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Messages - s_p

Pages: [1] 2
1. The weight of iron ores and steel stocks: it made more sense to me the way it was before, that combining the iron ores and coal produces steel sludge weighing the same, but then the weight reduces when the sludge is refined. This is more realistic, like a blast furnace process, where the steel produced weighs less than the inserted raw material.

2. Another thing about the weights, when creating swords for eg. the weight reduces by hammering the stocks into alpha blades, then further into beta etc. I think it makes more sense to have the weight consistant through the hammering processes, the way it was before, after all, no material is removed in this process. Also, if one chooses to make stock into alpha into beta into delta then superheat and hammer back to stock, one would actually have his workpiece gaining mass at the last process... Makes no sense to me.

3. Heating steel stock into heated steel stock in order to craft weapons now requires to use the 'work w stock' book. It means that someone who chooses not to learn metallurgy, but make weapons, must find someone who can heat stocks for them. I think it should be possible to heat stock with all metal working and crafting skills, as it was before.

Thanks and hope my input will help.

Apparently I guess it was as simple as selecting a skin in the launcher. I picked 'elves' (only option) and it loaded fine.

Cheers  :D

Tried that too. It crashed just the same. I uninstalled it again and removed the installation folder completely. Then installed the 0.5.1 version I have. I'm now updating the client again. I doubt it'll do any good though, as it's just what I had done before.
Anyway, after it's done, I'll try that too.
How can I check if I'm running the version after the update?
Where do I find the shadercache directory?

Any other suggestions?

Please help...

I have updated it after installing the 0.5.1 fresh, so I think I have already but not sure. How do I check?
If not, how otherwise do I get the

Also, this is the error log from my last attempt to launch:
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/top_left_1.png<
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/top_right_1.png<
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/bottom_left_1.png<
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/bottom_right_1.png<
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/left_1.png<
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/right_1.png<
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/top_1.png<
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, <..\..\src\common\paws\pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 pawsImageDrawable::PreparePixmap SEVERE>
Tue Jan 26 16:35:53 2010, Could not open image: >/paws/base/maps/leather/bottom_1.png<

Please help...

I have played the game on this particular machine until a few days ago, until after an update which reverted some of my files back to 0.4... version.

I tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling the 0.5.0 version, since then the game crashes after I hit 'play' in the launcher (it returns to the launcher).
I uninstalled the game again, deleted all the remaining folders in the planeshift installation folder and downloaded the 0.5.1 version. Then installed the 0.5.1 version and updated it successfully. If I run the --console function, it says everything's up to date.
It still crashed after I hit play in the launcher, and comes back to the launcher.
The only thing I could find anywhere about crashes during launching, and haven't tried yet, is removing the 'shadercache' directory (it says in the launcher to try this), because I can't find such a directory in the game folder.

Please help me...

I'm running Vista on a laptop, I know they're not the best machines to run on, but it worked before...

Any suggestions?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Implemented skills and professions list?
« on: January 25, 2010, 08:09:53 am »
Is there an updated list somewhere with the skills and professions that have been implemented already?
I'd like to know what kind of 'career paths' I can choose and what skill training I buy is gonna leave me just poorer (ones I can't really train/use).


Hmm, Can you please explain?
I'm not very savvy, so please elaborate


Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Missing Chat tabs
« on: January 24, 2010, 03:56:20 am »
Since a few days ago, after one of the updates, most of my chat tabs disappeared. I now only have the: main, whisper, NPC and help tabs. All others are gone (e.g. group and guild etc.), and I cannot view those feeds at all, only the ones I mentioned above.
Is this it now? If this should not be, can someone let me know what I can do?

I have tried updating several times since this happened, and now also reinstalled the game, and ran the newest update (through the repair function). Still having the same problem.

Please help...

Is there any update on the ACK issue?

I miss playing but I don't want to get shaped for playing a couple hours.
Please relpy and advise if fix has been achieved


Sorry I'm starting this new thread, I couldn't get  a response on this one:

I understand that this ACK issue can severely increase the data usage on the connection, which I've a problem with since I'm quite limited in data allowance, for crafting.
Is this the same for mining, fighting etc.?
Also, any indication on when this will be fixed?

I have withdrawl symptoms...

Another thing, unrelated, is there anything that can be done to run the game on public networks (like university and library wi-fi for example)?
When I try to connect on this kind of network, the client displayes both servers as 'failed'.

I'm not very computer savvy, so go easy on me please...


Oh, also, is this the same for mining and smelting?

Oh, that explains a lot. I was almost on my way to call my ISP and phone-bash them... :-\
If you find out that it's been fixed, can you please post it here?

ACK? not sure what that is.
Anyway, by last night I mean in Australia, so we're talking about 12 hours ago now.
I wasn't travelling lots between the maps, mostly just smelting steel and doing smithing.
It got laggy quite a lot, and often response time was very long, but still I don't see why it was so heavy on downloads.
Any idea on what the avg download rate is at the moment? Does 2GB in 2-3 hours even make sense?

I'm not sure if this is true, but I suspect that through playing 2-3 hours last night, I may have downloaded nearly 2GB of data. Can anyone confirm or estimate a download rate for the game? (how much data does the game download per playing time on avg).
In the older version (0.4.3) I did not accumulate downloads anywhere near as fast. It's a shame because I really like the game, and I'm very limited on download allowance, so I just won't be able to play if the download rate of the game is so high.
Maybe it's possible to introduce features to reduce this, like having more preloaded data (so that you only download it once instead of repeatedly), like the option to save maps in the 0.4.3 version.

I originally registered on fragnetics about 2 weeks ago. Played fine until the server went down for upgrade.
Since then I have installed the new 0.5 version and I am able to use the old details to login to EZPC but not fragnetics.
Getting: 'incorrect username or password'
I'm not even sure if the fragnetics server is being used anymore. Please confirm is possible.
Also, my original character I used on fragnetics before, does not show up when I login to EZPC, so I practically lost all my progress (?)
Please help

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