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Messages - Vorsh

Pages: [1] 2
In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Unodin Welcoming Celebration of Ojaveda
« on: February 28, 2009, 04:42:27 pm »
[High praise to Jaycol, Siteya and the rest of the Daughters of Xiosia, and a big congrats to Enoreye and Shauni, the big winners today.  Thanks to all we competed and contributed, this was a great event and the largest I've ever seen in Oja.  Here is hoping for another one soon!]

General Discussion / Re: Role Play and Game Mechanics
« on: February 23, 2009, 09:54:52 am »
I'm not sure if it's the example you are looking for Mathy, but this Saturday (March 1st) the Daughters of Xiosia are performing a ritual in Ojaveda, one that will use actual items, magic and even dancing.  I was lucky enough to watch the rehearsal and they did a great job using all the tools together.  They were even blessed by Xiosia herself when the goddess made it rain and flowers bloomed.  IMHO I think, although this is an RP event, it is a great example of using mechanics and RP together. And of course I encourage everyone to check it out and see for yourself, to form your own opinions.

On a personal note, I try to use both, when applicable.  But I will be the first to admit there are times when my character goes off an OOC ventures (a miner who spends as much time as I do in the arena doesn't make much sense  ;D), but when IC I try to use all mechanics available to support my chars progression.

That work!  \\o//

Thanks a million Caarrie!  :lol:

OK, think I found my card:

Intel 82865G Graphics that's right  :sweatdrop:

Here is what I found in the errorlog:

Thu Feb 19 14:59:23 2009, <..\..\src\client\sound\pssoundmngr.cpp:219 psSoundManager::Setup SEVERE>
Thu Feb 19 14:59:23 2009, Couldn't find iSoundRender!
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'sound.standardButtonClick'
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'gui.toolbar'
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'gui.cancel'
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'gui.ok'
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'gui.scrolldown'
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'gui.scrollup'
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'gui.shortcut'
Thu Feb 19 14:59:24 2009, Couldn't create Resource 'gui.quit'

As far as maps, I don't get that far...but I normally load on Laanx if that helps.  I am a Dermorian.  My stats are:

Windows XP Pentium 4
And sadly I am a bit computer illiterate, so I couldn't even tell you what my Graphics card is...sorry

I was using PS fine earlier today but when I tried to log in just a bit ago I got the Exception Access Violation Msg.  I checked the updater, but no updates.  I rebooted my computer, nothing.  Could someone please lead me in the right direction?  Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Your Favorite PlaneShift Moments
« on: February 18, 2009, 08:39:34 am »
There have been quite a few for me, but my favs are:

The first time I took down an Ulber...seems silly but it was a great high  ;D

Being invited to join The Syndicated Mining Company, where I have learned most of what I now know about PS, plus met a great bunch of friends.

And the absolute best was the day I was on Oja road, mining gold and I met a certain beautiful High Priestess of Xiosia, who changed both Janzeth and my life...She introduced me to so many interesting and fun RPers...I owe her the world and thank my lucky stars everyday that she is there.

Complaint Department / Re: The Cper vs. Rper Divide in Planeshift.
« on: February 17, 2009, 11:17:45 am »
Bravo Xillix!  \\o//  I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head.

I hope this will help others see that the way to fix RP is to actually RP instead of being CPers. 

Remember, only you can prevent non-RP...only you.

Guilds Forum / Re: The Azure Circus
« on: February 14, 2009, 09:57:38 am »
On behalf of the Syndicated Coalition, we wish you the best in your new venture Acuzio.  You have become a valued friend to us and we will support you in any way possible.  Please just let us know what you need, and we will be there.  Good luck, my favorite dwarf!


Janzeth Coor
Limestone Overlord
The Syndicated Mining Company

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: I'm bored of the internet.
« on: February 12, 2009, 03:13:04 pm »
I think Prolix just needs attention and people talking to and about him.  How about getting some friends, or talking to real can do wonders.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The hardest decision I ever have to make
« on: February 11, 2009, 03:20:12 pm »

As a fellow dog owner and lover, I am greatly saddened by the choice you find yourself in.  My lab is approaching that time herself, and my heart breaks whenever I think about her end.  I can only offer you support and someone to talk to to help with the grief.  My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.  Just try to remember all the good times all of you have spent together and the joy your dog has brought to your lives, and maybe that will help.

I sincerely wish you the best.

General Discussion / Re: Rp Covenant Poll
« on: February 11, 2009, 03:11:48 pm »
I think people are missing a major point to the covenant...It is to ensure RP...period.  I started playing PS cause I wanted an RP game.  Now, there is a covenant.  From what I have seen in my limited time here (about 6 months) some people need the reminder of the purpose of the game.

Also, this game is FREE!  And I know people have and will argue that you pay in time and work, but fiscally it is free.  In that case, unlike other MMO's, the Devs can make whatever rules they like.  But you know what, they don't.  They ask for imput, they let people complain, they change things for the betterment of the whole.  And as in life, you cannot please everyone.  So  what did they do?  They made a second FREE server for non-RPers.

I read some of the posters and I feel they are just being nitpicky.  I mean, I love PS.  I have invested much time playing since my start.  Is it the perfect game? No.  Does it have flaws? Yes.  But I challenge anyone to find a more RP friendly game...then go to it if you think it is that much better.  I feel bad for people that can't seem to understand this and I think most of them don't realize that while they moan and complain, they are using one of the major advantages the devs have given us...the right to voice our opinions.

So to put it bluntly, just enjoy what you have, cause it may not be around forever, especially with such negative responses, and I would be very sadden to see it go.  Bravo to all the devs, and thanks for all you do.  You are all truly under-appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: Rp Covenant Poll
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:13:46 am »
Sometimes Zanz, reading your posts, I think you like to argue for the sake of arguement  ;)...Regardless, I voted yes...good job to everyone involved.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Brotherhood of Talad Poetry slam!
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:56:27 pm »
Let me know when Lilu...Janz is gonna enter this one, just so you can make fun of him. ;D

General Discussion / Re: Say thank you
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:48:45 pm »
Being as I've only been playing PS for about 5-6 months, my list isn't long, but there are some special thank you's Janzeth would like to make:

Daevaorn - You were the first to ever help this elf, taking time from your own schedule, and to this day you still do the same.

Tuxide - You not only gave Janz a home, but helped with innumerable problems and questions...I owe you big.

Lhaa, Aiwendil and Nixe - My favorite drinking buddies, you three provide hours of entertainment and a great RP learning experience.

The Syndicated Coalition - Tuxide's baby is all grown up now...thanks to all the members, you folks have made this game even better for me.

Allola - You started my first serious RP and for that I will always be thankful (even if you kick the crap outta me everytime we meet  ;D)

Siteya - I saved the best for last here.  What can I'll always have a place in my heart no matter what happens.  You are truly the best my dear lady.

Anyone not mentioned by name please don't take offense....I'm home for lunch and short on time.

See ya IG!

Janzeth Coor

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