but both times it got closed and locked.

Complaint Department / Some thoughs about crafting
« on: January 30, 2010, 07:13:23 am »
This is the answer I got to my posting at the bugtracker regarding weight loss during the process of crafting a weapon:

"Yes there is supposed to be loss of material, and thus weight as the crafting process goes along."

"A loss of material"? Just to give you some facts and figures to visualize what he is talking about!
To craft a Claymore it takes 4 steel stocks which is equal to 64kg.
Now lets take some P&P and start calculating:
Non-alloyed steel has a relative density of 7.85 g/cm3. Taking the 64kg as the base and we will get a volume of 8,152.86 cm3.
64,000g / 7.85 g/cm3 = 8,152.86 cm3
Now lets asume that the steel bar is 2x4 cm.
8,152.86 cm3 / 8 cm2 = 1019,175 cm
So we are talking about a piece of steel with lenght of ten (10) meters!!
But back to the beginning. The final weapon has a weight of 3.5kg. Subtracting the weight of the handle which is 0.2kg equals up to 3.3kg.
64kg - 3.3kg = 60.7kg
"The loss of material" he is talking about is 60.7kg!! Or 94,84375%

"The average claymore ran about 140 cm (55") in overall length, with a 13" (33 cm) grip, 42" (107 cm) blade, and a weight of approximately 5.5 lb (2.5 kg)." [ source: Wikipedia]
So we craft a blade with an average lenght of 107 cm out of a bar of 2x4x1000 cm, whilst losing 95% of the material during this process.

Please reconsider you statement about the 'loss'.

Complaint Department / Crafting or the 'New Realism'
« on: May 12, 2009, 04:15:28 pm »
Gratz to the new 'realism' added to the game!
Crafting was annoying, but now it’s a pain in the butt.
Let’s see how realistic it is now: (skipping the part of making the blade)

1.  move to the forge
2.  right click on the forge
3.  click on the symbol
4.  click again to open the inventory
5.  click on the blade, move it to the slot
6.  click again to drop it
     wait a minute to heat up the blade
7.  click to select the blade
8.  move and click again to drop the blade to the inventory
9.  click to close the first windows
10. click to close the second window
11. move to the anvil
12. press 'I' or click to open inventory
13. click on blade
14. drag blade onto the slot and click again to dropp
15. right click the anvil
16. click 'use'
     wait a minute until done
17. click on the blade
18. move and click again to drop the blade to the inventory
19. close inventory window by clicking or 'I'
     move to the forge and start .... guess what?
Yeah you are right, start the loop at point 2. with frickin' clickin' again.

Yes it might be true (realistic) to heat up a blade again before you continue to work, but there must be some balance between realism and useful handling, this isn't useful a all. And talking about realism, why do I hammer a book?

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