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Messages - Valexenium

Pages: [1]
Collaborative Stories / Re: Vendetta Violet
« on: November 15, 2008, 01:15:21 am »
A Diaboli mage approaches the plaza, spotting a young woman dressed in spectacular garments, and, as he draws nearer, he takes a seat and listens to the pointless bickering. Being the Diaboli he is, however, he must put in his two cents, "Ah, purple, it is a magical color. As such, it should possess magical properties, should it not?" He looks around for a moment before speaking again, this time louder, "Purple... purple. Purple can be a very deceiving color, it can." He approaches the woman, glancing up and down, inspecting the quality of the vibrant color, and begins to pace, "Yet, it is not what one would consider evil. Definitely not physically harmful, although it can affect the mind gre-" He trips over a flower (I know, I'm weak) and watches a glyph tumble from his sack. "Oh, my apologies..." He hastily scoops up the glyph and shoves it back into the sack, then, pausing for a moment to think, he pulls it back out and sighs to himself as he begins delicately rubbing the glyph. "The sleep glyph, I had almost forgotten. Here, Lemur, observe the powers of purple." He then grasps the glyph tightly and throws his fist into the air yelling, "Relaxing Sleep!" A mushroom-like purple beacon appears over his head, slowly rotating. An aura of invigoration seems to sweep over the Diaboli as he let's out a heaving sigh. A wind slowly rustles the leaves of nearby trees and passersby stop to stare in absolute awe. "Pretty, isn't it?" He shows a toothy grin. "Purple has power that of which no other color could muster." He looks around and whispers to the woman, "But it has its weaknesses..."

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