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Messages - TDB

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Server Status / Server being upgraded...(.4.01) June 30, 2008
« on: June 29, 2008, 10:11:33 am »

(09:28:14) >Server Admin: server will shutdown in 1 minute for upgrade
(09:28:28) >Server Admin: SERVER WILL BE UPGRADED TO 0.4.01 RELEASE
(09:28:46) >Server Admin: SEE YOU IN THE NEXT RELEASE

And from IRC just now (10:30 Monday "server time", 2:30 utc)...
(09:32:57 PM) XilliX: give it a rest
(09:33:09 PM) XilliX: if we can get it running we may be able to debug it

(12:20:54 AM) XilliX: everyone can log on as much as they want now
...but note that it sounds like the server is still crashing every couple minutes.

That's "new client" as in "use the updater", not as in "reinstall everything":
No false rumours ;)

Velh: It's quite simple, the updater tool takes your old client, and upgrades it to the "new client" :)

And in a different thread, we see that it's probably safer to wait for the official announcement:
it'd be safer to not run the updater until it is announced it could be used.

you're probably going to have to re-install now.  might as well just wait until the new client packages are released.

Yup. Laanx is crashing during startup because of something, and it can only be fixed when a dev takes a look at it. And that will be tomorrow, some time.

Complaint Department / Re: Serious mining issues
« on: May 27, 2008, 08:50:49 pm »
My character has 80 agi, 70 int, and 75 endurance. and the rest are at 50. so it shouldn't have been that much of a difference but it about a 105pt gap.
AGI and END are both phisical stats, INT is a mental stat. It makes sense that your physical abilities would be better than your mental abilities. Stats can also be weighted when calculating your abilities, for instance says that endurance is weighted more heavily than the other physical stats when determining hitpoints.

Find trainers for each stat, and watch HP/mana/stamina carefully while training.

Also, find trainers. Especially for the stats you have at 50. It's hard to explore interesting places when the monsters can kill you by just looking at you funny.

Complaint Department / Re: I missed another cash exploit.
« on: May 21, 2008, 06:33:11 pm »
  then there are sites that you can enter IPs into that tell you exact street information as to where that IP was used at that time, for anywhere in the globe. 
Heh, I'm sure the RIAA would love to hear about that, it sounds like a major boost to their lawsuit-spamming.

Complaint Department / Re: "Time to die!" /die being abused
« on: May 16, 2008, 06:53:26 pm »
Prolix, Dark Way isn't, like, a bad kind of magic. It's the same as the others, so it should deserve the same treatment. Just because something is "dark" doesn't mean it's evil; "light" can be just as bad. Take Monty Python's killer rabbit for example.

$NPC says: Stick with me and you'll be off and running with any magical way you like. Yes, even the Dark Way, but I will only show you a little before I start to question your motives.

It would seem that there's certainly something "bad" about it, even if it isn't strictly evil of itself.

General Discussion / Re: questing absolutely corrupting minority
« on: April 02, 2008, 10:42:00 pm »
PS: a coin always has two sides, doesn't it? :)
Or 3, or 6, or 8...

S'alright.  So.. it said opensource.  Is that like Secondlife opensource?  If you don't know what that is, it's basically a game where the players create it.  Is that what this is?  If so.. is there ease to it, or would it actually be source codes?
I saw they had cat races.  >.>
It's "opensource" as in "the game is proprietary to prevent people from making a better version and taking all our players, but the game engine (whatever good *that* is by itself...) is GPL".

It's not at all like second life ("get a first life"), it's a game with NPCs and maps and quests rather than the sort of do-it-yourself blank slate that I've heard second life is most like. Think a prefab home (this, or most other games) vs. a pile of bricks and cement mix (second life).

Complaint Department / Re: magic is weak
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:34:59 pm »
My main character has 160 Charisma, 20 Crystal Way, and I can use up my entire mana on Energy Arrows—a second realm spell—and not even kill a single rat.  Meanwhile my other character with mediocre sword skill and two random short swords can kill one in two blows.  To me, there's no question—magic is ridiculously underpowered.
But also, some magic is ranged.

An Ulbernaught can kill my char in two hits, if it can catch him. But it won't usually catch him, so he can climb up a rock and rain ineffectual destruction on it for a few hours [game time, I think it's down to a hair under an hour real-time] until he kills it or someone stronger wanders by during a lull and kills it [or the server crashes, or I get dragged away from the computer, or...].

Even given how long this takes, it still seems to give better PP (and tria, since it's in a gold mine) than when he takes a sword and hunts Tefusangs and other things his own size.

Complaint Department / Re: magic is weak
« on: December 26, 2007, 07:21:52 pm »
:whistling: Crafted Glyphs anyone?  Just a thought.

Um, the glyphs are crafted by Talad, and nobody can hope to even come close to the power and skills needed. It also looks like there are more powerful glyphs crafted by VodĂąl, but even the relatively weaker gods Talad and Laanx can barely use those.

Complaint Department / Levrus, Raithen, and quests
« on: December 20, 2007, 12:23:02 am »
I've so far done 2 quests that involve asking Levrus about Raithen. On the one, he provides a nice long story and then tires of the topic. On the other, he doesn't want to talk about it and directs you to speak with someone else instead.

I was going to suggest making both quests have Levrus tell the story and then say who to ask to know more... except that now I've finished the second one I'm not so sure that could work well given the nature of the answer you get. But it would be nice if the replies somehow fit together a bit better - it seems a bit odd to have Levrus care which quest you're on, especially with not giving any indication of that.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Banking, how does it work?
« on: December 20, 2007, 12:02:25 am »
and then people will complain that because PS has no auto log out after an amount of time that a player is afk, people can stay logged in 24/7 and accumulate wealth without having to do anything.

You sure about that?

Server is not responding, try again in 5 minutes. Check for status.


See items 2 and 4 in the "Gameplay FAQ" sticky, that's the same brown tower in both of them. Further directions would probably result in getting in trouble for spoilers, never mind that you'd expect chars to be already familiar with the area they likely grew up around...

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