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Messages - mbr1110

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Is This Game Too Hard?
« on: February 01, 2014, 12:17:38 pm »
I have returned after one year gone. Many things that frustrated me before are not there, but there are equally frustrating and down-right discouraging things that exist now. I spent two hours looking for an NPC that should have been located in the BD fortress. I considered taking another year off again. Seems it is a wash between changes I like and new frustrations... I may need to take another year off.  :-\

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Crafting Commands
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:56:28 pm »
 :) Thank you for the info. I look forward to to the auto place being active again!

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Crafting Commands
« on: December 31, 2013, 01:24:58 pm »
I have returned to the newest version of PS and I am not able to use the commands I thought I was using before to fill in the slots of a forge, stock or an oven. I believe it was 'Shift+LClick' that was the command.
Is there an updated configuration to use?

The Version downloaded was from the main page of PS thru BT.

 >:( Alright.......... I have installed and uninstalled 8 times now. I am not using the updater and when it comes to the screen where the world loads and gui should initiate, it says that the PS client needs to be disconnected due to error. I then have to close out PS client from Task Manager and when I sign on again, it says that I am already connected and must wait. But I never did enter the game. Other players I know have been able to sign on, so I need to know what other steps I need to take or if I missed one. Any help, at this point, would be greatly appreciated!!  \\o//   :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: Say thank you
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:50:13 am »
I want to thank the devs that make all of this possible. Of course, the family is ready to take a baseball bat to my computer  ;D   This game has drawn me in and I have made friends and I have even had heartbreak. But it is here that I can be the creative and hidden self that I am from everyday reality that bites most of the time, at least in my bubble of reality.

I know there are many I will fail to mention. Please forgive me but your kindnesses and help are appreciated always.

 :)  Atir ~ for making the guild the best guild I could ever belong to. For being my friend and not judging me, even when I have been at my worst in the game.

 \\o//  Ronnan ~ a loving and kind rper that has sutained my spirit when I got lost quite a few times recently. Thank you for shouldering alot of my rantings and ravings in the game and still being kind. Your wisdom and love towards me makes me proud to tell all, that know we are together, that you are a good man. Thank you for showing me I can be loving in this game without shame, regrets or fear.

 ;D  All my guild mates ~ for making me laugh and helping me as I learned to be a better sword craftsman.

 :love:  Lossoph ~ you have taught me a lot in this game. The triumphs, the heartaches and even love that can be possible in this game. And for being the very first one that pulled me back from the abyss of quiting PS and from deleting Ananath when I was discouraged. I am going to apologize here publicly for any unknown hurt that I may have caused you and I hope that our amends with each other can still make PS a pleasant experience for us both. And, against all reason, I can say I still love you and deeply care that you are happy here in PS and in life. And no matter what you ever will say or how you may say it to me, I still have your back. Love, Ananath

 :) Sodedar ~ for helping me by listening and understanding my grief. You always encourage me with thought provoking conversations and causing great stir in the world of the PS rumor spreaders that was spoken out of ignorance. May they rot in the DR for eternity.

 :devil: Those viscious rumor spreaders that hurt Lossoph and myself ~ watch your backs, I am watching and waiting to strike you down....... you will taste my steel.

Lyaph and Maulus ~ I miss seeing both of you online, but you were there to lead me out of the DR for the first time, when I was lost, frustrated and upset with playing PS. Your kindness makes all the difference to others in this game.

 \\o//  :)  Aiwendill ~ truly a friend and I always love to talk to you! Thank you for listening and trusting me as well to confide yourself to at times.

And to all that have touched me with kindness and guidance  :thumbup: thank you.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Eclipse.
« on: October 07, 2007, 09:24:15 pm »
She watched in shocked horror as death sentences were given out to the ones who had failed. As she watched them phase out and vanish, she could only watch in shocked, silent horror. As the darkness decended, her hopes melted into anguish.

She ran from the city to go home to Oja, but it was all darkness. There were no landmarks, only nothingness. And then a mighty voice pronounced the ending of her world ~ her whole world as she had known it. This was it, the predictions had been true and she had scoffed. Would tomorrow come?

Lady Ananath

General Discussion / Re: Money exploit: Confession Window
« on: September 28, 2007, 02:44:50 pm »
My thanks to the developers for keeping watch over the integrity of Plane Shift. I do come to PS to escape reality and the exploiters that I put up with on a daily basis.

Such is greed and ambition. Power is also a wonderful inspiration to these type of players - except that "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." I appreciate that this can be addressed without a complete wipe, but I can also accept if it is the long-term solution because I believe in my ability to start over making money just the ways I have been doing.

Lady Ananath Belaurer

The problems I am having are sudden freezes when I cross hydlaa plaza, walk along one of the town paths, turning my char around............. just basic movements.

 :'( I agree with Mhyrage, this new 019 is very frustrating right now. I have reduced my fps down drastically and do no more running than I need to. I did reinstall without saving my previous information, unfortunately, but I can rebuild that again.

About how long did it take with the previous version for it to run smoothly? And should I copy and submit all of the error messages that I receive to help resolve some of the bugs? ???

Lady Ananath

General Discussion / Re: Release 0.3.019 ready for download.
« on: July 11, 2007, 06:32:26 pm »
I responded to some of the ones that were complaining and was chided ever so slightly. Ah well, I am older and bolder. My husband being IT Systems Support, I knew you guys were working diligently on the system to make improvements and I applaud your efforts!!!  Thank you. Hope the small donation can be of help too.

Lady Ananath

Complaint Department / Re: Be seriously serious about server status!
« on: July 10, 2007, 08:26:51 am »
Alright all you children throwing a temper tantrum, this is the Lady's opinion. There is a place on the main screen that states "Donation" which means that the developers and maintainers of this game are doing Planeshift as a very time-consuming hobby. They generously let us play it without charging a monthly fee......... at this time.

In the real world of us adults that have to work to keep the wheels of commerce going so the opportunists can get a free ride as often as possible at our expense, if you want better service than you better make a donation and show your appreciation for the hours the game developers are putting in for your pleasure.

Lady Ananath

Complaint Department / Re: Easy Hacking Loophole
« on: July 09, 2007, 09:43:48 pm »
What kind of loser do you have to be to cheat in a game that has no winner?
\\o// Amen!!!

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