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Messages - Miss_Moogie

Pages: [1]
General Discussion /
« on: June 22, 2003, 12:30:44 pm »
Ah well, there\'s two patches out for it, maybe you should try those and see what happens. If not, lowering your graphics settings can help.

Anyway, that\'s not what we\'re discussing here :P bad Moogie! *slaps herself*

General Discussion /
« on: June 22, 2003, 12:00:33 pm »
In a perfect world... it sounds too good to be true, IMHO. Sweet as it would be, I think the devs should focus on pressing matters before they go over their heads.

Firstly they need to do something about the game engine and get rid of that lag. We need to see better weather behavour, dangly meshes, pixel-shaded water, and all the fancy stuff. Make it look, sound and feel \'right\'... and then build upon that.

They need to keep \'freedom of play-style\' in the back of their minds, all the time. They shouldn\'t ever lose sight of that. But they do need to make a good game to house such freedom. It\'s no good being able to do all of these things if the game feels unfinished, buggy, slow, cumbersome.

Right now, the current release feels quite smooth and thoughtful for a pre-alpha. There\'s certainly alot of freedom to explore (whether it be the ability to jump outside the city via level design glitches, or climb up and along walls). Intentional or not, people love exploring and exploiting their freedom, thusly devs should be constantly aware of what we require of them.

[Moogle! Stop typing for heaven\'s sake and go get some food!]

The voices have spoken. :)

General Discussion /
« on: June 22, 2003, 11:47:37 am »
This is getting interesting :)

Concerning things such as guild logos or tags, perhaps tattoos could be implemented. Anyone played Black&White? Anyone could see your tattoos, even custom ones. You could even layer them for different colour combinations. If something like that existed in PS, I\'d have something other than skinning to do :)

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: June 16, 2003, 07:12:15 pm »
What exactly is the problem? You can\'t find the exe to click? You can\'t connect? More info needed.

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: June 16, 2003, 04:16:09 pm »
Discussing this further is like... continuing to debate the Meaning of Life after God himself has already explained it.

Capich?? :P

General Discussion /
« on: June 16, 2003, 03:39:24 pm »
Originally posted by Zaphieon
ok something I dont understand... you say that game Tibia has nothing to do but only 25% of the quest have ever been completed.. that they are impossible... blah blah blah..  well sounds like you just like to complain about uh FREE games...  now if a game has a lot of quest unfinished that means THERE is stuff to do..  and pvp most important aspect to any MMORPG that wants to survive the best system for handling PKs i believe was back in the begining of UO days..  oh wait i went off track...   anyway.. even if a game is addicting for a few MONTHS holy shit thats a few months of gaming you enjoyed and didnt have to pay for..  you wondered your char isnt getting anywhere after a few months.. I wont lie i have played a single mmorpg for 2-3 yrs straight..  and it was pay to play as well....  anyway.. i know your thinking whats my point...    well its simple if someone took the time to develop a game, rewrite some code or what ever,  then spends the money to build a pc or use there normal pc to host it on so you can play it for FREE I dont think you should complain about a damn thing..  you didnt pay for it.. you didnt waste your time(since you did actually enjoy it and no one forced you to play a FREE game). you wanna complain you...  uh never mind.. i could be really harsh but ill leave it at that..

You have plenty of valid points here, but I think you\'re being a little harsh. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Darkanan was expressing his. It sounded like he was basically analysing and reviewing the game based on his experiences- not complaining or putting it down without specific reasons.

General Discussion /
« on: June 16, 2003, 03:23:55 pm »
I\'m sure it\'s a possibility. Might need to change some values somewhere along the line though, sometimes games define how many/what name skins they use in a configuration file, sometimes even hardcoded into the game. That would be a pain...

General Discussion /
« on: June 16, 2003, 11:36:35 am »
Some nice stuff you have there. :)

I\'m gonna play around for a while with the skins... I need to learn the peculiarities of the models (I\'m nothing of a 3D artist and have no means to preview them in any apps).

I wouldn\'t mind seeing more of your work, doesn\'t matter what game. How about it? Everyone loves to show off from time to time. ;)

General Discussion /
« on: June 16, 2003, 11:10:34 am »
That\'s quite true, apart from the clothes part. I\'m sorry, the screenshot isn\'t very good, the server appeared to be offline so I couldn\'t actually go into the game to take it.

But yes, it is just a plain 5-10 minute play around. It\'s more of a \'getting used-to\' thing. :)

Tell me, do many people here do skinning? I\'d like to have a look at what\'s on offer, if anything.

Please excuse me if this is the wrong section to be posting my forum problems to.

I\'m having great difficulties understanding why I can\'t type more than a few words into my public profile description. Apparently, \"I\'m a Moogle, I love art, I love modding, I love you all!!\" is \'Invalid Information\' for this field.

Similarly, trying to display an IMG-linked picture for my signature turns out to be invalid also. I have checked the length and the needed URL is far within the restrictions.

As for trying to post links, I\'m not even gonna go there. It\'s crazy.

If anybody could offer some advice, paticularly on the signature problem (as I see it as the most urgent), I\'d be most grateful.

Thanks in advance :)

General Discussion /
« on: June 16, 2003, 09:15:41 am »
Thanks for the link, Caldazar.

So, if the Geocities link doesnt work, try this:

General Discussion /
« on: June 16, 2003, 09:02:00 am »
Ok, here\'s a better idea, let me just TYPE the URLs. The forum screwed up both links.



I hope that works now, otherwise I\'m gonna start throwing things...

[EDIT EDIT: Ok, that\'s it. This forum boggles my mind. Geocities has nothing to do with the download link not working. Just copy the link somewhere else and click it, this forum sucks beyond description... sorry, but it\'s got the anger levels rising with frustration :P]

General Discussion / Moogie's First Custom Skin
« on: June 16, 2003, 08:48:41 am »
Hey all!

This wouldn\'t be my first ever post if the bugs forum would let me alert the codies of the \'admin console\' hack. But anyways, ever being the eternal fiddler of files and such, I decided to do something useful now and create a skin.

Starting simple, of course. Seeing how it works and which files are used/how. I\'ve pretty much figured how just 4 skins create all those different skin/hair/eyes/clothes combinations... very clever, well done PS artists! :)

Now, on to the skin... I was a little disappointed there was no \'snow leopard\' appearance (yet), so, that\'s what I did. This is a female Enkidukai with snowy white fur and starry black clothes. It goes suprisingly well and looks just as good as those that come with the current PS release.

Click here for a screenshot, or
click here to download the file.

(Note that only you will be able to see the custom file; everyone else will see you using whatever *their* female enkid\' 3 file looks like.)

The file goes in C:\\Program Files\\PlaneShift\\art\\textures\\races\\fenkidukai and overwrites the current Female Enkidukai \'3\' appearance, so back up your old file just in case. For the full skin, all relevant character appearances, meaning eyes, skin and clothes, should be set to 3.

If you like it, I\'ll create more, so throw me some feedback! :)

[EDIT: Fixed broken screenshot link... Geocities only lets you link to .txt files and the file was still a \'.jpg\' Silly me.]
[EDIT2: Damn, this forum is wierd. When you click the download link, the URL gets added to the end of Planeshift\'s. Just remove that first bit and click the remaining URL and it should work. Silly forum.]

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